Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.
A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed.
If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.
当下社会经济发展趋向于全球化趋势, 各国经济紧密相连。我国是发展中国家, 与发达国家经济水存在较大差距, 但是在经济一体化趋势下, 要获得发展机遇, 需加强国际经济贸易往来, 对商务英语翻译人才需求越来越大, 要求也越来越高。商务英语是工具性和应用型学科, 在国际贸易中发挥重要价值, 是国家之间、企业之间进行沟通交流的工具。商务英语翻译深受各行业高度重视。然而当前高校中, 受诸如教材陈旧、教学方式落后等因素影响, 导致培养出来的学生的英语翻译实践性应用能力较差, 无法满足社会需求。如何提升当前环境下商务英语翻译教学效率, 培养适合社会需求人才, 是当前急需解决的问题, 也是本文探讨的重点。
英语是我国自教育改革以来, 各教育阶段的重要学科。这主要与整个社会需求有关。商务英语翻译是在英语学科的基础上延伸出来的一门应用性学科, 需要学生具备英语专业知识及实际应用能力, 能够胜任企业商务翻译、商务助理和商务谈判工作。
商务英语翻译专业较传统英语专业相比, 具有专业性与实用性较强等特点。第一, 强调英语语言学与商务专业知识的融合及实际应用能力。要求学生掌握大量专业术语, 能够精准翻译有关商务内容的文献或会议资料等。同时, 需要学生深入了解经济领域的专业知识, 并能将其用英语的思维与表达方式进行阐述。第二, 商务英语翻译比普通英语翻译难度大。为争取利益最大化, 译者需将资料中所蕴含的浅层与深层含义准确地翻译出来, 避免误译、漏译。
1. 教材缺乏专业性。
在商务英语翻译教学中, 实用性的教材在教学中发挥重要作用, 其质量与内容直接关乎教学效果。我国目前出版的商务英语翻译专用教材在总体英语翻译教材中占比偏低, 且质量差异较大, 教材内容知识覆盖面窄, 主要涉及商务信函、合同等方面的讲解。总体来说编写上未突出商务英语翻译的专业性。这导致教师在授课时, 只能按照既有的教材进行教学, 缺乏实用性的教学案例供学生参考与学习, 学生缺乏商务英语的实践应用与实地操作, 无法与企业需求对接。缺乏专业的商务英语翻译教材是目前商务英语翻译教学中所面临的重要问题。
2. 师资队伍力量不足。
作为主导者的教师, 在课堂教学中所发挥的价值至关重要。学者刘畅指出, 提高教师队伍素质是高校英语翻译教学质量能否得到改善的关键[2], 高校翻译教师应具备三大技能:第一, 专业知识, 主要为翻译知识与能力;第二, 教学能力;第三, 科研能力。当前, 多数院校缺乏既有商务实践经验又有专业知识的师资队伍。主要有两个原因:第一, 商务英语翻译课程专业性与应用性较强, 需要在商务翻译领域具有丰富实战经验的老师进行教学, 然而大多数教学老师都是由普通英语翻译教师任教, 缺乏企业工作经验, 造成整体师资水平不高。第二, 商务英语翻译是基于经济一体化背景下兴起的学科, 从事该工作的教师遇到问题时不清楚如何从商务领域角度加以解决问题。以上因素制约了商务英语翻译教学的有效开展。
3. 教学方法过于陈旧。
传统的商务英语翻译教学方法过于单一, 单向灌输式教学较难满足当前的教学需求, 未能体现学生的主体性。教师采取传统教学方法, 与当前课程设置有关, 在有限课时内, 教师只能采取传统教学方法, 根据教材内容进行讲解, 将知识灌输给学生, 才能确保完成教学内容。这种缺乏课堂互动与讨论的单一的教学方法, 未能激发学生对商务英语翻译的学习兴趣, 教学效率较差, 与教学目标的实现相去甚远。
4. 课程评价方式单一。
课程评价是课程建设与教学的重点环节。科学的评价体系是提升教学效率, 完成教学目标的基础保障。目前, 商务英语翻译课程的评价方式, 沿用高校里惯用的闭卷终结性考核, 这与商务英语翻译的实用性不相符。该评价方式主要缺点在于只注重结果而忽略学习过程, 评价手段过于浅显。商务英语翻译的实用性与目前单一的评价方式不符, 不利于学生对商务英语翻译专业知识的应用掌握。
1. 编写专业商务英语翻译教材。
商务英语翻译教材与普通英语翻译教材具有一定的区别, 学校可根据课程实际需求与学生需求情况编写教材。可通过专业英语教师与从事商务工作的企业人员合编教材, 提升教材质量和实用性, 推动教学更好开展。教材编写应注意以下几点:第一, 以语言学为基础。翻译的本质上是基于语言学的研究。第二, 重视翻译学理论。英语翻译课程是一门理论与实践结合的课程, 学生需要懂得一定的理论知识。第三, 摒弃传统循序渐进式的翻译方法。第四, 翻译内容要注重素材的时代性与市场导向性。总体来说, 翻译教材能起到让教师引导学生去发现、分析与解决问题, 在探索中学习翻译技巧并锻炼思维能力。
2. 完善师资队伍。
教师在整个教学中扮演重要角色, 只有具备优秀的综合素质才能培养高素质的学生。对于学生而言, 教师的重要性不仅体现在教学技能上, 还体现在其言谈举止中对学生产生潜移默化的影响。鉴于当前师资队伍缺乏的问题, 可从以下方面完善师资队伍:第一, 聘请熟悉行业情况, 具有丰富的工作经验的商务翻译人才, 以兼职的形式到学校任教, 充实教师队伍。第二, 为教师提供学习平台, 可定期选派优秀的英语翻译教师到外资企业学习, 熟知商务知识, 掌握实战经验, 为教学打下坚实基础。第三, 鼓励在校英语教师自我提升, 不断学习最新教育理念, 汲取多学科知识。当前大多数英语翻译教师缺乏商务实战经验, 将两者进行融合, 可提升教师的综合水平。
3. 创新教学方法。
传统的教学方法已经不能满足当前教学所需, 创新与改革教学方法刻不容缓。教学方法有多种形式, 其中, 案例教学法的应用具有更强的操作性与实际价值, 它是将传统的理论知识融入到案例中, 讲授给学生, 在案例的选取上, 教师要参阅大量资料, 选取有代表性的案例, 对案例所涉列的知识点进行充分的课前准备。案例教学法的应用, 不仅营造较好的课堂氛围, 让学生主动参与到课堂教学中来, 还可锻炼学生分析问题能力与发散思维。
另外, 在教学方法上要注重运用现代信息技术, 如多媒体技术的应用。通过多媒体工具, 使教学内容更加生动与形象, 且利于创造教学情境, 激发学生学习兴趣。总而言之, 教学方法创新与改革, 需教师进行灵活运用, 打造高效课堂, 从而顺利完成教学目标。
4. 构建多元化评价方式。
课程评价体系与课程目标的实现有着直接关联。传统的评价主体仅由教师以终结考试为依据, 具有较强的主观性, 若采取学生自评、同学互评与老师评价相结合形势, 会大大地增强评价结果的客观性。在评价时间上, 要注重评价过程, 可将评价分数进行拆分, 学期末考试作为一部分, 日常课堂表现作为一部分, 取综合成绩作为总分数。另外, 在评价阶段上, 以月或者周为单位进行阶段性的评价。在评价内容上, 除了期末考试外, 可设置翻译应用场景, 模拟商务英语翻译实战, 并将其作为考核内容。在评价体系的构建上, 要以学生为核心, 既要实现考核的公正性, 又要实现激发学生学习的兴趣, 通过考核发现学生的不足。
在全球经济一体化背景下, 商务英语翻译人才需求逐年加大, 对教师提出了挑战。鉴于当前形势, 商务英语翻译教学改革与创新极为迫切。教师应根据当前教学中存在的主要问题, 探讨在经济一体化环境下教学改革发展方向, 充分运用现有资源, 提高教学效率, 实现课程目标, 培养出适合社会所需、专业性与应用型商务英语翻译人才。因商务英语翻译发展较晚, 社会需求较大, 教学改革刻不容缓, 且任重道远。文中观点希望能为高校商务英语翻译教学改革发展方向提供参考, 推动教学高效率的开展。
[1]代红.浅析以学生为中心的商务英语翻译教学[J].湖北函授大学学报, 2015, (7)
[2]姜奕杉, 党海菲.经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学[J].读与写 (教育教学版) , 2014, (8)
Some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.For example,land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.Deserts are spreading because of over grazing,poor fanning,tree cutting,and strip mining.Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products.It is important,therefore,that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.
However,other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development.They are only the by products of economic development,which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.
I think the second idea is completelywrong.Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people.What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment?There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.
economic growth and environmental conservation Recently , many areas of china was battered by pretty heavy haze.besides self-mocking,it also makes more and more people realize the importance of keeping the balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.There did be contradictions between the two events.After all,we have to accept that sometimes we do sacrifice environment for the increase of GDP.If it goes on,the environment will break down sooner or later.Then,it will beat back.Global warming is the best proof.The polar bears lost their home,the sand storm continued blowing,the air pollution is increasing sever......In some degree,global warming the development of economic.Compared with developing or undeveloped countries,developed countries are more leisure in the face of environmental problems,After all,they have already went through the period of environmental degradation.Now, the mayor problems faced by the developed countries are high carbon dioxide emissions and abundant fund to deal with the pollution,However, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment.Developed countries should make the best of their superiority to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and share their technology in environmental conservation with developing countries.Furthermore,they should provide funds to help developing countries adapt,particularly the least developed and most vulnerable countries to climate change.On the contrary,the situation of developing countries,especially undeveloped countries are worse.Many countries are struggling to solve the problem of food and clothing.they don’t have time to take environment problem into account.To make things worse,many pollution-belohing factories in developed countries have been shifted to the area of developing countries.They should pay more attention to industrial transformation and technological development.In addition,they could raise public awareness of environmental conservation.Developing countries should not blindly depend on developed countries.Global environment conservation needs global action now.The alarm bells ought to be ringing in every capital of the world.Global environmental degradation threathens our health,our economy,our natural resources,and our children’s future.It is clear we,everyone in the world must act.Just as mentioned above,we should raise out environmental protection awareness.Moreover,we could reject to use disposable goods,take public vehicles,save water and so on.By doing so,I believe the glob we love deeply will become better.
I’m a kindergarten teacher. I’m proud and happy to do this job, to help cultivate the future of our country. Everyday I get up at seven o’clock.Afterwashing my face and rinsing my mouth, I will go to the school gate to welcome the lovely kids. Then I show them to have breakfast. After breakfast, I will give class to them. Most of the classes are the common sense and some are dancing and singing classes. There comes the noon. I will make them have lunch and then they will go to bed for sleep. I also sleep at that time. In the afternoon, they will have one class and then is the activity time. They leave shool at 4:30. It’s a rich day. Sometimes I feel tired, but I am happy. I love my job.
我是一个幼儿园老师。我很骄傲也很开心去做这份工作,来帮助培养我们国家的未来。我每天七点起床。洗漱之后我会去学校门口迎接那些可爱的孩子。然后我带他们去吃早餐。早餐后我会给他们上课。大多课都是关于常识的`,有些是跳舞和唱歌课。中午的时候 我会让他们吃完午餐,然后就上床睡觉。那个时候我也小睡了一下。下午,他们只有一堂课,然后是活动的时间。他们在4点半放学。很充实的一天。有时候我觉得很累,但我很开心。我热爱我的工作。
标识语也叫社会标志语或者公示语, 是一种社会管理用语, 在社会公共场合, 标识语有很广的范围, 是比较特殊的一种语言现象。从范畴来看, 只要是张贴或者印刷在公共场合的、为社会大众提供服务和宣传的语言标牌 (标语) 都属于标识语。从言语行为论的角度来看, 标识语是用有效的语言信息说服别人的艺术, 属于一种比较特殊的语言交际活动。明显的目的性是标识语的特点, 是“单向交际”。虽然不能像直接交际那样有影响力, 但是标识语也是通过言语影响大众的行为。标识语的特殊性是因为其存在于管理者和被管理者之间, 其交际场所比较特定, 在某段时间并不是为了直接地交际, 参与的双方不局限于个体人。标识语的交际对象是指某场所中的所有受众。不少标识语有自己的特殊作用, 或者是对受众提醒、指示, 或者是对受众的行为强制、限制, 这样可以规范和管理受众, 标识语的交际目的就在于此。一般来说, 标识语的功能是比较丰富的, 例如宣传、警告、提示、劝导等。
1. 从我国城市的发展来看, 不少城市的街头标识语都存在或多或少的问题, 最典型的错误主要有三个方面。
(1) 拼写、大小写、拼音的错误。在城市中, 标识语中英语单词的拼写、大小写的人名地名、用汉语拼音拼写的汉语地名人名都存在错误, 有的错误还很严重。例如有的地方的女卫生间挂着“NVRE-STROOMS”, 如果外国人因为内急想去卫生间, 那么看到这样的牌子怎么会进去呢?又例如, 有的地方的“客户接待处”对应的英文写成了“KEHU OFFICE”, 这让外国人看来不知所云。河南的平顶山急救指挥中心的英文名字是“Pingdingshan Ambulance center”, 这样写是错误的, 应该是“Pingdingshan First Aid Center。这样的例子不胜枚举。 (2) 同一名称译文不一样。同样名称的英语标识语要一样, 不然就会出现误解, 给受众带来麻烦。比如, 安阳殷墟的“骨碑林”的两种翻译不一样, 一种被译作“Steles of Enlarged Oracle Bone Inscriptions”, 而另一种是“The forest of the Oracle Bone Inscription Steles”, 同名译文不一致会让外国游客比较难理解。 (3) 语法翻译不正确。城市中的公共标识语的英语翻译经常会出现语法错误。有些城市街头的名称, 比如长安街翻译成“CHANG’AN JIE”, 人民东路翻译成“REN MIN DONG LU”, 这种汉语拼音代替英译是不正确的, 应该在“JIE”、“DONG LU”这样的通名部分采取意译或者直译的方法, 便于让外国来宾清楚标识语的意思。即将长安街翻译成“Chang’an Avenue”、将人民东路翻译成“East Renmin Road”才符合国际惯例, 方便外国来宾认识。
2. 原因分析。
从上述错误的标识语来看, 其产生的根本原因也有三点。 (1) 用语不正确。错误地转移自用语会导致语言使用方向的失误, 会让一些地方城市习惯于在英语标识语翻译中套用汉语的表达方式。有的城市将不同语言特点的英语的同义结构错误地看成完全同义, 翻译的时候乱用语义。而翻译者对英语文化不了解, 也会导致翻译错误。 (2) 翻译者能力有限。一些译者翻译水平不高, 自身没有深厚的语言功底, 知识面较窄, 责任感不高, 翻译不够认真导致城市标识语的翻译错误。 (3) 城市管理力度不够。英语标识语的正确翻译需要相关的城市管理部门认真对待, 而制作单位对此没有重视, 监管不严, 就会出现拼写错误、大小写乱写等错误。
从城市调查来看, 各个城市的英语标识语的翻译水平和质量有很大差别。特别是在一些较小城市的街头、车站等地方, 英语标识语的翻译质量还比较低。因此, 我们必须要总结经验, 认真找出问题的原因, 杜绝劣质翻译, 加强监督审核力度。
1. 提升城市标识语的质量水平。
城市必须要认真对待英语标识语的翻译工作, 从领导和资金方面加强支持, 在城市公共场合树立的英语标识语应该交给专业的语言翻译工作者, 然后专家把关审核, 从源头上控制质量, 对待标牌的制作要有严格要求, 必须精致而有特色, 翻译的标识语要简洁明了。可以成立城市公共标识语专家委员会, 规范常用的英语标识语, 城市的英语标识语必须要通过专家委员会的审核才能在公共场合使用。
2. 加强城市英语标识语的管理。
各个城市要根据自身特点, 对英语标识语的标牌进行规范管理以及报批。严格把关翻译、制作、验收等相关环节, 标识语的翻译一定要规范、到位、礼貌, 对于不规范、不准确的标牌要禁止使用, 如果出现了这些问题, 就要对相关责任人进行责任追究。另外, 要促使标识语翻译员和标牌的制作人进行友好沟通, 这样可以有效地避免标识语的标牌在制作过程中出现低级错误。
3. 加强城市英语标识语的研究。
城市应该聘请外语专家认真研究城市英语标识语的翻译特色, 对于存在翻译错误的地方要及时指出来, 而相关的监管部门必须要重视, 及时改正英语标识语翻译上的错误。随着来我国城市投资、旅游、考察、交流的外国友人越来越多, 我们城市的标识语的译写要能够反映城市的文化素质和精神面貌, 特别是旅游景区的英语标识语, 一定要正确添加英语标识, 要能够让外国游客看懂公示和说明, 促进城市的对外交流发展, 维护城市的形象。
4. 加强城市英语标识语的公共监督。
城市应该设立公共标识语网站, 也可以开通热线电话、公布官方电子邮件, 让城市中的公民能够参与进来, 帮助改善城市英语标识语的翻译问题, 提高公共监督环节的监管水平。
总之, 英语标识语和城市的国际化发展息息相关, 是城市对外开放的重要标准。从某个角度来说, 标识语的翻译质量显示了这个城市的文化水平和国际化程度。我国城市街头的英语标识语的翻译错误值得地方关注, 要规范英语标识语翻译, 不断提高翻译水平。这需要地方城市严谨对待, 认真做好英语标识语翻译这样的外事活动, 城市监管部门、翻译者都要尽力做好这方面的工作。只有将标识语的翻译质量提高了, 才能在城市中创造一个和谐的语言环境, 促进城市的国际化发展, 并向世界展示我国城市的良好形象, 这是我国城市在走向世界的过程中要做的重要工作, 这样我们的城市发展才能跟上世界的脚步。
摘要:随着世界经济的一体化发展, 我国的城市英语标识翻译变得越来越重要了。本文主要对当前一些城市的英语标识语的特点和作用、错误类型问题进行分析, 翻译者应该要以准确、简洁、语境优先、礼貌的原则来翻译街头标识语, 让城市英语标识语符合国际惯例, 才能创造更好的双语环境。
[1]戴宗显, 吕和发.公示语汉英翻译研究[J].中国翻译, 2005, (6) .
[2]吕和发, 单丽萍.汉英公示语词典[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2004.
[3]张晓欣, 张树彬.城市标志语英语翻译失误评析——以石家庄为例[J].才智, 2011, (32) .
My classroom
My classroom is very big, there are forty-eight students in it. However, there are forty-nine chairs,because one of them is for the teacher. Our English teacher is Miss Sun, she is a nice teacher, and I like her very much.
In the classroom, there are two blackboards, one is in the front,and the other is at the back. There is a bookcase near the wall, there are a lot of interesting books in it. And there are many windows in my classroom, so my classroom is bright. There is a corridor beside my classroom, I often play games over there after class. What a wonderful classroom!
Early in the morning, I put on my new clothes and looked in the mirror. I went to my maternal grandparents with my parents.
A series of words, in a burst of laughter, the grandparents can send me a red envelope, out of politeness, I will say: “thanks.” then, is to eat lunch. After eating lunch, we children began to set off firecrackers and adult door began to eat melon seeds, homely.
Is about three or four hours, really put us several child is broken. In the evening, her husband will keep us warmly for dinner again. Since we first started talking 3 years old, 10 New Year Ill do the same thing. Ah, its really boring!
Actually, I think the real New Years day is not the case. The real New Years day is to be happy all day, but this time, is to want to do something, just do what thing, want to say that he said, want to start, to be free, rather than at home.
Every day, 365 days a year, an adult is adult, child is the child every day. On the first day the adults can actually put down his own adult identity, and children play together, play together, laughing together, feel the childhood happiness together, whats not?
I wish in XX years of homonym, adults can put down the adult identity, and children play together, happy together. Children wont feel lonely, lonely. Let the children always get rid of the boring of the New Year.
During those days, I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.
Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children.
It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house.
My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful.
I like the holiday. I like my May Day.
I like to listen to all kinds of music, music makes me happy, when I feel sad, I will listen to music and it relieves me. My favorite song is Never Say Never, the words are so inspiring. The song tells people never to give up, no matter what happens. The song inspires me to move on and get over all kinds of difficulties.
I excitedly log on taobao, the mouse to click the ”shopping mall“, is a commodity full of beautiful things in eyes, let a person dazzling, price also very cheap price. I cant wait to open the ”spice“ column, choose a bottle of ”zhejiang balsamic vinegar“, in the shopping cart. Milk has been finished in the home, and buy a box of milk, by the way, I saw his love to eat chocolate, temptation of it is ”pulled“ into the shopping cart. I made a delivery time, and then out of the taobao.
”Deng xiaoping, go buy a bottle of vinegar.“ Mother rush me again. I am still browsing online brilliant columns with relish, freely said 1; ”Ok, you wait! An hour later, a surprise for you.“
Time is really accurate, took just one hour, ”ding-dong, ding-dong!" The doorbell rang up and site delivery must have come in. I quickly ran to open the door, turned out to be a daddy! Delivery is strange, how didnt come? I told dad about the online shopping, then he opened the web page to view, and dial telephone consultation, which know delivery is scheduled time is a when I was a child, rather than an hour to arrive.
Though this time not expected, but online shopping is really interesting, convenient, and cheap, dont have to go out to enjoy the pleasure of shopping.
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★ 初二英语作文春天带翻译
★ 初二英语作文带翻译-初中英语作文
★ 英语范文带翻译
★ 英语作文带翻译
pring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring。Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green。The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season。Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much.
春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月。春天,天气变得越来越暖和了。有时候,也会下很多雨。春天,所有的事物都开始变化了。看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸。 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心。当然了,我也 是喜欢春节。总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春天。祝开心!