to begin with 首先
【例】To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas. 首先,在公共场合应该禁烟。
first of all 第一,首先
【例】First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty. 第一,在偏远地区许多人还生活在贫困中。
in the first place 首先
【例】In the first place, she can read at the rate of 100 words a minute. 首先,她能每分钟阅读100字。
generally speaking 总体上讲
【例】Generally speaking, the more you practice, the more skillfully you can write in English. 总体上讲,练习地越多,你用英文写作就越熟练。
therefore, thus 因此
【例】Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind. Therefore, we can work more efficiently.
in conclusion 总之,最后
【例】In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.
in brief 简言之
【例】In brief, birth control is of vital importance in China.
to sum up 总而言之
【例】To sum up, out of sight, out of mind.
in a word 总之
【例】In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film adapted from it.
first 第一;second 第二;next 其次,然后;eventually 最后,最终;since then 自此以后;afterward 以后,随后;meanwhile 同时;therefore 因而;immediately 立刻;finally 最后,最终
accordingly 于是;for this reason 由于这个原因;as a result of 作为……结果;in this way 这样;consequently 结果,因此;due to 由于……; therefore 因而;because of 因为;thus因为;thanks to 由于
【例】When playing sports, you need to judge your competitor’s strategy and revise yours accordingly. 参加体育活动时,你需要判断对手的策略并相应调整你的策略。
in contrast with 和……成对照;similarly 同样;whereas 然而;on the contrary 相反; different from与……不同;likewise同样; equally important 同样重要; on the other hand 另一方面;however 然而
【例】On the one hand, tonics will make us put on weight, which does harm to our health, but on the other hand, they can help refresh us.
高考设置基础写作题的目的是要检测考生最基础的书面语言表达能力, 如用词的合理性、句子结构的复杂度、语法运用的正确性、信息内容的完整性、句子之间的连贯性等。因此, 基础写作题与往年的书面表达依然会有很多相似点, 但也会出现一些新的特点。这些新特点有:1.写作体裁集中于应用文和说明文。说明文有着条理清晰, 层次分明的特点, 而应用文则符合了语言作为交际载体的要求。这两类文体与其他文体相比较, 更容易让考生能够客观、准确且连贯地组织语言, 表达意思。2.文章限用五句话。基础写作要求用五句话, 超过或少于五句话都要扣分。这就要求考生有较强的信息组织能力及良好的句子表达能力, 能熟练使用并列句、复合句等句式来表达多个信息点。高考大纲说明中提到, 英语科考试强调考查考生对英语语言基础知识的掌握和理解程度, 注重考查考生在特定的语言环境中运用语言完成任务的能力和综合运用英语语言知识的能力。3.写作内容半开放且题材多样。写作内容被规定, 考生必须把题目要求的所有信息完整地表达出来, 但可以自主构建信息的先后次序及表达方式。呈现的题材多样, 有人物介绍、地点描述、图表解说等等, 但写作题材都联系实际, 贴近学生的学习和生活。
课前作业:用5句话写一段短文, 介绍自己, 但不能出现自己的名字。短文内容包括:概况 (brief introduction:age, birth time and place, family background) 、相貌/性格/爱好 (appearance, character, hobby) 、教育/专长/事业 (education, specialty, career) 、生平 (big events in your life) 、评估 (evaluation by classmates or teachers) 。
新课导入:朗读3位学生的课前作业, 让同学们猜猜他/她是谁, 引出这节课的主题—人物介绍。
句子写作:展示描述人的一些好句子, 让学生学习句子中的好结构并仿写。例如:麦扬是我们班的班长, 她总是热情地帮助其他同学解决他们学习上的问题。Mai Yang, the monitor of our class, always helps other classmates to solve their problems in study.从这个句子中, 我们学习到:巧用名词短语作同位语, 使文章简洁、通顺。用这种结构仿写下面的句子:1.钟南山1941年出生在广州, 他是中国最伟大的医生之一。2.为人诚恳, 随和, 自信乐观的男孩刘翔, 出生在1983年7月13日上海。3.Abraham Lincoln, 来自一个贫穷家庭, 出生于1809年2月12日肯德基州。
课堂练习:复习之前学过的基础写作的写作步骤, 让学生在10分钟内完成一篇基础写作。完成后, 与同桌交叉检查对方的作文, 用红笔更正其中的语法错误。然后, 由老师选取一篇学生作文, 在投影屏幕上展示与评讲。
知识总结:总结基础写作之人物介绍的知识要点。第一, 基础写作的写作步骤包括:审题, 确定文章的人称和时态;把题目所给信息整合成5句话;逐句翻译, 连句成篇。第二, 人物介绍的正确逻辑顺序是先后介绍人物的概况、相貌/性格/爱好、教育/专长/事业、生平、评估。第三, 使用合适的连词使句子之间的衔接更好, 文章更连贯。在一节课结束时, 简要总结一下这节课所学的重要知识点, 可以让学生清晰地知道他/她收获了什么。
课后作业:课后完成老师布置的一篇人物介绍的基础写作, 巩固上课所学的写作技巧。
三、分析与探究 (课后反思)
1. 通过课前作业让学生提前熟悉主题和了解人物介绍基本包含的内容要点和排列顺序, 为课堂教学做了很好的铺垫。
2. 篇章写作之前, 先练习单个句子写作。介绍好的句型结构, 并通过大量仿写让学生掌握它们, 更好地把它们运用到人物介绍的篇章写作中。
3. 学生自己互查互批作文, 这样他们对于自己常犯的一些语法错误印象更深。这种方式能培养学生的纠错能力和评价能力, 让他们在互相帮助中提高。
教师需要做好备课环节,通过多方面资料的整理与搜集,向学生推荐高质量的英语作文模板,与此同时,以案例讲解的方式,让学生真正掌握作文模板。比如:在学习关于“利弊性”议论文写作时,可以给出学生这样的预制句式:Generallyits advantages can be seen as follows.First…Besides…But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the disadvantages is that…To make matters worse… 在学习口头通知体裁时,常见的作文模板分为三大部分:第一部分,也就是开场白与呼语部分:Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attention,please? I have an announcement to make…第二部分为正文通知部分,第三部分为结束语部分:Thank you for your listening.正反观点议论文其作文模板如下:第一部分为导入环节,Recently weve had a discussion about whether we should…Our opinions are divided on this topic;第二部分为正文环节,正文部分分为两段,第一段阐述正方观点,将其观点清晰、明了地列举出来:Most of the… are in favor of it.Here are the reasons.First…Second…Finally…;第二段阐述反方观点:However,the others are strongly against it…在这一部分中,将反方观点列举出来。
I remember a song by Westlife, the first line of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile.
First, learn to smile at yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life. It you fail an exam or you are misunderstood by your friends, don’t be sad. Just smile at yourself. Smiling at yourself can bring back your confidence. Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself. And smile can also keep you healthy.
Secondly, learn to slime at others. It will make you communicate better with others. Smiling at others makes yourself happy as well.
We all agreed on the terms.
He hates to argue with his wife about such small matters.
All these things are to be answered for.
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.
He was so tired that he fell asleep the moment he went to bed.
Your explanation sounds reasonable.
I want your promise.
Have your fixed my watch?
This factory produces 1000 cars a week.
He paid me a visit yesterday.
He owed me 50 yuan.
He wrote his family a letter yesterday.
主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 (to do)
I will get someone to repair the recorder for you.
I didn’t mean to hurt you.
He invited me to teach at a well-known university.
主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 (do)
I often hear her sing the song.
The boss made workers work 15 hours a day.
Don’t forget to have him come.
I heard her singing in the next room.
We could feel our heats beating fast.
Did you observe the birds flying around the trees?
I must have my watch repaired.
We must get he task finished on time.
Speak louder to make yourself understood by everybody.
I suggested putting off the meeting.
They all avoided mentioning the matter.
We can’t help laughing at the news.
I can’t afford to buy such a large house.
Don’t pretend to know what you don’t.
He feared to speak in her presence.
Nothing can prevent us from going forward.
Thank you for your help.
He demanded an answer from me.
It was early in the morning. Mr. Smith was in his garden. He was watering flowers.
Early in the morning, Mr. Smith was watering flowers in his garden.
A girl was crossing a road. The girl was pretty. The road was wide.
与中国人传统的谦逊modest不同,高考英语写作是炫耀自我showing off的一个极其特殊的过程。同样表示吃惊,I’m surprised.是一个初一学生的专利,而高中学生如果写不出astonished大吃一惊,shocked震惊的话,那和初中小孩无异。所以,想得高分,一定要使用高级词汇。
有同学还说,astonished我也认识,但是我怎么自己写的时候就想不起来用呢?原因很简单,就是你只是认识而已,没有实践,大家记住,每次你写作文时脑海中最先闪现的词汇是要考虑换掉的词汇。每当你自己写作时写到一个人聪明的时候,你写下去clever,想想是不是能够升级成intelligent;每当你写一个人害怕,你马上落笔I’m afraid?先不要!想想是不是修改成scared, terrified或者frightened,甚至使用词组be scared to death或者you scared the shit out of me。
高考的英文单词可以分为活的词汇和休眠词汇,休眠的词汇是指你认识它,却没有主动使用它的意识。大家要培养一种主动使用高级词汇的意识,摇醒在你脑中休眠的漂亮高级词汇,停止使用good, very good, very very very good这样的表达,转而投向wonderful, excellent, outstanding, super,terrific这些宛如衣服上的珍珠的词汇,为你的作文增光添彩。
第一句:You should be different.你该做一个与众不同的人。反映在作文中也是一样,老师看99份卷子都是good, good, very good,到100份卷子他看到outstanding的时候,这个时候他会露出欣慰的笑容,在长期的重复劳动中得到些许的安慰,自然,他也会让你的作文分数stand out了。
第二句:You should be special. Special这个词,反映了中西方的差异。说一个人special,外国人和中国人的理解是截然不同的。比如说,小时候,你做了一件和别的小朋友不同的事情――上课指出老师的错误,老师会批评你,你怎么那么与众不同啊。爸妈会告诉你,要合群,要给老师留面子,不要这么古怪,枪打出头鸟,鹤立鸡群很危险,凡此种种。而外国人同样的情况,老师会说,很好,You are special.很有思想,父母知道了也会称赞你,要有思辨的精神。在电影《漂亮女人》中,李察・基尔对大嘴美女朱莉娅・罗伯茨的台词也是:You are such a special girl.这是极大的赞美。那么既然我们写英文作文,在文化上就要借鉴。
第三句:You should be unique.你要做独一无二,举世无双的人。我们在幼儿园的时候,比如说大家都画狗,有的小朋友不会画,老师就教大家,大家看过蜡笔小新都知道。中国的老师好多在黑板上画出一个狗,大家来模仿,造成的结果是大家都一样。国外的老师是绝不可能给出一个标准答案,大家按照自己的理解画出的狗也更不相同。有的脑袋上有个光环,还有的长了翅膀,问他为什么,答曰是我们家的狗死后变成了天使,这就是外国文化中强调的差异性。所以,大家要想成功,在兼顾协同工作cooperate的基础上,要尽量能够与众不同。
1. Comment on this Briefing to oneself : (by incorporating into your personal
multinational enterprise), engaged in R & D and manufacture of optical materials I am director of the Marketing Dept.//( My directly under(/reporting to )the latest collecting the feedbacks from our customers and filing reports in English to CEO(or at the corporate headquarters) to assist him in his decision-making process.
My my knowledge this line of
My experience convinces me that, what I have gained either in school and in work are far from helping me to cope with the changes in the business world. In particular, there are always so many new ideas and new concepts around us. I would be kicked out of competition if I did not keep learning. That’s why I choose to take MBA in this famous Wuhan University.
2. Comment on the Model of Briefing to Our MBA and University;
一、真实性的起源世纪70 年代, 随着交际教学法的出现,widdowson(1978)提出了语言教学的真实性问题。80-90 年代, 随着语言交际测试法的出现,morrow(1991)bachman(1990)等人提出了语言测试的真实性问题[1]。
要测量学生语言运用能力, 测试就必须遵循真实性原则。所谓真实指测试应尽可能复制出显示生活中语言使用的种种特征, 考试的语言行为要复线真实生活中而不是考试的语言行为。这就要求输入的真实性(测试文本、测试任务)、输出的真实性和情景的真实性[2]。
写作测试作为一种行为测试(performance test), 测量的是学生实际运用语言的能力, 给教学带来的是非常积极的正面反拨作用。写作测试是一门综合性测试, 它不仅能考查考生的输出性技能(productive skill), 同时也能考查考生的接受性技能(receptive skill)[3]。它能同时测试语言的各个层次和范畴。它不仅可以测试考生的词汇、用法、语法等语言要素, 而且可以测验学生的组织能力、分析能力、表达能力、逻辑推理、对各种语体的掌握等。
写作形式包括话题作文、材料性作文、开放性作文、命题作文。话题作文指的是用一段提示语, 指明写作范围, 启发思考, 激活想象的一种命题形式。这是一种既开放, 又有所限制的命题形式。强调要围绕话题, 从不同角度进行联想和想象话题作文一般的写作要求, 不限文体。
材料作文, 一般是指出题者只给出一些文字或图画材料, 要求应试者根据所给文字或图画的内容自己命题进行写作。命题作文, 一般是指出题者给出一个既定的题目, 要求应试者根据这个给定题目进行写作。开放性作文是指思维和内容都更具有开放性。不限制学生们的思考[3]。
从表面上看, 出一道写作题可能比起其他题型容易, 但是实际上并非如此。一个好的写作题, 应该能够为所有考生提供一个展现写作能力的机会, 为使用考试结果的人提供一个考察考生写作能力的有效途径, 还要能给阅卷人员提供明确合理的评分标准[4]。在讨论写作测试时, hughes(1989: 75)强调了三个方面的问题。我们可以把它作为写作直接测试的三个基本原则。———setting writing tasks that are properly representative of thepopulation of tasks that students should be able to perform;———eliciting samples of writings that can truly represent students’writing ability.———ensuring that samples can be and will be scored reliably[6].六、高考英语写作真实性分析
所谓有代表性的任务, 指的就是在考生应该能够完成的所有任务中具有代表性的任务[5]。如果考生应该会写说明文, 那么写一篇如何通过outlook 发送电子邮件的文章就可以被认为是有代表性的任务。对试题开发者来说, 设计有代表性的任务要从两个方面入手。第一, 我们要求考生完成的任务不能超出考生现有能力范围, 并能概括平时写作活动的特点。第二, 我们在试题说明中对任务的描述必须完整。这要求我们必须把写作任务的四个方面都交代清楚。有很多作文题目只提供一个话题, 对功能、题材和对象都未作交代, 这样的题目是不合格的。
写作的任务形式即写作题目。写作的题目的设计要求必须具备真实性。写作的真实性在于写作目的的真实和读者的真实即题目设计中读者必须真实, 任务必须具体, 目标必须合适[6]。写作任务的真实性可以通过读者意识、话题等方面实施。首先读者要明确, 考生有必要清楚其作品的可能读者对象, 以便根据读者选择适当的语言。其次是话题要真实, 写作话题必须与考生的生活实际相联系, 不可设计脱离考试实际。
07 年广东卷的任务写作要求学生阅读完父亲的信之后, 以ari 的身份给父亲写一封信: 首先以约30 个词概括父亲在他信中对你的期望;并以约120 个词表达你对父亲的感恩[7]。角色真实, 情景真实, 目的明确, 同样体现了真实性原则, 而且以信的方式表达对父亲的感恩不仅具有任务的真实性, 而且还蕴藏深刻的情感价值观。07 年上海春季卷写作要求学生阅读两份英语笔友信息材料然后写一份寻友书信,目的、情景和角色得当, 符合真实性写作要求。湖北、宁夏、北京等地的写作在写作的目的、角色以及情景方面也都体现的写作的真实性[8]。
(二)情景真实性(situational authenticity)。所谓情景真实性, 就是指测试方法特征与将来某一特定目的语使用的情景特征相关的程度[9]。即我们在命制考题时, 考试任务的特征必须与将来目的语的使用的情景特征相一致, 做到了这一点, 考试任务才具有了情景真实性。情景的真实性与任务的真实性是连在一起的, 只有情景真实任务才可能真实。情景的设置可以采用文字描述的形式, 可以采用图片(如北京的情景作文和开放性作文)。
情景的真实性要求能够明确英语写作的必要性, 如07 年福建卷和海南卷要求考生给英文报纸写信, 07 年江西卷要求考生写参加英语演讲比赛的发言稿, 07 年全国卷要求考生写信寻英语笔友, 都利用情景的设计明示了英语写作的必要性。
但是, 有的却没有显示英语写作的必要性, 如07 年广东卷的基础写作只是要求考生以“谁是你的偶像”为题, 根据在2600 名学生中进行了一次调查数据写一篇短文。虽然学生不会用汉语写作(因为这是英语测试), 但是为什么要用英语写作, 为谁而写作, 考试没有交待[10]。与广东卷的基础写作一样, 上海卷也只是要求学生根据提示以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文, 读者对象不明确, 写作目的不明确, 考生不知道为谁而写, 为什么目的而写。自然就没有什么情景的真实性[11]。
写作材料的选择应注意材料的真实性。所谓真实性即学生生活中或未来工作中可能碰到的写作材料, 因此, 材料的选择应该不以造成学生理解困难为标准。抽象的图片难以理解, 不适合作为写作的材料,晦涩难懂的文字难以理解, 也不适合作为写作的材料;过于专业的材料亦不适合于写作, 因为, 要理解这些材料需要学生相关的专业知识,这也不是写作所考查的重点。
XX 年各省高考写作试题中只有北京, 江苏, 山东, 和陕西采用了材料作文的形式。其中北京的试题稍难, 出了一幅山水画, 小鸟离巢, 父母守望。但是作文的题目设计不应该考学生的读图能力, 看图作文本身就有不公平性, 写作考查的是学生的写作水平不是读图能力。这不符合写作要考查的目标。现实生活中的看图写作也是不常见的[12]。
分析XX 年全国各省市的英语高考题, 其中话题作文占的比重最大, 共12 个。选用话题作文的省市是上海、安徽、福建、海南、湖北、湖南、辽宁、宁夏, 全国卷i, 全国卷ii, 浙江、重庆。命题作文是4 个。选用命题作文的省份是广东、江西、上海、天津。材料作文4 个, 分别是北京、江苏、山东、陕西。开放性作文1 个, 北京。
a. A number of students is going to learn a foreign language.
b. He go to school by bike every day.
a句中a number of +复数名词做主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式。b中 He是第三人称单数,在一般现在时态中谓语动词go应该加es。
高中生在写作中经常在时态方面犯错误。英语时态种类繁多,动词的构成形式随着时态的变化而变化。中文里没有时态区分。动作或动词的时间由跟在动词后的诸如 “着”、“了”、“过”等副词来表示,对高中生来说,掌握英语的时态不是很容易。实际上,学习者在头脑里很清楚语法规则,但经常混淆或忘记改变动词的词形。例如:
a. A baby can cry as soon as it was born.
b. I spend 50 yuan buying the clothes.
c. I will not come here if it will rain tomorrow.
a. A baby can cry as soon as it is born.
b. I spent 50 yuan buying the clothes.
c. I will not come here if it rains tomorrow.
a. New bicycles must keep inside.
b. The book has to return at the end of the week.
c. The food has cooked.
d. Knife should take away from babies.
a. New bicycles must be kept inside.
b. The book has to be returned at the end of the week.
c. The food has been cooked.
d. Knives should be taken away from babies.
很明显,这些句法结构己经被确认为未能正确使用英语中的被动式。学生还会犯一些其它方面的错误,其中之一是,常常把英语里没有被动语态的词(组),如 take place, occur, happen, belong to,appear, break out, rise, die等用作被动语态。
a. He suggested to go there on his bike.
b. My teacher explained me the text very carefully.
c. My mother made me to choose the one I liked best.
a. He suggested going there on his bike.
b. My teacher explained to me the text very carefully.
c. My mother made me choose the one I liked best.
错误由于学生对非谓语动词的概念不清楚,对不定式、分词、动名词的用法不明白,对句子结构分析不正确,常把非谓语动词误用作谓语动词。学生不知道在英语句子中谓语动词只能有一个,如果有另外一个动词出现,这个动词有三种情况:一是并列谓语,但是这时候必须有连词,如and, but等;二是出现在从句里面;三就是以分词形式出现,现在分词和过去分词,还有不定式。现在分词有主动语态和进行时的含义,而过去区分词有被动语态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的意义。例如:
a. In the museum there are a lot of interesting things look at.
b. I am looking forward to see you.
a. In the museum there are a lot of interesting things to look at.
b. I am looking forward to seeing you.
Never think yourself above business.勿自视过高;不要眼高手低;永远不要认为自己是大才小用。
Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. 衡量生命的尺度是思想和行为,而不是时间。
It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。
It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。
He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.自命大才小用,往往眼高手低。
Business may be troublesome,but idleness is pernicious.事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。
We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。
We should bring home to people the value of working hard.我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。
Time tries truth.时间检验真理。
Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。
Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规则的人应该受到处罚。
There is no one but longs to go to college.人们都希望上大学。
The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。
The great use of life is to spend it for something that overlasts it.生命的最大用处是将它用于能比生命更长久的.事物上。
Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关。
Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃作运动。
1. 有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides。(不推荐用。。。) No gardenwithout weeds。
2. 对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。
3. 重视 attach great importance to…
4. 社会地位 social status
5. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…
6. 扩大知识面 expand one’s scopeof knowledge
7. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally
8. 有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…
9. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal
10. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, hold the opinion/beliefthat
11. 缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relievestress/ burden
12. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth。
13. 与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with
14. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue
15. 支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of theformer/latteropinion
16. 有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the followingreasons/evidence
17. 在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way
18. 理论和实践相结合 integratetheory with practice
19. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…
20. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition
21. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest
22. 长远利益. interest in the long run
23. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantagesanddisadvantages
24. 扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorableconditions andavoidunfavorable ones
25. 取其精髓,去其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。
26. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to
27. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information
28. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreastwiththe latest development of …
29. 采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth。
30. …的健康发展 the healthy development of …
31. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary。
32. 代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of 大写)
33. 经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water
34. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities
35. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress
36. 毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…
37. 增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutualunderstanding
38. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of
39. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure
40. 保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity ofoursociety
41. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…
42. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society
43. 实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true
44. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:
45. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with
46. 其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place
47. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally,Moreover,Furthermore
48. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,
1.人名James, Jason, Jimmy, Jerry, Judy, Julia, Kate, Katie, Kim, Mary, Mike, Larry, Nancy, Nicola, Paul, Peter, Phillip, Rebecca, Rose, Ruby, Sabrina, Simon, Steve, Sue, Susan, Tom
Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Darwin, Goodyear(discoverer of rubber), Churchill, Columbus, Father Christmas, Florence Nightingale, Francis Bacon, Franz Schubert, Jane Goodall, Johann Strauss the Younger, Helen Keller & Anne Mansfield, Kennedy, Louis Braille, Marco Polo, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, Mozart, Mother Teresa, Pele, Thomas Edison, Sullivan, Louis Braille, Marconi 意大利工程师和发明家,他在1901年把长波无线电信号传送过大西洋。1909年获得诺贝尔物理奖, Marie Curie(Cf.Pierre Curie), Martin Luther King, Jr, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky, Walt Disney, Vincent Van Gogn,2.人物描写 funny-looking(样子好笑的),good-looking(好看的), strong-looking , ugly-looking , dirty-looking ,ordinary-looking , blue-eyed , white-eyed , warm-hearted , light-hearted , kind-hearted , absent-minded , tall , short , beautiful , pretty , lovely , naughty,be blind , lame in , be in good or poor condition,healthy,fine,well , strong-tempered , bad-tempered , near-sighted , far-sighted , foolish , stupid , silly , clever , smart , wise , bright ,diligent , intelligent , lazy , hard working, renowned 著名的3.情感 like, love, be interested in, be fond of… hate, despair of, dislike, be tired of, lose interest in… happy, excited, pleased,satisfied, angry, sad, worried, anxious, offended, disappointed, terrified, mad, frightened, shocked, astonished, wonder about/ at
4.语言交流 Arabic, Chinese, English, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish,body language, eye contact, medical terms, Native language, official language, second language, sexist language, sign language 手语, the international language, body language, casual/ close friends, common feelings, communication problem, daily interaction, eye-contact, facial expression, gesture, non-verbal communication, short-term/ long-term friendships, table manners
5.文化交流cross-cultural studies, exchange activities, home stay, exchange students
6.历史与文明 ancient civilizations, cultural heritage, cultural relics, historical events,7.教育学习a top student, academic institutions, answer sheet, audio-visual aids视听辅助设备, a bachelor’s degree,campus, class time, college education, college degree, educational institute, elementary school(Cf.primary school), evening classes, final exams, for further study(深造), high/ low marks, high school graduate, general cleaning(大扫除), a model student, a normal university, objective test(Cf.essay test), platform, a poor grade, reading materials, reading speed, scholarship, school fees, school report, self-discipline, a senior three student(Cf.senior high school One, senior high school education), short-term memory, speech contest, study habits, supplementary exercise, teaching method/ approach, textbooks, the time table, top honors, tutorial center, school uniforms, university course, university degree, to reduce study load学生减负, to teach students according to their aptitude因材施教
8.成长与未来 all-round adj.多方面的, 多才多艺的childhood, adulthood, disadvantaged family background,generation gap(Cf.close the gap), life in the future, material rewards, merits and demerits, personal development, primary teacher, single-parent family, teenager, blue print蓝图, 设计图, 方案, narrow escape九死一生,9.身体与健康 appetite, artificial organs, a balanced diet, blood bank, blood circulation, blood donation, blood test, blood
type, body function, cancer, digestion, eating disorder, eating habits, health care 保健, health problem, health studio, heart attack(Cf.heart disease), infectious disease, life-saving medicine, life style, mosquito spray, personal hygiene, physical exercise, physical/ mental problem(Cf.mental state, physical/ mental work), personal doctor, psychological therapy = mental therapy, sleeping pills, subconscious mind, sunbathing(Cf.sun-tan oil), virus(es), vitamin pills, welfare(Cf.working conditions),10.法制与治安 criminal activity, criminal case, crime of violence, crime rate, gamble 赌博, heroin, law and order 治安,laws and regulations, safety rules, the traffic rules, the golden rule金规玉律
11.天气 the weather forecast, weatherman气象员
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12.科学技术 brain work, chemistry lab, nuclear energy, power station(发电站), radioactive elements, radium, research
centers, scientific breakthrough, scientific data, the Internet, the Nobel Prize(for Physics, etc., Recepient of Nobel Prize), “On the Origin of Species”(natural selection, the survival of the fittest), the Theory of Evolution, the theory of relativity, computer fraud, computer network, computer software, computer-assisted phone system, computer virus, digital revolution, the World Wide Web, the era of nanotechnology纳米技术时代, computer assisted instruction计算机辅助教学, safety net安全网, virtual net虚拟网, virtual reality虚拟现实, cyberspace网络空间, shopping online网上购物, virtual bank虚拟银行, netizen(net citizen)网民, computer crime电脑犯罪, information management知识管理, the e-lance economy电子自由职业经济, the e-business电子商务, broadband connections宽带通讯, cellular communications蜂窝通讯, cyber love 网虫, on-line在网上, chatting-room 聊天室,mobile phone 移动电话, Internet addict,cyberaddict网迷
13.变革与发展 the Global Village, the Information Age/ the era of information, the Industry Revolution(assembly line), the
open-door policy
14.实事、事件 civil rights movement, current affairs, events in the news(world events), the American Civil War, the French
Revolution, hope project(希望工程), hot point(热点), hot line(热线), the World Expo/ Exposition, independence of Taiwan台独, Taiwan authorities 台湾当局, Taiwan compatriots台湾同胞, Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分, PNTR(Permanent Normal Trade Relations)永久正常贸易关系, 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions
15.灾难救助 accident traps, ambulance, band-aid, blood transfusion, charity appeals, a charity fun fair慈善游艺活动,demonstration 演习, donation, fire brigade, fire engines, fire man, first aid, medical supplies, road accident, drought, earthquake floods, famine, forest fires, refugee, starvation, tornadoes, victim,16.大众媒体 e-mail(Cf.password), mass media(pl.), news resources, newspaper items, sports news, the(world/ western)
press, the TV Guide 收视指南, TV commercials,17.自然与环境 acid rain, chemical process(Cf.by-product), desert, electricity, electrical/ water power, environmental
consciousness, environmentally friendly对环境无害(Cf.ozone-friendly), energy-saving lamps, food chains, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, greed products/ food, indoor air quality, natural resources, oxygen(carbon dioxide), pollution-control device, pro-environmental campaign, radium, rain forest, the ocean floor, over-population, paper recycling project, photosynthesis, sewage treatment system, water/ air/ noise/ chemical pollution(Cf.anti-pollution laws), water supplies, wind power, pollution index污染指数, prevention and control of pollution source污水源治理, air quality and emission standards空气质量和排放标准, green product绿色产品, environmental impact assessment环境影响评估, noise monitoring噪声监测, noise abatement噪声治理, trans-century green engineering program跨世纪绿色工程规划
18.(宇宙)探险astronaut, “challenger” disaster, communication satellite, interplanetary travel, Mars(Cf.Venus), NASA, Neil
Armstrong, outer space(外太空), satellite, a(leading)space power, spacecraft(Cf.spacesuits, space station, space shuttle, space technology, space travel), telescope
19.态度与思想 a feeling of internal joy and satisfaction, a sense of self, affection, ambition, attachment, a guilty/ clear
conscience, capability, cheerful, commitment, considerate, courage and confidence, creative spirit 创新精神, drive动力, enthusiasm, frankness, generous, honesty, idealism, modesty, motivation, personal beliefs, physical and emotional pain, pride, respect, self-confidence, strength and wisdom
adj.adaptable, aggressive, ambitious, boastful, brave, courageous, creative, dishonest, easy-going, enthusiastic, firm-minded, flexible, heroic, idealistic, impatient, industrious, innocent, justice, modest, moody, optimistic, passionate, persevering, punctual, reserved, reliable, self-conscious, selfless, sensitive, sociable, straightforward, trustworthy, upright, wise,20.事物 back numbers过期书刊, brainchild, call slip借书卡, credit card 信用卡, electrical equipment, hearing aids, price
tags 价目标签,finished products成品, high-rise buildings, household items 家庭用品,primary wrong doer, synthetic substances合成物质, three-course/ five-course etc meal