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Martin和White等新韩礼德 (Halliday) 学派的代表人物创立了属于人际功能范畴的评价系统 (appraisal system) , 又称评价理论 (appraisal theory) , 将表达作者/说话者的观点、态度和立场的语言资源称为评价系统, 属于阐释性研究, 主要通过评价词汇来对语言使用者的意识形态进行评价。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架 (李战子, 2002) 。评价理论包括三个子系统:态度 (attitude) 、介入 (engagement) 、级差 (graduation) 。其中态度分为情感 (affect) 、判断 (judgement) 、鉴赏 (appreciation) ;介入系统 (engagement) 分为会话紧缩和会话开放;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) , 语势又可以分为上升和下降。
其中, 语言在评价系统中作为“手段”, 通过对语言的分析, 来具体评价语言使用者对于某项行为、文本/过程以及事态的观点立场和态度, 所以说, 评价系统不仅仅局限于语言的表层含义, 而是通过语言的表层深刻挖掘其内涵的深层意义取向。评价理论的三个子系统态度 (attitude) , 介入 (engagement) 和级差 (graduation) 又分别进行次系统化, 态度可以划分为情感 (affect) , 判断 (judgment) 和鉴赏 (appreciation) , 三者的关系。如图2
介入系统 (engagement) 分为单声 (monogloss) 和多声 (heterogloss) ;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) 。作为系统功能语言学的新发展, 评价系统具有三大功能:一是对作者/说话者的个人意见的表达, 是个人和社会的价值系统的反应;二在作者/说话者和读者/听众之间建立维护关系的纽带;三最显而易见的功能时作者/说话者将自己对于某事某物的看法观点和感受向读者表达, 然而确定作者/说话者的看法仅仅是评价功能的一个方面, 作者/说话者的每次评价表达都形成于共同的价值系统之上, 并共同组成这种价值系统, 然后价值系统总体又反过来变成深深蕴含于所有语篇中的意识形态的组成部分。本论文为了研究中美教授简介的评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下进行分析。
本研究中, 作者自建语料库, 两个语料库分别标示为美国大学教授英文简介语料库Corpus of American Professor’sIntroductions (简称CAPI, 下同) 和中国教授英文简介语料库Corpus of Chinese Professor’s Introductions (简称CCPI, 下同) 。所有文本均依照大学排名从最新更新的中国和美国大学的英文网站上下载, 其中选取的中国大学全部具有海外教育交流计划项目。CAPI和CCPI中各包括35个文本, 每个文本的字数在135字到150字之间。为保证研究的客观性, 这些文本没有经过人为的筛选。建立语料库之后, 作者对两个语料库中的评价资源逐一标注并使用AntConc3.2.1软件进行统计分析。
借助Antconc3.2.1软件, 作者将标注好的评价资源统计出来, 发现两个语料库中都有丰富的评价资源出现。在CAPI中, 共有评价资源837处, 占语料总词数 (14189词) 的5.9%;而在CCPI中, 共有评价资源435处, 占语料总词数 (13293词) 的3.3%。详见表2:
(1) 情感。通过对比分析, 发现情感资源在两个语料库中出现的最少。CAPI中出现8处, 而CCPI中仅出现3处。例 (1) :As the principal scientist, he has finished more than 15 researchprojects with honor (affect: satisfaction) . [CCPI]
例 (1) 中“with honor”是“非作者情感”, 体现了教授对学术工作的积极态度。教授简介作者称赞这位教授并公开邀请读者分享这种评价, 以此形成对该教授的好印象。“非作者情感”听起来更客观, 这符合教授简介语篇必须翔实, 有说服力的本质特点。教授简介作者把对教授的情感评价投射在潜在读者身上, 显示教授们的良好形象, 以满足潜在读者, 唤起潜在读者形成对教授们的积极印象。同时根据统计, CAPI中的情感资源比CCPI中的情感资源要多, 这也表明了母语教授简介作者倾向于公开赞美, 而中国人则倾向于含蓄。
( 2 ) 判断。在两个语料库中, 判断资源最为丰富。C A P I中出现3 9 5处, 而C C P I中出现1 9 5处。例 ( 2 ) : A n internationally renowned, prize-winning legal historian, Lawrence M. Friedman has for a generation been the leading (judgment: normality) expositor of the history of American law to a global audience of lawyers and lay people alike—and a leading (judgment: normality) figure in the law and society movement. [CAPI] 例 (3) : It was in SERC that he started work on the speciation of toxic metal ion (aluminum) and its biological effects, a research area that his group has contributed (judgment: tenacity) to for the past 12 years. [CCPI]
为了显示教授们的杰出性, 美国高校英文简介作者更倾向用“leading”“first”和“outstanding”等“常态” (normality) 资源表明教授们的杰出性, 展示教授们的独特性, 这些评价资源的使用开辟了美国大学教授简介和潜在读者之间谈判的空间, 使简介的说服力大大增强。而中国高校英文简介作者倾向于使用用“devoted”“committed”和“contributed”等“坚定” (tenacity) 资源展现教授们的献身精神和投身教学和学术工作的坚定决心。
(3) 鉴赏。在两个语料库中, 鉴赏资源也是非常丰富的, CAPI中出现212处, CCPI中出现153处。例 (6) : In 2006, hereceived the Lifetime Award for Distinguished (appreciation:quality) Contributions to Advancing the Management AccountingProfession. [CAPI] 例 (7) : He has received various awards andhonors, including: Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Bachelor Thesis of Tsinghua University (1986) ; Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Master Thesis of Tsinghua University (1988) . [CCPI] 例 (8) : He carried out systematical (appreciation:balance) research on distribution and productivity of coniferousforests and their modeling in China and Eurasia. [CCPI]
鉴赏系统中的“质量” (quality) 资源是显示教授良好资质的直接资源。在例6中, 政府当局授予教授的奖项或教授的代表作出版这些事件都值得读者信任教授们的学术能力, 由此可见美国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术课程和学术论著出版上的努力;而在例7中, 中国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术生涯中获得的奖项, 这体现了中国文化对等级和权威的尊重, 因此评价资源的不同分布清楚地显示了中西文化价值取向的的差异。鉴赏系统中的“平衡” (balance) 资源在中国教授简介文本中更频繁地出现, CAPI只中出现2次, 而CCPI中出现了8次。中国教授简介作者写出的教授简介比较“套路化”, 从中可以投射出中国文化心理, 那就是中国正在构建和谐社会, 学术的发展也应该是和谐的。
在本文的两个语料库中, 介入资源出现的很少。用AntConc3.2.1软件统计后, 介入资源的分布如下:介入资源只出现在“借言”系统中, CAPI中出现18处, 而CCPI中仅出现8处。教授简介作者用“借言” (heterogloss) 的方式赞扬教授们在各个领域取得的荣誉, 告知潜在读者教授们在教学和学术活动中的能力。借言的应用很明显的原因是其听起来更加客观。例 (9) : Professor Liu Wenhua pointed out that the researchachievements“not only laid stress on the research direction ofeconomic legal history in the studies of legal historiography, but (engagement: contract: counter) also filled the blank in thetheory research of economic law science”. [CCPI] 例 (10) :This metric allows us to define boundaries and detect change incomplex patterns in the landscape which up until now was not (engagement: deny) possible. [CAPI]
在例 (9) 中, 单词“but”会激发读者的比较认知。教授简介作者首先指出了教授的经济法律史学术成果, 然后通过使用“但是”, 调用了读者的注意, 让读者关注他对经济法的理论研究。而“否认” (deny) 资源只出现在美国教授的简介里, 在例 (10) 中, 简介作者用“not”强调了这一事实, 那就是教授们可以处理之前无法解决的复杂性的问题。由此, 读者可以轻松地共享美国教授简介作者的对教授学术能力的的赞美, 毫无疑问, 教授的学术水平是吸引读者在录取某些大学之前作出选择的关键因素。
在本文的两个语料库中, 级差资源的分布排在第二位。CAPI中出现212处, 而CCPI中出现153处。分析发现“聚焦” (focus) 资源很少发生在两个语料库中, CAPI中只出现27处, CCPI中仅有9处, 这不难理解:教授简介作者用上升的“语势” (force) 来彰显教授们的能力。两个语料库中的语势资源大大多于聚焦资源, 这意味着大多数的级差资源都是关于教授学术质量和过程的度的评估。例 (11) : AfterBerkeley, Dick's work took two closely (graduation: process) related directions. [CAPI] 例 (12) : Owing to his idea, the rateof success of this operation has been increased significantly (graduation: process) . [CCPI] 例 (13) : She is fully (graduation:focus) committed to helping teachers use the knowledge gainedthrough her research and has authored the Causal Patterns inScience Curriculum series. [CCPI]
级差资源通常很难绝对地剥离开, 因为它贯穿整个评价系统。在例 (11) 中, “closely”, 和“significantly”的语势是上升的, 着重强调了教授和他们的学术课程之间的关系, 从而加强了读者关于教授们献身他们教学科研岗位的印象。虽然级差资源在两个语料库中大量出现, 并且所有的语势都是上升的, 但是聚焦资源出现的频率并不高, 因为像单词“truly”, “wholly”太过于绝对性, 不是非常适合去传达教授们的个人魅力。
综上, 通过细致的对比分析, 发现中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源的分布上有以下共同之处。第一, 在态度系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都倾向使用“非作者情感”而不是“作者情感”, 判断和鉴赏资源都是最丰富的, 其中判断的“能力”资源占据最大的比重;第二, 在介入系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都使用“借言”而非“自言”;第三, 在缉查系统中, 所有的语势都是上升的。同时, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源分布上又有以下两方面的差异。第一, 中国高校教授英文简介的评价资源大大少于美国高校英文简介中出现的频率;第二, 在判断子系统中, 美国高校教授简介作者倾向使用“常态”来彰显教授的次性, 而中国简介作者倾向使用“坚定”来显示教授在教学和科研中的献身精神。基于以上研究结果, 希望未来的研究者能扩大评价理论在教授简介语篇中的应用, 进一步发掘这一语篇丰富的人际意义。同时, 作者希望上述研究结果能够对中国教授英文简介的写作带来一些启发:通过改进中国高校网络媒体英文语篇的质量, 提高中国高校的国际知名度, 促进中国高校的对外交流与合作。
摘要:近年来, 随着中国高等教育对外交流的发展, 高校网络媒体上的英文语篇逐渐受到研究者的关注。高校英文网站上的教授英文简介是高校向世界展示学校形象的重要窗口, 也是促进高校国际交流的主要平台。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示语篇人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架。本文为了研究中美高校英文网站教授简介语篇中评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下对评价资源在态度、判断、级差三个子系统中的分布进行了对比分析。
[2]李战子.评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[J].外语研究.2004 (5) .
[3]李海玲.高校网页简介英文翻译策略初探[J].科技教育创新中国科技信息.2009 (12) .
[4]李荣娟.英语专栏语篇中态度意义的评价理论视角[J].山东外语教学.2005 (4) .
[5]J.R.Martin&P.R.R.White (2005) .The Language of Evaluation—Appraisal in English.New York:Palgrave MacMillan.
[6]彭虹.浅析高校英文网络传播——“大外宣”背景下上海“985”高校的英文网络传播[J].社会纵横.2009 (2) .
[8]王振华, 马玉蕾.评价理论:魅力与困惑[J].外语教学.2007 (6) .
[9]王振华.评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展[J].外国语.2001 (5) .
栏目设置行业综述企业访谈科研简报市场信息 政策法
道国内饲料工业科研领域的最新进展,介绍国内行业整体状况及国内领军化企业国际化发展之路,介绍国内企业和市场,宣传中国饲料工业的发展等行业信息 发行区域东南亚、中东、北非、西亚、南非、南美、东欧、西
Wonders and interests blossom in the southeast, where inhabited the capital of Wu Kingdoms, that’s what we call Qiantang as a prosperous city.As the developing strategy of “advancing the urbanization for a metropolis” in the new century stands, the program calling for “a city physically extending to the east while promoting tourism to the west, focusing on the development alone the River and achieving development on both sides” has been in a full sway to trigger the change of “Era of the West Lake” into the “Era of Qiantang River” for a city of cultural and historical importance.As a forerunner, Hangzhou Grand Theatre is placed to witness the rise and fall of Qiantang River’s tides and the change of the times.The life enthusiasm, work diligence and substantial progress can be found here everyday.Hangzhou Grand Theatre, as a modern cultural landmark in China, is renowned for its unique architectural design, perfect performing effect and the advanced stage technology.With Hangzhou International Conference and Exhibition Center to the southwest and Hangzhou Citizen’s Center to the northwest,the theatre covers a space of 100,000 square meters and of which the functional area takes up 55,000 square meters.Designed by the world famous Canadian architect, Carios Ott, Hangzhou Grand Theatre consists of an Opera House with 1600 seats, a Concert Hall with 600 setas, a Multifuction Hall with 400 setas and an Open Air Theatre and Cultural Square with 700 seats.The consutrcution of Hangzhou Grand Theatre is really unique and richly poetic.The silky titanlum roof symbolizes the pearl;the slant surface made of glass wall represents the moon;the shallow pool with 6,000 square meters in front of the theatre stands for the beautiful West Lake.With its lighting system from ETC, USA, sound system from Meyer Sound, USA, stage machinery from Jasstech, South Korea and SBS, Germany, control system from SBS, Germany, all the under-stage equipment using the patent products of Gala, Canada and sound reflection cover from Wenger, USA, Hangzhou Grand Theatre adopts the first-class stage equipment and is able to satisfy all kinds of high-level prtformance requirements in the world.To ensure the performing effect, Hangzhou Grand Theatre has adopted shield technology of electronic communication in its Opera House, Concert Hall and Multifunction Hall to present any electronic interference during the perfprmance.Based on the “Season of Shows”, the theatre has successively come up with a series of well-received live performances such as “the season of the classic”, “the season of revolutionary shows” and “the music concert at weekend”.With over 2200 members, Hangzhou Grand Theatre spares on effort not only to import the best productions both from home and abroad, get integrated into the world in the field of management, and provide excellent soft service, but also to become “the stage for artists to show talents, the paradise for people to enjoy art, the platform of international cultural exchanges.”
Hangzhou Opera House
The Opera House is a core performance stage.In the centerpiece of the entire buildings with a U-shaped image, the house is equipped with first-class hardwares with a capacity of 1600 seats, including 1000 on the first floor and 600 on the second and third floors as well as the luxury booths on both sides.With a collection of triangle-shaped wooden golden wall, red seats covered with fabrics, floor and aisles paved with black marble and GRG ceiling material, the interior fills the house with an aura of passion, luxury, and spectacularity.Being totally 66 meters in width, the 56 meters in depth(main stage 24 meters), 17.8 meters below the floor and 32 meters in height, the stage of the Opera House has a total construction area of about 2200 square meters.Stage machinery includes 60 electric flying bars, 18 holsts, 4 light bridges, 2 side flying bars, 8 light cages and a set of sound reflection equipment for symphony orchestra.The use of the movable Wenger sound reflection equipment makes it possible for the Opera House to hold not only well-known classic dramas but also large-scale conferences and exhibitions.It is equipped with the stage machinery which includes certically movable stage, horizontally movable stage, revolving stage and orchestra elevator.Armed with the first-class sound-controlled system from the United States.A recording system is shared among Opera House, Multifunction Hall, and Concert Hall.The maximum capacity of the stage lighting system reaches 1600KW with 1248 lighting circuits, which enables the stage to present the different lighting effects during the performance.Opera House possesses a world first-class piano-Steinway D274.Concert Hall(音乐厅)
The Concert Hall of totally 600 seats can house different small-sized music shows such as chamber concert and solo.In a design of traditional European style, the Concert Hall looks like a “shoebox” as a clean-cut, dedicate, and comfortable space for music lovers.The wooden floors of the stage and the audiences’ area, which can all be found from ordinary music instruments, put the audience and the performers altogether in this box and give them a better understanding of the art of music and a first-hand experience of the refined art.There is an elevator in the center of the stage, through which the piano can go up and down, and a pipe organ at back of the stage.The Concert Hall also possesses a world first-class piano-steinway D-274.Based on acoustic principle, internal design of the Concert Hall has perfect sound-amplifying effect.The reverberation runs at a rate of 1.7 seconds and makes it possible to play with the original sound.Up till now, the Concert Hall has successfully received numberous famous musicians and orchestras from all over the world.Established in November, 2006, the pipe organs in the Hall is provided by Rriger, an Austrian manufacturer.The body, with a compact block of wooden lines as exterior, was fixed on the performing area in the Concert Hall.(可变剧场)
Multi-fuctional theatre
Breaking through the traditional mode,with 400seats,power-driven lifts and chairs which can be turned up and down,the Multi-fuctional theatre is internationally advanced and one of the best in
China.It can achieve the flexibility of space adjustment and various kinds of space combination according to specific requirements.Depending on the specific situation of diffeent performances and conferences, the stage and the audience seats can be adjusted accordingly.Such advanced technology is rarely used in Multi-functional theatre in China.It is an ideal place for small scale drama, press conference, and fashion shows.By way of electro-acoustics, the Multi-functional theatre can achieve the best effect of acoustics and sound quality through the change of reverberation time, the modification of acoustice field, and adjustment of frequency of the reverberation time
Open Air Theatre(下沉式露天剧场)
As the fourth performing section, the Open-air Theatre lies in front of the heatre and inlaid in a 6000-square-meters area filled with water in 60cm depth.The Open-air Theatre, as a part of the perfect combination with the main construction, was deisgned to follow the ancient Rome style.The seats embracing the main stage and the water circling the entire theatre help to house around 700 visitors.To meet the specific requirements, the Open-air Theatre is also supplied with a set of mobile lighting and stereo system assigned by Hangzhou Grand Theatre.Western-style Restaurant(西餐厅)
Located on the fifth and the sixth floor, Wtern-style Restaurant offers various kinds of western style food and provides elegant and comfortable dining enviornment.On the balcony of the restaurant guests can enjoy the spectacular scenery of Qiantang River.VIP Room(贵宾厅)
VIP Rooms can be found from the first to the third floors where a relaxing space is provided for distinguished guests coming to enjoy the performance and attending conferences.The interior of every VIP room, which features elegance and harmony, varies from each other.Greenroom for Performers(化妆间)
Greenroom is the place where the performers can take a shart break during the intermission.It offers display screen for live broadcast and is installed with direct-drinking water system.There are altogether 31 dressing rooms which can accommodate 160 seats.Warm Services(温馨服务)
Hangzhou Grand theatre opened telephone booking 0571-86855003, publishes performance information on the network, and gives a number of tickets free of charge to music lovers.To achieve sending with one ticket, Hangzhou Grand Theatre speciallybought a ticket-delivery car;We have established the ticket sales network covering the whole city, ablde by the rules of “enter during the interval” and build up the theatre into a remarkable brand of “Cultural Services”.With strictimplementation of theatre management system, we produced 10 electronic hands-screen boards, such as “Do not take photo with flash,”“Do not make much noise”, etc, and timely remind the audience of points for attention before and after performances.To create a better art-appreciation atmosphere, those who are not neatly dressed, bring snacks with them will not be allowed into the theatre and we will persuade those audience with noisy children to leave the
Spring Festival and Christmas
Sdudent number:
Spring Festival and Christmas
Different peoples have different traditional fastivals.Now I will write something about Spring Festival and Christmas, and the similarlties and the differences between them.1.Spring Festival
Sping Festival is a tradtional festival of China.On January 1st in lunar calender.We will celebrate it greatly.Why Chinese celebrate Sprng Festival greatly every year ? How to Chinese celebrate it? There is a mythos about Spring Festival.It is said that, there was a cruel terrible wild animal named Xi in the ancient.In the cold winter, it would find food in the village.It would eat the animals even human.One day, a boy named Nian came to this village.Nian told the villagers to hang the red cloth on the door, keep the candle gleamily all the night, then the crowd make fire to wait for Xi.In the middle of the night, Xi came to the village.When it saw the red cloth and the lighting it was very fritended.Then Nian told the crowd to throw the bamboo into the fire.Then the bamboo cracked, when Xi listen the crack, it ran away hurrily.That night is December 30st in lunar canlender.In the next morning, the villagers congratulate each other.Now Spring Festival coplets stand for the red cloth, and the firecrackers stand for the bamboo.During the Spring Festival, one food every Chinese will eat.It is jiaozi.It named Chiese meat ravioli.Jiaozi was invented in Han Dynasty by a doctor named Zhang zhongjing.It was medicine at first.Now it is one of the most popurlar food in China.2.Christmas
Christmas is a traditonal festival in western countries.It is the biggest festival celebrated in the Chirstian countries of the world.Christian countries regard this day as the birthday of Jesus Christ, but many of the customs and celebrations are not of a
religious nature.Red,green and write are the Christmas color.Before the Christmas every family will prepare a Christmas tree in the drawing-room.They decreate it very beautiful.On Christmas Eve, the family will have a big dinner, and the children hung up the stock and listen for Santa Claus.Santa Claus is the American name for ST.Nicholas.It was his custom to go out at night and bring gifts to the needy.He is a fat jolly man who wears a red suit, a red hat and has a long white beared.On Christmas morning, the first thing for many people is gather around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts and Merry Christmas greeting with each other.Then the Christmas Dinner is coming.3.The similarlties and the differences between Spring Festival and Christmas
2008年国庆档期, 由香港导演陈嘉上执导, 集合周迅、赵薇, 甄子丹等多位明星的新版电影《画皮》, 6天票房过亿, 19天票房突破两亿, 成为中国内地有票房统计以来第六部票房突破两亿元的国产大片 (1) 。而且19天过两亿这一速度只比《赤壁》 (11天) 和《满城尽带黄金甲》 (15天) 稍稍逊色, 比《集结号》 (23天) 提前了4天 (2) 。在票房总成绩上, 该片在当时可以排进历史前五名。另一方面, 该片在票房一路飘红的同时, 也获得了众多业内人士和观众的肯定, 在一定程度上改变了以往国产大片“卖座不叫好, 总是被恶搞”的尴尬境遇。而这一系列骄人成绩的取得, 居然是在国庆档这样一个非主流档期。这样一来, 就更不能不让人对它刮目相看了。
虽然新版《画皮》也是架着国产大片的名号, 但是我们将它和以往的国产大片比较之后, 却发现不管是从资金投入、演员阵容、还是从上映档期、宣传推广来看, 新版《画皮》实在是不符合我们对于以往国产大片的认知。首先, 影片投资和《赤壁》、《投名状》等同时期的大片简直没有可比性。其次, 演员阵容虽然强大, 但是只有甄子丹在大银幕上的票房号召力还勉强说的过去。至于选择国庆档这个档期, 如果放在以前, 对国产大片而言这无异于一个自杀式的决定。就是这样一部和传统国产大片相比有着巨大“缺陷”的“伪大片”, 却取得了以往众多大片都无法取得的票房和口碑的双赢, 究竟原因何在?
在我看来, 新版《画皮》的成功, 主要来自于剧作方面。其一, 它对原著《聊斋志异》的改编非常的成功。翻拍经典名著是一件很困难的事情, 完全遵循原著, 则必然少了创新, 创新过度又必然违背原著精神。在创新和遵循这一个“度”的把握上, 很多影视作品都栽过跟头, 而新版《画皮》在这一点上堪称典范。蒲松龄在《聊斋志异—画皮》中用了短短1640余字, 刻画了一个“铺人皮于榻上, 执彩笔而绘之”的女鬼形象。这个女鬼是《聊斋志异》中极为罕有的女厉鬼。而整个故事的主题主要是道德训诫, 和新版电影的爱情主题可以说毫不相干。可是, 在《聊斋志异》中, 写得最美最动人的, 也是最被人们所喜爱和广为传颂的是那些描写爱情和歌颂爱情的篇章。例如, 《婴宁》》、《青凤》、《阿绣》等。所以, 著名学者山东大学马瑞芳教授把蒲松龄称作“爱情描写的圣手”。 (3) 她还认为“《聊斋志异》世世代代风靡海内外读者, 很大程度上是因为它创造了各种令人销魂的爱情”。 (3) 由此可见, 在广大人民群众的心目中爱情和鬼怪一样都是《聊斋志异》的标签。
新版《画皮》的编导显然深谙此理。他们将原著中的道德训诫主题转化成人类爱恨情仇的极限表达, 并保留了原著小说中的恐怖诉求并运用高科技手段使之成为影片的视觉卖点, 从而将原著小说改编成为一个披着鬼皮的凄美爱情故事。这样大胆的改编, 是创新与遵循的完美结合, 看似是完全推翻了原著, 但是在以规律感, 并可产生轻微的动感。直线的重复, 如交错的许多缕头发、摆动的束腰带等给画面带来轻柔绵长的节奏感。当造型中的形按不规则的方式重复出现, 则产生了活泼有趣的节奏, 这种节奏美适合积极阳光、有个性的人物形象又或者性格顽皮任性的人物角色。
数字角色造型设计遵从一般的设计原理, 从形式法则原理出发设计角色的造型, 设计师能更准确地把握角色的风格特征, 向观众传达更多的信息。而作为观赏者, 如果也能从形式法则出发更高的层面上却是符合《聊斋志异》的精神内核和人们长期以来对于《聊斋志异》的认知。这也是新版《画皮》的改编能够被观众接受和认可的原因所在。这种取神遗形的改编方法比起很多徒形无神的名著翻拍作品, 确实是要高明很多。但是, 对原著成功的改编并获得观众的认可, 并不足以造就新版《画皮》的成功。或者说, 仅仅在《聊斋》故事的魔幻形式里包裹一个爱的主题, 是远远不够的。
其二, 新版《画皮》的编导在成功改编原著的基础之上, 对剧本进行了成功的艺术深加工。他们加入了几个全新的角色, 重新界定几个男女主角之间的关系, 通过全新的人物关系表达我们当今人对爱与诱惑的理解。简言之, 影片的编导将影片“爱”的主题和当今社会上出现的“小三现象”进行了巧妙的缝合。结果, 我们看到, 原著中的女厉鬼变成了“狐狸精 (小三) ”, 而且新加入角色的“捉妖二人组” (甄子丹、孙俪饰演) 似乎正好与当今社会上某些打击“二奶”和“小三”的个人或民间组织相吻合。这样一来, 影片“爱”的主题就有了层次, 有了深度, 变得生动鲜活, 尽管被魔幻外衣包裹, 但是具有很强的现实意义, 能够使观众在魔幻世界里找到自身生活的影子, 从而产生共鸣, 进而接受和喜爱。在这一点上, 同为魔幻外衣包裹下的影片《无极》, 对于“爱”的阐释就很难让普通观众认同。
以往的国产大片似乎都有这样一个通病:重技术, 轻内容;画面唯美, 缺乏故事性和情感性。所以, 有的观众戏称之为“豪华月饼” (4) 。新版《画皮》克服了这一弊病, 将影片的内容和情感放在了最重要的位置上, 以聊斋故事的魔幻外衣吸引观众, 以生动流畅的叙事引领观众, 最终用充满现实性的情感打动观众, 获得观众的认可。这样一来, 影片在技术层面上的一些缺陷 (比如说, 可能是由于制作经费的问题, 影片前期宣传中最大的卖点女妖画皮的画面显得形同鸡肋) 就被掩盖了, 显得无足轻重了。这是由于观众在心理上获得了极大的满足, 视觉上的诉求就不是那么迫切了。
新版《画皮》的成功显然首先要归功于剧作的成功。剧作的成功不但是本片的成功的关键因素, 更为国产大片的发展指明了方向。技术和内容孰重孰轻, 孰本孰末, 本片的成功给出了最好的答案。
赏析作品中角色形象就能够准确抓住作者想要表达的意思, 增进对整部作品的理解。
[1]票房统计数字来自新浪网《画皮》专题, http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/c/2008-10-15/05032205875.shtml.
[2]票房统计数字来自新浪网《画皮》专题, http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/c/2008-10-15/05032205875.shtml.
[3]马瑞芳.马瑞芳说聊斋.作家出版社, 2007年.