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(免费)高考英语单句短文改错专项练习 篇1






1.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.2.German is a European country.3.They didn’t want me to do any work at family.4.Yesterday I met an old friend of my father.5.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time.6.They are of different size.7.It is so beautiful place that you must visit it.8.What a terrible weather we have been having!9.It took place in France, an European country.10.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.11.What good time we had last night!12.We shall spend three-day holiday together.13.I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.14.Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.15.When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place.16.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.17.It’s important that we should think over before doing anything.18.The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control.19.I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.20.We must take part in the social practice to prepare us well for our future.21.The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.22.Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.23.There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it.24.People can hardly do some fishing there.25.I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains.26.I am sure you will find one you like it.27.It was yesterday when he broke the window.28.He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.29.Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.30.It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store.31.She never has enough time for that she wants to do.32.I find what I have one shortcoming in my character.33.What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits.34.It didn’t matter that I would win or not.35.People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country.36.The development will bring us much more hopes and chances.37.The Olympics are held each four years.38.A summer, Fane traveled abroad.39.I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly.40.I know you are particular interested in Human Rights.41.As there is no air or water, there can be no life , too.42.There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose.43.He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible.44.I couldn’t see as clear as before.45.The water in it is so dirty that it smells terribly.46.I appreciate your help very well.47.You always gave me specially attention and inspired me.48.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.49.People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer.50.He has to work if he wants to live comfortable.51.She is a brave and honesty girl.52.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.53.It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before.54.He gave me an order worthy 15 million dollars.55.The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly.56.Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 57.We had guests last night who had not stayed in it ago.58.We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable.59.If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus.60.Our city is a modern city.It set up in the early 1980s.61.Bad habits not come suddenly.62.I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it.63.Following the road and you will find the store.64.I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him.65.You must do everything you can help them.66.When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away.67.Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs.68.Think perhaps I was too tired, I stood up and was going to sleep.69.I was often tired and watch TV demands little effort.70.The little girl hurried home with the remained money.71.His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.72.It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home.73.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.74.There were over 1000 students attend it.75.Is it likely to be any food at the party on Saturday? 76.Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you.77.He spends hours on the telephone, talks to his friends.78.Filling with many people, the room is crowded.79.At the interview there are many people who wait to interviewed for jobs.80.It will cost a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it.81.There used to have a church in front of the school.82.Hope you great success in your work!83.All you can do is encouraging him, show him understanding and offer him advice.84.In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity.85.In a few weeks the story was returned to her.86.It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning.87.I rushed out the house as quickly as I could.88.It is necessary to decide what is worth taking notice.89.I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school.90.She could hardly afford for the medical care.91.But we don’t seem to have much time to talk about together.92.He was punished because what he had done.93.The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate.94.I gave you my luggage at a quarter of an hour ago.95.I am writing to thank you with your kind help.96.He means to come no earlier as that time.97.We must return back to school this afternoon 98.Child as he is, but he knows a lot.99.Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.100.Thinking he happened to have no work to do, and he came back home.二.单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)

1.If you close your eyes, you can’t see something, because your eyelids prevent the light enter your eyes 2.For our joy, Li Ding, monitor of our class, who was among the winners.3.The only thing I can think is when I am going to get home listen to my music.4.All my classmates are busy prepare for the exam except myself.5.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.6.I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness.7.I was great delighted to learn that you do very well in the mid-term examination.8.If you learning English, it is not enough only to keep in minds the rules of grammar.9.I get up very early this morning to go to the airport to meet Mr.White, a expert from the USA.10.One and a half year later, I now think English a fun to learn.11.I went through the test for many times but I can only answer three out of the twenty questions.12.For instance, on one night, the played strong and loudly music till 4 o’clock in the morning.13.Thinking he had no work to do, and my father came back home, quickly finishing his supper and left for the cinema.14.Men have been interesting in the stars ever since they first looked up into sky.15.That is difficulty to say how many people are learning English.16.Three years ago, he was picked out and send to study in abroad.17.Sometimes, I wish I can stay in a quiet place lonely, away from this city for a long time.18.Many years ago, I step into a bookstore for some books I wanted them.19.Having learned why he wanted the book, and the bookseller gave him some writing papers and a new pencil as a gift.20.you can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the internet.21.I got know that they were college students travel in china.22.Under the help of him and my classmates, I made some progresses.23.We went to the zoo on last Sunday.There were a lot of visitors stood in front of the ticket window.24.With development of mobile phones, the short message service is becoming more and more popular for us nowadays.25.On the night before my first day, I was much excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up lately in the morning.26.Three years ago, I was studying to abroad in Japan.It was there where I began reading comic books.27.Have they ever thought of plastic bags do harm our environment? 28.It is certainly that Zhang Village will built into a better modern village.29.On the ceremony we made a statement which as grown-ups we should have sense of duty to our society from now on.30.Though the city is modern, but there are still some problems, such as air pollution crowdedness and noisy.Answers: 1-5 informations-information;German-Germany;family-home;father-father’s;hearts-heart;6-10 size-sizes;a place;删除a;an-a;删除a 11-15 a good time;a three-day;that后加it;think后加it;them-it;16-20 showed后加it;think后加it;control后加it;me-myself;us-ourselves;21-25 punish后加me;that-which;删除it;some-any;where-which;26-30删除it;when-that;them-which;删除he;neither-either;31-35 that-what;what-that;What-How;that-whether;any后加other;36-40 much-many;each-every;A-One;possibly-possible;particular-particularly;41-45 too-either;too-so;such-as;clear-clearly;terribly-terrible;46-50 well-much;specially-special;was后加not;great-greatly;comfortable-comfortably;51-55 honesty-honest;easy-easier;is后加more;worthy-worth;straightly-straight;56-60 interested-interesting;ago-before;删除much;won’t-don’t;It后加was;61-65 habits后加do;caught-had Following-Follow;rush-rushed;can后加to;66-70 see-sees;moving-moves;think-Thinking;watch-watching;remained-remaining;71-75 ran-run;drove-drive;reads-read;attend-attending;it-there;76-80 not后加being;talks-talking;Filling-Filled;to后加be;cost-take;81-85 have-be;Hope-Wish;encouraging-encourage;In-On;In-After;86-90 删除on;out后加of notice后加of;删除into;删除for 91-95 删除about;because后加of;skate后加on;删除at;with-for;96-100 as-than;删除back;删除but;删除so;删除and;单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)

1.something-anything;enter-entering;2.For-To;删除who;3.think后加 about;home后加to;4.prepare-preparing;myself-me;5.删除in;anything-everything;6.myself-my;to-for;7.great-greatly;do-did;8.learning-learn;minds-mind;9.get-got;a-an;10.year-years;删除a;11.删除for;can-could;12.删除on;loudly-loud;13.删除and;finishing-finished;14.interesting-interested;into后加the;15.That-It;difficulty-difficult;16.send-sent;删除in;17.can-could;lonely-alone;18.step-stepped;删除them;19.删除and;papers-paper;20.kinds后加of;minute-minutes;21.got后加to;traveling;22.Under-With;progresses-progress;23.删除on;stood-standing;24.With后加the;for-with;25.much-too;lately-late;26.删除to;where-that;27.删除of;harm后加to;28.certainly-certain;will后加be;29.which-that;have后加a;30.删除but;noisy-noise 三.短文改错.⑴ 76.√ 77.in---at78.but---and 79.see---saw 80.made---make 81.∧and/so 82 they—she 83.concert—concerts 84.Sadly 85.the ⑵ 76.job 77.去掉been 78. a 79.experience 80. received 81. 去掉was/加who 82.your-my 83.√ 84. read 85. really ⑶76.trains 改为 train 77.去掉 piece。78.pass 改为 passes。79.important 前加 an 80.such 改为 so。81.此行无错。82.wait 改为 waited。83.lately 改为 late。84.to 改为 with。85.importance 改为 important。

⑷76.in--on 77 a / 78 was 79 right 80.at the /my 81that--whether /if 82 secretly 83.served 84 waiting 85.reason ⑸ 76.there改为where 77.alone改为lonely 78.days改为day 79.used改为used to 80.All改为Both 81.but改为and 82.easy改为easier 83.无错 84.去掉of 85.smoke改为smoking ⑹1.Have改为had 2.them去掉 3.late改为later 4.正确 5.asked 后加a 6.minute改为 minutes 7.How 改为What 8.surprising改为surprised 9.What 后加do 10.speak 改为 say ⑺76.To—In 77.Travel—Travelin9 78.comfortably--comfortable 79.Unless--If 80.safety--safe 81.正确 82.was—is 83.can后加not 84.去掉to 85.or--and ⑻76.accepted→received 77.in→of 78.difficulty→difficult 79.去掉and 80.对 81.things后加that 82.it→them 83.But→So 84.去掉to 85.for→to

⑼71.left-leaving 72.none-neither 73.froze-freezing 74.stay-stayed 75.in 后面加the 76.so-but/yet 77.be去掉 78.that-which 79.正确80.in-on ⑽ 76.As →It 77.on →in 78.or →and 79.get ⌒much as 80.are81.However →Besides 82.∨ 83.kind →kinds 84.watching →watch 85.left →leaving

⑾ 76.accepted→received 77.去掉more, 78.because后加of, 79.other→another 80.say→said 81.and→or两,三天用two or three days.82.family前加the这里特指家庭的其他成员.83.fast→soon fast指动作的迅速,soon指时间“尽快地”.84.√ 85.happily→happy

⑿ 76.√77.is→are 78.felt→feel 79.Therefore→However 80.∧little→a a little boy 81.去掉not 后的to 82.play→playing 83.like→as 84.grade→grades“分数”, 85.for→in

高一英语单句改错 篇2

1.Our Sports Game has been canceled because the awful weather.2.Mr.Li, together with his 3 colleagues are on vacation soon.3.My goal is to provide humans for a life of high quality.4.In the last two decades, a great deal of water had been polluted in my hometown.5.This science museum is one of the cultural heritages that has been saved during the revolution.6.Not only Mary but her parents thinks highly of the Palace.7.There is no doubt whether he will show up in 2 minutes.8.A great person is someone who devotes himself / herself to help others.9.It was a great fun for us to play in the snow.10.Along the way children dressing up in long wool coats stopped to look at us.

高中英语单句改错(最终版) 篇3


21.As weather is fine, let us take a long walk.22.As I had worked more than half hour, I was a little tired.23.She is such honest girl that she cannot tell lies.24.My mother is less older than you think she is.25.He speaks English better than anyone in his class.26.I don’t agree the people who say women should stay at home.27.She was carrying a long and green umbrella.28.This coat costed me twenty dollars.29.When themoon shined upon the river, the scene was very beautiful.30.They said they would spent their spare time in reading novels.wall.31.When winter comes, the leaves will fell.32.The sun had already rosen when we got up.33.The ruler has been lain on the table.34.The thief wanted to get in and stole something.35.Neither of the books are difficult to read.36.Enough have been said about it.37.Between the trees stand a stranger.38.If you are kind to others, others must be kind to you.39.Do you need work so late?

40.The teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition.C 41.He thinks he needs not do it in a hurry.42.They played until both of them tired.43.The new desk which I put my books was bought last week.44.This piece of fish smelled badly.45.The boy’s face is like his father.46.Old John is an one-eyed man.47.I asked for nothing but be given such a book.48.The book was belonged to the baby.49.The man is known by everybody.50.He was warmly welcome by his friends.51.I like English better than my brother likes.52.A house built of brick lasts longer than that built of wood.53.Mrs Johnson gave her friends, Mary and I, a tea party.54.The biology is an interesting subject.55.She gets up early everyday.56.He had no sooner arrived when he fell ill.57.His friend had become a lawyer, who he wanted to be.58.He spoke too rapidly that we could not clearly understand him.59.Each of us should do our duty.60.The mistakes made by the Chinese students of English are different from that made by the Japanese students.D

61.Do you fond of hunting?

62.Knowledge is more important than anything.63.Who of them is your father? 64.I hope that you soon get well again.65.The girl is a bit too tall at her age.66.Here is so big a stone that no one can move.67.He returned home in the afternoon of his birthday.68.She likes to watch the television.69.He went to Japan in this spring.70.We drink soup with a spoon.71.She has made a rapid progress in English.72.Please open your book on page ten.73.We are going to have an examination of mathematics.74.She is a good cooker.75.Europeans eat with a knife and fork.76.He left home last year and I haven’t seen him from then.77.We expect to go to America some times next year.78.The girl dressed in white.79.He was wounded by a stone.80.It was yesterday when he broke the window.E 81.The concert begins from eight o’clock.82.---Is this seat empty?---No, you may take it.83.There was a big rain last night.84.He told me about where he had met my brother.85.I like the weather of Beijing.86.He just finished his breakfast.87.This is the bus to the zoo.88.He didn’t talk loudly and clearly.89.He rose his hand before asking the question.90.I went to Japan that year, and next year to America.91.He entered from the front door.92.It will make you good to have some outdoor exercise.93.Nobody of them would understand the foreigner.94.These are the people whom they say are fools.95.I have only a pen, not two.96.The policeman caught the man by his arm.97.You shouldn’t write anything on a holiday book.98.Then I lay down again with the quilt covered my head.99.Would you be so kind to step this way? 100.100.When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was speaking.F

101.She slept well because all the windows open.102.My uncle lives on 105 Beijing Road.103.There were many people want to go there.104.This straw hat doesn’t fit for me.105.All of children can be naughty sometimes.106.I was caught by the rain last night.107.George is the kind of person whom people like to make friends.108.He had little to eat and a house to live in.109.I have paid the book.110.She waited since the early morning, but he didn’t come.111.Why not to take a holiday?

112.Will you be at the party on next Tuesday? 113.Sometimes it is difficult to live a honest life.114.The manager was absent at the meeting.115.Come to this way, please, boys and girls.116.It would be a pleasant to see you again.117.I met my friend at the tailor.118.Reading newspaper is good for your study of modern English.119.Last Sunday we went to school to play football.120.It was thought to be her.G 121.This watch is too expensive;show me cheaper one.122.I want a watch, but have no money to buy it with.123.The voice of a woman is sweeter than one of a man.124.This is true that he has failed.125.This is a same knife that I lost.126.My friend, whom I thought would pass the examination, has failed.127.She loves money more than everything else.128.To make money is one thing, to spend it is the other.129.How do you call this flower in English? 130.We will welcome whomever visits our country.131.No one knows what one’s fate will be.132.This is the same man whom we saw in the train.133.She likes English better than I like.134.One must never forget his friends.135.You looked differently after his return from Europe.136.The number of the students is very little.137.Didn’t I send any postcards last month? I feel certain I did.138.He does remember his happy younger days.139.You must work hard to make up for the losing time.140.Many bright young man fails in life because he does not know the value of time.H

141.Why are you in such great hurry? 142.As weather is fine, let us take a long walk.143.World War II was brought to end at last.144.He finished his work very sooner than usual.145.The sun sets more slowly in summer than in winter.146.---Do you mind posting the letter for me?---Yes, certainly not.147.These tools have been left laying in the rain.148.I have gone to the station to see a friend of mine off.149.When you leave this room, please lock the door and bring the key with you.150.They gradually became to enjoy their English lessons.151.Suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten the ticket at home.152.He was laughed by everybody present.153.He is so famous that he is known by everybody.154.Just across the street stands big buildings.155.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.156.---Is your father at home?

---No, he went to Shanghai on business.157.I have come here once or twice before.158.He suggested me that we should go for an outing.159.I am sorry to have you waited so long.160.However loud I spoke, I could not make myself hear.I 161.He insisted on I paying for it.162.It will not be long when you and I meet again.163.It was Sunday that I rang him up.164.The world will be a better place to live in twenty years.165.Don’t talk when your mouth full.166.He takes it granted that anyone can do it.167.He is sure to come here till six o’clock.168.I have been ill for last Tuesday.169.She takes great pride of her beauty.170.Is there any key of success? 171.They met an European yesterday, didn’t they? 172.Have you married? 173.The price of the car is very expensive.174.When speaking, you must make yourself understand.175.What subject are you interested? 176.Surprised hear the voice, the man turned.177.This is what I am used.178.He built a telescope which he could study the skies.179.If you really like the T-shirt, not to buy it? 180.The big family has a small house to live.J

181.Being a hot day, we all went swimming.182.The story is very worth listening to.183.The thief has caught climbing over the garden wall.184.Don’t forget your dictionary at home.185.This is the very child looked by her.186.One of the first books printed in English was hunting with birds.187.The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate.188.He was the first student coming to school yesterday.189.If you want to be understood, you should speak of slowly and clearly to the listeners.190.No matter whenever you call, you will find him at his desk.191.This is the house that he is used to live in.192.I need one more stamp before my collection completes.193.A day I met a foreign while walking along the street.194.He made such much progress that he was praised by the teacher.195.Some singers and dancers will have on performances in order to collect money for the

Hope Project.196.That hears a good idea, don’t you think so? 197.The parents are looking after their ill son.198.I’d like going to the Nanhaizi Milu Park.199.He was punished because what he had done.200.I received an invitation but I didn’t receive it.K 201.We called at Mr.Smith yesterday.202.The novel is very worth reading.203.Oh!You have grown up so that I hardly knew you.204.What good time we had last night!205.Mathilde had been married with a clerk with little money for over ten years.206.How much does the set of books spend you? 207.The reason is why I am deeply touched by his story.208.Why not just wearing a flower instead? 209.Those boy students are going to call on woman scientists tomorrow? 210.To my surprising, he didn’t feel surprised at his failure.211.She pretended sleeping when I entered.212.Ms.King cut her hair, bought some men’s clothes, used a man’s name and finally getting a job in Mr.Pattis’s company.213.I don’t want to see the boy his father now is in prison.214.It’s sure that there is nothing that a woman can’t do.215.The room, its windows face south, is our classroom.216.So as to get a job, Ms.King had to lie to the company.217.It’s stupid for you to say so.218.He replied with a loud smile, ―It was Tom who gave me that book.‖ 219.I remembered the whole thing as if it was happened just yesterday.220.---Would you like some more tea?

---Yes, but just little.L

221.I can hardly imagine Peter sail across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.222.He found some old people be seated at the back of the classroom.223.Peter Brown has nothing to talk at the meeting.224.The party the students had been looking forward to being held yesterday evening at last.225.Jack was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he had arrived at the party.226.---Will they arrive tomorrow?

---I hope.227.We hoped each other the best luck in the examination.228.There is a police car in the front of our neighbour’s house.229.The order came that the medical team should serve for the front without delay.230.Many people weren’t sure they were hungry or not.231.On Saturday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, buying bananas and visited her

cousin.232.Don’t make up any excuse of your being late.233.That he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.234.I don’t know when she will go back to home.235.The teacher asked me to repeat the sentence again.236.Be sure to get there before the sun will set down.237.A boy as he is, he knows a lot of things.238.I suggested him that he go to see a doctor.239.China is larger than any other country in Africa.240.Please give me a book to be read.M 241.I agree you on that point.242.Work hard, you will be successful.243.How can you do such thing without permission.244.Do you like to play the ping-pong or football? 245.Is anyone here? Yes.246.Happy Teachers’ Day, Miss Zhao!Here are some flowers for you, with our best wish.247.---Don’t forget to turn off the light.---I don’t.248.Who was the first to pass the finished line? 249.Will you please to say it again more slowly? 250.I shouted at the driver, but he didn’t hear me.251.I think you’d better not to tell him about it.252.With the medicine box under the arm, Miss Gao hurried off to look after the man.253.If you work hard, you will be successful on time.254.For centuries there was no Olympic Games.255.The First Olympic Games in modern time took place in 1896.256.When she saw that Abraham liked reading, she did all she could help him.257.Fighting broke out between the North states and Southern states.258.Today, Abraham Lincoln was considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.259.No all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.260.The cars will be supplied to people all from the country.N

261.It’s fine these days.Let’s go out for a drive the next Sunday.262.It’s high time you will leave for Shanghai.263.The rest trees are left to grow even tall.264.The powder is made from fishes, blood and bones.265.Put the little plants in the shade so that the sun doesn’t burn them.266.There are many woman teachers in this school.267.Yesterday I met an old friend of my father.268.This pair of shoes is too big for me.Please show me another one.269.The number of the students in our school are 1,500.270.The old is taken good care of in this city.271.I don’t like white wine and I like red wine.272.Not only the earth but also the other planets moves round the sun.273.I’ve forgotten my book at home, so I have to share yours.274.It is pity that he miss such a good lecture.275.How long have you come back home? 276.What kind of a animal is it?

277.The weather here doesn’t agree to me.278.I’d like seeing your father as soon as possible.279.The meat has to be washed before cooked.280.Without asked we won’t go to the party ourselves.O 281.Great changes have been taken place in our hometown since 1978.282.―You should come here five minutes ago,‖ the teacher said angrily.283.The headmaster spoke loudly so as to hear clearly in the meeting hall.284.I wish I wasn’t busy yesterday, I could have helped you with the problem.285.The dog of his bit my son in the leg.286.Our teacher is a honorable teacher.287.German is a European country.288.Of the three questions the first one is the more difficult.289.Our city has the most beautiful park.290.Having not received his letter, I wrote him again.291.I’m going to have my eyes test tomorrow afternoon.292.Leading by the Party, we have made a great deal of progress.293.The book laid on the table is Tom’s.294.The price of the coat is too expensive.295.Nobody wanted to attend the meeting , did he? 296..My watch is old and it needs repaired.297..There is something wrong with your TV, isn’t it? 298..Since the road is wet, it must rain last night.299.Do you mind me to open the window? 300.What a fine weather it is!


301.As usually my father got up early and went out for a walk.302.Only in this way we can learn English well.303.Don’t burn the fallen leafs here, please.304.A police is searching the room for some lost paper.305.Perhaps bamboo is more remarkable than any other plants.306.This tree is about thirty meter high.307.Marx and Engles were both Germen.308.A lot of child’ books sell well these days.309.The little girl prefers doing her lesson to watching TV.310.Each of boys has a nice pencil-box.311.Who are playing table-tennis now? 312.There is a ―X‖ in the word ―text‖.313.They are all school boys from different part of the country.314.We all know that Australia keeps a lot of sheeps.315.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.316.He has broken the law and has been put in the prison.317.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time.318.Where there is will, there is a way.319.Your clothes are dirty.You should change it now.320.What he says sounds reasonable, doesn’t he?Q 321.Can you cook the meal for ourselves, Luck and Mary? 322.At the beginning of the basketball match, the team were not sure of himself.323.He is so simple he will believe in anything you tell him.324.It’s very important that we should think over before doing anything.325.My mother has been laid in bed for three days because of her serious heart disease.326.By the last year, our hometown had been liberated for about 30 years.327.The man doesn’t know to find out when the starts.328.It is said that medicines were bad needed in some of the poor areas.329.We listened, but no sound reached raining.330.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.331.The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons.332.Another a new school is now being built in my city.333.The introduction is always in front of a book.334.Losing in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.335.Man’s knowledge of space has been developed rapidly.336.Uncle John has just come, but I didn’t know he was coming this morning.337.The place was so noisy you could hardly make yourself heard.338.The enemy had no choice but lay down their arms and surrender.339.After living in Paris for years he returned to the small town when he grew up as a child.340.In some parts of the world, tea is serving with milk and sugar.R

341.---How long has this bookshop been in business?

---In 1972.342.Mike, you can sit at each end of the boat.343.The man’s words satisfied with the judge.344.---Are you hungry?

---Yes, not a bit.I didn’t have breakfast today.345.Let’s go, shall you?

346.Comrade Lao Li looks on the school like his home.347.Here ―you‖ are used as a pronoun.348.This kind of new car will be show next month.A 1.tiring—tired


3.bought—had bought

4.me—to me

5.be 去掉

6.come true—will come true 7.you to say—you say 8.hardly—had hardly 9.study—study in 10.we—we were 11.into去掉

12.depend—depend on 13.be—to be

14.you—and you 15.it—it with

16.he—that he

17.She—That she 18.found—found it 19.could—should 20.little—a little B weather—the weather 2.half—half an 3.such—such an 4.older—old

5.anyone—anyone else 6.agree—agree with 7.and 去掉



10.spent—spend 11.fell-fall

12.rosen—risen 13.lain—laid 14.stole—steal 15.are—is

16.have—has 17.stand—stands 18.must—will

19.work—to work 20.have—has C needs—need 2.tired—were tired 3.which—on/in which 4.badly—bad

5.father—father’s 6.an—a 7.be—to be 8.was去掉


10.welcome—welcomed likes—does 12.that—one 13.I—me 14.The去掉

15.everyday—every day

16.when—than 17.who—which 18.too—so


20.that—those D 1.Do—Are

2.anything—anything else 3.Who—Which 4.you—you will 5.at—for

6.move—move it 7.in—on 8.the去掉 9.in去掉 10, drink—eat a去掉

12.on—at 13.of—in 14.cooker—cook 15.a去掉 16.from—since 17.times—time

18.dressed—was dressed 19.by—with 20.when—that E 1.from—at 2.empty—taken 3.big—heavy 4.about去掉 5.weather—climate 6.just—has just 7.to—for 8.and—or 9.rose—raised 10.next—the next from—by 12.make—do 13.Nobody—None

14.whom—who 15.a—one

16.his—the 17.on—in 18.covered—covering 19.to—as to 20.speaking--saying F

1.because –with


3.want—who want




7.friends—friends with 8.and—but 9.paid—paid for 10.waited—had waited 11.to去掉



14.at—from 15.to去掉

16.pleasant—pleasure 17.tailor—tailor’s 18.newspaper—newspapers 19.to school—to the school 20.her—she G

1.me—me a

2.it—one 3.one—that 4.This –It 5.a—the


7.everything—anything the other—another 9.How—What 10.whomever—whoever 11.one’s –his 12.whom—that 13.like—do

14.his—one’s 15.differently—different 16.little—small 17.any—some 18.younger—young 19.losing—lost 20.many—many a H

such—such a 2.weather—the weather 3.to—to an 4.very—much 5.more slowly—later 6.Yes—No

7.laying—lying 8.gone—been 9.bring—take 10.became—came forgotten—left 12.laughed—laughed at 13.by—to

14.stands—stand 15.make—makes 16.went—has gone

17.come—been 18.me—to me 19.waited—waiting 20.hear—heard I

1.I—my 2.when—before

3.Sunday—on Sunday 4.live—live in 5.when—with 6.it—it for 7.till-by

8.for—since 9.of—in

10.of—to 11.an去掉 12.Have—Are 13.expensive—high 14.understand—understood

15.interested—interested in 16.hear—to hear 17.used—used to 18.which—through which 19.not去掉 20.live—live in J

1.Being—It being



4.forget—leave 5.looked—seen 6.with去掉

7.skate –skate on 8.coming—to come 9.of去掉 10.whenever—when is去掉

12.completes—is complete 13.A—One

14.such—so 15.have—put 16.hears—sounds 17.ill—sick

18.going—to go 19.because—because of 20.receive—accept K

at—on 2.very—well 3.knew—recognize 4.good—a good

5.with—to 6.spend—cost 7.why—that 8.wearing—wear 9.woman—women 10.surprising—surprise 11.sleeping—to be sleeping 12.getting—got

13.his—whose 14.sure—certain 15.its—whose 16.So as—In order

17.for—of 18.smile—voice 19.was去掉 20.little—a little L sail—sailing 2.be去掉 3.talk—say 4.being—was

5.had去掉 6.hope—hope so 7.hoped—wished 8.the去掉 9.for去掉 10 sure—sure whether 11.buying—bought 12.of—for 13.That—What 14.to 去掉 15.again 去掉 16.in the prison—in prison 17.hearts—heart 18.is—is a 19.it—them 20.he—it Q

1.ourselves—yourselves 2.himself—themselves 3.he—he that 4.over—hard 5.laid—lying 6.the去掉 7.know—know how 8.bad—badly 9.to去掉

10.until—not until 11.was—were 12.a去掉

13.in—in the 14.Losing—Lost

15.developed—developing 16.this—until this 17.you—that you 18.lay—to lie 19.when—where

16.will set—sets 17.A去掉

18.him—to him 19.other去掉 20.be去掉 M you—with you 2.you—and you 3.such—such a 4.the去掉

5.anyone—everyone 6.wish—wishes 7.don’t—won’t

8.finished—finishing 9/.to去掉

10.at—to 11.to去掉 12.the—her 13.on—in 14.was—were 15.time—times 16.help—to help 17.North—Northern 18.all—all the 19.No—Not

20.from—over N the去掉 2.will leave—left 3.tall-taller 4.fishes—fish 5.doesn’t—won’t 6.woman—women 7.father—father’s 8.one—pair 9.are—is

10.is—are 11.and—but 12.moves—move 13.forgtten—left 14.pity—a pity

15.come—been 16.a去掉 17.with—to 18.seeing—to see 19.cooked—being cooked 20.asked—being asked O been去掉

2.come—have come 3.hear—be

4.wasn’t—weren’t5.The—That 6.a—an 7.German—Germany 8.more—most 9.the—a 10.Having not—Not having test—tested 12.Leading—Led 13.laid—lying

14.expe3nsive—high 15.he—they 16.repaired—repairing 17.it—there 18.rain—have rained 19.to open—opening 20.a去掉 P usually—usual 2.we can—can we 3.leafs—leaves 4.police—policeman 5.plants—plant 6.meter—meters 7.Germen—Germans 8.child’s—children’s 9.lesson—lessons 10.of—of the 11.are—is 12.a—an 13.part—parts 14.sheeps—sheep 15.informations—information

20.hers—theirs R





5.bit—little 6.you—we



(免费)高考英语单句短文改错专项练习 篇4





1.I think you’ve got to the point_______ a change is needed, otherwise you’ll fail.2.The hours _______ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.3.Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes________ people were eaten by the tiger.4.There were dirty marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.5.______ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.6.______ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.7.There are many people_________ only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.8.EBay, Amazon and Walmart are popular websites__________people can sell goods to each other.9.I hope that the little ________I have been able to do has been of some use.10.Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey, _________ days are limited, is full of difficulties.11.The farmers use wood to build a house________ grains are stored all the year around.12.A container weighs more after air is put in, ________proves that air has weight.13.Miss Green took up the story at the point_________the thief had just made off with the jewels.14.The year before last, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _______effects the people are still suffering.15.Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, ______ as the name suggests, eating doesn’t take much time.16.Later I want to return home but couldn’t find a company __________I could use what I had learnt.17.Government reports, legal papers and most business letters are the main situations ________ English is used.18.We hope the measures to control house prices,__________ are taken by the government,will succeed.19.Is there a gas station around__________ I can get some petrol? 20.There was time________ I hated to go to school.III.改错。以下每个句子均有一处错误。(1’X30=30’)1.This is the factory where we visited last week.2.This is the watch which Tom is looking for it.3.The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two.4.The house in that we live is very small.5.The sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.6.It is known to all, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.7.His dog, which is now very strong, become skinny and ill.8.The reason which he didn’t go to school is that he was ill.9.Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.10.The boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.11.I have two sisters, both of them are doctors.12.We’re going to visit the school where your brother works there.13.Those have questions can ask the teachers for advice.14.I will never forget the days which we had a good time together at the sea.15.Anyone likes it can borrow it from me.16.The man you saw him just now is my math teacher.17.He is a person who often helps me.18.He is the person whose the family is very rich.19.Anyone who break the law will be punished.20.The students who don’t know the answers.21.There are many people there, but none of whom I know.22.That is all what I have known.23.Is this book you are interested in?
