Lesson 18 教学案例

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Lesson 18 教学案例(精选10篇)

Lesson 18 教学案例 篇1




Lesson 18 教学案例 篇2

《Unit 3 At a Music lesson》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书《牛津小学英语》 (5A) 中的一课。作为工作年限不多的我, 在40分钟的课堂上, 用什么来牵引学生, 提高课堂效率呢?对此, 我也进行了一些思考与总结。



T:Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss:Good morning, Miss Cai.

T:How are you?

Ss:Fine, thank you.And you?

T:I’m fine, too.

师走到学生中间, 进行一个Free talk。

T:What’s this?

S1:It’s a pencil-box.

T:May I have your pencil-box?

S1:Sure!Here you are.

T:Thank you!Oh!Look, what’s in your pencil-box?

S1:There’s a pen, a ruler, two rubbers and three ball pens in my pencil-box.

T:Very good!Sit down, please.


T:I want to read, but there isn’t an English book.

Ss:Here is an English book for you.


著名教育家赞可夫说过:我们要努力使学习充满无拘无束的气氛, 使儿童和教师在课堂上能够自由呼吸;如果我们不能营造这样良好的教学氛围, 那么任何一种教育方法都不发挥作用。因此, 教师要营造气氛, 让学生说英语, 来牵引学生。

“好的开始是成功的一半”, 因而每一节课的热身练习就很重要了。在Free talk中, 可以跟学生交流很多方面的内容, 引起他们的兴趣, 让他们乐说英语。此外, 在Free talk中, 我尽量利用学生身边的实物, 让学生运用第二单元所学的句型、单词交流, 达到“学以致用”。



T:I’ll show you a picture, you’ll do the actions.Understand?

Ss:Yes. (Students do the actions.)

T:Follow me:sing sing…

Ss:sing sing…

T:Can you spell it?


T:Follow me.I can sing.

Ss:I can sing.

T:Spell it one by one.







Play a game.I ask one student to come to the blackboard and do the action, then other students guess.


在学习新的单词时, 听、说、读相对比较简单, 而拼写有一些难度。为了让学生快速地记忆所学单词, 我采用了师生配合, 生生配合的合作拼写法, 来牵引学生, 让学生积极参与到学习中来。在开火车拼写单词时, 学生必须集中注意力, 听清前面一个学生的字母, 才能正确接下个字母, 否则就会出错。这样的操练既锻炼学生的应变能力, 又加深了对新授词汇的理解记忆。

在复习巩固所学单词、词组时, 运用了一个游戏, 让学生表演, 其他学生猜相对应的单词、词组。发现学生的积极性很高, 充分利用肢体动作, 积极参与到课堂活动之中, 既培养了学生学习的兴趣, 又提高了课堂效率。



T:Now let’s make some dialogues.Please work ingroups and make some dialogues about‘I can…What can you do?’

S1:I can sing.What can you do?

S2:I can swim.

S2:I can swim.What can you do?

S3:I can dance.

S3:I can dance.What can you do?

S4:I can skate.

S4:I can skate.What can you do?

S1:I can sing.


学生学习英语的最终目的是为了运用所学英语进行交流, 表达出自己的想法。这一环节的设计, 既让学生练习了本堂课的重点句型, 又将之用于交流中。同时, 小组合作练习编对话, 就吸引了学生的注意力, 让学生畅所欲言, 表达出自己的想法。这也利于教师牵引学生, 了解学生, 共同学习, 提高课堂效率。

这样的设计符合新课程标准中提出的:“要为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现和自我发展的空间”这一要求, 满足了学生学习语言的成就感。


在讲完本单元的B部分单词及词组后, 我设计了一个环节, 让学生一起回忆, 我们在三、四年级学习过哪些表示动作的单词、词组。通过思考, 讨论, 可以看出学生的兴致很高, 也复习了许多以前的单词、词组。如:go skiing, go swimming, go rowing...


一味地学习本单元的新知识, 学生没有太高的成功感。在新授的同时加入一些复习, 扩充环节, 能够吸引学生的注意力, 让学生在教师的引领下轻松地上完一节课。


我觉得教师自身的魅力也是上课时能否牵引学生注意力的一个因素。如:教师的语言:过度性的语言:first, second, next...提示性的语言:follow me, listen carefully, listen again...这些语言的使用都能吸引学生。此外, 教师的语音、语调都对学生上课时的表现有一定的影响。

Lesson 18 教学案例 篇3





(1) 词汇:bank, hotel, put, money, sleep, during, vacation, doctor, clerk, near, drive, busy, store.

(2) 短语及句型:only child, high school, a lot, live with, drive to, be busy doing something, there be.

(3) 语法:名词所有格及人称代词的主格和宾格。















STEP 1. 情景导入

T:Yesterday was my mother’s birthday. All the people of my family got together to have dinner. Look! This is a photo of my family, can you find out where I am?

S: The teacher sits behind the old man.

T: Now, can you guess who the other people are?

S: I can. The oldest man must be your grandpa and the oldest woman is your grandma. Beside your grandparents are your parents. The younger boy is your brother. Am I right?

T: You are right. How clever you are!


STEP 2. 复习

T: Look at this photo. How many people are there in my family?

S: There are six people in your family.

T: What does my mother do? Can you guess?

S1:Maybe she is a doctor.

S2: Maybe she is a worker.

Practice the two sentences in pairs.

1. How many people are there in your family?

There are …

2. What does your father do?

He is a (an)…


Give the students some common jobs:

Teacher, Businessman, Nurse, Office worker, Builder, Factory worker, Salesman, Business Owner, Accountant, Shopkeeper, Farmer, Manager,Engineer, Doctor, Cook, Dentist.

STEP3. 词汇

Explain the new words and then ask them to fill the blanks on page 42.


STEP4. 阅读

1. T:You have known my family. Do you know Susan and Li Jun’s family? Let’s look at them together. Listen to the tape, and then answer the question:

What does Susan’s sister do?


2. T:Read after the tape sentence by sentence, and then read the text all by yourselves. After reading the text, please do Exercise A on page 43. I believe you can do it.


3. Read the text again and then fill the family tree.

1) Li Jun’s Family Tree

Grandfather + Grandmother =Father.

Father + Mother = Li Jun.

Father is a teacher and mother is a doctor.

Li Jun is a student.

2) Susan’s Family Tree

Father works in a hotel and mother works in a bank. Susan’s brother works at a store and her sister studies in a high school. There are five people in Susan’s family.

T: I know you have mastered the text. Let’s have a check. Turn to page 43. Do Part B. You may do it according to the text. You can also do it according to the family tree on the blackboard. I think the information on the blackboard is better. Try to do it.


4. 词组处理

T: I think this text is easy to understand. Let’s go into the text to learn the new phrases. Please find out the phrases which are important.

(Give the students a few minutes to find the phrases.) Give them examples.

1) only child

2) come together to school

3) live with

4) drive … to…

5) be busy doing something

Let the students make some sentences by themselves. If they can’t make their own sentences, the teacher may give them the Chinese. It can lead them to understand the phrases.


STEP5. 复述课文

T:We have known the information about Susan and Li Jun’s family. The main idea is on the blackboard. Can you recite the text using the family tree? (Give them two minutes to prepare.)


STEP6. 写作练习

T: This text is about Susan and Li Jun’ s family. Can you write a composition about your family? You may imitate the type of the text.


STEP7. 家庭作业

1. Write something about your family.

2. Recite the text.




3.本课是初中《英语》一年级上册的课文,在这个时期有的学生刚刚接触到英语,单词量还很小,有很多单词都表达不出来,所以让学生用英语简单介绍自己的家庭成员时,他们不会说实际情况,站起来都说跟课文几乎相同的语句,这样严重束缚了学生的思维,影响了他们对英语学习的兴趣及自信心,此课的设计就失去意义了。所以在让学生介绍自己家庭成员之前先把一些关于家庭成员的单词(sister, brother, grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin…)和有关工作的单词(worker, farmer, teacher, engineer, doctor…)教给学生,效果更好,可以让学生有参照地说出自己的话,培养他们的自信心,扩大学生的单词量。但这一步会占用一些时间,由于课堂时间有限,所以这一步老师要根据学生的实际情况自行安排。



Lesson 18 教学案例 篇4




Step 1 Leading-in

(学生活动)展示图片,让学生表达图片中的人正在干什么:What are they doing? 引入本课的学习。

Step 2 Ask and answer


Step 3 Read and act

(录像演示)播放Lesson 93对话的`情景演示,Answer What is Li Lei drawing?


Step 4 Presentation

图片展示,告诉学生Now it’s Wednesday. What did the students do on Monday?


A: What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in?

B: He was drawing an elephant.



Step 5 Practice


What was Han Mei drawing when the teacher came in?

What was she drawing on?


What was/were Lucy and Lily/the boy/… doing yesterday morning when it rained heavily?

Step 6 Presentation

通过展示Li Lei昨天某些时间段内进行的动作,教学过去进行时的用法。

A: What was Li Lei doing at half past nine yesterday morning?

B: He was reading.

让学生用其它的时间进行练习,并可用其他的人作替换练习,如:Han Mei

Step 7 Ask and answer

(学生活动)Get the students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Step 8 Practice


The man was selling the fruit.

The boys were playing basketball.

Answer these questions:

1. What was the man in the building doing?

2. What were the man by the lake doing?

3. What was the man in the park doing?

4. What were the girls doing? What were the boys doing?

Step 9 Practice


Step 10 Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper tenses:

1. While I_________(peel) potatoes, I_________(cut) my thumb.

2.We just________(go) out when some friends________(call) to see us.

3. When he was a child he_________(live) in the country.

4. While Judy and I ________ (wash) up, she ________ (ask) me to be quiet as our neighbors________(sleep).


Step 11 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Do exercises on page 117 in Lesson 95 WB.

3. Do exercises on page 115 in Lesson 93 WB.

Lesson14英语的教学反思 篇5

本节课是结合小学英语课程标准的要求而设计的。课堂教学主要学习用英语表达公园的单词和句型,What do you see in the park? What color is the….Where is the….How many ….can you see?This is … and This is …. 这些新句型贯穿到整个课堂中。我在课堂中创设真实情景为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,一家人去公园游玩的情景,目的促使学生积极主动地投入到公园单元的`学习中,既学习了新单词,又复习了颜色单词和数字单词等。


Lesson 18 教学案例 篇6

Teaching Aims:

1. Help the Ss to remember what they have learned in this unit.

2. Finish the listening task.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Revision

1. Check their homework.(if possible, the teacher can show a passage written by one student on the blackboard and ask the others to correct it.)

2. Give a dictation in class.(if possible, after class the teacher can ask one student who often makes many mistakes in the dictation to check the others’ papers, it is good for him/her)

Step II Listening

1. Listen to the tape and answer one question.

What is the water used for ? (2 things)

Answers: (1).to make electricity

(2).to be sent to large cities in England

2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks in the ppt.

3. Listen to the tape again and do the exercise on Page 128.

Step III Test

P32. Part 2. Fill in the blanks.

Step IV Extra work

If possible , the teacher can read English newspapers and get some sentences which use the Past Perfect Tense. Give them to the students and help them to understand.

1.The passengers, who had organized their tour through six Chinese travel agencies from provinces such as Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and Shandong, were thrown from their seats.(这是一篇关于中国乘客在越南附近海域遇难的报道)(过去完成时)

2.The yacht had stopped completely. (过去完成时)

3.Li draws attention to the particularly high suicide rate of Chinese women, which is 25 percent higher than that of men.(定语从句)

4.The more easily they are satisfied with themselves and society, the less likely they are to attempt suicide.(句型:the+比较级…,the +比较级….)

5.Zhang says it is common for people to experience a sense of defeat.

(句型:It is adj for sb to do sth.)


6.Like many other US-based airlines, United had a prosperous 1990’s, in which its staff and their wages increased rapidly.(定语从句)

Step V Composition


假如你是李华,在一所中学读书,最近受到美国朋友先生的`来信. 他三年前参观过你校,听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况.参照下图,给他写一封回信,介绍你校的变化.

(1).教学楼 (2).操场 (3).教学楼 (4).操场


1. 回信须包括图画的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,是内容连贯;

2. 词数100左右.

July 9

Dear Mr Smith,

Best wishes,


Li Hua


July 9

Dear Mr Smith,

I was so pleased to hear from you and I am writing to tell you somtthing about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building . On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school. We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself some day.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

Step VI Homework

1.Finish off the rest of the exercises in the workbook.

Lesson 18 教学案例 篇7

(一) 课文地位 (Lesson Position)

1.本课是初二英语第二单元“Campus Life”的第三课, 在学习学校报刊、图书馆规则的基础上, 继续学习校园网, 了解更多的校园生活。


语法知识:as引导的原因状语从句, 这是本课中的难点。教学时可与because, since引导的原因状语从句做比较, 通过练习加以巩固。

(二) 课文目标 (Lesson Target)

1.通过对课文重要句型和重点词汇的学习, 看懂和理解如何介绍学校。

2.能通过小组合作, 简单地描述自己的学校。

3.学会通过网络了解学校的基本情况, 以便将来能在网上了解和选择学校。

(三) 课文重点及难点 (Lesson Focus)

核心词汇:set up, achieve, educational quality, home and abroad, consist of, as, required, basic, chemistry, staff, go on, social science, experienced, test, life science, ability.

以上为本课重点掌握词汇, 要求学生熟练运用。

拓展词汇:homepage, fine arts, remember, one another.

语法要点:本课要学习的语法知识为“as”引导的原因状语丛句。例如:As it is one of the city’s key schools, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.

(四) 教学步骤 (Teading Steps)

课前准备:课前让学生上网浏览自己学校或理想高中的校园网首页, 并打印出来, 并通过校园网首页的介绍了解学校的基本情况。

Step1.选几个学生打印出来的自己学校或校园网首页, 用投影仪给全班展示, 让学生了解校园网首页的版面设计及如何介绍学校的总体情况, 为后面的“Tuning In”做铺垫。尽量让学生用英文来表述, 由于这课单词较深, 学生基础参差不齐, 所以也可允许适当用汉语表达。

Step2.在PPT中展示“Tuning In”中有关一些东方国际学校校史展览会上的图片。通过“翻牌”游戏学习生词, 消除词汇障碍, 并为课文学习做铺垫。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 事先设计几个有关东方国际学校的问题, 把每个问题写在卡片上, 并反贴在黑板上, 让学生问一个对东方国际学校感兴趣的问题, 如果学生问到的问题正好是贴在黑板上的问题, 那就把它翻过来, 并让其他组学生回答, 答对的这组就可以得一分, 最后得分高的组获胜。

通过“翻牌”游戏引出新单词, 问题如下:

When was Dongfang International School set up?Is it a key school?How big is it?What are the major courses?How many special-grade teachers have the school got?How many senior teachers have the school got?What kind of facilities is the school equipped with?What are the minor courses? (涉及的新词汇进行适当讲解, 板书和带读。)

Step3.鉴于本课的词汇比较难, 所以可通过小组“拔河比赛”活动来进行巩固记忆, 并同时以活动来了解“Tuning In”中提供的有关基础学科的表达及有关东方国际学校基础设施及教学成就的有关问题。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 依次抽两组同学回答问题, 答对的这一组就向前一格, 看哪一组先到达中间的终点站。

在板书中画出“拔河”比赛的记录方式:→□□□□□□∣□□□□□□← (说明:这个活动也可以进行抢答, 答对的那组可以向前一格。)

Can you name your basic courses in English?

1.You take many basic courses at school, don’t you?

2.When will you begin to learn Chemistry?

3.Do you like Social Science?What about Fine Arts?

有关“Tuning In”中的问题。

1.When was Dongfang International School set up?

2.What does the school building consist of?

3.The school has achieved success in educational quality, hasn’t it?


由于课文篇幅较长, 所以要进行分段讲解来降低难度, 从而进一步熟悉课文内容。

Ⅰ.阅读课文第一段并跟读录音, 然后回答以下问题。

1.When was the school set up?

2.Why is it able to attract excellent students from both home and abroad?

3.What great success has it achieved?


1.Dongfang International School was___ ___in1954.

As it is one of the____ ____in the city, it attractsstudents from____home__abroad.

In recent years, the school has____great___in educationaquality.

2.Dongfang International School was___in___.

___it is one of the___schools in the city, it___excellent students___both___and__.

In___years, the school has___great___in__.

Ⅲ.播放课文第二段录音, 要求学生根据录音内容完成以下填空练习。

Ⅳ.小组活动。要求学生就“basic courses”进行“头脑风暴”活动, 说出各学科名称。学生讨论结束后, 要求他们阅读课文第四段, 补充讨论结果。

Ⅴ.要求学生完成WB上“Comprehension Check on the Text”。鼓励学生在不参考课文的情况下完成练习。以四人为一组, 互相讨论进行检查。

Ⅵ.利用SB中的“Lesson Notes”及本书中“Key words and expressions”教学生词、短语和句型。

1.As it is one of the best schools in the city, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.因为它是该市最好的学校之一, 所以吸引了来自国内外的优秀学生。又如:下雨了, 你最好待在家里。As it is raining, you’d better stay at home.

2.The school has an excellent teaching staff of 60.学校拥有一支由60人组成的优秀教师队伍。

staff为“全体职员, (学校的) 全体教职员工”。一般用作单数, 有时也可用作复数。

又如: (1) The company has a staff of about 80.这家公司大约有80名职员。

(2) The school’s teaching staff is/are excellent.这所学校的全体教职工都很优秀。

Ⅶ.播放课文录音1~2遍, 要求学生跟读课文, 模仿语音语调, 教师进行检查。


1.要求学生利用因特网查找学校网站的资料, 组织整理后在课堂上进行介绍。要求学生根据所学单词和句型, 从校园设施及课程设置等方面介绍学校。让学生通过观察、咨询老师、查阅资料等方式了解自己学校的一些基本情况。可发给学生如下调查表, 在PPT上展示本校的部分图片和调查表, 下发调查表并布置任务。

2.通过自己学校和东方国际学校的比较, 让学生说说自己的学校。


(1) My school was set up in...

(2) My school covers an area of...square metres.

(3) The...classrooms are equipped with...

(4) The playground consists of...

(5) The school library has a collection of...books.

Lesson 18 教学案例 篇8



(一)知识方面:1.正确听、说、口头运用单词 tall、short;2.能正确理解并能口头运用句子I’m tall, I’m short;3.能运用会话中的句子进行情景会话。








Step 1:greeting and warming-up


Step 2:Presentation and Practice

1.教授单词tall 和 short。同学们把图片中的不同找出后,教师随即把“tall 和 short”板书在四线三格(课前已画好),在板书的过程中把这两个单词拼读出来,同学们也很自然的跟老师把字母读出来,领读几遍,让学生跟读;教师慢读,让学生能看到教师的口型正确的读出tall、short; 教师做动作演示“tall、short”,把手放在头顶上方就是“tall”,把手放在头部稍低处就是“short”,让学生边做动作边读出单词。接着检验学生的掌握情况,让同学们“推火车”读,横排读,竖排读;教师做动作,学生说出“tall、short”;教师读“tall、short”,同学们分别做出tall和short的动作。接着让同学们分组再做这样的游戏。通过这一系列的练习同学们已经很好的掌握了这两个单词。练习后给表现好的同学和小组加星。接着让同学们再来拼读单词,提示同学们观察四线三格中的字母,哪个字母高,哪个字母低?教师提问:“who is tall?” 学生回答:“t is tall, l is tall , h is tall.” T:“who is short?”S:“s is short, o is short,r is short,a is short.”


2.教授课文。播放教学光盘第一遍,让学生把课文内容大概了解一遍,并用铅笔在课文上划出tall和short;播放教学光盘第二遍,让学生跟读模仿发音,并用铅笔在课文上划出有关tall和short的句子,让学生读出来并翻译。重新播放光盘第一部分,让学生模仿Danny的语气来读,教师带领同学们逐句分析,找学生模仿Danny的语气来读。播放光盘第二部分,教师带领同学们逐句分析,找学生模仿Jenny的语气来读。T:“Class,who is tall?who is short?”S:“Danny is short,Jenny is tall.” T:“But Danny says ‘I’m tall, Jenny is short ’,why?” S:“He sits on his tail.”(他坐在了自己的尾巴上)(全班同学哈哈大笑)


3.Oral-English practice。播放课件,课件中有同学们喜欢的姚明和多种动画人物,教师把这些明星们用不同的方式展示给大家,并不断提问:“Who is tall?Who is short?”同学们的回答积极性非常高:“YaoMing is tall.”“Cat Jim is tall.”“Mouse Tom is short.”……接着教师随意抽出两名同学比较高矮,让这两名同学练习“I′m tall, ××is short.” 练习后给表现好的同学和小组加星。


Step3:Playing game

T:“Class,I have some letter head-wears, let’s see who is tall who is short? Ok?”教师把准备好的带有字母的头饰给大家看,教师叫几位踊跃的学生来到讲台前带好头饰,并说出这样的句子:“I’m tall,I’m short.”台上的同学们仿照说出。T:“大家看,台上同学们的头饰有什么规律呢?”S:“他们能组成tall和short。”教师让台上的同学按照tall和short的字母顺序重新排列,他们的头饰组成了tall和short,组成tall的同学说:“I’m tall.”组成short的同学说:“I’m short.”座位上同学们的积极性非常高,把这样的游戏再重复一次,满足了同学们的好奇心。



Lesson 18 教学案例 篇9

1.study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages karl marx.teaching procedures step 1show the pictures



what do you already know about karl marx? step 2 watch the video



after watching, do some true or false questions

1)karl marx was born in belgium.(f)

2)he was forced to leave his homeland when he was young.(t)

3)marx made such rapid progress in english that engels telephoned him and praised him for it.(f)

4)marx was good at learning foreign languages.(t)

5)in one of his books, marx gave some advice on how to learn english.(,f)step 3 listening and answering



1.what was marx’s native language?

2.where did he stay before he went to france? why did he leave germany?

3.what did he do with his english later on?

4.when did marx start learning russian? why?

5.how long did it take him to learn russian well enough to read articles?

6.what advice did marx give on how to learn a foreign language? suggest answers:

1.german was his native language.2.he stayed in belgium, for political reasons.3.he began to study russian.4.he’s already fifties, he found it important to study the situation in russia.5.at the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in russian.6.should not translate everything into their own language, master then use it, learn the spirit of the foreign language.step 4 listening again



p1:some of his revolutionary activities in his early years.p2—p5: how marx learned foreign languages.p6:marx’s advice on how to learn a foreign language.step5 reading



read the passages in lesson 82,write notes in the spaces below:

name :karl marx born:___________

as a young man :_____________________________________________________________

wrote books :_________________________

in 1849 :__________________________________________________________________[1][2][3]下一页


in 1853 :______________________________________________________________________

later :__________________________________

in the 1870s :____________________________

key: was born in germany;was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons;went to belgium and france.;the civil war in france;went to england;made london the base for his revolutionary work;started working hard to improve his english;made rapid progress;wrote articles in english;was praised;was encouraged;was not sure about two things;kept on studying and using english;began to learn russian;read articles and reports in russian step 6 exercise


karl marx was born in ______.when he was young, he was _____ to leave his homeland for _____ reasons.he had to _____ from one country to another.at last he came to england and _____ london the base for his ______ work.marx had learned some _____ before he came to london, but he found his english was _____.he _____ working hard to _____ it.he made _____ rapid progress _____ before long he could write articles in english.engels wrote him a letter to _______him for it.engels’ letter had greatly _________ him, and from then on, marx ________ even harder at his english.he _______ english so well that he could write one of his great ______, the civil war in france in english.when marx was in his ______, he began to learn _______, because he thought it was important to study the _______ in russia.at the _____ of six months, he had learned ______ to read articles and reports in russian.marx set us a good example in learning _____ languages.step 7 discussion


what can we learn from karl marx in learning foreign languages? how can we learn english well?


1.keep on studying and using------master it well.2.make clear the purpose of learning english.3.train a good habit and grasp a good method of studying

a spirit of perseverance: try hard continuously in spite of difficulties step 8 role-play


suppose the great man marx(vip)came here.now you ask him about his life experience and how he learned foreign languages and he’d like to answer your questions.学生活动:

•possible model:

•s: glad to meet you, mr.marx.can i ask you some questions?

•m: go ahead please.•s: when and where were you born?


•s: why did you leave your homeland?



•s: can you give some advice on how to learn...?


•s: thank you very much.•m: my pleasure.step 9 homework

1.preparation the lesson 83.2.retell the text with your own words.step 10 introduction

Lesson 18 教学案例 篇10

1 Revise the numbers 101- 200.

2 Revise What do you do? Where do you work? etc.

3 Revise SB Page 46, Part 1. Say Answer my questions about Hu Yulan. What does she do? Where does she work? etc.

4 Collect a list of questions about personal information on the Bb. Get the students to suggest questions beginning with What … ? What time do you … ? Where … ? How old …? How many… ? etc. ( You could ask a student with good handwriting to write the questions on the Bb.)

Step 2 Presentation

Tell the students to guess the job that you do. Say What do I do? Get them to ask Are you a farmer? etc. Perform a short action that shows the job you do (but dont make the action too easy to guess!) When the students guess the answer, they must ask you more questions, such as, Whats your name? Wheres your home? (My home is at… / near here.) Where do you work? Do you like your work? etc. Make up some answers. Play the game again with another job. Translate on a farm near here and compare the word order of English and Chinese.

Step 3 Ask and answer

SB Page 47, Part I, Speech Cassette Lesson 102. Play the tape. Students listen and repeat; then practise the dialogue in pairs. Then get the students to make up their own dialogues, using the extra questions such as What time do you go to work in the morning? How many days do you work in a week? How do you like your work? etc. written on the Bb. Encourage the students to think up as many questions using all the English they have learned so far. Have some students act out their dialogues in front of the class, without books!

Step 4 Listen and answer

SB Page 47, Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 102. Let the students read the sentences to be completed in Wb Lesson 102, Ex. 2 before playing the tape.

Listening Text

Betty Hill is an American girl. She is from New York. She is twelve years old. Her mother is teachingEnglish in a school. Her father is working in a big factory. They live in Shanghai Hotel. Betty studies in No. 9 Middle School. Every morning she goes to school at 7:30 and comes back home at 4:30 in the afternoon. On Saturdays and Sundays she often goes out with her parents.

Do Ex. 2 in the Wb. A sample dialogue follows:

A: Is Betty Hill English or American?

B: Shes American.

A: Shes from New York, right?

B: Right.

A: How old is she?

B: I think she is 12 years old.

A: Where does she live? Does she live with a Chinese family?

B: No, she is living in Shanghai Hotel, in Shanghai.

A: What do her parents do?

B: Her father works in a factory. Her mother is an English teacher.

A: In which school does Betty study?

B: She studies in No. 9 Middle School.

A: What time does she go to school in the morning?

B: 7:30.

A: What time does she come back home?

B: 4:30.

A: What does she do on Saturdays and Sundays?

B: Betty goes out with her parents.

Step 5 Play the games

1 SB Page 47, Part 3*. Read through the dialogue. You may need to teach your turn and use if the students dont get the meaning from the context. Get some students to play the game in front of the class. When the class guesses the answer they must ask some questions,. as in Step 2. Then play the game in groups of four.

2 In the same groups, students make cards with the pictures in Section 2. Also have them make cards with pictures of the people who use these things. Now, have the students turn the cards face down and play a matching / memory game. One student picks a card, and then tries to find the matching card e.g. businessman / briefcase, schoolbag / student, etc. If the student matches correctly he / she gets another turn. If he / she doesnt match correctly, it is the next persons turn. The student with the most matches wins.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 126, Wb Lesson 102. Do Ex. 1 orally in class. Write down the answers in the exercise book. Ex. 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 102. With booksclosed, have the students listen to the story about Betty Hill. Then have them complete the dialogue.

