
2024-08-02 版权声明 我要投稿


新目标八年级英语期末 篇1

第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每个对话读两遍。(5分)


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

( )6. A. I’m tall.B. I’m a pilot. C. Very well, thanks.

( )7. A. Good idea. B. See you soon. C. Here you are.

( )8. A. Black bean soup. B. Knife and fork. C. Some new clothes.

( )9. A. I think so. B. Help yourself. C. It’s very nice of you.

( )10. A. Excuse me. B. He should be careful. C. I’m sorry to hear that.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)

( )11. What will the man do next?

A. Go for a field trip. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV.

( )12. How much is the new coat?

A. 2 000 yuan. B. 3 000 yuan. C. 4 000 yuan.

( )13. Where will Darren go for his vacation?

A. China. B. America. C. Japan.

( )14. What size does the woman’s daughter wear?

A. Size 25. B. Size 26. C. Size 27.

( )15. Does Lucy like wearing school uniforms?

A. Yes, very much. B. No, not at all. C. Yes, a little.

Ⅳ. . 听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格信息。短文读三遍。(每空填一词)(5分)

Who will take Li Ming to Dalian? (16).His___________.

How will they go to Dalian? (17) .By ____________.

When will they leave? (18) .On ____________ 2nd.

What will they do in Dalian? (19) .Go ____________in the sea.

How long will the whole trip take? (20). ____________ weeks.

16. __________ 17.___________ 18.___________ 19.__________ 20.____________

第二部分 英语知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. I think it is __________ useful advice, so I will always remember it.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( ) 2. Beijing Opera sounds ____. Many old people like it.

A. beautifully B. beautiful C. well D. badly

( )3. My grandfather lives ____ , but he doesn’t feel ____.

A. lonely; alone B. alone; alone

C. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely

( ) 4. -Why do they look so disappointed?

-They look disappointed ____ they can’t go to see Love Me Once More, Mom.

A. so B. but C. because D. because of

( ) 5. Li Lei isn’t ____ Liu Ming.

A. tall as B. as taller as C. as tall as D. as the taller as

( ) 6. The young man used to _to work, but he is used to to work now.

A. drive; walking B. drove; walked C. driving; walk D. drive; walk

( ) 7. Zhao Benshan is very funny. He always makes us ______.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughs

( ) 8. The policeman told the students on the road.

A. not play B. plays C. played D. not to play

( )9. Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China and Japan is ____ the east of China.

A. in; to B. in; in C. to; to D. to; in

( ) 10. -Do you know when ________? I miss him very much.

-Don’t worry. I will tell you as soon as __________.

A. will he come; he comes B. he will come; he comes

C. he comes; he will come D. he will come; he will come

( ) 11. We all want to know ______ the famous writer will come to our school or not.

A. if B. that C. whether D. when

( )12. The T-shirt is ____ expensive ____ I can’t afford it.

A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. very; that

( )13. It’s impolite _______ us _________ in public

A. for; to smoke B. for; smoking C. of , to smokeD. in; smoking

( )14. _______ you are, ________ mistakes you will make in the exam.

A. The more careful; the fewer B. The more careful; the less

C. The more carefully; the fewer D. The more carefully; the less

( )15. The following are all traffic signs except(除了) ______ .

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10分)



( )16. What movie are they going to see? A. Thank you!

( )17. How are you feeling now? B. Let me see. It’s ¥55.50.

( )18. Thank you for telling me the news. C. The Sound of Music.

( )19. What a nice coat it is!D. My pleasure!

( )20. May I have the bill, please? E. Much better!


A. When will the concert begin?

B. Sounds good!

C. When and where shall we meet?

D. I’ll see a movie.

E. Could you please get there earlier?

F. Yes. What’s up?

G. Would like to go with me?

A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?

B: Yes. Who’s that?

A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?

B: 21

A: I’ve got two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert.22

B: Certainly. I’d love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation.


A: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.

B:24I want to buy him a gift.

新目标八年级英语期末 篇2

所谓的情境教学就是教师为了让增加教学的趣味性和效果, 在课堂上通过一定的辅助工具对英语的教学进行场景的构建, 在进行构建的过程中较多使用的辅助形式包括音乐、语言、事物和自然环境等, 从而帮助学生对课堂的知识进行理解, 让学生在学习的过程中产生身临其境的感受, 从而可以更好的将语言进行理解, 并熟练的进行运用。英语本身是一种实用性的语言知识, 在进行教学的过程中学生的积极参与可以起到积极的作用, 如果让学生单纯的进行听讲, 会较为枯燥, 学生逐渐的产生排斥的心理。而通过情景教学可以充分的调动学生的主观能动性, 提升对知识的认知效率, 加深对文章的理解和语言的掌握, 提升英语学习的趣味性和自主性。


案例一、在新目标英语八年级下第七单元What were you doing when the UFO arrived?这篇课文的主要语法是让学生掌握过去进行时, 但是在真正进行学习的过程中, 学生容易将过去进行时和过去时混淆, 因为这两种语法在进行使用的过程中都可以表示过去发生的事件, 只是过去进行时表示过去正在发生的事件。如果让学生单纯的进行理解, 就会过于抽象。因此在进行情景教学中, 可以将现实的情境引入到课堂中去, 例如日常生活中经常会发生的打篮球、跑步和骑车等活动, 将其进行设计, 并结合动态的画面, 让学生主动的进行思考, 提升学生在课堂上的积极性和主动性, 吸引学生的注意力。在这样的时候, 可以将过去进行时的时态引入到课堂中去。

案例二、在新目标英语八年级第七单元“Would you mind turning down the music”这一章节时, 主要的语法是重点句型“Would you mind (not) ...?”, 在对句型的学习中, 可以设计如下的情景:将学生引入到一场郊游活动中, 当到达目的地需要下车的时候, 发现有的小伙伴睡着了, 因此进行以下的沟通:“T :Look, who is sleeping in bus now?S: Lan Tong is sleeping.T: Would you mind helping me wake him up?S: OK, I will do it at once.”通过学生身边真实发生的事件的情景展示, 让学生可以很直观的对知识点进行掌握, 在积极、和谐的的课堂氛围中学习到一定的语法知识并进行适当的展开, 对学生来讲趣味性不断的提升, 学生可以真实的感受到英语在进行应用时的语言环境, 熟练的进行运用, 使得英语的学习不再抽象而是真实的反映在日常的生活当中, 对自身的英语学习能力和实际的运用能力具有重要的促进作用。


从上述的案例中可以看出, 积极地利用教材的优势对情景进行设计, 巧妙地将语言环境和真实的生活进行贴合, 让学生可以积极地进行语言的交流与合作, 将课本的知识进行还原, 通过语言环境进行展示, 既能够深入的了解语言环境, 同时可以让学生积极的进入到角色中去, 将书本的知识进行运用。在对较难的语法进行学习的过程中, 因为较为抽象难懂, 学生会产生排斥心理, 通过设计情景可以将学生的主动性进行提升, 学生可以很快的进入到新的角色当中去, 不再是被动的进行学习, 对新的知识的掌握能力进一步的提升, 对新知识可以进行合理的运用。

新课标明确的规定教师应该重视从学生的日常出发, 结合生活的实际, 培养学生语言运用能力和语言沟通能力, 让学生可以从学习中不断的体验生活和理解生活, 将生活的实际和语言结合起来, 达到学以致用。因此教师在英语的课堂设计中应该将教学的目标和学生的心理年龄进行分析, 设计的情景既能够符合学生的心理年龄, 同时又能够培养学生的兴趣, 展现高效的课堂活动。


在进行教学目标的制定中, 对情景的设置必须要接近生活, 将学生需要掌握的句型和语法进行深入的分析和指导, 让学生在情景中进行训练, 自然的将语法进行过渡, 展示出语法学习的魅力, 深入的挖掘学生的学习积极性。

从学生的角度进行情景的设计, 必须要符合学生的接受能力和心理年龄, 选取学生感兴趣的人和事, 提升积极性和好奇心, 让学生在整个学习的过程中, 能够最大限度的保持学习的主动性。在进行情景的设计中需要将课程的难易程度进行掌握, 无论是语言知识的构建上还是内容的拓展上, 都应该循序渐进的进行, 给学生一个相互适应的过程, 让学生自主自发的进行学习。


通过相关的实践教学, 可以体会到情景教学是课堂教学的重要方式, 能够充分的将语言的实践性和交际性进行展示, 将抽象的语法和句型转化为较为有趣的情景, 对学习的效率会有一定的提升。根据学生的实际特点, 围绕教学的难点进行设计, 将学习的舞台进行搭建, 让学生积极主动地进入到学习中去, 感受学习的快乐, 实现高效的课堂学习目标, 培养学生的兴趣和学习的积极性。

摘要:在教育改革不断推进的今天, 进行新课标改革的教学中需要对学生的课堂教学进行一定的改善, 不再是传统的较为死板的教学方式, 而是采用情境为主的教学方法, 让学生可以真实的感受到情景教学的魅力, 自主的进行英语的学习, 不断的提升教学的趣味性和积极性, 让英语的课堂成为快乐学习的课堂, 让学生学会学以致用, 提升学生的英语运用能力。本文主要针对新目标英语八年级情境教学案例进行案例方面的分析。



[1]何亚维.新目标英语八年级 (下) 情境教学案例举偶[J].新课程 (上) , 2011, 08:172.

新目标八年级英语期末 篇3

第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



( )1. What does the girl want to borrow?

A. B. C.

( )2. Which would the boy want to drink?

A. B. C.

( )3. What does the woman think of the dress?

A. Its large. B. Its small. C. Its dirty.

( )4. Where did they go?

A. To the beach. B. To Disneyland. C. To the zoo.

( )5. How will Tom come to the party?

A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.


( )6. What colour does Lingling like best?

A. Green. B. Purple. C. Yellow.

( )7. Where did Lingling buy it?

A. In Hong Kong. B. In Taiwan. C. In Guangzhou.


( )8. How often does Peter exercise?

A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

( )9. Who plays basketball best?

A. John. B. Tony. C. Peter.


( )10. When will they watch the film?

A. At 6:25 p.m. B. At 6:35 p.m. C. At 6:45 p.m.

( )11. How soon will they get there?

A. In 20 minutes. B. In 25 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.

( )12. How far is it from their home to the cinema?

A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.


( )13. What day is coming soon?

A. Mothers Day. B. Fathers Day. C. The boys birthday.

( )14. What does the boy want at first?

A. A mobile phone. B. A computer. C. A motor.

( )15. Why doesnt the woman agree to buy a motor for the boy?

A. Because its dangerous to ride.

B. Because its expensive.

C. Because its meaningless.

第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)


Wonderful 16. _______ Display

第二部分 笔试部分



( )21. Recently people care more about the safety of ________. Everyone wants to eat


A. foods B. clothes C. buildings

( )22. —Would you like _______? —Good idea. Lets go!

A. going swimming B. go to swim C. to go swimming

( )23. —________ will you finish your homework, Kate?

—In an hour.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long

( )24. —Why are you late again? —_______ my car broke down on the way here.

A. Because B. Because of C. However

( )25. Li Jun always makes his little sister ________.

A. crying B. to cry C. cry

( )26. —_______ did you buy in Brazil?

—I bought some World Cup gifts. I _______ give them to my friends.

A. What; am going to B. When; will C. Which; was to

( )27. —Is Mary _______ outgoing than Peter? —No. She is as _______ as him.

A. more; hardworking B. more; quiet C. much more; quieter

( )28. —Is your father at home _______? —No, he is arriving home _______.

A. then; quickly B. yet; fast C. now; soon

( )29. —Sunny Beach is a _______ place for holiday.

—Yes. During the May Day, _______ people go there and have a good time.

A. wonderful; thousands B. nice; thousands of C. good; five thousands

( )30. —Whose is the dictionary?

—It ________ be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.

A. must B. can C. may


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

A robot will play an important part in our future life. The robot will be friendly and 31 to people. At home the robot can do the cleaning and play with you. It can be your friend. It can help you with your homework 32 you meet a difficult problem. It can have a 33 with you when you are alone. It knows what you say.

In the hospital, a mini robot can help doctors 34 operations. When an old patient has blood sickness and he needs to have an operation, the mini robot will go into his blood vessel (血管) and make it clean. This is an advantage 35 mini robot to do a doctors job.

At the restaurant, a robot can make customers 36 their dinner. For example, when you come to a restaurant, the robot welcomes you and 37 hands with you. Maybe it will give you a beautiful flower. You must be 38 . The robot will ask you what you want to eat or what you want to drink.

Also, they can take the 39 of humans to work in some dangerous places. Some robots can search survivors (幸存者) when an earthquake happens. In the army, robots can also do a dangerous job. They know where the bombs (炸弹) are and how deep the bombs are 40 the earth.

( )31. A. helpful B. useless C. careful

( )32. A. while B. until C. when

( )33. A. walk B. talk C. joke

( )34. A. put out B. take out C. carry out

( )35. A. for B. from C. to

( )36. A. enjoyed B. enjoy C. to enjoy

( )37. A. shaking B. shake C. shakes

( )38. A. happy B. angry C. unhappy

( )39. A. job B. place C. business

( )40. A. in B. above C. under




American country music is famous all over the world, such as the songs of John Denver. Many people enjoy listening to the music in their free time. But still some people dont know where it began.

Country music comes from folk music of the Appalachian Mountains (阿巴拉契亚山脉) in the east of America. There, people sing while playing the guitar and violin. They sing about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs are sometimes a little sad.

John Denver is one of the most popular country music singers. He is also quite famous to the Chinese. For John Denver, music is a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. They will understand each other through music. People are different in color and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.

The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his words and music will still live on.

( )41. American country music usually tells us about ________.

A. folk songs B. sad stories C. love and problems

( )42. “Music is a language that could bring the world together.” means people ________.

A. can sing songs together

B. from all over the world sing the same songs

C. can show feelings by music and understand each other better

( )43. From the passage we know that John Denver ________.

A. is an American country music singer

B. can bring people to get together

C. is good at playing the guitar and violin

( )44. People from different countries ________.

A. must be the same in mind and body

B. should speak the same language through music

C. can understand each other through music

( )45. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Everybody knows where country music began.

B. John Denvers music will live on in peoples hearts.

C. Country music comes from all kinds of music.


Im a thirteen-year-old girl. My classmates say that Im too fat. I worry about myself and feel very sad. What should I do to lose weight? I dont want to be heavy. I got an idea from the Internet and then I made a plan to lose weight.

Do exercise for about one hour every day. The exercise should be something like running, biking, dancing, or swimming. After that do some special exercise for thirty minutes, such as for the legs or for the waist.

I think its not bad to have a good eating habit. Eating less or no eating is not good for health. I will eat bread without butter; only a little beef or pork; eat more vegetables and fruits; and stay away from junk food.

I will drink water or soup before each meal. This will help me feel full sooner. I will try to have four or five meals a day. So that I can eat less at each meal but not feel hungry. Breakfast is very important, and so is lunch.

After three months, I think I will become much thinner and healthier than before. I am very happy with my weight-loss plan.

( )46. What sport doesnt the writer do?

A. Swimming. B. Climbing. C. Dancing.

( )47. What does the writer look like?

A. Thin. B. Tall. C. Heavy.

( )48. Why does the writer drink soup before meal?

A. Because it makes her feel happy.

B. Because it makes her feel full.

C. Because it make her feel hungry.

( )49. Which sentence below has the same meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. Both breakfast and lunch are important.

B. Either breakfast or lunch is important.

C. Neither breakfast nor lunch is important.

( )50. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. She will not eat junk food in her plan.

B. She has strong mind to lose weight.

C. She thinks it good to eat nothing.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)



Dear Henry,

I would like to invite you to watch the magic show at the City Theater. 51. City Theater is the best theater, isnt it? The magic show will start on the afternoon of Saturday, July 12th at 4:00. I have two tickets. 52. 一张票是你的,另一张票是我的。

After the magic show, we will come back to my house. Today is my birthday. 53. I moved here last week. I am new here. 54. 在这个新城市你是我的第一个朋友。 My parents will cook a big meal for us. You said you could make an apple milk shake. How often do you make an apple milk shake? Could you make an apple milk shake for me tonight?

55. Remember not to be late.

Yours friendly,


51. __________________________________52. __________________________________

53. __________________________________54. __________________________________

55. __________________________________



Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.

Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?

Peter: 56. ____________________________. Look, this is a wild beast. Its an animal in Africa.

Sally: Does it eat meat?

Peter: 57. _____________________________. It only eats grass.

Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?

Peter: 58. _____________________________.

Sally: Wow, this photo looks interesting. 59. _____________________________?

Peter: I was riding the elephant.

Sally: 60. _____________________________?

Peter: Yes, of course. I really enjoyed myself.




Dear Dad and Mum,

Hows it going? I got my report card today. ______________________________________


Your daughter,

新目标英语七年级下册期末试卷 篇4



(全卷四个部分,满分100分,考试时间 120分钟)

题 号 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 总 分

一 二 三 四 一 二 三 A B C 一 二 三

得 分

第一部分 听力(共四节,满分25分)

第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A.B. C.

( ) 3. A.B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A B. C.

第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

( ) 6. A. You’re welcome. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Thank you.

( ) 7. A. Good morning.B. How do you do?C. Fine, thanks.

( ) 8. A. It’s mine. B. It’s blue.C. They are books.

( ) 9. A. I’m twelve. B. It’s 9 o’clock. C. They are 10 Yuan.

( ) 10. A. No, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. No, you can’t.

第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


( ) 11. What’s Lucy’s favorite food?

A. Milk. B. Bread.C. Hamburgers.

( ) 12. What does she often like for dinner?

A. Milk and bread.B. Chicken. C. I don’t know.


( ) 13. What does the man want?

A. A book.B. A T-shirt.C. An apple.

( ) 14. What color does he want?

A. Green. B. Black. C. White.

( ) 15. How much is it?

A. Ten dollars. B. Eleven dollars.C. Twelve dollars.

第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。短文听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Comes from 17

Her father is18

Her mother is 19

Favorite food 20

( )16. A. 8 B. 12 C. 7

( )17. A. the U.S.A B. England C. Canada

( )18. A. a driver B. a cookC. a doctor

( )19. A. a teacher B. a nurseC. a farmer

( )20. A. bread B. Chinese food C. hamburger

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共三节,满分30分)

第一节 词语释义 (共5小题 ,每小题1分,满分5分)


( )21. I would like green tea.

A. like B. want C. have D. buy

( ) 22. Lily is a clever girl.

A. smart B. friendly C. beautiful D. good

( ) 23. What do you often do at night?

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at noon

( ) 24. Kangkang is good at English.

A. good B. does well in C. do well in D. do good in

( ) 25. What can I do for you?

A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C. Thank you. D. Sorry.

第二节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

新目标八年级英语期末 篇5

1.到校 2.乘地铁 3.骑自行车

4.坐父母的车 5.迅速吃早饭 6.早班车

7.带某人到某处 8.公共汽车站 9.步行上学

10.在北美 11.在世界的其他地区 12.依靠。。。决定

13.不是所有的 14.世界各地 15.离开前往

16.少量学生 17.乘校车去上学


1. 你们如何去上海?我乘飞机去,他坐火车去。

2. 去游泳怎么样?

3. 我通常步行,但有时坐公共汽车。

4. 你需要多长时间到校?步行大约10分钟,乘汽车15 分钟。

5. 建造这座桥工人们将花费一年多的时间。

6. 从地球到月球有多远?大约38万公里远。

7. 我们学校到公园大约7 公里。

8. 他们把李平送到医院。

9. 老师想知道她住的离学校有多远。

















新目标八年级英语期末 篇6

蒲窝中学 八(2)班 郭海瑞




《新目标英语》八年级(下册),全书共有十个单元,另两个复习单元,每 个单元都列出了明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本 词汇,并分为 A 和 B 两部分。A 部分是基本的语言内容,B 部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还附有 SELF CHECK 部分,学生可用来自我检测本单元所学的语言知识。本教材各单元话题灵活,贴近生活实际。在本册书里要学习的一些语法知识点有:一般将来时、过去进行时、现在完成时、间接引语、时间状语从句、条件状语从句、反意疑问句等。同时每个单元后都提供了一篇阅读文章,用以训练学生的阅读能力,扩大学生的阅读量。







通过初中一年半的英语学习,少数学生已能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事,能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐。部分学生因为基础不够好,学习很吃力而自暴自弃。另外,所教班的学生在情感态度学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如: 很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流; 有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计 划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。





4、关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。多与学生沟通,了解学 生学习状况和需求,及时改进教学中存在的问题和不足。










初中英语书面表达能力的培养和提高 具体实施方法:从简单的造句开始,加强在每个单元里出现的写作练习以及考试试题中的作文。


Unit 1 第一周----第二周 Unit 2 第三周---第四周 Unit 3 第四周----第五周

新目标八年级英语期末 篇7


指导专家:何闽娥 (厦门市思明区英语教研员)

陈榆 (厦门双十中学思明分校英语教研组长)

本堂课是人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册Unit 6 Laughter is good for you的词汇课, 授课对象为初中二年级 (新初三) 学生。


本堂课着重关注混合式教学在课堂面授层面的操作, 旨在探索如何借助信息化成就一堂高效的英语课。首先, 以我国经典的传统故事导入, 激活学生已有的经验和知识, 并设置情景、布置任务, 让学生在相对真实的情境下, 使用英语完成任务。其次, 在听力练习中训练学生抓关键词的技能, 听力练习在翼课网智能化同步教学平台上完成, 以便快速、直观地反馈数据;学生根据听力内容讲故事, 并在图片和关键词的辅助下记忆故事。最后, 通过记忆抢答游戏增强趣味性, 加深学生对故事的印象。另外, 讲授第二段听力材料 (第二段听力材料讲述了故事的剩余部分) 。首先, 学生根据听力内容对四幅图片进行排序, 以此检测学生对故事的理解程度, 这个环节可以借助翼课网智能化同步教学平台完成, 实现对学生回答情况的个性化反馈。其次, 学生根据录音填空, 完成对四幅图片的描述, 就其中的人物特点展开思考, 并表达自己的观点。最后, 创设真实的情境, 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动;学生用英语讲述愚公移山的故事, 高效实现课堂生成。


讲故事的能力是初中阶段学生英语学习的一个难点。在本堂课中, 笔者设立了三个基本教学目标:

By the end of the class, students will be able to:

目标一:complete part of the story by filling in the key words in the blanks in the i Pad while listening;

目标二:comprehend the story listened by putting the pictures in the right order in the i Pad;

目标三:retell the story with the help of the pictures and some key words.


对于大部分中国学生而言, 用英文讲故事是一个难点。学生很容易理解故事内容, 但用英文讲故事却有一定难度, 需要教师提供一些“支架”。本课堂有两个重难点需要突破: (1) to comprehend the story by filling in the key words and ordering the pictures; (2) to retell the story with the help of the pictures and key words.


Step 1:Lead-in (2 min)

1. Ss talk about the Chinese traditional stories they know.

(1a) Ss match the story titles with the pictures (a—d) .

Step 2:Task-introduction (2 min)

1.Ss tell the story of“Yu Gong Moves the Mountains”based on their existing knowledge.

2. T introduces her friend in America.She wants to know the story of Yu Gong.T assigns the final task of telling the story to her friend.

Step 3:Listening (5 min)

1.Ss listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

(1) When does the story happen? (Once upon a time, there was an old man, Yu Gong.)

(2) Where does it happen? (There were two mountains near Yu Gong’s house.)

(3) Besides Yu Gong, who else do you know in the story?

2.Ss listen to the conversation again, and find out Yu Gong’s plan to move the mountains.

Step 4:Practice—Tell the story (7 min)

Ss tell this part of the story based on the pictures and key words.

(1) Picture 1:Background of the story

Once upon a time, there was an old man, Yu Gong.

(2) Picture 2:The reason for moving the mountains

He wanted to move the mountains because it took a long time to walk to the other side.

(3) Picture 3:How to move the mountains

Yu Gong and his family decided to put the earth and stone into the sea.

Bridge:What’s the rest of the story?

Step 5:Listening (5 min)

1.Ss listen to the recording and put the pictures (A—D) in the right order. (2a)

2.Ss listen to the recording again and complete the stories by filling in the blanks.

Keys:move the earth and stone;old and weak, continue to move;kept on digging;sent two gods, take the mountains away

Step 6:Practice (6 min)

1.学生跟读, 然后自由练习和记忆。

2.游戏: (Chain Game) 学生根据图片和关键词, 一人一图接龙完成故事, 最快完成的小组获胜。

Step 7:Discussion (3 min)

What do you think of Yu Gong? (brave, wise)

What do you learn from the story?

Ss:I think Yu Gong is______________because__________________.

In my opinion, ___________________

Step 8:Final Task (13 min)

Group Work:Retell the story of Yu Gong.

S1:Tell the first part of the story:picture

S2:Tell the second part of the story:2 pictures

S3:Tell the last part of the story:2 pictures

S4:What you learn from the story?/What you think of Yu Gong?


首先, 在备课过程中, 笔者曾经设计了一个使用翼课网智能化同步教学平台做课前预习的环节, 但因为内容相关性不高, 就将其删掉了。针对课前预习, 笔者认为, 倘若能够使用数字化在线教学平台培养学生课前自主学习的能力, 同时在预习的基础上进行课堂教学, 就能够提高课堂有效性。例如, 结合单元整体教学的设计, 教师既可以在单元前将学习的进度和安排通过学习平台发布, 让学生做到心中有数, 又可以将相关话题的课前讨论题、词汇等内容提前发布, 并在课前收集本班学生的学习数据, 进行有针对性的教学, 提高教与学的效率。

另外, 教师可利用翼课网智能化同步教学平台实现了对学生学习进度、正确率等情况的快速知悉。笔者从中受到启发, 认为互联网时代教师需要提升分析数据的能力。例如, 如何在课堂实践中有效地应对和解决数据反映出来的问题, 而不是笼统地由教师单方面进行分析;对于那些学习有困难的学生, 如何将小组学习与信息技术有效结合, 尽可能地实现个性化学习……这些问题都将促使笔者不断提高自身使用信息技术的能力。

其次, 笔者认为, 课堂是师生共同成长的地方。让“学习”真正在课堂中发生, 是教学的关键。无论是对于学习暂时领先还是暂时落后的学生, 笔者都期待一个让他们的“学习”变得更有效的课堂。在本堂课中, 每一个听力问题的呈现都有一个快捷的界面, 学生的答题、提交进度等情况一目了然。借着数据的收集和分析, 笔者及时给予学生反馈, 这在以往的课堂中是无法实现的。这次混合式教学的尝试也引发了笔者的反思。正如新疆维吾尔自治区教科所英语教研员张鲲老师所说, “先进的技术手段不仅仅是使用了就可以的, 而是要真正融合进教学, 切实提高教学效率”。本堂课中, 笔者并没有真正利用技术手段达到分层化教学和个性化教学, 还只停留在使用技术的层面。在今后的教学中, 笔者要多反思、多实践, 真正让学生受益。

再次, 正如刘兆义老师所说, “教育信息技术的融入, 为学生的学习增添了一个新的中介, 从而使学生、课程、教师三大要素所构成的教育生态发生了变革”。在本次研修班中, 刘兆义老师在指导授课教师时常说, “我们是pioneer, 要勇于探索和尝试”。教育信息化一定是未来英语教学的发展趋势, 我们无法抗拒。因此, 保持一种勇于学习和反思的态度尤为重要。在探索的过程中, 每一堂课不应只是教师个体的单打独斗, 而应是一个团队的成果。本次研讨课的呈现就是一个团队共同努力下的成果。从专家的面对面指导, 到区教研员、学校教研组教师共同的出谋划策, 以及整个技术团队的沟通协调, 再到现场展示, 这其中凝聚了太多人的思考和努力。笔者认为, 未来的英语教学将是逐步融合信息技术的教学, 是高效的教学。


混合式教学 (blending learning) 包括三个部分, 即自主学习、网络化学习以及我们今天所看到的课堂面授。周思思老师在教育信息化背景下的面授课堂给我们带来了很好的借鉴。她的这堂听说课有两大亮点:一是她的个人专业素养非常好, 清晰、流畅的课堂语言, 端庄的教态以及积极热情的课堂活动组织都值得肯定;二是她对课型的把握非常到位。

听前既有情景的设置, 又有对学生生活、知识经验的激活, 还有丰富多样的听说活动, 由易到难, 层层递进。每一个听力问题在呈现的时候都能够看到一个非常方便快捷的界面的浏览, 这样的界面有播报, 有问题的解析, 还有对学生答题情况、提交进度等情况的反馈, 一目了然。在教育信息化背景下, 翼课网为我们搭建了一个教学平台, 为教师开展混合式教学提供了有力保障。但是, 要想把先进的技术手段真正融合进教学, 提高教学效率, 还需要广大教师在使用过程中不断思考与探索。

新目标八年级英语期末 篇8





1.每个单元的Section B 3b都有写短文的任务,这种学习任务难度较大,对大多数学生来说难以完成,建议降低写作难度。


3.个别练习难度较大,如Unit 2 Selfcheck 2,要求用合适的短语或不定式填空。这个题别说是学生,就是没用过上一套教材的老师做起来难度也非常大,不借助教学参考书,很难得出正确答案。此类练习,建议删除。


新教材内容多是与城市生活相关,有些内容农村学生学习起来脱离生活实际和生活范围,有机械性。例如,在Unit 8 “Have you read Treasure Island yet?”中介绍的几本名著,“Alice In Wonderland”,“Little Woman”,“Treasure Island” ,“Oliver Twist”等,农村学生很少有读过,建议在课后注释中给出简单介绍。


1. Page 12,4a中,“give out”应改为“give away”,因为根据“We will  the money from the sale to homeless people.”意思来看,此处应填“赠送”而不是“分发”。

2. Page 22,2b第一段中,“They dont have time to study and do housework, too.”此句因为是否定句,“too”应改为“either”。

3. Page 38, 2b最后一段中,“I didnt believe him at first,but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true.”根据句意“向窗外看”,“look out”应改为“look out of”。

4. Page 42,2d中,“You have different opinions about the story,and neither of you are wrong.”句中neither 作主语,谓语动词用单数,“are” 应改为“is”。

5. Page 47, Scene Six中,“Maybe it was the birds.” 根据句意,“birds”应改为“birds”。

6. Page 55, 2d 中,“3.Another reason for fewer and fewer pandas is because people are cutting down  so pandas have fewer places to live.”因为“live”是不及物动词,此处应改为“live in”。

7.Page 60, 4a中,“2. I heard you lost your key.”根据语境,时态不对,“heard” 应改为“hear”。

8. Page 78,2a第一段中,“He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.” 根据英语惯用法,“for”应改为 “in”。
