
2024-05-29 版权声明 我要投稿


译林四下unit5教案 篇1

教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:

.通过学习,让学生听懂、会说、会读表示季节的单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter表示气候的单词warm,hot,cold,cool以及表示活动的词组go boating,go swimming,go climbing,go skating,have picnics.2语言技能目标





课前循环播放歌曲 The song of seasons Step 1.Warming-up Q: What’s the song about? S: 学生欣赏歌曲后 回答 Seasons Teach: season sea eat 揭题:T:Today we’ll talk about seasons.T: How many seasons are there in a year? S: There are four.T: What are they ? Teach : spring summer autumn winter

Step2 Presentation

T : There are four seasons in a year , and I have a poem about seasons ,Let’s enjoy the poem.1 Watch and say 学生观看整体小诗

T: After reading , How do you feel in four seasons? You can choose one season you like to tell.观看完后,教师可以做示范: In spring ,it is ________.给出句型:In ________, it is _________.两人小组讨论并回答。

教师在此处渗透天气,In spring, it is warm.In autumn ,it is cool.Teach : warm ,cool Play a game 教师给图,学生猜季节

游戏后出现最后2 幅图,T: What do they do in spring ? teach : fly kites

go boating Read the poem


T: Children fly kites and go boating in spring ,let’s enjoy a poem about spring.请学生两人一组读一读小诗 学生自主小诗2,3,4,段,并划出 表示活动的词语。

T:Children fly kites and go boating in spring,What about other seasons ? Let’s read by yourselves.Teach : have picnics

go climbing

make snowmen 3集体读小诗 summer

T: In summer ,they eat ice creams and go swimming ,Let’s read the poem of summer.(1)学生朗读小诗.(2)教师给出春的小诗对比,请同学找出共同点。


共同点找出后将字体飘红。Teach: 句型

In ___________, it is _____.We ______ ________.We go

________ing.We like


T: Let’s look at another two pictures , What will thy say ? Can you guess? Let’s try to guess.5教师给出完整句型,请同学们根据句型完整说一说小诗。6 请学生整体朗读小诗,并且标出升调降调,进行指导。7总结规则 Let’s summary

Q: When we talk about seasons ,What aspects can we talk about ? T: We can talk about weather ,activities T: When we talk about weather.What can we talk about ? T: When we talk about activities ,what can we talk about ? 教师可以总结并拓展新词;sunny cloudy Step 3 Consolidation T: Which seasons do you like best ? You can make a new poem 四人小组完成,小组内一人说一个季节小诗。

教师寻找图片,制作一首小诗,说说你喜爱的季节 给出需要使用的句型: In_______, it is _______

We ________________ We ________________ We like _____________ Home work 1 Find some new words and about weather and activities 2 Try to make a new rhyme about seasons using the words you find

Blackboard Unit 5 Seasons



warm hot

fly kites Autumn winter

cool cold

have picnics

go skating go climbing

make snow men


译林四下unit5教案 篇2



1.看;瞧look at2.T恤衫T-shirt3.它it

4.它是it’s = it is5.好看的;好的nice6.裙子skirt

7.真好看!How nice!8.便帽;帽子cap9.好极了;很好great

10.夹克衫jacket11.新的new12.……是什么颜色的?What colour…?




22.棕色的brown23.白色的white24.你想要……吗?Would you like…?

25.一个an26.蛋;鸡蛋egg27.好的,太感谢了。Yes, please.28.或;还是or29.一个a30.馅饼;派pie

31.很高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.32.不,谢谢你。No, thank you.33.……怎么样?What about…?

34.蛋糕;糕饼cake35.冰淇淋ice cream36.糖果sweet

37.热狗hot dog38.看;瞧look39.什么what

40.是什么What’s = what is41.新年快乐!Happy New Year!42.叔父;伯父;舅父;姑父;姨父uncle

43.这是给你的。This is for you.44.玩具娃娃doll45.那;那个that


49.小汽车;轿车car50.生日快乐!Happy Birthday!51.玩具toy



1.看我的T恤衫。Look at my T-shirt.2.看看我!Look at me!

3.我的新夹克衫是什么颜色的?What colour is my new jacket? 4.它们都看上去好极了!They all look great!

5.现在我的短裙是什么颜色的?What colour is my skirt now? 6.它是红黄相间的。It’s red and yellow.7.你想要个鸡蛋吗?Would you like an egg?8.橙色还是黄色的?Orange or yellow?

9.来个热狗怎么样?What about a hot dog?10.谢谢你,约翰叔叔!Thank you, Uncle John!

11.它是给Tim的。It’s for Tim.12.这是什么?What’s this?

13.它是一辆玩具小汽车。It’s a toy car.14.那是什么?What’s that?

15.它是一个机器人。It’s a robot.16.祝大家新年好!Happy New Year to you all!


1.—看我的新帽子。—真好看!—Look at my new cap.—How nice!

2.—你的玩具小汽车是什么颜色的?—它是黑白相间的。—What colour is your toy car? —It’s black and white.3.—你想要个冰淇淋吗?—好的,太感谢了。—Would you like an ice cream? —Yes, please.4.—那是什么?—它是一个玩具娃娃。—What’s that? —It’s a doll.5.—祝你生日快乐!这是给你的。—非常谢谢你。—Happy birthday to you!This is for you.—Thank you very much.四、把下列短语或句子翻译成中文:

1.Who is wearing red today?今天谁穿着红色(的衣服)? 2.For you and me.给你和我。

3.A cake, a pie I can see.我能看见一块蛋糕、一个派。4.We are singing.We are dancing.我们唱歌。我们跳舞。

5.colour song颜色歌6.a puppet show一场木偶表演

7.at home在家8.in a classroom 在教室里

9.on a picnic 在野餐10.at a New Year’s party 在新年聚会上


1.a或an 只用在可数名词的单数前,表示“一(个,只,…)”,a是用在辅音开始的词前,an是用在元音开始的词前,"这里的元音”指的是元音音素而不是元音字母。如: an elephant / an apple / an orange / an egg/ an ice cream等。

2.This is…指离自己较近的物品,这是…。That’s…指离自己较远的物品,那是…。This is没有缩写形式,That’s 是That is 的缩写。

3.对What is this?(较近的物品)和 What’s that?(较远的物品)回答均为It’s a/an…。

4.look后跟所看的人或物要加at, 如:look at my T-shirtLook at me!反之则不加,如:Look!。

5.用于征求别人意见时,可用What about …? 如:What about a cake?

6.问颜色的句型为What colour…? 如:What colour is it?

7询问某人需要某物时,常用句型Would you like…? 如:Would you like a hot dog?

