一、Teaching Aim
Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?
a bird、a dog、a cat、a monkey、a zebra、a panda、a、tiger an elephant
二、The difficults of teaching
What’s your name?
三、Teaching Aids
四、Teaching Process
Lesson 1
一、Teaching Aim
1、Can listen say and read these sentences:Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?
二、The difficults of teaching 正确掌握Hello/Hi,I’m…
What’s your name?的语音语调,会进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名
三、Teaching Aid
四、Teaching Process Step 1
Free talk1、T: Good morning ,boys
and girls.Welcome back to school.Chen.I’m your English teacher this term.From now on , you can call me Mr Chen.S:(齐)Miss Qiu
2、T: Show“Miss” S: read “Miss” Step 2
My name is Mr
1、(1)T:(到学生面前)Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu T:(站到学生旁边引说)I’m…
T:(开火车练说)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu S: Hello/Hi, I’m…
(2)T: show these word: Hi Hello I’m S: learn to say
用心 2 S: pair work(小小组练说、全班交流)(3)T:(拿
等五人图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(LiuTao YangLing Mike Nancy)
S:(拿David等人图片开火车练说)Hello/Hi,I’m David… T: Hello/Hi ,I’m Miss Qiu
2、(1)T:(手拿洋娃娃)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? T:(示范说)I’m TianTian T:Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu.What your name? S:(拿洋娃娃)I’m TianTian(2)T: Now boys and girls,look here!Please read after me.Show: What’s your name? S: read: name/your name/What’s your name? T:(向三人说)Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S123: I’m… Exchange S:Hello/Hi, I’m… What’s your name? T:(拿人物图片)I’m David…(3)T:(把图片给学生)
S: pair work(小组交流、全班交流)
3、(1)T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m LiuTao T:(走向该生)Hello/Hi, LiuTao.S: Hello/Hi,David(2)T:(开火车)Hello/Hi,….S: Hello/Hi,…(3)S: pair work
用心 3 Step 3
1、Open your book and listen to the tape
2、Read after the tape
3、Pair work(小小组练读、全班分角色读)Step 4
1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape
2、Act the dialogue
五、板书设计 Lesson 1 Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name? I’m…
爱心用心 4
Lesson 2
一、Teaching Aim
2、Can listen say and read these words :a bird、dog、a cat、a monkey、a ze bra、a、panda、a tiger、an elephant
二、The difficults of teaching 八个动物单词的读音
三、Teaching Aids 八张动物全身像及半身像、五张人物图片、四个动物玩具
四、Teaching Process Step 1 Free talk
1、T: Hi/Hello,I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S:I’m…(利用人物图片)
3、Act the dialogue S: Hi/Hello,I’m…
What’s your name? S:I’m…
Step 2 Presentation
1、(1)T:(show doll and say some times)What’s this? It’sT: a bird(升调)a bird(降调)S: Read toghter S:Read one by one T: Show the rhyme: bird bird 是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳(2)The same way learn: a cat、a dog、a monkey(3)practice A: respond
用心 a bird 5 a B:模仿动作猜动物
2、(1)、T:(show card and say)What’s this ? It’s a panda T: a panda(升调)a panda(降调)S:Read toghter S:Read one by one T:Show the rhyme: panda panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝(2)、The same way learn:a zebra、a tiger、an elephant(3)practice Step 3 Practice
1、Show the rhyme and say together bird bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳 dog dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪 cat cat 是小猫,小猫 cat喵喵喵 monkey monkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃 panda panda是熊猫, 熊猫panda是国宝 zebra zebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹 tiger tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王
elephant elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙
3、look and guess(出示八张动物半身像)T:(教给方法)a dog(升调)S: Guess Step 4 Consolidation
1、Open your book and listen to the tape
2、Read after the tape
3、Fun house: Listen and circle Step 5 Homework
用心 6
1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape
五、板书设计 Lesson 2 图1
panda 图2
zebra 图3
tiger 图4
用心 elephant 7
Lesson 3
一、Teaching Aim
二、Teaching Aids
2、“Look and say”中的图片
三、Teaching Process Step 1 Free talk
1、Listen a song : “Hello ”song
2、Greeting T: Hi/Hello, I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S: I’m… T:Hi/Hello… S:Hi/Hello…
3、Act the dialogue(三组)
S: Hi/Hello, I’m… What’s your name? S:I’m…
Step 2 Presentation
1、Show picture 1of “Look and say”(1)、T:Look at the picture
说)The boy is David.The girl is YangLing.Wh at are they saying?Let’s make a dialogue T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi ,I’m YangLing.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(2)、Ask two students, one act Yang Ling , one act David, make a dialogue
用心 8 S:… S:…
2、Show other pictures(1)、T:What are they saying? Please talk to your partner S:Pair work(2)、Act the dialogue Step 3 Practice
1、Sing asong(1)、Listen to the tape(2)、Sing after the tape(3)、Sing together
2、Do exersices T:Open your book,let’s do some listening(1)、Listen and judge T: Talk to your partner,what are they saying S:Talking T:Listen and judge(2)、Listen and draw T:(出示动物图片)What’s this? S: Respond S:Listen and drow(3)、Listen,find and circle T: What are these? S: Find and say S:Listen, find and circle Step 4 Homework(1)、Listen to the tape
用心 9(2)、Read the text and these words 专心
爱心用心 10
四、板书设计 Lesson 3 图1
图2 图3
牛津英语(上海版)S3A第一单元“Helping People”一课的话题为“帮助他人”,教材的阅读文本内容是三则校园活动报道,拓展阅读是关于献血志愿者的。前者内容虽然是校园故事,但是类似的活动在本地区缺乏普遍性,而后者内容则因很多学生尚未达到法定的献血年龄而不为学生所熟悉,所以,就文本内容而言与学生的生活实际关系并不密切。
要让一个个孤立的词汇变得鲜活起来的重要手段是让它们回归本原,把词汇复习和课文主题复习整合起来,即在一个具体的主题“Helping People”框架内收集、归纳、操练语言,并在适当的语境中加以灵活运用。
我以白血病患儿急需骨髓移植来康复的图片与问题引入,快速进入本课的主题“Helping People”。我提问:"Where do you think these children are?Why are they there?”
2.Whi le-task环节
第一,激活学生的词汇记忆,有意识地进行归类梳理。在导入话题之后,我从“who need(s) help”这条线索把课文中的需要帮助的相关人群和学生已有的知识归拢在一起。我归纳几种表达人群的方式:the+adj./participle,如the poor,the disabled;(n.),如flood victim;those (people)+prep.,如those (people) in trouble/difficulty/need/;those (people)+who,如those (people) who need blood。另外一个线索是“How can we help them”,我把课文中的重点动词都集中在一起进行复习。
●to sponsor/to finance a charity event/
●to donate—to/(to give donation)
●to sacrifice——for
●to volunteer to do/(to be a volunteer)
●to participate(take part) in
●to raise funds/to collect money
●to do sth.for chari ty/in aid of/forthe benefit of
●to be willing to do
●to appeal to sb.for (to make anappeal)
在归纳核心词汇donate和require这两个动词的基本用法后,我先让学生补全下面的句子:Donating blood to people in need requires courage rather than pain while helping to save a life.在这个基础上,我接着又追问了以下两个问题要求学生用完整的句子回答:“What does caring for the old require?How about helping the dropouts in poor mountainous areas?”
我通过对重点句型的操练对学生输出环节做好铺垫,以下这个翻译句子糅合了pattern和idea:It is calculated that the Hope Project received nationwide donations of 286 million yuan in2006 and financed 290,000 dropouts.
我融入学校里发生过的真实事例来操练,唤起学生的记忆:It was a great idea for last year's graduates to raise money by selling secondhand books for the students in Zangwen Middle School,Yunnan Province.教师可以追问:“What else can be a great idea to raise money?What other idea do you have?”
我通过整句翻译来直接展示必要的句型。How would you feel if you were dying from lack of blood while others are not willing to donate?(如果你快要死于缺少血液而别人又不愿意捐给你,你会有什么感受呢?)I heartbroken when I saw these homeless people shaking in the cold wind.(看到那些无家可归的人在寒风中颤抖,我的心都要碎了。)
第三,提供素材与示范,提高综合运用的能力。在完成复习“Helping People”这个主题后,我要求学生运用所学词汇来进行演讲,呼吁人们帮助有困难的人。学生仅靠课文中语言材料和已有的能力水平是难以完成的。于是,我就让学生边听演讲边在画线处填入空缺的单词或句子,既让学生关注那些画线处的关键点又巧妙地提供了一个范例,让学生从中总结出有说服力的演讲具有的结构和特征(听力材料文本为教材第4单元的写作内容)。有了这些材料的支撑和准备,学生发现要组织一个发言稿并不是遥不可及的事情,基础较薄弱的学生可以做替换练习,基础较好的学生则可以自己创设情境、造句子、组织文本等。
要培养学生的语言产出意识,就要让学生根据词汇的意义自己构建情境,提高他们语言运用的主动性。教师要特别关注精讲多练,突出重点与难点,以避免学生消化不良。还要关注练习的梯度,从机械操练到灵活运用的节奏把握恰当,学生就不会感到困难。操练阶段思维的拓展不可忽视,不能只停留在教师给idea,学生操练,而是要让学生自己思考new idea为输出做准备。
在这节高三复习课中,陆跃勤老师根据学生学习英语的薄弱环节——语言材料的匮乏,设计了以“Helping People”为主题的复习课。围绕“Helping People”这一主题,通过创设语言情境和各种语言实践活动,激活学生的语言知识,并帮助学生在完成语言交际任务的过程中运用这些语言知识。这一做法有效地激发了高三学生的学习积极性,提高了高三学生英语语言复习的实效性,加强了学生英语语言运用能力,把语言知识的复习和运用有效地结合起来,并有效地进行了道德情感教育,起到了积极的示范引领作用。
这节课打破了以往教师只要求学生单纯死记硬背词汇的做法,富有创意地在围绕主题复习的过程中,抓住圣诞节这一真实的语言情境,引导学生在欢乐时要想到帮助别人,在讨论中引导梳理出topic vocabulary,突出常用的名词、动词及相关表达法、常用句型等语言结构。陆老师通过问答、翻译、听说、讨论等活动,帮助学生复习巩固和运用这些语言知识。在教师的循循善诱及时点拨下,巧妙地借助补充语料给学生铺设台阶,使学生的课堂学习效果显著,教学目标达成度高。
《课程标准》中倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力 。以学生 “能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。
课堂教学是教学的基本途径,也是学生获取信息,锻炼提高多种能力和养成一定思想观念的主要渠道。它就像一面镜子,清楚地反映一名教师在落实《初中英语课程标准》,提高英语课堂教学实效,提升英语教学质量的情况,新课标要求改变课堂上以教师灌输为主,学生被动听课,教学效率低下的状况。如何通过一节节生动,活泼、有效的英语课使学生的英语知识和语言综合能力得到更好,更快的提高,我们泰州市海陵区在英语教学上创设语言情境 优化英语课堂教学的《牛津初中英语的五分钟活动有效教学》,这不仅是推进“素质教育”,提高课堂效率的需要,减轻学生学习负担的直接途径,也是广大教育工作者最基本的主观愿望和落实我们江苏省委的“五严”的要求。成为我们现代课堂教学的主旋律。激发学生的学习兴趣,保持有效的主动学习。本教学案例是牛津英语教材9A Unit1 Star signs Reading的内容中的一个五分钟的活动。
二、Five-minute activities教学案例描述
Five-minute activities教学名称:我的课堂我做主——Star sign show
Five-minute activities教学目的:
Five-minute activities教学的课前准备:
Five-minute activities教学过程:
Step 1:课前在黑板上画出下列表格。教师导入:Star signs are very interesting just for fun, our students must want to know more about them, next some of our students will bring us a wonderful star sign show. Let’s welcome them.三名學生主持本节活动。
Step 2:三名主持人相互交流引入课题,然后组织本节活动的流程。
Step 3:完成黑板上的表格。所分各组通过比拼的方式,来展示各个星座的优点,指出对方星座的缺点。同时每组派一名学生来完成黑板表格上自己星座的内容。
Step 4:大家一起来检测、讨论、订正表格的每一行的内容。
Step 5:熟记表格中有关星座与性格有关的形容词。
三、Five-minute activities教学设计的分析及其反思
(一)Five-minute activities教学设计的分析
(1)本Five-minute activities的教学设计是由学生自己组织,导演、完成课堂教学活动的过程。课堂上学生们通过相互交流活动,熟记有关星座与性格有关的形容词,掌握有关描述人物性格和品质的知识,共同讨论形成书面的有关各个星座的描述,最终完成表格,达到学习语言的目的。激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。
(二)Five-minute activities教学设计的反思
第二,教学活动中,学生参与的热情很高,但个别学生的自控能力较差,很容易造成影响大部分学生的思考 。
step 1.free talk T: Hello, what is your name?
S :My name is …
T: Look, this is my sweater.S :Oh, it is nice.T :Thank you.T :Look, that is my blouse.S: It is nice.T: Thank you.T :(教师示意,交换)
T :It is nice.S : Look,.This is my new book.T :It is nice.S :Look,that is my shirt.Step 2: 教师指着一女生,让学生说
S: This is her blouse.指另一个女生
S :This is her T-shirt.教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: T: This is his shirt.(重读)T :This is his pencil-box.(多说几遍)Teach “his’train practise T :This is his …
That is his
让学生练习这两句 Step 3
1review the words that we have learned 2 study the new word 拿出一件长裙what is this ? 教师呈现:dress, teach “dress” practise 同法学习“skirt,coat ,T-shirt” 3,play a game 教师画简笔画,学生猜猜看究竟是什么,step 4 T:Look,this is my blouse.Look at my blouse(twice)Teach “look at “ train practise
教师教授歌谣“Look,look,look,look at my „”
在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen 教师改成 look,.look,look,look at his pen.让学生举一反三,引出look at her„ step 5 在上一环节教师可渗透It is smart.then teach “It is smart”(动作呈现)师:look at his „
生: It is smart.Look at her …
It is smart 生生对话:check it listen to the tape 教师指着一女生
T :Look at her blouse.S :It is smart.T;Yes, we also can say “It is pretty”
Teach “It is pretty”
同法根据“it is smart” T:Look at my blouse.S :It is smart/pretty.T:Thank you.(拿一件新衣服()
Look at my new …
S:It is smart/pretty.重读:new 且提醒新旧东西
左边:新文具盒,右边:旧文具盒;(NEW?)NO,teach “new”
1、elephant ruler
6、monkey elephant
2、pear peach
4、rubber telephone
9、pencil box
ball pen
5、pen pencil
1、()go to bed
()go to school
2、()This is Mr Green.()This is Mr Black.3、()Good morning.()Good afternoon.4、()get up
()go home
5、()It’s orange.()This is an orange.三、连线。把中文句子与相应的英文句子连起来。(15分)这是我的父亲。
How are you? 见到你很高兴。
What’s your name?
This is my father.你好吗?
Get up.你叫什么名字?
Nice to meet you.四、根据情景,从第II栏中选出与第I栏相对应的答句,把序号写在题前的括号里。(15分)
()How are you?
1、Nice to meet you, too.()What’s your name?
2、Good morning.()Good morning.3、Not bad, thank you.()Go to school now.4、OK.()Nice to meet you.5、I’m Yang Ling.五、根据情景选择相应的句子,将序号写在题前的括号里。(36分)()
A.I’m Liu Tao.B.This is Liu Tao.()
A.How are you?
B.Fine, thank you.()
A.Go to bed now.B.Go home now.()
A.I’m Helen.B.What’s your name?()
A.This is my brother.B.This in my father.()
A.How are you?
B.Nice to meet you.()
A.Good night.B.See you.()
A.I’m Li Ming.B.I’m sorry.()
1、能听懂、会说单词:a park, a zoo, a cinema, a bus, a car, a bike, a plane.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Let’s go to„ All right.OK.Let’s go.GoodGreat.But how? By „
1、a cinema, a bike, plane 的读音。
Step1 Free talk 教师与学生打招呼:Good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.学生回答:Nice to meet you too.T: What’s your name? How are you? Ss: „
T: Now, let’s sing a song ,OK?(师播放歌曲《Hello!How are you?》)Step2 Presentation 1.T : Today I’ll invite some new friends here.Look!What’s this?(呈现a panda, an elephant 和a tiger 的图片,)Where are they? Let’s ask.“Where are you?” “We are in the zoo.”教授单词a zoo.T: Let’s go to the zoo.引导学生说出“OK.Let’s go.” “All right.” 2.(出示公园的图画)T:Is this a zoo? No, it isn’t.It’s a park.教授单词a park 3.Look!There is a cinema near the park.教授单词a cinema.由Let’s go to the cinema.引出句型GoodGreat!But how? 4.听声音呈现三种交通工具的声音,让学生边猜边学单词。A car, a bus, a bike Step3 Practice 1.读儿歌
Zoo, zoo, zoo, let’s go to the zoo.But how, but how.Let’s go by car.Park, park, park.Let’s go to the park.But how, but how.Let’s go by bus.Cinema, cinema, Let’s go to the cinema.But how, but how.Let’s go by bike.2.Now you can invite your friends to go to the cinema.Use the sentences.S1: Let’s go to the cinema.S2: OK.All right.Good.Great.But how? By„(让学生边表演对话边做动作)3 Watch the cartoon 1. T: Let’s go to the cinema together.S: OK„ T: Look.What’s on? There’s a cartoon.Let’s watch it.(观看课文动画)
T :(屏幕定格在西安的图片)T:Where is it? S: It’s Xi’an.T: Let’s go to Xi’an.S: Good.But how? T: By plane.教授单词plane Step4 Consolidation 1.Read the text after the teacher.2.Read the text together.3.Look, there are many beautiful places here.You can choose one place to prepare a dialogue with your partner.4.Acting
(学生选择屏幕上的一幅图用所学的句型编对话)Step 5.Homework
(1).Read the words and the dialogues.(2).Make dialogues.(3)Say goodbye.跟着音乐同唱歌曲《Goodbye!》
Learn to say通过情景对话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力。同时呈现新的词语,句型,功能和话题。
Look and learn,主要按话题归类和图词结合的方式呈现新的词语。
Look and say以图为主,并安排了主要句型,旨在通过比较真实的语言情景用滚动的方法引导学生操练本单元和已经学过的内容。
Fun house通过做游戏,诵童谣,唱歌,调查等活动进一步帮助学生巩固所学的内容,培养听说和思维能力。
look , read and write板块在四线三格中提供了二十六个字母的大写和小写,以帮助学生正确认读和拼写。
1. Develop the Ss’ listening ability .
2. Grasp the usage of the language points:
at the doctor’s , take a look,, knock into fell over
It feels a bit tense .
That sounds very interesting.
Difficulty: Ask the Ss to make a dialogue between the doctor and a patient.
Teaching methods: listening, speaking, practicing
Learning method: How to listen smartly
Teaching aids: tape recorder, some slides
Step 1. New words:
Step 2. Introduction
T: How many gold medals did the Chinese players win?
There are a lot of international champions in China in the Olympic Games.
The two of whom are gymnasts . Who are they ?
Ss: They are 李小鹏 and 刘璇 .
T: Li is an international champion on the double bars.
Liu is an international champion on the beam.
And also the whole Chinese gymnastic team have won the gold prize.
T: Today we are going to learn “ Gymnastics” .
Do you know what pieces of equipment are used in gymnastics ?
( Picture talking )
rings , beam, high bar, high-and-low bars, double bars, beam, “horse”(side horse / pummelled horse(鞍马) , vaulting horse(跳马))
T: Do men and women , boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?
------- Men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on a type of “horse” with our legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface.
While women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the beam, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 meters above the ground.
Step 3. Listening
Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers:
1. Sharon is a gymnast. She is ______.
A. at the teacher’s B. at the doctor’s C. at her friend’s D. at home
2. Something is wrong with Sharon’s ______.
A. left leg B. right shoulder C. left shoulder D. right leg
3. Sharon hurt herself when she was _____.
A. doing some exercises B. finishing some exercises
C. on the high-and-low bars D. jumping
4. The change between ___ temperatures makes the blood move and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves.
A. hot and cool B. warm and cool C. cold and cool D. hot and cold
5. At the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They _____ to eat.
A. will be fit B. won’t be fit C. would not like D. would like to
Step 4. Read by themselves and answer the questions;
1. Who was Sharon? ---- gymnast
2. What’s wrong with her? ---- Something is wrong with her left shoulder.
3. How did she hurt her shoulder? ---- While she was doing gym.
4. What kind of treatment did the doctor advise her to use? ----- to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment.
5. How often does she have to take this treatment? ---- twice a day for a week
6. Do you think that this interesting treatment is effective? ----- Yes.
7. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment? ---------
What treatment does the doctor tell her to do?
---- To use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-pea treatment.
Step 4. Reading and find out the language points
1. at the doctor’s
at my uncle’s
at the tailor’s
2. take a look at : have a look at
3. It feels a bit tense.
4. knock into sb.
Can you knock the nail into the wall?
The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.
He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.
5. fall over
He slipped into a banana skin and fell over.
6. so on and so on : repeatedly
7. That sounds very interesting.
8. fit to eat:
Step 5. Practice
Make up a dialogue between the two---- one is a doctor and the other is a patient
Doctor: Asks a question
Patient: Says what the problem is
Doctor: Makes one or more comments and then gives some advice
D: Can I help you?
P: Yes, I can’t sleep well.
D: How can I help you?
P: Can you give me some medicine so that I can have a good sleep?
D: What can I do for you?
P: I’ve got a pain here. My left shoulder hurts.
D: Let me have a look at it.
P: Oh, I feel terrible.
D: Mmn, I see. It feels a bit tense, but it’s nothing serious.
P: Shall I take any medicine?
D: Yes. Take this medicine, two pills a time, three times a day. And try to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment.
Step 6. workbook----- Ex 2
Homework : read two passages
At the doctor’s
When a patient comes in what will the doctor say?
What can I do for you?
How can I help you?
What seems to be the matter?
Can I help you?
What will the patient say?
I’ve got a pain…
I’ve got a headache and a cough day and night.
I’ve got a temperature and all my bones ache.
I feel terrible.
I hurt my leg while I was….
I don’t feel well.
Then what will the doctor say?
Let me take a look at it / you.
Let me feel your pulse.
Left me take your temperature.
Oh, I see. It’s nothing serious.
Have a good rest and you’ll ..
You’ll be all right / well better soon.
Take this medicine / two pills a time, three times a day.
Unit 9 Lesson 34~35 Gymnastics
Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a good understanding of the text
Difficulty and importance: Have a deeper understanding of the text
Teaching methods: Reading and listening and discussion
Learning methods: How to read fast
Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slide shown
Step 1. Presentation
What kinds of equipment are used in doing the gymnastic exercises?
As we know from the dialogue , Sharon hurt her left shoulder while doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. So while you are doing gym, you should be more careful.
Now look at the pictures and tell :
Where are the gymnasts doing exercises / performing? ( P 51)
Ss: He is performing on the high bar.
He is performing on the double bars.
He is jumping / performing on a “horse”.
She is performing on a beam.
Step 2. Listening
Listen to the tape of Lesson 34 and tell whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Olympic competitions started in Greece. T
2. Modern gymnastics began in the 18th century. F
3. If you want to become a top gymnast, it is important to start when you are 14 or 15 years old.F
4. Boys win Olympic gymnastics medals usually between the age of 19 and 25. T
5. Both boys and girls perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar and so on. F
6. Only girls perform on the high-and-low bars. T
7. Only boys do floor exercises on the mat. F
8. Make sure you put on some watches, rings, and necklaces before you start. F
9. Ww simple safety measures to follow while ( you are ) training.
8. Follow : a) to take or accept 遵守,采纳,听从
follow the safety measure
follow the teacher’s instructions
follow one’s advice
b) understand 领悟
You are speaking too fast and we can’t quite follow you.听懂
c) go along 沿..而行
Follow the path and you will see the cinema.
d) come or go after
She followed me into the classroom.
e) following can be used together with “the” , it means “next”
in the following year=== next year
9. …… can be highly dangerous
highly: to a high degree 高度的,非常的
eg: Advertising is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. 高度发达的
He is a highly skilled worker. 非常熟练的
Speak highly of 高度赞扬
Think highly of 高度评价
Sing high praise for 高度表扬
Hold one’s head high 头抬得高高地
1. be content to do sth. 满足干…… 满意做……
be content with sth. 对……满意
2. each used as an
They each have a computer on the desk.
Each of them has a computer on the desk.
3. in all
in a word 总之
all in all
4. glance at : look quickly at / give a quick at
5. be busy doing sth.
They are busy training in the gymnastic.
We had been bus preparing for the mid-term examination.
6. gain points 得分
gain mark 得分
win the medal 得奖牌
7. drills
The first thing …. . was to go up her trainer and thanked her.
句中两个作表语的不定式 go up to 和 thank her for 都省略了 to ,这是因为主语有定语从句 she did 来修饰的缘故.
一般地说,解释 do 的精确意思的分句,可以用不带 to 的动词不定式.
What we want to do now is ( to ) lie down and rest.
What I did was ( to ) give him a little push.
What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.
Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)
1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started. ( that )
2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin. (that)
3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China. ( being performed/performed)
4. My bike is repairing . ( being repaired)
5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone . ( being left )
6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience. (true )
7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics. ( them )
8. The students are preparing the exam. ( add for )
9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music. ( to )
(We do eye exercises to music.)
10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25. ( won, between…and)
11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand. (balance)
(steady adj, adv. Steadily adv. )
12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous. (highly )
Highly : to a high degree
Advertising is a highly developed twentieth century industry.
He is a highly skilled worker.
Speak highly of
Think highly of
Sing high praise for
Hold one’s head high
Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.
13. She is satisfied with her present job.
be content with sth.
be content to do sth.
14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily. (In all / all in all)
15. She gave a quick look at the judge. ( glanced at )
16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true )
What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.
Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)
1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started.
2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin.
3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China.
4. My bike is repairing .
5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone .
6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience.
7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics.
8. The students are preparing the exam.
9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music.
10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25.
11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand.
12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous.
Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.
13. She is satisfied with her present job.
14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily.
15. She gave a quick look at the judge.
16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true or false ?)
Exercises for Unit 9 ---3A DCABB CBB
1. ___ him and then try to copy what he does. (99)
A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch
2. The little boy runs for the football and ___ a man standing there.
A. knocks down B. knocks at
C. knocks into D. knocks
3. I cheered do loudly at the match that I completely ___ my voice.
A. lost B. missed C. forgot D. left
4. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?
--- I don’t know. But this is the last time. The fans ___ them to win whole – heartedly.
A. hope B. require C. prefer D. demand
5. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ___ attracted the audience’s interest.
A. so that B. that C. what D. in which
6. It was for this reason __ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. ( S)
A. which B. why C. that D. how
7. It is the ability to so the job ___ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000)
A. one B. that C. what D. it
8. It was not ___ she took off here dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star. (92)
A. when; that B. until; that
C. until; when D. when; then
Correct the mistakes: (for Unit 9 --- 3A )
It was Sunday and Zhou Lan was going 1.____
to take part in the first gymnastic compe-
tition. As soon as her competition started, 2.____
she tried her best and did good in per- 3.____
forming on three pieces of equipments 4.____
as well as on the floor. Now the time came
to her performance on the high -and-low 5.____
bars. She stands below them and waited. 6.____
When the judge nodding, she began . 7.____
She jumped upwards, caught the high bar
in two hands and did a neat circle . 8.____
Altogether,she performed wonderful and 9.____
landed nearly and steadily on the floor. Then
came the results. Victory for Zhou Lan!
She was the one. 10.____
1. true 2. her--- the 3. well 4. equipment 5. to – for 6. stood 7. nodded 8. in – with
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