Describe a street that you like to visit.
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
What you like to do there
and explain why you like it.
Describe a street that you like to visit.这是一个新题,题干主体信息是:一个你喜欢逛/经常去的街道。
另外虽然题目问的是“street”,有一个最好迁移的点就是,和我们的“shopping mall”商场联系在一起,比如说在商场里,能够购物,能够吃东西,还能和朋友聚在一起,闲逛看电影等等。
或者你也可以选择一条僻静的街道,比如公园里的街道,有很多人在这里锻炼身体(stretch their body),街道对面有一个湖泊(go boating on the lake)。
而在话题卡里给出的我们的4个线索里,最好展开的应该是最后一个:why you like it?
你可以说这个地方给我们的生活提供了很多便利(provide daily necessity/convenience),或者它是一个休闲娱乐的地方(provide recreation),同时你还可以说这个地方让你真的感到放松(wind down),或者让你的心情平静(find a sense of calmness)。
Pedestrian Street 步行街
statue 雕像
landmark 地标
barbecued squid 烤鱿鱼
wind down 放松
feel at home 感觉自在
The street that I’m fond of visiting is Huangxing Pedestrian Street, located in the middle of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. The street is about 1 kilometer in length, and there is a metro stop nearby so every weekend I can go there for shopping conveniently. Besides, more than one hundred shops can be found there, including large shopping malls such as Wangfujing, Wanda, as well as modern cafes and bakery shops. The central area contains a small public square with a statue of Huang Xing, the modern revolutionary pioneer, who has devoted all his life to China’s development. Because of Huang Xing’s fame, the street that goes after him has become a landmark in Changsha.
In addition, Huangxing Pedestrian Street is also a paradise for us foodies. There are plenty of stalls offering tasty food, such as sushi, smelly tofu, and barbecued squid. You can also notice some western food shops standing at either side of the street, such as Mcdonald’s and Pizza Hut. Every time I go to Huang Xing Pedestrian Street, I could really wind down and feel at home. I can just be a window shopper, wandering down the street, enjoying those colorful and trendy clothes.
I think Huang Xing Pedestrian Street is really appealing, both for the young and the old. Not only does it provide daily necessity for us, but also it offers some recreation for us. That’s the reason why I like visiting there.
Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
where the market is
what the market sells
how big the market is
why you enjoyed visiting it.
I’m going to describe a street market that I’ve enjoyed visiting many times in Manchester. It’s the Manchester Christmas Market, and it comes to the city for about a month from the end of November every year. The market stalls are spread across several sites in the city center, but the centrepiece is the large European market in Albert Square next to the Town Hall.
The Christmas Market stalls sell an array of Christmas gifts and mouth-watering food and drink from all over Europe. It’s a great place to find handmade crafts such as jewellery, ornaments, wooden toys and other souvenirs, but it’s the food and drink that seem to be most popular. Probably the biggest seller is the ‘Gluhwein’, a hot, sweet wine which is sold in a souvenir mug.
The market was originally quite small, occupying just one of the central squares in Manchester, but it’s grown quickly in recent years, spilling over into maybe five other pedestrian streets and a few other squares. Apparently there are over 200 stalls now, so it’s become a really big event attracting thousands of visitors. The main reason I’ve always enjoyed visiting the Christmas Market is the fantastic atmosphere. When I went there last December, it didn’t matter how cold or wet the weather was, Manchester seemed to come alive when the market opened, the streets were bustling with people and there was a real festive feel to the city.
stall n. 货摊
centerpiece n. 中心装饰品;核心
an array of 大量
ornament n. 装饰物
bustling a. 熙熙攘攘的
festive a. 节日的
【9月雅思口语新题精解】a street you like to visit
这是一个应该人人有话说的题目,不就是一条你喜欢去的街嘛。我想,稍稍加点演绎,都可以讲出这么一条有故事有味道的街。一般来说,我们可以扮成吃货(foodie),然后那条街是一条美食街(food street);或者我们是喜欢历史的有地方特色的玩意儿(gismo/souvenir),然后那条街是一条老街(old street);再或者,我们是一群爱读书的书迷(book buff),然后那条街是一条书店街(street of bookstore);如何再俗一点,就纯粹的一条步行街(pedestrian street),我们就是一群购物狂(shopaholic)。这是在讲如何确定话题的中心 。
第二点,雅思口语中很关键的,是要讲细节。如本文中示例答案中对pao mo(泡馍)的解释(which is a noodle dish which the tough “bread” was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli)。细节不用多,一两个就够了。对细节的描述是最好地展现你的口语功底之处,也就是你要冲7分很关键的一环。
第三点,同样是画龙点睛的一笔,就是你的情感或者说情怀,需要在最后清晰感人地表达出来。你既然在众多的候选事物中选择了这一个作描述,那么,肯定是有一些除了好吃,好玩,好看之外的原因。所以,稍稍将你的描述物进行一个拔高,给它一点内涵,讲述下它对你而言最本质的地方。从而对考官形成较大程度的杀伤。如本例:The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.
I am a huge foodie and little traveler. During my not-so-memorable travel record, the muslin street stands out as a mecca for food lover like me.
the Muslim street (which are called huimin jie in Chinese) is located at the heart of ancient city of Xian in northern China, and I once spent 3 three days there to explore all the great street food and other stuff there. Right after passing through the archways of magnificent Bell and Drum Tower, you will be amazed by the scene there, though it is not so clean and tidy sometimes. Technically speaking it should be called Muslim streets, because it is actually a series of several different streets that all have a distinct feel, but all are home to twenty thousand strong Islamic followers, who still maintained their pious and traditional lifestyle nowadays.
Among them, the renowned Beiyuanmen (北院门) Islamic Street is a great place for Muslim snack lovers. You can sample a lot of authentic Islamic specialties, like beef or mutton Rou Jia Mo (肉夹馍) which looks like a hamburger, northwestern style noodles, and Pao Mo (泡馍) which is a noodle dish which the tough “bread” was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli, as well as many, many other attractive snacks that will not make you disappointed. The restaurants and eateries here are serving their food in budget prices.
In addition to the great food, Islamic architecture and majestic scenes, beautiful handicrafts like paper-cutting, little dolls and lots of curious souvenirs are worth to see, and I bought a few as gift for my friends. they are dearly loved as far as I know.
The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.
今年一月,一道地点类part2题目悄无声息地浮出水面——“describe your favorite street”。最喜欢的一条街?看到题目,同学们纷纷给出“Excuse me?”的表情,这么抽象的地点描述是要闹哪样,三两句不就说完了还能说出什么名堂?但是朋友们,别忘了,口语是在日常环境中发生的,它源于生活。细想一下,这道题还真是生活情味满到扑出来啊。现在,请大家暂时忘记这是一道考试题,试着想一想下面这个问题。
也许你是个美食达人(foodie,俗称吃货 : )),喜欢亲自选菜下厨露几手,你的首选菜场(your go-to farmer’s market)菜品齐全,物美价廉,可能还有个摊位(stall)的阿伯阿姨对你特别热情,每次都给你多加两棵小葱。也可能某一次偶然探得一家餐馆,吃了一次就知道是你想要的,从此深入你心,无可取代(favorite restaurant on the planet)。
也许你崇尚健康生活(healthylifestyle),常去健身房增强体质(work outin the gym on a regular basis),或者你有晨跑夜跑(morning/nightjogging)的习惯,又或许你知道某一家超市(supermarket/ grocery store)能买到最新鲜的有机食品(organicfood)。
也许你是个有情怀的人(a person with sentiment),时常惊艳于街头巷尾的花或路边丛生的植物(thrivingplants),喜欢摄影(photography),路边的梧桐(planetrees)和小洋房(foreignstylevillasandtownhouses)都是你时常记录的对象。拍累了还能找到个咖啡馆(café)或书店(bookstore)、图书馆(library)歇歇脚补充一下精神食粮。
也许你是个时尚达人(a fashion icon),某条街是潮人聚集地,在那里你总能找到称心合意的潮品(inthing)或限量版(limitededition)服装。
即使你是个御宅族(otaku/ homebody),说不定也会为某个游戏或某部动漫(animation)的周边(comicrelatedproducts)贡献体力以及物质力量吧。搞不好还变成了每年定期举行的漫展(Anime convention)中的熟客。
那里的风格如何?是时尚现代风(chic/ up-market/ modern)还是历史底蕴丰厚(a place steeped in history),有浓郁的怀旧风情(nostalgicstyle)?
那里的地理位置是怎样的?离你近吗?是处于城市中心(citycenter)还是大隐于市(a secluded place)?是人潮拥挤(busyand crowded)还是安然静谧(quiet and serene)?
那里是著名的旅游景点吗(touristattraction)?是不是有很多国内外的游客慕名而来(is packedwithtouristsand visitors from home and abroad)?有没有名人故居(formerresidence)?
You should say:
Who the family member is
What you know about this person
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you are close to him/her
sample answer
I have a younger sister and I love to spend time with her. She is also fond of me and loves to be with me always.
I am 20 and Georgina, my younger sister, is a teen now and I prefer to spend most of my time with her when I am at home. She is in her secondary grades and loves drawing images of nature, and landscapes. Sometimes, I instruct her on drawing images, solving her math problems, complete her homework and many more. She prefers to be with me as I do not behave impolite with her and try to make everything simple to her. She believes that I am the smartest brother in the world as I solve almost all of her problems. On the other side, I also miss her when I am out home for my academic activities in college. She waits eagerly for me round the day and when I get back at home, she jumps on me. She never leaves me alone at home and I also prefer to be with her always.
She is an amicable person and owns a very smart and intelligent brain. She is tall with her dark brown eyes. She is highly kind in nature and loves to make friends in her real life. But she has one negative aspect. She is a bit hot tempered as well. Nobody knows when she will be angry and mostly she turns angry with the petty issues. Once I made late to pick her from her school and she did not talk with me for the remaining part of the day. At first, it was difficult for me and later I discovered my mistake and apologised to her, bought some chocolates to resume the relation. But she is generous in nature and loves to share everything with people. Often she shares her foods with her friends and classmates in the school which I am proud of indeed.
Both of us love to watch movies. Whenever we have enough time, we start watching movies and she prefers to watch the action movies of Hollywood and I also prefer such movies. Besides, I like to read and I read out loud the stories that I prefer most. She appears to be a bored with my attempt of reading as my pronunciation of English is not in the right tone (after her opinion). In that case, I ask her to complete the story and she dumps my proposal. Sometimes both of us go for fishing at the adjacent lake. My fishing luck is not as good as her- she gets fishes often and I do not. Moreover, we also participate in chess. She is a great chess player and it becomes tougher for me to beat her. Before going to school every day, she comes to me for remembering all the activities to be done in the evening together.
In my family, I am the elder son of my parents while she is the second and smallest. The age difference is not so much between us. I like to spend most of the times with her for many reasons. The first thing is that she is like my best friend. I share all of my events with her as like she does with me. I like to share my foods, my attires, my money … everything. On the other side, she also feels for me. She misses me always and as her brother, I am like her world. My parents always adore the cordial relationship between us and I think they are happy too. My dad is a businessman and passes most of the time out of home and mom being a homemaker remains busy with the domestic chores always. So, we two do not have anyone to accompany us and thus I like to spend most of the times of the day with my younger sister.
Flowers are widely used in many occasions and festivals in our country to represent for a blessing, happiness and good luck. Most families have at least one kind of plants or flowers at home.
What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?
A bunch of flowers is considered as a gift for a wide range of occasions for both people to send and receive flowers. For example, in a birthday party, Women’s day, or Valentine’s day, colorful flowers are arranged nicely in a small vase and given to each other.
In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?
Yes, they do. As mention above, flowers play an essential role in different occasions as a special gift for people to show love to one another. People, especially girls, are happy and pleased when they receive their favorite flowers from beloved ones on their birthday.
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
where this person travels to
and explain why this person likes to travel by plane.
I think this person would be my father who is an engineer. Due to his work, he has got loads of clients to the big cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, and even in other countries. And almost two-third of the time in a month, he is on business trip to meet clients, attend meetings and tackle some severe problems. That’s why he has travelled a lot especially by air to different places.
You should say:
what it is about
who told you this story
when you heard this story
and explain why this was an interesting story to you.
Thank you very much to let me talk about this cue card topic. The story that I am going to talk about is a fascinating story on how an eight year’s old kid saved more than 500 people from possible fatal casualty. I read this story a year ago in a daily newspaper.
This story was published in a popular newspaper that I used to read every day at that time and it was featured as a story of bravery and exemplary one.
An eight years old boy was playing with some other kids in the evening near a rail junction and suddenly noticed that a part of the rail track was severely damaged. While other kids ignored that and returned to their houses, this particular boy was different and he went home and persuaded his father that something bad is going to happen. He came back to the train junction with his father and took a great deal of hassle to convince the rail officers to actually go to visit the damage. They officers were reluctant to do so and thought it was a child’s imagination or lack of comprehension. But the boy was adamant and with his father, they were able to finally convince them that something terrible might happen if they do not take prompt actions. When all of them saw the severe damage on the rail track, it was almost the time for a passenger rail to pass this junction using this particular rail track. It was evening and very few people were in the station. The railway authority understood that repairing the harmed railroad was impossible. They immediately informed the nearby station and warned them so that the train does not leave that junction.
Next day many rail supervisors and employees visited the place and they were amazed by the bravery the boy showed to save people from an approaching peril.
I followed the news story and next day it made the headline of every local newspaper. As far I remember the boy was given many gifts by the rail authorities as well as the local administration.
The story was an exemplary one to remind us how a small sacrifice and bravery can save others. The eight years old boy showed his utmost intelligence, heroism and prompt actions to save people from unforeseeable dangers. The event was so touchy that it went viral in a day and that hit the headline of many newspapers. I did not watch TV that time, but I am sure that was also in TV news.
The books are well catalogued and arranged in a convenient fashion. There are more than 3-4 librarians and several other assistants to help find any book. The library also offers membership facility and the active members are allowed to take books to home. Since the library is funded by government the membership fee is very negligible and affordable for students, there are lots of people visiting and reading there.
People of our hometown consider this library as the best place to gather knowledge, read in peace and to find reference books for study or professional reasons.
For me this library has a great influence on me. I became a member of this library when I was only 7 years old. My reading habit has been grown up from there. I became a passionate reader of books and novels and this library had a great influence on that. This library also helped me finishing some academic projects as I could find books and reference reading materials. I have read plenty of books in my childhood and adolescence time only because the library was conveniently there for me.
Tips for answering this cue card topic:
You can talk about any library you have visited including your college/ university library. If the questions would have asked you to describe a famous library, then it would have been bit tricky, but answering this cue card should be easy as we all know what the purposes of the library and what people do there. Start describing the library (location, interior and exterior), the types of facility if offers and the types of books it has. Then say your activities in this library what you did there. Following are some hints to help you answering this cue card topic:
Location: In my hometown/ In my area/ In the city centre/ in my college or university/ in a different city where I visited etc.
Description: It is a 4 story building, has more than 20,000 books and journals, the environment is quiet and neat, the staffs are helpful, the books are arranged based on writer and topics, some modern facilities like digital index and searching facilities are available, only few minutes away from the place I live now etc.
Facilities: Membership facility, digital index, staffs are educated and helpful, we can take books home, several types of books, novels, journal and other reading materials are available, it is funded by the local administration and Government and cost very little for the reader, people can stay as long as they want, open 7 days a week, great collection of academic and subject oriented books etc.
Influences it has on you: You have got many helps from the academic and reference books it has, your reading habit has been enriched because of this library, it offer many facilities, you can take book home thus your family members can also read the books you take home, a good place to spend time.
If you can answer this cue card you should be able to answer the following cue cards as well:
1. Describe one of your favourite places.
2 .Describe a library you know about.
3. Talk about a place where you often go to.
4. Describe an activity you have.
5. Talk about a public place in your hometown.
1, What do you like about your studies?
Studying is an arduous but rewarding process.I love my studies.What I like most about studies is the sense of fulfillment and the feeling of self-improvement.I am motivated to enlarge my vision through studies.Each time I obtain interesting knowledge I feel satisfied.2, What is your major? Do you like it?
My major is international economy and trade.Yes, I love it!I learn to use lateral thinking and pay more attention to current affairs and international economic issues.My major offers comprehensive coverage of finance, mathematics, economics and trade, I have covered a lot of ground through my major in the past college year.It really helps to form the basis of my future career.That’s why I love my major.3, Is there anything you don’t like about it?
Well, yes.As we know, international economy and trade is a major which first started in western countries.Most of the classical theories are provided in English.As I see it, however, some Chinese versions cannot convey those precious information and ideas exactly.Besides, my English level is limited.It would be hard for me to understand those 名著 wholly.So this is the thing I don’t like about my major.It would be great if Chinese people could provide original ideas and knowledge on my major.4, What do you do on your first day in this school/university?
Hmm, I was excited(换个高级点的词汇)on my first day in the university.I had an orientation tour of the campus led by(高年级的学长), later I attended a welcome meeting on which I met the principle and other faculty and staff.The ambience there was pretty inviting.It was great.5, Do you have any hobbies?
Yes, basketball is my biggest passion in life.I love to play basketball especially in the summer time.It is a game I really enjoy, so I play it whenever I can get willing partners.Playing basketball is a strenuous sport that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise.I am hoping basketball will help me build up my stamina.The main reason I like the game is that playing basketball fosters team spirit and corporation.Each time I play basketball I get to know new people and my relationship with my friends gets better.We can forget all the unhappiness and feel refreshed again.I love basketball.6, What do you usually do at weekends?
Well, there is no exaggeration that I expect weekend everyday.Because I can always do things I want to.Sometimes I am tired of the daily grind and want to get away from it all.Usually, I play basketball on a weekly basis to let off steam.I.Normally, I sleep in on Sundays.Later I will go to the(图书馆)to get prepared for the coming week days’ studies.7, What do people usually do to relax in your country?/ what kinds of
leisure activities are popular in china?
If I talk about the time when I was a child, the bicycle was the primary mean of travelling for people in my hometown. However, this is not the case and motorised vehicles have replaced the bicycle. Around 5-8 percentage people, these days in my hometown use this environment-friendly vehicle while it was more than 80% at a time.
2. How often do you ride a bicycle?
Honestly, these days I scarcely ride a bicycle and mostly use my car. I used to be very fond of riding a bicycle in my teenage, but after I started working in a different city, I had been forced to buy a car.
3. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?
Yes, this is a suitable vehicle for all ages. The physical activity that a cyclist do is great for his health and this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly ride in the world. There is no age restriction to do commute using a bicycle, I believe.
4.What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?
Well, first of all, a bicycle is eco-friendly and does not harm the environment the way motorised vehicles do. Further, it is cheap and does not require a high maintenance cost. Moreover, bicycle riding involves physical movement and help maintain us healthy. Finally, this type of transport does not cause traffic congestion, unlike motor cars.
5.Did you learn to ride a bicycle in your childhood?
Yes, I did. My father taught me how to ride a bicycle when I was in the 4th standard. I used to cycle to my school which was about 2 kilometers from my home. I also used to cycle to the market.
6.Is it easy to ride a bicycle in your country?
It is easier in smaller towns and villages because there the roads aren’t very busy. Cycling is a bit difficult in big Indian cities because in most of them there are no dedicated lanes for cyclists. I really feel that this should change.
7.What are the benefits of riding a bicycle for a child?
Cycling is a healthy exercise. It is also an exercise that most children enjoy. Cycling is good for strengthening the muscles in the calves and thighs. I have also heard that it helps children grow taller.
8.Is it safe to ride a bicycle on busy roads?
Well, I am against cycling on busy roads such as the ones in Shanghai. I used to cycle when I was in Wuhan. I almost stopped that habit after I moved to Mumbai to pursue higher studies.
<1> JOB
Are you working or studying?
Can you describe your daily work?
Are you satisfied with your current job?
Do you want to change your job?
What do you think of your future job?
What places do you often go shopping?
What things do you often buy?
Who do major housework in your family?
Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do?
What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families?
What kind of housework do you think it is the most important?
What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?
<4> FOOD
What foods do you like or dislike?
What food can you cook?
What are the differences betweenshavingsmeals at home and going to restaurant?
What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
Can you outline the industries in China?
What is major industry of China?
What technologies is China lack of?
Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why?
How to preserve the animals?
What animals can people see in China?
What is the most famous animal in China?
What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as?
What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do?
Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?
Do you like watching films?
What kind of movies do like?
What are the difference between watching films on TV and going to cinema?
Do you like to see a film alone or with your friends? Why?
How do think of the future of movie?
What’s your favorite transport?
>>What are advantages and disadvantages of the different transports?
>>Do transports cause pollution?
>>How to improve the traffic of cities?
Can you describe your childhood briefly?
Where do you play? Play what?
What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?
What is your favorite story in your childhood?
here is your hometown? What do you like/dislike your hometown?
<12> HOBBY
hat’s your hobby? Why?
hat kinds of legal holidays are there in China?
How do you arrange your holidays?
What activities do you do to relax in your spare time?
hich festival is important for the Chinese people?
How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?
<15> FAMILY_
What do you think of the increase of divorce rate and single-parent household?
雅思口语PART 2 & PART 3
Describe your favorite TV program
-What is it? Which channel?
-When andswheresdo you watch it?
-What kind of it? What’s it talk about?
And explain why you like it?
-What are the differences between day programs and evening programs?
-What are the TV program’s effect on the children and the elderly?
-What are the differences of TV programs between now and past?
-What are the improvements on TV program in China?
-What is the situation of cinemas in China?
-How do you think that many people buy DVD and watch at home instead of going to the cinema?
Describe a sports star
-Who she/he is
-What sports he/she play
-Why you like this star
Do your friends like him?
What are the benefits from sports?
Do people around you like sports?
What sport do they like?
Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary?
Can sports star earn money through commercial advertising?
What are differences of view on sport between men and women?
Can you have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Beijing’s holding Olympic Games?
Describe an important/recent success in your life
When /where/what about it
How do you make it
Why it is important for you
How can you get to success?
What are the essential conditions /qualifications of success?
Why people must have a future goal?
What is the effect of goal?
What is people’s goal nowadays?
What is your aim of life?
Describe a child you are familiar with
-His or her name
-Age, appearance
-Hobby and explain why you like him/her
Which are happier, children nowadays or the ones 20 years ago?
What do you think of adolescent education in China?
What are the effects of pressures exerted by teachers and parents?
How do think of educational mode of elementary school in China? Are there any problems?
What is the proper educational mode?
What are the improvements in educational mode in China?
What do you like to play when you were young, for example, when you were 10?
What are the differences between Chinese children and foreign children?
What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?
What do you think of the problem the problem the parents overindulge their children?
Describe your best friend.
how you knew each other
How you became friends
How you spend time together
Explain why he/she is your best friend
What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?
What’s the most important thing between friends?
Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before?
Describe your favorite music/song
-What it is about
-Why you like it
How about the music’s development of China?
What is the difference between native music and foreign music?
<7> TOY
Describe a toy for children
-What it is
-Who gave you?
-Why you like it
What are the differences in toys between now and past?
What are the differences of toys between boys like and girls like?
What role do toys play in the process of children’s growth?
What are the factors that influence adolescent?
What are parent’s attitudes toward too early love affairs of their child?
What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?
Is there any relation between toy and education?
<8> PARK
Describe your favorite park or garden
-How often
-What kind of people like it
-Why you like it
What are the effect of parks on people’s life?
What are advantages and disadvantages of private garden?
To what the purpose people want to possess a private garden?
Do you think we need much more parks?
Is it convenient to go outing?
Describe your ideal house or department
-Where it is
-Outside/inside? surrounding?
-Why you like it
Where do you live?swheresdo you want to live?
Do you live in city or countryside? Tell about advantages and disadvantages from both areas.
Do private space become smaller? How to solve/settle it?
Are there many people live in high buildings and large mansions?
What is the difference between old house and modern house? Which one do you prefer? Why? What is the advantage of the one that you exclude?
How do government settle the problem of houses in danger? What’s your opinion?
What kind of house is popular?
What are the good houses that majority believe?
Why people like big house?
Why should we preserve the old building?
Describe an exciting period in your life
-When is it
-What did you do during that time
-Who are the friends you made in that time
-Why it is exciting
What is the legal age of Chinese people?
What is the purpose of legal age? Why?
May the legal age change?
What can people do when they reach legal age?
What do you do when you were at university?
What do old people concern about?
Who would look after them when people get old?
When does the early education usually begin in your country? What is the advantage and disadvantage of beginning education at this age? Why?
Describe the features of four seasons in you country
-What the seasons are
-What people do in each season?
-Which season you like best?
With the alternation of seasons, are there any changes in wearing clothes?
What differences are there in architectural style between north and south considering the differences in season and climate?
What differences are there in life style between people from south and the ones from north, For instance, Beijing and Nanjing?
Is there any change of climate in the past 20 years?
What do you think of the environment in the future?
What is the cause of disasters? What are effects of disasters? Can we solve it?
What should government do to prevent disasters? Such as flood.
What do you think of the climate of China?
Can you describe the bad weather you met?
What is your favorite season? Why?
Which season do Chinese like best?
What is green house effect?
Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful
-What it is
-How it is used
-Advantages and disadvantages
Will today’s technology/electric apparatus still be in use (popular) 50 years later?
What differences in purposes of use are there between the young and the old?
Are there any differences in attitudes about technology between men and women? What are those?
Do the young people nowadays rely/depend too much on technology?
How does technology influence people? Does it make life better?
Do you think the development of science and technology would bring people much more convenience? In what aspects does it show? Can you imagine what aspect it is?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologiy?
Are there any people around you who don’t accept new technology?
<13> TRIP
Describe a exciting trip you made
.When did you take it?
.How did you get there? By what transport?
.Introduce that trip. What did you see there?
.Who do you with?
.Explain why you liked it.
What transports are available for Chinese people’s trip?
What is the difference between traveling by single and traveling in a group?
What are defects of tourism?
Why many people come to China? Are there any advantages and disadvantages?
Why many people go abroad for a trip? What are advantages and disadvantages?
What your opinion about the prospect of tourism in China?
What kind of people go to China for trips? Why?
Describe a book/story you read before
.What influence it brings to you
What kind of libraries do you often go to?
What facilities are there in the library?
What improvement do you think that we should make?
Where do you like to read, in the library or at home?
Do every village and city have libraries
Do majority of people read for study or entertainment?
Do you like reading novels?
Some writings can be handed down as classics. What requirements do they must fulfill to make these achievements? / What are the preconditions to be classic?
What is your ideal library?
Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family?
.What it is
.How it is used
.Advantages and disadvantages
Note: This topic is similar to the “EQUIPMENT” topic
What are advantages and disadvantages of high technology?
Note: For this topic, you can combine the “HOLIDAY” of PART 1 and the “TRIP” topic to answer it.
Note: There are some questions about international relations in PART 3.
With competition between countries, how to reinforce the cooperation between countries?
Can you describe one of your country’s success? What are the native effects and international effects of your country’s success?
What is your goal of life?