
2024-08-28 版权声明 我要投稿


英文作文初二 篇1

My favorite day

I am a student, in all my school days, I like Tuesday best , Why? Because it have PE class that day ,I can have fun and play games with my classtmastes. We can take a lot of sports. We play basketball, football and practice run. It’s fun, and make you strong. When you are lost a game, you can’t lose hope because failure is the mother of success. And when you are win, you will be happy. I like Tuesday.

英文作文初二 篇2

Writing is one of the four basic skills in language learning Writing combines the ability of recognition,thinking and the using of words.It is a process of complicated skilled.Written work is usually produced after careful consideration so it is a relatively complete reflection of the learners'language ability.Errors tha appeared in writing are of great importance and value to both the language learners and teachers.

Among all the errors in writing,lexical errors are the mos frequent and important ones."People could describe few things without grammar,but they could express nothing without vocabulary"(Wilkins 111).Lexis is the centre role of language study while lexical errors are the most frequent category of error(James143).Lexical errors have been a great barrier to English writing In order to promote students'writing ability,this paper will firs discuss the significance of errors,and then classify the lexica errors in writings.Finally it will put forward some approach to the correction of lexical errors in English writing.

2 Significance of Lexical Errors

Traditionally,errors were regarded negatively and have to be eradicated.The more recent acceptance of such errors in learners'language is based on a fundamental shift in perspective from the more traditional view of how second languages acquired(Yule194).An error then,is not something that hinders student's progress,but is probably a clue to the active learning process being made by a student as he or she tries out ways of communicating in the new language.

Errors are not only inevitable but also necessary.Brown argues that"the study of the speech of learners is largely the study of the errors of learners",because"correct items yield little information about the Interlanguage of the learner."(169-171)There are some keys to the understanding of the process of learning language,which can be found in the errors made by learners.Errors are of great significance because they provide valuable information not only for teachers and students but also for textbook compilers,syllabus designers and researchers in the area of second language acquisition.

Errors could provide feedback by telling the teacher the effectiveness of his teaching materials and teaching techniques Errors also show the teacher what parts of the syllabus have been inadequately learned and taught and what parts need further attention.Thus the teacher gets the information which may enable him to decide whether he can move on or devote more time to the item he has been working on.Secondly,by analysis and corrections of their errors,students may know better in what aspect they should pay more attention to and to what extent he is weak Thus they may improve their learning more effectively.They can also test their hypothesis about the nature and rules of he language he is learning.As for the researchers,Corder claims that learner errors show them how the target language is learned or acquired and what kind of strategies or procedures employed in the discovery of the language(Error 10-11).Based on a systematic error study,syllabus,teaching materials and teaching techniques can be refined.

3 Approach to the Correction of Lexical Errors in

3.1 Self-correction

Students have some ability to correct their own errors.Tha is,they can activate their linguistic competence to do so,even without detailed cues.So,students should be encouraged to correct and revise their own work.Revision is an extremely important part of the writing process and students would benefit from strategies and advice to assist them in evaluating and revising their own and peers'work,whether for form or content.Consequently,students would participate in the writing process more actively,and cultivate the ability to take into consideration the expectations of the reader to develop a sense of audience.

Teachers can offer the students two kinds of check list,routine list and special list,which is the precondition for students self-correction.

Teachers may design a routine list for the errors that appeared frequently in English writing.By using this kind of list students can easily identify the errors and then try to reduce these errors in their writings.Such kind of routine list can be applied to correct all genres of writings as it contains high frequency errors in all types of composition.The second kind of check list is called special list that is designed for errors in specific compositions and it is used to aided the self-correction togethe with routine list.

3.2 Peer-correction

Small groups of students play an effective part in correcting written errors.It is considered that this method help teachers save time and free them for helpful instruction.

Students may be asked to correct compositions of his classmates.Small group worked as a team and went through the written assignments.The members of the small group marked,discussed,and correct the written errors.The teacher occasionally emerged to visit the small groups,looked at the corrected work listened to the debates,and offered help if there was a deadlock or made clarification if it was needed.Now,the roles of teachers and students have been exchanged.From this exchange,the students will get a fresh experience and some useful information to correct their own errors.Furthermore,when interacting with peers during small group activities,students may feel less anxious and more confident than they are during whole-class discussions.The interaction hypothesis of second language acquisition states tha interaction may facilitate second language learning by providing learners with negative feedback,drawing their attention to language form in the context of meaning,and pushing them to produce more complex or accurate target language forms.

Peer review can also be used.It is a powerful learning tool providing students with an authentic audience,thus increasing students'motivation for writing.In addition,it enables students to receive different views on their own writing.This will help them learn to read critically their own writing.Therefore,teachers correction should be supplemented with students'self-correction and peer review.

3.3 Teacher-correction

Teacher correction is an essential step in learning process.I they are not able to recognize the errors,the students do need some assistance from someone who is more proficient than they are.The teacher offers marginal notes to these corrections tha explain why certain errors are incorrect.For example,error tha is in inappropriate style.This will help students develop an idea of the criteria to judge their work and avoid similar errors in the future by offering them useful information.

As"language teaching is a very practical business",and teachers should"always be aware of the learners'needs"(胡壮麟386).Thus teacher correction should be carried out differently and error correction should be done according to the students'English level.There are three different strategies as there are three stages,which are presystematic stage,systematic stage and postsystematic stage.(Corder,270-272)At the presystematic stage,the learner's use of the target language is through random guessing because he is unaware of a particular rule in the target language.He fails to correct the errors and explain them.At the systematic stage,the learner is inconsistent in using some rules of the system of the target language even he has discovered them At this stage,he can explain why he made these errors,but he cannot usually correct them.When it comes to the postsystematic stage,the learner's using of the garget language is quite consistent.He can not only correct the errors but also explain why they are incorrect when he makes them.There will be errors at this stage,but the occurrence of them is infrequent.It happens to be the same with the three levels in learning English for Chinese students.

It is time-consuming and difficult to apply the above mentioned procedures.However,self-correction and peer-correction could be carried out after class if they are properly planned.The above mentioned methods are commonly and efficiently used by experienced teachers and play an important part in correcting lexical errors in English writings.

Teachers'correction and students'self-correction are both important.Apart from employing the common principles of error treatment,teachers should put primary focus on content and organization.That is,teachers'feedback(correction)should be given on content before focusing on language use so as to help students appreciate the communicative function of writing.Teachers should avoid premature editing and making revisions to the text at a surface instead of a global level.

4 Conclusion

The classification of lexical errors and lexical error correction mentioned above is,of course,either the only or the best way.It should be carried out differently and vary accordingly in the process of teaching and learning English.The purpose of this paper is to reduce lexical errors in English writings of senior middle school students.


[1]Brown H,Douglas.Principles of Language Learning and Teach-ing[M].2nd ed.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Regents,1987.

[2]Corder S,Pit.Error Analysis and Interlanguage[M].Oxford:Ox-ford University Press,1981.

[3]James,Carl.Errors in Language Learning and Use:Exploring Error Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.

[4]Wilkins,George W.Linguistics in Language Testing[M].London:Edward Arnold,1978.

[5]Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].2nd ed.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.

英文作文初二 篇3



















作者深得时评类文章写作的精髓,首先简要叙述“英文单词收录”事件的前因后果,然后采用寻因溯果法,深入挖掘这一事实背后的成因——文化的融合交流,并结合张骞出使西域、 郑和下西洋、莫言文化创作等热点素材加以佐证,丰富了写作的内容,最后水到渠成提出观点,呼应标题。


初二写景作文-初二作文 篇4











英文作文初二 篇5























走_初二优秀作文_初二作文 篇6



我们总想着去改变别人, 却从没有想过,那个人会不会听我们的劝告,答案是不可能的。首先你要有那个资本去劝阻别人, 如果你无法做到,那么别人自然也就不会听你的话了。做任何事之前,其实我们都要考虑自己到底有没有那个本事。可惜了,这个道理一般很少有人懂……

英文作文初二 篇7

1. Literal Translation

According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , literal translation is“of translations, transcriptions, etc., representing or following the letter or exact words, not free.”Literal translation is widely used in the field of English film titles translation.Here we take some film titles for example:

Original Sin《原罪》, Saving Private Ryan《拯救大兵瑞恩》, Schindler’s List《辛德勒的名单》, The Lord of Rings《指环王》, The Graduate《毕业生》, Artificial Intelligence《人工智能》, The English Patient《英国病人》.

From these film titles we can see that the biggest advantage of literal translation is that it keeps the linguistic styles as that of the original titles, making the translated Chinese titles to be similar with the English ones to the most extent.Besides, literal translation makes the target language film titles equivalent to the original ones both in their styles and in language habits.

2. Free Translation

Except the literal translation, free translation is also a major means used in translating English film titles.Because of the differences (including geographic difference, history difference, religion difference, etc.) between the languages of English and Chinese, some film titles can not be simply translated into Chinese literally.Under such circumstances, free translation is necessary.

According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , free translation is“departing more or less from faithfulness to the original, not literal or exact”.

The film Ghost was shot in 1990.It’s a beautiful love story between a human-being and a ghost.According to the plot of the film, we can translate it into《人鬼情未了》.If we literally translate it into《鬼》, it will mislead the audience that it is a horror movie.

Other film titles like Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》, The Rock《勇闯夺命岛》, Eraser《毁灭者》, Courage under Fire《生死豪情》, The Mask《变相怪杰》, It’s a Wonderful Life《风云人物》, The Gun《壮志凌云》, Stuart Little《精灵鼠小弟》, The Bone Collector《神秘拼图》, Waterloo Bridge《魂断廊桥》, etc., all adopt the means of free translation.

Free translation to the most extent depends on the translator’s ability to select words and to modify the film titles without losing their meaning.It is also a main method used in translating English film titles.

3. The Combination of Literal and Free Translation

The combination of literal and free translation can be used in the situation when applying literal or free translation does not achieve a best film title.

Here are some translated film titles used the means of the combination of literal and free translation, such as Scream《夺命狂呼》The Fugitive《亡命天涯》, Dr.Dolittle《怪医杜立特》, Seven《七宗罪》, The One《救世主》, A Knight’s Tale《骑士风云录》, Cats&Dogs《猫狗大战》, Chocolate《浓情巧克力》, Tomorrow Never Dies《明日帝国》, Rush Hour《尖峰时刻》, etc.

This means is probably applied to most of English film titles translation.The translator maximizes his imagination based on the literal meaning of original film titles and the plot of films, achieving a balance between original and target language.

4. Conclusion

Film title is the first impression on the audience.How to translate English film titles concisely remains a top priority to a translator Three methods of translating English film titles mentioned in this article should be adopted flexibly in the process of translation.Meanwhile the translator should maximize one’s imagination to make more creative translation.

摘要:随着娱乐产业的不断发展, 电影已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。英文电影名称是否得到妥善的翻译, 将会影响电影的宣传。本文将探讨三种主要的翻译方法。



无痕_初二优秀作文_初二作文 篇8










