Hello!I am a girl,My name is Zheng jingyi,I’m 12 years old,I come from Zhangzhou,I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.My telephone number is 123456789.I have long hair,big eyes,small nose and small mouth.Look!Who is she?
She is my good friend,her name is Chen han,she is 12,too.She is from Zhangzhou,too.She is 14 years old,she is in Class 3,Grade 7,She telephone number is 987654321.She has short hair,big eyes,small nose and wide mouth.We are in the same school,but in different Classes.
白居易说, 感人心者, 莫先乎情。要想感动别人必先感动自己。
问世间情为何物, 直教人生死相许;问世间情为何物, 长使英雄泪满襟;问世间情为何物, 直叫桃李笑春风;问世间情为何物, 江州司马青衫湿。
这种让人感动的东西就是动情点, 即感情的出发点, 简单地说, 就是在生活的某一时刻击中你心里最柔软部分的东西, 它可能是一个眼神, 一句话语, 一个微笑, 一根白发;也可能是风花雪月, 虫鱼鸟兽;还可能是一件再寻常不过的小事, 甚至是一个极微不足道的细节……
朱自清, 人品与文品交相辉映, 他的《背影》感动国人数十年, 其中的奥秘在哪里呢?就在于望父买橘时的背影刻画。
生活中感动我们往往是一些小细节, 关注了这些小细节, 就找到了动情点。
有位同学在谈“动情点”说, 妈妈的手切菜受伤了。第二天学校要求学生穿校服, 而校服又很脏, 家里没洗衣机, 妈妈用手洗校服, 一不留神, 血丝漂在水面上, 那一瞬间我泪湿双眼。
还有位同学是语文课代表, 说有一次抱一大摞练习册, 上面几本掉地下, 弯不下腰去捡。有位路过的同学弯腰捡起来给我放好, 那一瞬间, 特别的感动。
作文的动情点来自对生活的观察与捕捉, 来自于偶然的灵光一现。
人来人往中那么多背影, 是不是每一个背影都感人?
显然不是, 我们需要特定的情境。什么情境下的背影?望父买橘时的背影。更进一步, 什么情境买橘?环境如何, 人物的心情如何?我们就明白了, 前面的祸不单行, 家境惨淡都是为后边做铺垫的, 买橘子要到那边月台上去, 父亲又是一个胖子, 步履蹒跚, 在生活的重压下还要送孩子上学, 还有心买橘子, 怎么不让人感动?
《背影》结尾写到:我读到此处, 在晶莹的泪光中, 又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍黑布马褂的背影。唉!我不知何时再能与他相见!
这也是典型的情景呈现, 催人泪下。
所以, 作文一定要交代清楚事情的前因后果, 要设置好动情点的具体环境, 在具体的情境中让动情点爆发出来。必要时作好铺垫, 安排好伏笔, 文章看山不喜平。
找到了动情点, 设置了情景, 我们还要通过什么来实现感染人呢?
很显然, 特写镜头最感人, 文字表现为细节描写, 即人物的语言、动作、神态、心理、外貌描写, 细腻的环境描写, 正面描写、侧面描写相结合等手段。如《背影》中:他用两手攀着上面, 两脚再向上缩;他肥胖的身子向左微倾, 显出努力的样子。这时我看见他的背影, 我的泪很快地流下来了。
通过动作描写, 把父亲买橘的背影呈现在读者面前而达到感染读者的目的。
四、品读教师下水作文, 学生学习“动真情, 写自己”。
找到了动情点, 怎么来写成一篇好文章呢, 文无定法, 我想用我写的一篇习作《看鱼不是鱼》来抛砖引玉。 (作文《看鱼不是鱼》附后)
1. 学生读《看鱼不是鱼》, 谈一谈哪些地方引起了你的共鸣。
2. 师结合图片介绍自己创作的心路历程
文章所写都是自己的真情实感。今年春节, 我刚读完杨绛的《我们仨》, 103岁的杨绛, 女儿钱瑷、丈夫钱钟书都先她而去, 我被她们一家三口的快乐与艰难深深感动, 她们一家三口的故事再次证明, 家是人生最好的港湾。
3. 寻找文章的动情点, 把细节描写找出来。
4. 指导写法:学生谈, 老师归纳
(1) 交代清事情的前因后果。
(2) 注重细节描写。 (语言、动作、神态、心里、外貌等)
要形成融洽、和谐的师生关系,教师真诚的爱生态度和行为是极为重要的。教育是一门艺术,是爱的共鸣,是心与心的呼应。教师不仅要靠知识的内在力量影响学生,还要靠自己高尚的人格、品质力量去感染学生。要想拥有和谐的师生关系,其实很简单,就是你爱他们,就像爱自己的孩子或者兄弟姐妹那样,同样他们也就自然而然地会敬重你。关心是一切教育成功的基石。教师善于发现并恰当利用好学生的某方面优势或特长,对于后进生,这些学生可能性格内向,上课精力不集中,更应该关注和鼓励他们,并且培养他们的自信心和兴趣,兴趣是第一位老师,是学习的先导,如果没有兴趣,从何谈起认真学习。良好的师生关系既是一种促进学生积极学习的动力,也是培养学生社会情感的重要载体。教学氛围是一种隐性教育,它对学生的学习有着巨大的潜在影响。和谐、融洽、愉悦的课堂氛围,能够进一步融洽的师生关系,从而激发学生学习英语的热情。 因此,和谐的师生关系是教学的润滑剂, 而平等、理解、合作是和谐关系的基石。
Name : Zhang HongSex : femaleDate of birth : 4/07 / 1980Birthplace : QingdaoOccupation : TeacherHeight : 1.72Education :Graduated from Qing Teachers’ College in Interests : Singing and dancingmanagementAspiration : BusinessMastery of English : Having learned English for eight years. Be good at listening and reading
Zhang Hong, female, is a twenty-year-old teacher of a middle school. She was born in July 4, 1980 in Qingdao, and graduated from Qingdao Teachers’ College in July 1999. She has learned English for eight years. Zhang Hong is good at listening and spoken English. She can get along very well with others. She is 1.72 metres tall. She is interested in singing and dancing, and she wants very much to devote her life to business management.
A:That is my family.That’s my father.B:Who’s she? A:She’s my mother.B:Who’s he? A:He’s my brother.B:And who’re they? A:They’re my sisters.汉语: A:那是我的家人,那是我的父亲。B:她是谁? A:她是我的母亲。B:他是谁? A:他是我的弟弟。B:他们是谁呢? A:他们是我的姐妹们。
Hello,dear friends. Do you want to know about me? Please allow me to introduce myself.
My name’s Bowie. I’m from Shenzhen. I’m neither too short or too tall,and neither so fat or so thin. I have long black straight hair. Although I’m not a good-looking girl , I’m sure that I’m a diligent one. I study hard and make great progress in every subject.
My favourite subject is math,because I think it’s the best method to open our mind. Running is benefit to our body and mind,so it’s reasonable to keep it.
I have big eyes and long hairs.I am an active,lovely and clever girl.My face but also round and I love smile very much so that my smile also is sweet very much.
Maybe you know me,I am good at Chinese and Math,and especially English.So Miss Li likes me very much.I get on well with my teachers and classmates.
I am in class 3,Grade 4.I have many good friends,such as Zhang Na,You Si Qi and Zhou Chu Han and so on.
I like the riddles, this game is very interesting, need a different way of thinking to solve. Although many people like to play, but can not guess it. I can answer some of the questions, because I break the reality, the use of fantasy to answer.
“Why is the earth turned to spit it?” This problem may be a lot of people can not answer, close to life think about it, you turn to see, has been turned to a little dizzy. The correct answer is the earth turn it!
Once again, the same table said to me: “give you a question, the orangutan most hate what line? To put the reason to say.” “This is not simple? Parallel line chant!” “Why?” At the same table immediately asked Road, I replied unhurried: “parallel lines without bananas (intersect) ah!” “Powerful!” At the same table cast a admiration of the eyes. Hee hee! I can not help but laugh in my heart twice.
I also like reading books, bookcase full of all kinds of books; newspapers, fairy tale, science, science fiction, adventure, philosophy ... everything, I often see sleepless nights.
Things in the world are changing. People are changing and every creature is changing. Changing is a neutral word. We can’t judge it is good or bad in general, because every coin has two sides. But sometimes we need to change, because it is good for us. Sometimes we will meet some difficult or uncomfortable situation. When we are not able to change it, we need to change ourselves. If both of us refuse to budge, the problem would not be solved. Sometimes we need to change our life attitude; sometimes we need to change our views of seeing things; sometimes we need to tolerant; sometimes we need to be strong. Changing ourselves according to the specific situation is good for us.
shanghai is an important city in world.in shanghai,there are many interesting things waits for you.
there are so many foreigner like visiting the bund.they always say:”how beautiful it is!”i’m very happy when l am hearing.
of course,shanghai has so many famous scenic site,too.
look! here is the orientai pearl tower.oh!how beauytiful!
get to the bund.there is a famous street:nanjing pedestrian street.it hasn’t got cars and buses.it only have the walkers.
everybody know shanghai has a town god’s temple.there is very lively.
oh!i have forgetten a important things that the world expo will be held in in shanghai.
As soon as I arrived at kunming stone forest, my mother volunteered to serve as our “guide” because she had been here before. The stone in the stone was flying, and I heard it and said curiously, “impossible! How could a stone fly by itself?” , father aside unbearable explained: “hundreds of millions of years ago, here is a piece of sea, due to crustal movement, the seabed rise into the ground, now underwater mountains became a stone in the stone forest, and go through hundreds of millions of years of wind and rain formed now beautiful wonders.
Walking into shilin, the first thing I saw was a huge stone engraved with two big words: ”stone forest“. Then came the sight of a strange and beautiful view of stones. In the back of the stone forest stood a beautiful young girl named ”asma“, which was composed of pieces of stone. Her sad tale made many people tear up. At this point, she seems to be welcoming people and seems to be telling her story. In the stone forest, there are a few big stones of referred to as ”research“, heard that it was a night, falling from the sky a big stone, the second day, people discovered the stone, they call it the ”research“. When I was about to get out of the stone forest, there were a few stones that caught me and looked at it as if it were a kindly old man in a education naughty child. At this moment, my mother saw that I saw a fan, then asked: ”qing qing, what do you think of?“ As I looked at the stone, I said, ”it seems that children are playing games and being criticized by grandpa.“ Mother said the stone was called ”the old man and the child". Slowly we came out of the stone forest.