围绕书法特色教育, 我们主要从以下几个方面进行了初步研究, 并开展了相应的活动, 取得了一定的效果。
一、转变观念, 形成共识
书法具有独特的教育功能。在今天科技发展逐渐走向无纸化的情况下, 书法在传达感情方面具有不可替代的独特性, 尤其是书法教育和书香校园建设对于学生意志的磨练, 情操的陶冶, 良好习惯的形成, 想象力、创造力、审美力的开发都会产生潜移默化的作用。书法教育和书香校园是实施素质教育的需要。我们积极打造书法特色, 既是为了提升学校的办学品味, 更是学校深化教育教学改革的突破口之一, 是实施素质教育发挥师生特长, 培养多层次, 多类型人才的有效措施和重要途径。
书法教育需抓课程落实, 我们把书法教学落实到每一节课中, 课堂教学是书法教学的主阵地, 是传授写字知识、训练书写技能, 培养良好写字习惯的主渠道。我校的书法教育结合现行小学语文教学中关于写字教学的要求和规定, 主要通过三个层次开展: 一是每学期用两个月对学生进行30分钟集中书法练笔指导。二是扎实抓好每一节写字课, 从铅笔、钢笔到写字的姿势, 执笔的位置, 教师必须严格要求学生。三是抓好书法提升班培训。学校成立了软笔书法特长班, 学校利用周末休息时间给学生上课。这样既使每个学生都基本掌握书写的姿势和要求, 同时又能使喜欢书法的学生更进一步得到质的提升。这样三年教育实践下来, 书法对我们师生都起到了“润物细无声”的作用。
三、墨香育人, 彰显书法特色
营造书法教育氛围是校园文化建设的有机组成部分, 我校充分开发和利用各种教育资源, 建设了以书法特色文化为核心的校园教育环境。
1. 净化语言文字环境。学校在教学楼醒目处张贴“一笔一划练好字, 一生一世做真人”的校训, 楼梯口、过道旁都张贴“说普通话, 写规范字”等宣传标语。教室外墙布置了学生的优秀书法作品, 每个班教室内墙都开辟有“书法展示园地”, 本学期还将学生假期的书法练笔悬挂于教学楼走廊上。这样做, 让每一个孩子都能看到自己的点滴进步, 更激发了学生对书法的兴趣。
2. 美化书法创作室。张贴书法名家的书法作品, 悬挂历代书法大师的肖像, 陈列有关书法家碑帖, 教师及学生的优秀书法作品, 以陶冶师生情操, 激发书法兴趣。
3. 构建具有校园特色的书法画廊。我们装裱师生优秀书法作品, 悬挂上墙及打造书法长廊, 美化校园, 丰富内涵, 增添人文气息。
4. 名人效应, 激发兴趣。学校抓住机遇, 每年都邀请区文联书画专家来我校与师生现场联谊书写, 让师生零距离与书画家们接触, 感受书画家创作的过程, 让全体师生进一步了解书画实践知识。
5. 每年利用艺术节组织举办主题性书法展览, 向社会及家长开放, 提升学校书法特色教育的知名度。为了使书法能够成为七小师生的一种兴趣, 一种习惯, 一种生活, 学校通过每年书法艺术节, 为师生搭建多彩的舞台, 小书法家和老师一同泼墨挥毫, 写下了自己人生的真谛。学校还开展丰富多彩的书法教育活动, 让学生感受书法的魅力, 陶冶自己的情操。
四、翰墨飘香, 书法特色教育硕果累累
学校的书法教育已初见成效。三年多来, 我校师生的书写有了较大提高, 学生作业书写逐步趋向于美观整洁、正确流畅, 学校书法热潮持久, 提升班的小学员表现尤为突出, 在区级、市级、省级乃至国家级举办的书法比赛中, 我校师生屡获佳绩。荣获国家级奖51人次, 省级奖65人次, 市级奖55人次, 区级奖32人次。同时, 我校几位老师已被碧江区书法协会纳为会员, 并有部分老师的书画作品及文章刊登在《碧江教育》刊物上。今后学校将书法教育、深化课程改革和发展学校文化互相依托, 互相促进, 不断优化校园环境, 推进学生素质不断发展。
近三年的摸索探究, 虽然取得了一些成绩, 但是仍然有一些问题还困惑着我们, 还需要我们不断地学习、反思、实践和探索。
1. 挖掘书法教育的育人功能。如何进一步挖掘书法教育的育人功能, 为培养“美丽学生”“美丽教师”发挥它独特的作用, 转化为校园丰富的精神文化。
2. 研究的发展方向。书法艺术, 博大精深, 书法教学, 也是任重道远。书法教学如何提升学生的人文素养, 将是我们以后研究的重点所在。学生的人文素养如何在学习书法的过程中得到加强、提升, 也会是开展改革研究的难点所在。
第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入相应的括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
( )1.
( )2.
( )3
( )4.
( )5.
第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入相应的括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
( )6. A. You are welcome. B. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.
( )7. A. By listening to English tapes.
B. By watching English movies
C. By studying with a group.
( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I dont.
( )9. A. Me, too. B. Me, neither. C. So have I.
( )10. A. Oh!I am going to get it pierced.
B. Oh!I am going to get it cut.
C. Oh!I am going to get it washed.
第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入相应的括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
( )11. What is the girl going to Shanghai for?
A. For her holiday. B. For her business. C. For a test.
( )12. How soon will the girl come back?
A. In a month.
B. In two weeks.
C. In a week.
( )13. What does Bolt look like?
A. Hes tall and thin.
B. Hes tall and strong.
C. Hes short and strong.
( )14. When was Bolt born?
A. In 1980. B. In 1986. C. In 1976.
( )15. Why does Nick think Bolt is kind?
A. Because he raised money for the children in poor areas.
B. Because he often helps old people.
C. Because he teaches Nick to run fast.
第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格,并将所选答案的字母代号填入相应的括号内。短文听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
( )16. A. China B. Japan C. Britain
( )17. A. classroom B. kitchen C. house
( )18. A. hat B. clothes C. shoes
( )19. A. European B. Asian C. Western
( )20. A. angry B. pleased C. sad
( )21. Jimmy is ______ one-year-old boy and he has ______ 8-year-old sister.
A. an; an B. an; a C. a; a D. a; an
( )22. —How do you study ______ a test ?
—I study ______ working ______ a group.
A. for; in; with B. for; by; at C. for; by; with D. of; in; by
( )23. Well go to the park unless it ______ tomorrow.
A. rains B. will rain C. rainy D. is going to rain
( )24. My life ______ a lot in the last five years.
A. have changed B. has changed C. changed D. will change
( )25. The movie is so ______ that I am very ______ in it.
Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.
1. The radio says that rainfall has been above ________ this July.
A. normal B. common C. ordinary D. usual
2. No matter how much money you have, it can not ______ a healthy body.
A. match B. fit C. defeat D. compare
3. I haven’t seen you for a couple of days. What have you been up _______?
A. in B. to C. with D. for
4. I advise you to take school more seriously, otherwise you’ll have to go out and work ________.
A. as a result B. now and then C. in a word D. at that moment
5. It _______ as if the suit was made _______ his own measurements.
A. is said; with B. sounds; on C. seemed; to D. looked; by
6. I _______ pay Tracy a visit, but I’m not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.
A. should B. might C. would D. could
7. _______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.
A. While B. Sine C. As D. If
8. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her last book _________ 50 million.
A. have reached B. has reached C. are reaching D. had reached
9. Tom often _______ meals and his brother, Jim ________ the dishes after meals.
A. brings in; pick up B. brings on; picks up
C. brings on; picks out D. brings up; picks off
10. We have to ________ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.
A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in
11. No matter where he goes, he would like to _______ the best upon mind.
A. impress B. let C. take D. put
12. You must get up earlier to catch the first train, _______?
A. needn’t you B. mustn’t you
C. will you D. won’t you
13. Many families in the USA are doing everything they can, so that they can fight the ________ of living.
A. cost B. income C. standard D. price
14. After 2 hours’ driver, the visitors reached _______ they believed to be the place they’d been dreaming of
A. where B. what C. which D. that
15. The old lady, ________ killed in the war, was given help by the government.
A. all of her children were B. whose children
C. all of whose children D. all of her children
16. Who is it up _______ decide whether to go or not.
A. to to B. to C. for to D. to for
17. There will come a day when people of the whole country ________ a happy life.
A. live B. will live C. will have lived D. are living
18. ---_________ he open the door? ----Yes, please.
A. Shall B. Will C. Can D. Would
19. He will come to see my father _______ three o’clock.
A. in B. after C. by D. until
20. They are going to return some of the milu deer to the wild, ________ their number increases year by year.
A. so B. for C. therefore D. and
21. ---You must get there before six p.m. Can you make it?
---________. I’ve got a car.
A. Out of the question B. Without question
C. Absolutely certain D. I hope so
22. The people to be invited to the party were allowed to dress _______ they please.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whoever
23. ----David had an accident and lost his leg. ----________?
A. Since when has that been? B. For how long has been that?
C. When has that been? D. How long ago was that?
24. Boris is always so ____; he can arrange and plan his things very carefully and effectively.
A. organized B. controlled C. fixed D. arranged
25. It took quite a long time before we felt we ______ in the city.
A. impressed B. constructed C. belonged D. created
26. She is looking _______ for an article of _____ for her husband.
A. forward, clothes B. up, clothing
C. on; cloth D. out, clothing
27. Our teacher has a _________ for thinking up ways ________ his speeches attractive.
A. gift; of making B. gift; to make
C. knowledge; of making D. knowledge; to make
28. ----Look at the clouds. It _____ soon.
----Sure. If only we _______ out!
A. is raining; didn’t come out B. is to rain; won’t start
C. will rain; haven’t come D. is going to rain; hadn’t started
29. There is no doubt ______ the truth of the fact.
A. about B. with C. as to D. A or C
30. Books are the most important records we keep ______ man’s thoughts, ideas and feelings.
A. up B. of C. for D. on
31. ____________ working tirelessly for the hungry, the homeless and the sick, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
A. Because B. Owing to C. Thanks for D. As
32. To our greatest joy, he has ________ his long illness.
A. got through B. gone through
C. pulled through D. put forward
33. ____ days going on, our homeland will become richer and richer, stronger and stronger.
A. As B. With C. By D. To
34. Shanghai has a larger population _________.
A. than that of Beijing B. than that in Beijing’s
C. than Beijing D. than Beijing’s
35. ---Shall I help you with that suitcase? ----_________.
A. It’s all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead please
C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it
36. ---They are having a meeting.
---Maybe they will be through _______.
A. at present B. presently C. later D. for the present
37. Fred didn’t marry again. He never _______ the shocks of losing Jane.
A. smoothed away B. made out of
C. got rid of D. got over
38. One of the advantages of living on top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good ____.
A. sight B. scene C. view D. look
39. His brother lost his life ________ the field of the battle.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
40. You may _______ remember some idioms in the texts but you couldn’t _______ remember all words in them.
A. probably; possibly B. possibly; probably
C. likely; possibly D. probably; likely
41. The _____ street was the only _______ to her house.
A. dead-end; access B. dead-ending; way
C. dead-end; enter D. dead-ended; access
42. A family can hardly manage _______ $ 5000 a year.
A. in B. on C. with D. to
43. It is said that he _____. He _______ a gift _______ art.
A. is born artist; has, for B. is a born artist, shows, in
C. was borne an artist, has, for D. was born an artist, shows, for
44. Though poor in health, he _______ attending today’s meeting.
A. insisted B. made a point of
C. made it a point to D. had expressed, that
45. He felt as if he alone ________ what had happened.
A. be responsible to B. should be responsible for
C. had been responsible for D. were responsible for
46. There are two big reading rooms in our new library, _______ about three hundred students in all.
A. sit B. sitting C. seating D. seated
47. He kept a little notebook, in which _______ the names and addresses of his friends.
A. wrote B. writing C. was written D. were written
48. When doing the repair work, workers often carry their building materials __________ the end of long poles.
A. in buckets, at B. with buckets, at
C. using buckets, in D. inside buckets, in
49. The watch he sent me last year keeps good time ________ the minute.
A. to B. in C. at D. with
50. If you _______ your belief, you promise to succeed finally.
A. hug B. stick up for C. keep up with D. hold out
2、亲亲是一种血脉相通的默契,是一种无法割裂的存在。为营造活动的氛围,请你写一条标语贴在教室里。________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(1)你是怎样认识妈妈的“管得严”和“唠叨”?____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 请你写出搜集到的表达亲情的古诗句。
_________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
第一部分听力 ( 共两节, 满分30分) ( 略)
第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 ( 共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D ) 中, 选出最佳选项。
People fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor in 1944, when she starred in National Velvet—thestory of Velvet Brown, a young girl who wins first place in a famous horse race. At first, the producers of the movie told Taylor that she was too small to play the part of Velvet. However, they waited for her for a few months as she exercised and trained—and added three inches ( 英寸 ) to her height in four months! Her acting in National Velvet is still considered the best by a child actress.
Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932.Her parents, both Americans, had moved there for business reasons. When World War II started, the Taylor moved to Beverly Hills, California, and there Elizabeth started acting in movies. After her success as a child star, Taylor had no trouble moving into adult ( 成人) roles and won twice for Best Actress: Butterfield 8 ( 1960 ) and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? ( 1966)
Taylor's fame ( 名声) and popularity gave her a lot of power with the movie industry, so she was able to demand very high pay for her movies. In 1963, she received $ 1 million for her part in Cleopatra—the highest pay received by any star up to that time.
Elizabeth Taylor is a legend ( 传奇人物) of our time. Like Velvet Brown in National Velvet, she has been lucky, she has beauty, fame and wealth. But she is also a hard worker. Taylor seldom acts in movies any more. Instead, she puts her time and efforts into her businesses, and into helping others—several years ago, she founded an organization that has raised more than $ 40 million for research and education.
21. The producers didn't let Taylor play the part of Velvet at first because they thought she.
A. did not show much interest
B. was too young
C. did not play well enough
D. was small in size
22 What Elizabeth Taylor and Velvet Brown had in common was that they were both__________.
A. popular all their lives
B. famous actresses
C. successful when very young
D. rich and kind-hearted
23. Taylor became Best Actress at the age of_________.
A. 12 B. 28
C. 31 D. 34
The first newspapers were written by hand and put up on walls in public places. The earliest daily newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC. In the 700's the world's first printed newspaper was published. Europe did not have regularly published newspaper until 1690, when one was started in Germany.
The first regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in London and was published once a week. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant. It came out in March 1702.
In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But not long after it was first published, the government stopped the paper. In 1704, John Campbell started the Boston Newsletter ( 波士顿新闻通讯 ) , the first newspaper published daily in the British colonies. By 1760, the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1800 daily papers in the United States.
Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation ( 发行量 ) in the world. But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shim bun ( 朝日新闻) . It sells more than eleven million copies everyday.
24. The first daily newspaper came out______.
A. in 59 BC
B. in the 700's
C. in 1609
D. in 1704
25. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was printed in__________.
A. England B. Germany
C. France D. Sweden
26. The first English daily newspaper was started in__________.
A. London B. Rome
C. Amsterdam D. Boston
27. The first American daily newspaper was published by____________.
A. Benjamin Harris
B. John Campbell
C. the American government
D. American colonies
Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take many weeks. Shooting the film often takes at least six months. Actors and cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene has to be acted and re-acted, filmed and refilmed, until it is just fight. Sometimes the same scene has to be acted many times.
The film studio is like a large factory, and the indoor stages are very big indeed. Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio. Churches, houses, and forests are all built of wood and cardboard. Several hundred people work together to make one film. Some of these people are the actors and actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio. He decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act.
Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars are in it. Sometimes the film may be very poor. It is best to choose a film made by a good director. Some famous directors make their films very real; people feel that they themselves are among the people in the films.
28. Making a film is__________.
A. very easy B. very difficult
C. quite interesting D. quite funny
29. The underlined word “shooting”in the first paragraph means____________.
A. killing B. making
C. developing D. watching
30. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Writing the story for the film is a part of making a film.
B. The indoor stages in the film studio are very big.
C. Shooting the film often takes many months.
D. All of the people in film are actors and actresses.
31. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. Making a film
B. Actors and actresses
C. A director
D. Writing the story
There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. Noschool I have ever taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basicskill. There are, however, different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.
If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe”. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.
I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience. “This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is terrible. ”It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centered on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.
32. Teachers are different in their opinions about____________.
A. the difficulties in teaching spelling
B. the role of spelling in general language development
C. the complexities of the basic writing skills
D. the necessity of teaching spelling
33. The underlined expression “play safe ”probably means_________.
A. to write carefully
B. to do as teachers say
C. to use dictionaries frequently
D. to avoid using words one is not sure of
34. Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that___________.
A. students will be able to express their ideas more freely
B.students will have more confidence in writing
C. teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes
D. students will learn to be independent of teachers
35. The major point discussed in the passage is____________.
A . the im portance of developing w riting skills
B. the complexities of spelling
C. the correct way of marking compositions
D. the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition
第二节 ( 共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
We had been living in our valley for sixteen months when we first realized the dangers that could exist. It was the year when the storms came early, before the calendar even hinted at winter, even before November was out.
Soon snow began to fall. Within a day it lay some 15 centimeters deep. It almost completely blocked our lane and made the streamside path slippery and dangerous. But on the neighboring heights the snow was much deeper and stayed for longer. Up there the wind blasted fiercely. Deeply in our valley we felt only sudden gusts of wind:trees swayed but the branches held firm.
And yet we knew that there was reason for us to worry. The snow and wind were certainly inconvenient but they did not really trouble us greatly.It reminded us of what could have occurred if circumstances had been different, ifthe flow of water from the hills had not, many years before, been controlled, held back by a series of dams.
Day after day, we watched furious clouds pile up high over the hills to the west.Sinister gray clouds extended over the valleys.They twisted and turned, rising eastwards and upwards, warning of what was to come. We had seen enough of the sky; now we began to watch the river, which every day was becoming fuller and wilder.
The river seemed maddened as the waters poured almost horizontally down to its lower stretches.
It was far deeper than we'd ever seen it so near our home, lunging furiously at its banks. For three days we prayed that it would stay below its wall.
A. It was the river, the Ryburn, which normally flowed so gently, that threatened us most.
B. The great power of all this water prevents us from believing ourselves to be completely safe in our home.
C. In a short time the snow started to melt.
D. Just a couple of meters from our cottage, the stream seemed wild beneath the bridge.
E. Our prayer were answered as the dam held and the waters began to subside.
F. They grew so strong that we wouldn't control it.
G. Until then, we had felt safe and sheltered in our valley.
第三部分英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45分)
第一节完形填空 ( 共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
41. A. driverB. horse
C. ride D. bridge
42. A. exciting B. endless
C. dullD. tired
43. A. quicklyB. anxiously
C. luckily D. finally
44. A. pass on B. pass over
C. pass off D. pass by
45. A. hand B. horse
C. eyeD. leg
46. A. rejected B. hesitated
C. replied D. continued
47. A. able B. eager
C. unable D. sorry
48. A. pulled B. lifted
C. invited D. helped
49. A. doubtful B. worried
C. curiousD. regretful
50. A. lastB. first
C. formerD. late
51. A. understoodB. refused
C. disappeared D. accepted
52. A. lowered B. dropped
C. slippedD. climbed
53. A. looked atB. looked into
C. looked for D. looked up
54. A. interest B. bitterness
C. concern D. focus
55. A. confused B. helpful
C. meaningful D. useless
56. A. representative B. evident
C. reliable D. important
57. A. assistance B. confidence
C. chance D. courage
58. A. thoughts B. results
C. movements D. comments
59. A. never B. ever
C. oftenD. seldom
60. A. aim atB. respond to
C. point outD. ask for
第三部分英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45分)
第二节 ( 共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
第四部分写作 ( 共两节, 满分35分)
第一节短文改错 ( 共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。
删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( ) 划掉。
修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起) 不计分。
I went shopping with my wife. We have a lot of things to buy them. We drove to the center of the city and stopped our car in front of the shop.An hour late, we came back to the car. And it was strange that we couldn't open the door. So we asked policeman for help. He was glad to help him. After a few minutes, he got the door open.Just then a man came up and shouted angry.“What are you doing with my car?”We were surprising and went to see the number of the car.What you think we did then? We had to speak sorry to the man again and again.
第二节书面表达 ( 满分25分)
假如你是李 华, 你参加了“The British Council ( 英国文化协会) ”举办的一次语言竞赛活动, 作为获奖者你得到了暑假去英国Edinburgh Language Centre ( ELC ) 免费学习英语的机会。以下是校方寄给你的课程表。请你阅读课程表后, 按要求给校方回复一封信。
Schedule for ELC Summer English Courses
Please include the following:
1. Your choice of the courses and possible reasons.
2. Your present English level.
3. Specific language skill you hope to improve.
注意: 1. 信的开头已为你写好。
2. 词数: 100左右。
Dear Mr. Hants,
Thank you for your offer inviting me to the free summer English course in your school.
Truly yours,
Li Hua
2015年高考英语综合练习题 ( 二) 参考答案
第一部分听力 ( 略)
【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了一个名叫Elizabeth Taylor的年轻女孩的故事。
21. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“At first, the producers of the movie told Taylor that she was too small to play the part of Velvet. ”可知D项正确。
22. C。细节理解题。根据第四段可知C项正确。
23. B。细节理解题。从文章第二段中的“Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932”. 和“Taylor had no trouble moving into adult ( 成人) roles and won twice for Best Actress: Butterfield 8 ( 1960) ”, 可知Taylor是28岁。
24. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The earliest daily newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC. ”, 可知A项正确。
25 . B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“when one was started in Germany. ”, 可知B项正确。
26. A。细节理解题。根 据第二段 中的printed in London, 可知A项正确。
27. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. ”, 可知A项正确。
【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了电影是如何制作的, 并说明了制作电影的艰苦。
28. B。细节理解题。根据文章第一句话“Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. ”可知, “拍电影既费时又很艰辛”, 由此推断B项正确。
29. B。词义推测题。shooting在这里是“拍摄”之意, 故B项正确。
30. D。细节理解题。 根据第一 段中的“Actors and cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. ”和第二段中的“Several hundred people work together to make one film. Some of these people are the actors and actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio. ”可知, 参与电影制作的不仅有演员, 还有导演、摄影师等其他幕后人员, 故选D项。
31. A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是如何拍电影, 故选择A项。
【语篇导读】有一些学校不重视拼写教学, 也有一些学校过分重视拼写, 抑制学生写作能力的提高。老师在教学中应该处理好拼写与写作能力的关系。
32. B。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知, B项意义与文章吻合。A项“教学拼写的困难”, C项“写作基本技巧的复杂性”, D项“教学拼写的必要性”, 都不是人们持不同观点的内容。
33. D。短语理解题。第二段第一、二两句讲学生们害怕拼写错误, 就避免用不保险的单词, 而用保险的、简易的单词。
34. A。推理判断题。第二段讲学生们为了避免拼写错误就用一些有限的、简易的单词, 可以推断教师鼓励使用辞典是为更好地表达, 故A项正确。B项不准确, 查阅辞典不是为了增加自信。C项意义偏差, 如果学生用保险的单词, 拼写错误就没有。再说教师是为了学生提高, 不是为了省去自己的麻烦。D项“学生学会独立于教师”与语篇意义不符合。
35. D。归纳主旨题。全文讲教师对拼写教学有不同的看法, 有的教师过于重视拼写导致学生“玩保险”, 有的教师在批改作文时注重拼写错误, 忽视内容表达, 影响学生写作能力提高。但教师纠正拼写错误并无不妥, 只是要处理好拼写与写作能力的关系。所以D项正确。A、B、C三项都归纳得不准确。
【语篇导读】本文主要讲述了自然灾害来临时, 作者本人所赖以生存的一系列林立的阻挡洪水肆虐的人造水堤的合理分布与周边环境, 打造适宜的河谷之“家”, 才是作者的避难场所。
36. G。通览全文和由第三段if从句的画龙点睛可知, 作者所居住的河谷之“家”十一月里大雪纷飞、狂风肆虐、洪水暴涨, 其安全隐患的消除, 多亏了a series of dams屏障的修筑, 因此应选G。
37. B。根据“ifwaternot, many years before, been controlled, held back by a series of dams”可知, 如果顺山而下的洪水不被许多年前所筑起的一系列阻挡洪水肆虐的防洪大堤所控制的话, 那么作者的家就不安全了, 要与第一段相互映衬, 故选择B。
38 . C。由该段的“was becoming fuller and wilder”和第二段中的“it lay some 15 centimeters deep”的承接关系可知, 只有“storms”和“snow”的“melt ( 融化) ”才构成了“was becoming fuller and wilder”的遥相呼应, 因此选择C。
39. D。根据最后一段的“It was far deepe rthan we'd ever seen it so near our home, ”可知, 只有作者在“Just a couple of meters from our cottage, the stream seemed wild beneath the bridge. ”之处, 才能与之形成鲜明的对比, 所以应选D。
40. E。祈祷洪水总是应该在大堤的下方, 才是作者所祈祷的初衷, 由该段的prayed可以看出prayer们的愿望是“the dam held ( 防洪大堤还在) ”而且“the waters began to subside ( 咆哮的洪水开始平息) ”, 才能与之相呼应, 故选E。
【语篇导读】本文讲述美国第三位总统托马斯·杰斐逊早年的故事。一位老人在寒风中等待可以搭乘的马过河, 他没有向前几位骑马人请求, 而是向最后一位请求。老人的解释让骑马人感动, 也鼓励他做好未来的事情。
41. C。老人等着搭乘马过河, 并不是等马, 也不是等骑马人, C项比A、B两项好。
42. B。老人冷得麻木、僵硬, 所以心理感觉等待的时间漫长, B项正确。其他几项因果关系不明显。
43. B。老人看到几个骑马人跑过弯道时希望能等到他可以搭乘的马, 所以其心情应该是“焦急地”等, B项正确。
44. D。后一句中有pass by, 所以前一句用pass by为好, 意为“经过, 过去”。pass on“传递, 继续前进”; pass over“忽视, 放过”; pass off“结束, 不去注意”, 此三项意义都不对。
45. C。catch one's eye引起某人注意, 根据上下文C项意义正确。
46. C。上文是请求, 此处是回应, 后面是回答的内容, 所以C项准确。reject“拒绝”与应答的内容不符合。
47. C。后半句“扶老人上马”, 此处应是“老人不能自己上马”, C项正确。
48. D。“帮助老人上马”符合上文。
49 . C。骑马人很好奇, 想知道为什么老人放过了前几个骑马人, 而请求搭乘最后一匹马。worried“担心”意义不妥, 如用wonder尚可。
50. A。第二段第三句有Finally暗示, 所以A项正确。
51. B。只有拒绝了才会有后半句的结果“将他一人留在那儿”, B项正确。
52. A。lower“将……降低高度”, 此处指老人下马。drop“扔下”; slip“滑动”; climb“爬, 向上爬”。后三项意义都不贴切。
53. B。look into“仔细研究”, 此句讲仔细观察骑马人的眼神, B项正确。look at一般化地看; look for“寻找”; look up“仰视, 查阅”。此三项意义都不对。
54. C。根据老人叙述的口吻, 前面的骑马人不“关注”老人的境况。A项和D项意义不如C项。
55 . D。此句是虚拟语气, 如果求助于这些不关注你 的骑手, 是“无用的”。confused“混乱的”; meaningful“有意义的”, 都不符合上文。
56. B。representative“有代表性的”; evident“显而易见的”; reliable“可依赖的”。此处讲老人所观察到的最后一位骑马人的情况, 他的友善和热情是“显而易见的”, B项比C项准确。
57. A。老人判断最后一位骑马人会给他“帮助”, 所以就请 求他。assistance“帮助”;confidence“自信”; chance“机会”; courage“勇气”, A项贴切。
58. D。老人所说的让人心暧的“话”深深打动了骑马人。thoughts“思想”; movements“运动”; comments“话语, 评论”。
59. A。根据整句意义要填否定词, A项正确。
60. B。aim at“以……为目标”; respond to“对……回应”; point out“指出”; ask for“要求”, 根据句意可知选B项。
61. it。在此指代前面的the language。
62. Thirdly。由前面 所提到的Firstly和Secondly可知, 该段要讲述第三点, 学习一门外语的注意事项, 故填写Thirdly。
63. in。success in doing sth为固定短语, 意为“成功干某事”。
64. A。a good memory意为“记忆好”, 是一个短语, 又置于句首, 故应填写“A”。
65. to memorize。it is ( not) enough to do sth为一固定句式。
66. their。根据该空格处前面的words和该空格处后面的meanings, 此处应填上一个带有复数意义的形容词性物主代词, 故填their。
67. If。根据语境可知, “如果满足了……, 就不会真正地学会……”, 故该空格所表示的是条件, 应填If。
68. advice。a good piece of advice为一短语, 故填名词advice。
69. who。本句是一个定语从句, 在定语从句中, 当先行词为those时, 多用who。
70. writing。practise后跟两个由and所连接的并列的动名词。
第1处: 第一行中的have改为had。时态错误, 因为本文用的是过去时态。
第2处: 第二行中的them去掉。to buy在句子中作后置定语, 其后就不能再跟宾语。
第3处: 第四行中的late改为later。因为时间状语在前, 其后要用later。
第4处: 第四行中的And改为But。这里是转折关系, 不是并列关系, 所以要用But, 不用And。
第5处: 第六行中的policeman前加a。在该句中是指一个警察, 所以要加上冠词a。
第6处: 第七行中的him改为us。因为是我们叫警察来帮忙, 所以应该帮的是我们, help的宾语就必须是us。
第7处: 第八行中的angry改为angrily。在这里应该用副词修饰动词shouted。
第8处: 第九行中的surprising改为surprised。因为这个句子的主语是人, 应该用surprised作其表语。
第9处: 第十一行中的you前加do。句中的do you think作插入语。
第10处: 第十一行中的speak改为say。因为句子的宾语是sorry, 所以这里应该用say , 构成习惯用语say sorry to sb。
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Hants,
Thank you for your offer inviting me to the free summer English course in your school. As for my choice of the two courses, I'd certainly prefer the five-week course for 50 hours. This would allow me more time to see your beautiful country while learning the language. I would like to do some traveling and make a few new friends.
Of all the subjects I'm learning at school, I like English best. I have been learning English for 6 years and now I am able to listen, speak, read and write in English . I hope to take this chance to improve my spoken English as much as possible. I believe I will have a wonderful time in England this summer.
Truly yours,
Li Hua
1. ——When is your brother’s birthday?
——His birthday is ____.
A. February 28th B. February 22th
C. February 30thD. February 31th
2. ——Do you have a school trip next week?
——____, I don’t know.
A. Yes B. NoC. Sorry D. Excuse me
3. ——Which month is ____ month of a year?
A. fifth; May B. the fifth; May
C. fiveth; March D. the fiveth; March
4. Ask the other students their ____.
A. birthdays and ageB. birthdays and ages
C. birthday and ages D. birthday and age
5. ——Happy birthday to you! ——____!
A. Happy birthday to youB. The same to you
C. Thank you very muchD. That’s all right
6. ——Do you know ____ birthday?
——Yes, I ____. It’s November 25th.
A. Lu Xun’s; do B. Lu Xun; do
C. Lu Xun’s; know D. Lu Xun; know
7. The blue shorts are ____ $ 20.
A. or B. tooC. alsoD. and
8. Come down to the supermarket and see for ____.
A. yourself B. yourC. youD. his
9. Thanks ____ your bike.
A. ofB. forC. onD. in
10. ——Can you play ____ soccer?
——No, I can’t. But I can play ____ piano.
A. the, theB. /, theC. the, /D. /, /
11. Here ____ some books for you.
A. areB. beC. isD. am
12. ——Can you make cakes? ——No, I can’t. It’s ____.
A. deliciousB. hardC. easyD. good
13. His sister is ____.
A. twenty fourB. twenty-four
C. twenty and fourD. twenty fourth
14. ——Can I help you? ——Yes, please. I want ____.
A. a sweatersB. sweateresC. a sweaterD. two sweater
15. Do you need boys for school ____ sports?
A. and B. orC. ofD. for
1. This soccer ball is white.(就划线部分提问)
____ ____ is this soccer ball?
2. That sweater is $25.(就划线部分提问)
____ ____ is that sweater?
3. Ann does her homework today.(改为否定句)
Ann ____ ____ her homework today.
4. Jeff likes sports.(改为一般疑问句)
____ Jeff ____ sports?
5. We can buy these socks in the shop.(就划线部分提问)
____ ____ we buy these socks?
6. Emily’s birthday party is March 21st.(对划线部分提问)
____ ____Emily’s birthday party?
7. The little baby is just 5 months old.(对划线部分提问)
____ ____ is the little baby?
8. They have an Art Festival each year.(改为否定句)
They____ ____ an Art Festival each year.
9. There are seven days in a week.(对划线部分提问)
____ ____ ____ are there in a week?
10. What’s your age?(改为同义句)
____ ____ ____ ____?
1. He was born in January 1st, 1991.
2. February is 2nd month of the year.
3. ——How old is he? ——He’s fifth.
4. September tenth is Teacher’s Day.
5. My sister is fourteen years.
6. There are twelve monthes in a year.
7. My brother’s eleven birthday is on the first of May, 2008.
8. Lucy’s and Lily’s bedroom is very big.
9. The boy’s mother’s birthday is on March 2th.
10. They don’t like to have a art class.
Ⅳ.连词成句 请用下列单词及标点符号组成完整的句子。
1. Aprilisbirthday2ndHer.
2. isbirthdayEllen’sWhen?
3. JackisoldHow?
4. birthdayAugustyourIs12th?
5. aFestivalhave We Music.
Today is __1__ birthday in China. Many friends come to his home. He thanks them for __2__. They bring a lot of presents for him. Ying-ying’s mother cooks __3__ Chinese food for them. Jim is very happy. In the U.S.A., Jim often __4__ hamburgers, French fries and coke. Here __5__ knows something about China and he likes Chinese food very much. His favorite fruit is __6__. He likes to have milk, eggs for breakfast very much. __7__, he has no time to go home for lunch, so he has it at school. __8__ supper he often has fish, vegetables and fruit. Sometimes he goes out to eat with his __9__ friends. He __10__ meat at all. He wants to be thin.
1. A. Jim’s firstB. first Jim’s C. Jim’s the firstD. Jim first
2. A. comeB. to comeC. comingD. comes
3. A. a lotB. manyC. a lot ofD. a few
4. A. eatsB. drinksC. hasD. have
5. A. itB. heC. theyD. she
6. A. strawberriesB. teaC. tomatoD. eggs
7. A. In the eveningB. At noon
C. In the morningD. In the afternoon
8. A. ForB. WithC. InD. To
9. A. a ChineseB. ChinesesC. ChineseD. China
10. A. doesn’t likeB. not likeC. don’t likeD. like
Mary: Hi! Let’s play a guess game.
Jim: OK.
Mary: When does summer come in Australia?
Jim: In June or July, I think.
Mary: No, you are wrong! Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. When(当……的时候) it is summer in China, it’s winter in Australia.
Jim: Oh, really? I see.
Mary: If you can answer the next question, then you really understand. Jim: What is it?
Mary: Who cannot have a “white Christmas”?
Jim: You Australians! Christmas Day is on December 25. It usually snows in the north. But you are just starting summer at that time!
Mary: You are so smart!
1. Summer comes in Australia in June or July.
2. When it is summer in China, it is winter in Australia.
3. Australians have a white Christmas.
4. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere.
5. It snows in Australia when Christmas Day is coming.
Welcome to Franklin Hotel. We will make you stay here as enjoyable as possible. We hope we will give you the best service(服务).
Room Service: You can use the service 24 hours a day.
Dining Room: You can have three meals a day in the dining room. Breakfast is from 8:00 to 9:30. Also the room waiter may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7:00. If you need, please fill in a card and hang it outside your door before 6:00. Lunch is from 12:00 to 14:00. Dinner is from 18:30 to 20:30.
Telephone: There is a telephone in your room. Dial “0” before you make a call. We will tell you to wait a moment if the lines are busy.
Shop: The hotel shop is open from 9:00 to 17:30.
Coffee House: You can drink coffee here at the following times: 12:00~l4:00, 20:00~1:30.
Other Services: There is a cinema in the hotel. A film begins at 19:00 on Sundays and Wednesdays. Hot water is offered 24 hours.
1. You can have breakfast ____ in the dining room.
A. at 7:30 in the morningB. at 8:20 in the morning
C. at 9:45 a.m. D. at 7:30 a.m.
2.You can go to the coffee house at ____.
A. 10:00B. 11:30C. 1:50D. 12:00
3. If you want to have breakfast in your room, you should ____.
A. fill in a card and hang it outside your door before 6:00
B. make a telephone call to the waiter
C. ask the waiter to bring your breakfast to your room
D. go to buy your breakfast in the dining room and bring back to your room
4. Which is right? ____.
A. You can see a film on Monday evening
B. The film begins at 19:00 every evening
C. You can buy some things in the hotel shop at 12:00
D. You can have dinner at 21:30 in the evening
5. What does “dining room” mean? ____.
A. 洗衣房 B. 餐厅C. 大厅D. 舞厅
There is a big shop near my home. It sells a lot of things. From the shop we buy some food, some drinks and some school things—like cakes, apples, milk, pens and exercise books. The shop opens very early in the morning and closes very late. We can buy things from 7:00 to 22:00 in the shop. I often help my mother and father to buy things in this shop. The people in this shop are very friendly.
1. We can buy things ____.
A. near the school B. near my home
C. near the factoryD. near a big farm
2.The shop sells ____.
A. some foodB. some drink
C. some school thingsD. some school things and drinks
3. The shop opens ____.
A. at 7:00 in the morningB. at 22:00 in the evening
C. late in the morningD. late at 22: 00 in the evening
4. We can buy things ____ in the shop.
A. after ten o’clock in the evening
B. before ten o’clock in the evening
C. at about eleven in the evening
D. before seven o’clock in the morning
5. ____ to do some shopping.
A. My father often helps me
B. My mother often helps my father
C. I often help my father and mother
D. My father and mother often help me
Jim是我的好朋友,13,现在二中上七年级。中等身材、卷发、圆脸、蓝眼睛。喜欢唱歌、下棋。最喜爱的运动是踢足球,是校足球队领队。根据提示,以My Good Friend为题写一篇短文。