
2024-10-27 版权声明 我要投稿


英文摘要 篇1
























Weibo is one of the most important social media tools nowadays, thepopularization of Weibo brings a new kind of network marketing - Weibomarketing. Enterprises use Weibo platform can carry out a series ofmarketing activities, in order to raise visibility and expand brand impact.

Weibo marketing has gradually become one of the indispensablemarketing channels of many companies. However, as a new kind ofnetwork marketing, Weibo marketing has some significant differencefrom traditional marketing.

In addition, the influence factors of Weibomarketing effectiveness has not been precisely defined, and marketingeffectiveness is difficult to scientific assessment. Therefore, the majorityof firms develop the Weibo marketing are blind,

and Weibo marketing isstill at the exploratory stage. How much benefit Weibo marketing canbring for enterprises, which is the enterprise most concern. However, thescientific studies about the influence factors and evaluation of Weibomarketing effect are in a state of scarcity.

This paper takes the hotels Weibo as the research object, and deeplystudies the influence factors and evaluation of the Weibo marketingeffect:

On the basis of summarizing those existing research on Weibomarketing, it is assumed that the decision-makers from different hotelshold tiie same degree of attention on Weibo marketing. Then,

this paperexplores the influence factors of hotels Weibo marketing effect from theWeibo users perspective, analyzes the Weibo users behavior guided byAISAS mode ,

tiirough the questionnaire survey to build the hotel Weibomarketing effect model with statistical software such as Excel and SPSS19.0.

On this basis, this paper puts forward tiie Weibo marketing effectevaluation index hypothetical model, and then use AHP to build acomplete evaluation system ,

this system takes the hotels Weibomarketing comprehensive effect as the goal layer, influence effect,communication effect and transformation effect as the criterion layer,takes Weibo influence, brand influence ,

interaction effect, fans value,actual trading volume and customer satisfaction as the sub-criterion layer,and takes 14 indexes such as Weibo influence index, brand hot degreesand brand search as the index layer.

Finally, this evaluation index system is applied to Ningbo HowardJohnson Plaza Hotel and Ningbo Riviera Hotel. Through the observationand data collection of the hotels Weibo, measure the hotel Weibomarketing effect index with the comprehensive index method.

The resultsshow that these two hotels have little effect about Weibo marketing:

1. Both hotels did not make full use of Weibo to launch various marketingactivities, Weibo marketing is still at a low level, and Weibo marketingdid not make the hotel brand awareness has obvious improvement;

2.Those hotels are not ideal about the number of transmission, commentand praise by Weibo users. Among their fans, the ratio of certified fans islow, while the ratio of active fans proportion is relatively substantial,

andfew interactive activities are organized. So, how to attract a large numberof fans, and enhance the fans value is an urgent problem;

3. The actualtrading volume is not optimistic. Although there is a higher satisfaction,customers release very few consumption experiences by Weibo during theinvestigation period.

To some extent, both hotels reflect the problemsexisting in the hotel industry to carry out the Weibo marketing, thus, fortheir marketing situation, this article also brings up some suggestions andcountermeasures:

1. Accurate positioning, step by step;

2. Grasp thefrequency and the best time on releasing information;

3. Showpersonalized content;

4. Online and offline marketing activities arecombined together;

5. Increase effective fans, pay attention to interactwith fans.

英文摘要 篇2

(1) 应按照摘要编写的4个要素 (论文的目的、方法、结果、结论) 进行编写。目的:研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的、所涉及的主题范围。方法:所用的原理、理论、条件、对象、材料、工艺、结构、手段、装备、程序等。结果:实验、研究的结果、数据, 被确定的关系, 观察得到的效果、性能等。结论:结果的分析、研究、比较、应用, 提出的问题等。

(2) 摘要编写应内容充实, 中文摘要一般为300字左右, 英文摘要与之对应, 应保证内容完整, 语言简洁、准确、流畅, 层次分明。

(3) 摘要应尽可能取消或减少课题研究的背景信息:出现的数据应是最重要、最关键的数据;缩略语、略称、代号。除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解以外, 在首次出现时必须写出中、英文全称;不得简单重复题名中已有的信息;除了实在无法变通以外, 一般不列数学公式, 不出现插图、表格;不用引文, 除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。

文章英文摘要 篇3

Being More Open-minded, More Realistic and Less

Eager for Self-Proclaimed Schools:A Speech at the

2008 China Opera Forum

Iput forward three sentences to encourage the work of the newly founded China Opera Society. First is to be more open-minded. Chinese opera has transformed from the ″Unitary Era″ to the ″Pluralistic Era″ since the opening up and reforms. Since the name of our organization is called ″China″ Opera Society, thus the society should belong to the whole nation, and should be a non-governmental academic organization for the sake of all the Chinese opera artists. It is therefore necessary to recognize in this present age of pluralism the pluralistic orientation of opera concepts, opera thoughts, opera tastes, opera styles and opera forms, with more open-minded outlook covering all the opera workers with various ideas and opinions, so as to truly unite them all and bring their enthusiasm and originality into full play. Such a society would become a home for everyone, where one would work under its direction. Otherwise, a less open-minded society would only unite few artists.

Second is to be more realistic, i.e., to do those more important things that the society is capable of doing. What should we do then? Today's forum is one example. Its purpose is to discuss in very serious manners what achievements have been made for Chinese operas, what other issues we should deal with, what their origins are, and how to deal with them, etc. This is what we call ″being realistic″. Such academic discussions should never be despised as they are of great value to the development of opera art.

Under the current difficult situation for Chinese opera where many of the opera houses are turning into enterprises, various issues arise, such as how to transform the opera theatres, what benefits such transformation would bring to the growth of opera production. In my opinion, the aim of such reforms is nothing but as follows: 1) to produce more operas of higher level. Once the reforms succeed, I'm sure there will be more good productions. 2) to bring up more opera talents through reforms, such as outstanding playwrights, composers, actors and directors; 3) to improve the living and working conditions of opera workers. The success of the reforms depends wholly on these three elements. If after the reforms the workers' salary is reduced, no good productions are created, or good talents are leaving because of less interest in opera, then such a reform is by no means successful.

The third sentence is to be less eager for self-proclaimed schools. In the process of preparing for the 2008 China Opera Forum, I heard that someone wanted to write an ″Opera Proclamation″ and proposed the idea of ″Chinese opera school″, to which I expressed my disagreement then.

Do we need the so-called ″Chinese opera school″? I said yes, but not now. Chinese opera artists should have such an ambition, but it is still too early to proclaim it as the condition is not yet ripe for claiming such a school or trend whether in terms of the objective condition that restricts the opera development in China or the subjective condition that is related to opera artists themselves.

We can not proclaim ourselves the ″Chinese opera school″, but rather, it should be an honour offered to you by others or later generations for your achievements as it is supposed to be a scientific conclusion or recognition of any contribution by the Chinese opera art in the history of world opera. Only when we have produced outstanding operatic works of high artistic level with truly Chinese geographic and ethnic characteristics and with representation of the modern times, and when our works are not only welcomed by Chinese audience, but also enjoyed and admired by our foreign counterparts and audience in all different countries, can we say that our ″Chinese opera school″ matures and can be referred to as such by our foreign colleagues, just like the Russian school of music.

A Music Critic Should Be a Good Finder of

Better Music

The first point is, in my view, that a music critic must have a correct criterion of value assessment for such a music form as symphony. Here lies the issue of how to define symphony. In the first place, I think the concept of ″symphony″ should be divided into two aspects: the ″broad″ sense and the ″narrow″ sense of symphony. In the broad sense, all the music performed bya orchestra or symphony orchestra can be called symphony. Just as what we can hear in some of our symphony promotion events, Johann Strauss's works such as his waltzes occupy an important position in the genre. And to me, the authentic works of great importance in the field of symphony should be those ″symphonic″ music pieces of great importance, just like symphonies of Beethoven, Shostakovich or Mahler, rather than those small pieces or light music pieces performed by orchestra bands.

The second point is that a music critic must have a high level of professionalism. Criticism on symphony composition differs from media promotions or deliberate sensationalization. It ought to be true words of the professionals with high-level expertise and serious research. Any criticism by laymen may mislead the readers, and therefore would never hold water.

As known to all, symphony composing requires extremely high-level expertise, and it is still developing further with the change of the times. Critics, and, in particular, young scholars dedicated to music criticism, must keep learning professional knowledge before being able to deal with those technically new compositions. Without sufficient knowledge of the new stuff, your writings would fail to get to the point. As composition techniques can be infinite, one should never blame those seemingly strange new techniques as a kind of show-off. It is certainly wrong to show off one's techniques as it is commonly seen in some of the modern music works which are often regarded as rubbish stuff, but even in some of the traditional music pieces or those composed in the traditional ways, one may find the same kind of rubbish works in large quantity with much emptiness. Among the traditional music pieces, only a few can remain as classics over the ages. Modern techniques are emerging with the change of the times. However, any exploration into new styles and new techniques is bound to be experimental or even risky, usually aimed at new content and means of expression, and therefore should not be denied at easy disposal. Technique is innocent, and thus should not be blamed. It is definitely deemed to develop as the times go.

The third point is that, if popularization of symphonic music is our great ideal, criticism is then the very bridge linking the profound and beautiful symphony with the general public. For many lovers of symphony, it is only after having read wonderful comments that their interest in symphony is aroused and that, under the guidance of the criticism, they enter the concert halls to enjoy the symphonic music. Taking Beethoven as an example, many people learn about Beethoven and his music from books or talks by critics before they go to listen to his music. In this sense, persuasive criticism on symphony may produce great influence on the public. Symphony critics should play an important role in the divine work of popularizing symphony among the public. Here I want to stress that for criticism, professionalism and popularization are two aspects complementary to each other. Criticism for the purpose of popularization should no doubt be easily accessible to the public, but it must be based on accurate academic orientation, or in other words, it should be both professionally profound and easily accessible to the reader. On the other hand, if it lacks academic ″profoundness″, criticism aimed only at simple understanding and popularization may sometimes be misleading as a result.

中英文摘要 篇4









An analyze on the cause of tragic destiny of "no man"

in Russian literature


(Chinese Department,Yulin College,Yulin,Shaanxi719000)

Abstract:In 19th century the writer of "the natural faction"in Russia proposed a slogan to write the life of "the no man".They described the tragic destiny and inner world pain of "the no man",and it made the literary arts to become "a faithful mirror of the society".These "no man"had a low position in the society and lead a miserable life,but at the same time,they all content with things as they are and had cowardly charcuter,therefore,they became the prey who were insulted under the domination of"the great man".However,according to the author's analyze on the work which were wrote by Pushkin,Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol,Anton Chekhov and Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky,we can easily find the reason of tragic destiny of the"no man"is not only some external causes but also some internal causes.Among all this reasons,the thought pattern of stick to old ways is their tragic destiny's thought reason.The author reproduce their conservative thinking and cowardly character in order to crieicize the personality from of the"no man"and awake them from deep sleep.In this thesis,the author gives the no man limited sympathy,but pay more attention to attack their sadness and not the behaviors of struggle for their angry.According to reveal the phenomanon of existence of"no man"in real life,the author hopes the people live in real life can introspect thenselves and shows the significance to the reality.

Key words:Russian literature;No man; Tragic destiny; External causes;Internal


英文摘要的论文 篇5

[Key words] exam-oriented education dance education

[摘要]目前处于高速度、高效率社会的应试教育有利有弊。1方面它很大程度上帮助学生提高了升学率,而另1方面这种片面的素质教育模式和环境也影响了学生身体素质的片面发展。作为应试教育有机组成部分的舞蹈教育在弥补这样的缺陷方面起着重要的作用,它不仅可以丰富人的情感,发展人的想象力,增强人的自信心,自豪感,而且也使青少年在接受教育中得到健美挺拔的肢体,高尚的情操,高雅的气质,端庄的仪表。因此,作者从舞蹈教育的本质内涵出发,讨论了舞蹈教育在素质教育中对学生的全面发展有利的1面, 并对舞蹈教育的正确实施提出了一些设想。

EI英文摘要要求 篇6

编者按: 为了Ei数据库能够收录更多作者的文章,请作者参照Ei数据库文摘要求, 不断提高英文写作水平。

Ei数据库文摘要求 对于科技期刊的文章,文摘主要由三部分组成,即研究的问题、过程和方法、结果。

文摘只有写得正确,写的好, 才能起到帮助读者了解原文的作用。因此必须对文献进行认真的主题分析,找出文献的主题概念,正确地组织好这些主题内容,简明准确完整地写出文摘来。




文摘长度一般不超过150 words。少数情况下允许例外,视原始文献而定。在不遗漏主题概念的前提下,文摘应尽量简洁。



It is reported …..Extensive investigations show that …..The author discusses …..This paper concerned with …..文摘开头的“In this paper,”


(3)取消或减少背景信息(Background Information);以下是一篇不成功的文摘:



限制文摘只表示新情况, 新内容, 过去的研究细节可以取消;






不用 at a temperature of 250 ℃ to 300℃

而用 at 250℃-300℃ 不用 at a high pressure of 2000 psig

而用 at 2000 psig

不用 at a high temperature of 1500 ℃

而用 at 1500℃

不用 discussed and stu1died in detail

而用 discussed





(3)用过去时态叙述作者工作, 用现在时态叙述作者结论;如:

The structure of dislocation cores in GaP was investigated by weak-beam electron microscopy.The dislocations are dissociated into two Shokley partials with separations of 80 ± 10 and 40 ± 10 A in the pure edge and screw cases respectively.The results show that...”


用 Thickness of plastic sheets was measured.不用Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made.(5)注意冠词用法,不要误用,滥用或随便省略冠词。

(6)避免使用一长串形容词或名词来修饰名词,可以将这些词分成几个前置短语,用连字符连接名词组,作为单位形容词(一个形容词)。如应用The chlorine-containing propylene-based polymer of high meld index.代替 The chlorine containing high melt index propylene based polymer.(7)不使用俚语外语表达概念, 应用标准英语;





Adsorption nitrobenzene on copper chromite investigation.应为 Adsorption of nitrobenzene on copper chromite was investigated.(12)文词要纯朴无华, 不多姿多态的文学性描述手法;

(13)组织好句子, 使动词尽量靠近主语;例如:

不用:The decolorization in solutions of the pigment in dioxane, which were exposed to 10 hr of UV irradiation, was no longer irreversible.而用:When the pigment was dissolved in dioxane, decolorization was irreversible after 10 hr of UV irradiation.(14)删繁从简;如用increased 代替 has been found to increase(15)文摘中涉及其他人的工作或研究成果时,尽量列出他们的名字;



3.文摘中的特殊字符 特殊字符主要指各种数学符号、上下脚标及希腊字母,它们无法直接输入计算机,因此都需转成键盘上有的字母和符号。Ei对此有专门规定。希望在文摘中尽量少用特殊字符及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式。因为它们的输入极为麻烦,而且极易出错,影响文摘本身的准确性和可读性,应尽量不用,改用文字表达或文字叙述.更复杂的表达式几乎难以输入, 应设法取消。

4.缩写字及首字母缩写词(Abbreviations and Acronyms)

英文摘要中语法衔接的应用 篇7

摘要作为学术论文内容“高度浓缩”的精华, 通常要做到短小精悍, 言简意赅。正如Swales所说:“摘要是研究论文的缩影, 是对研究内容简洁、全面、系统的概括活总结。” (Swales, 1922) [1]英文摘要的内容是否详实, 文字是否符合规范直接关系到科研成果在世界范围内的传播和交流。本文从功能语言学的角度, 在Halliday提出的衔接理论框架内选取50篇中国作者所撰写的学术论文英文摘要进行分析, 找出其英文摘要在语法衔接手段方面的规律及特点, 旨在提高英文摘要的写作质量, 以期扩大论文的流通范围。


英文摘要属规范而严肃的书面文体, 是介绍或了解研究成果的有效途径, 是文献检索的重要工具。学术论文英文摘要的写作凸现其自身在语篇层面上的自有特征, 形成了颇具特色的写作范式。[2]英文摘要既要做到客观严肃, 又要不失学术论文的真实性风格。因此, 英文摘要应该含意清楚、结构简明、表达确切。关于摘要的分类, 各种文献的说法不一。就其内容及特点而言, 英文文摘可分为如下种类:指示性摘要、描述性摘要及报道性摘要。本文将报道性摘要作为分析重点, 因为此类摘要的应用具有广泛性和普遍性。它是原文内容要点的总结, 以高度浓缩与概括的形式把原文的主要内容表达出来, 一般用来反映论文的目的, 方法及主要结果与结论, 在有限的字数内向读者提供尽可能多的定性或定量的信息, 充分反映了该研究的创新之处。


衔接理论是语篇研究中的一个重要课题, 自20世纪60年代以来, 语言学界有许多学者对其进行研究、探讨。1976年Halliday&Hasan《英语的衔接》 (Cohesion in English) 一书的出版, 标志着衔接理论的创立, 并被广泛应用于语篇分析和语言教学中。在该书中, Halliday指出:“语言不是一个词一个句子的进展, 而是由语篇连接起来”, 任何一段能成为语篇的话语必须具有语篇性 (texture) 。它具有两方面的特征:一种是结构性特征, 另一种是非结构性特征。而非结构性的语篇特征指的是在不同的句子中出现的不同成分之间的衔接关系, 这种衔接关系能使全文成为语篇的各种意义关系。在衔接理论的概念被提出后, 国外很多学者从不同的角度对其进行了研究, 如著名的篇章语言学家Gutwins-ki, Cook, Carter和Mc Carthy等。国内学者虽然对此项研究起步较晚, 但是取得的成果显著:黄国文在《语篇分析概要》一书中, 将衔接和连贯列为语篇分析的基本内容进行阐述。[3]胡壮麟在《语篇的衔接与连贯》[4]和多篇学术论文中提到了衔接的多层次模式。他认为语篇衔接和连贯是多层次的, 不仅仅限于语法和词汇手段。朱永生、张德禄的《系统功能语法概论》 (1989) , 黄国文《语篇分析的理论与实践》 (2001) 等作品都对语篇的“衔接”机制进行了理论及实例分析。


Halliday和Hasan把衔接手段划分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两方面, 本文仅从语法衔接方面对所选取的英文摘要进行分析。语法衔接包括指称、替代、省略和连接。

1. 指称 (reference)

指称是指用语法手段来表示的一种语义关系, 即把语篇中一个成分作为另一个成分的参照点。Halliday认为英语中的照应分为人称指称, 指示指称和比较指称三种, 其中人称指称表示话语角色, 主要由人称代词体现;指示指称主要由指示代词和指示副词体现, 如“it/the/this”的使用;比较指称一般不指存在于句子内部的结构比较, 而是指篇章结构中必须参照下文、对语篇连贯有价值的比较, 通常由比较形容词和比较副词体现, 如例1中比较副词“more”的使用。

例 (1) Different countries communicate more and more frequently as the development of economic globalization.

通过对所选取的学术论文摘要研究分析后我们发现, 中国作者在学术论文摘要中经常使用第一人称代词, 如“We/I/our/us”等, 这些人称代词的使用可以帮助作者叙述当下研究的学术成果, 轻松自如地表达观点, 同时又对学术论文的客观性没有负面影响。而指示指称方面, 中国作者擅长用指示代词来做前指称。这是因为指示代词可以用来指代前文中所提及的事物, 从而使整个语篇连贯。但对于“it”作为后指指称的情况有所欠缺, 应予以改进。这有助于读者对晦涩概念的理解。

2. 替代 (substitution)

替代指的是有的词语代替前文中的某些词语, 但不是指称性的一致关系, 而只是具有同等或类似语义, 首先是同等语法地位的功能性关系 (像one, that, do, so等) 。如例2中的“one”替代了上句的“main ecological aspects”。

例 (2) To be specific, there are two main ecological aspects exist in the ideological premise of rural sustainable poverty alleviation in China.The first one is upholding the Marxism, the second one is mirroring the thought of western modern ecological ethics.

3. 省略 (ellipsis)

从句法层面上来说, 省略不仅可以避免重复突出新信息, 而且也是语篇衔接的一种语法手段。因为省略结构和省略成分之间的预设关系使语篇前后衔接结构紧凑。在省略方面“由于英语是一种以形合为主的语言, 它可以借助时态标记或情态标记等语法手段将实义动词省略, 而在类似的情况下汉语则主要通过原词重复或其他词汇手段来表达意义。”。[5]如在下文例3中, 动词“analyze”在第二分句中被省略了。

例 (3) We use the theoretical method to analyze this phenomenon generally, then specifically.

4. 连接 (conjunction)

连接是指通过过渡性的词语体现语篇中各种逻辑关系的手段。连接词主要由连词、连接副词和介词短语构成, 用以表示时间、因果、条件等逻辑上的联系, 使语篇的各个部分有机连接在一起。Halliday依据连接所表示的不同语义关系将之分为四类:增补关系、转折关系、因果关系和时间关系。“语篇是通过连接词如and/but/or, 连接副词then/further/incidentally, 介词短语如in other words/in particular/in any case等连接成分实现衔接的。[6]

所选论文摘要在连接词的使用方面表现为:表示因果的连接词被使用的过于频繁, 如therefore, so, as a result, because of, due to…, owing to, thanks to等, 对于表示时间转承关系连接词的使用还有所欠缺。因此, 中国作者应该学会在论文摘要中使用诸如the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first (second…) time, firstly, secondly, then finally等表示时间转承关系的连接词, 使语篇更具有逻辑性, 从而能够清晰明了地表述自己的写作内容。

摘要:摘要是论文不可或缺的重要环节, 规范严谨的英文摘要不但能快速而准确地传递作者的写作意图, 同时也能增加文章被检索和收录的可能。本文利用Halliday和Hasan的衔接理论对所选取的英文摘要从语法衔接方面进行分析, 以期对英文摘要质量的提高提供一些有价值的参考。



[1]SWALES J.Genre Analysis, 3rd ed.[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University, 1993.

[2]李庆明.韩星明.科技论文英文摘要的文体特征与写作范式[J].电子科技大学学报:社科版, 2003 (2) :84-88.

[3]黄国文.语篇分析概要[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1988:128-133.

[4]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994:92, 112.

[5]朱永生.英语语篇衔接手段对比研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001:73.

英文摘要的写作方法与技巧 篇8



1 论文标题


(1)名词性词组 名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,又是也可以是另一个名词。以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。例如:Global Change and Green House Effect(名词词组+名词词组);Adaptation and Mitigation to the Global Change(名词+名词)。

(2)介词词组 介词词组由介词+名词或名词词组构成。如果整个标题就是一个介词词组的话,一般这个介词是“on”,意思是“对……的研究”。例如:On the Ecological Obligation。

(3)名词/名词词组+介词词组 这是标题中用得最多的结构。例如:Global Environment Change and Its Impact on Plants(名词词组+名词词组);Discussion on System Method of Studying Global Environmental Change(名词+介词词组)。

(4)其他形式 对于值得争议的问题,偶尔可用疑问句作为论文的标题,以点明整个论文讨论的焦点。例如:Can Global Change Bring Dramatic Disasters to Humans?

2 作者

学术论文既可以个人名义署名,也可以集体名义署名。如以个人署名,则应在论文题目后写明作者全名,并且另起一行写上作者的工作单位、国籍、所在城市和邮政编码。自然科学研究往往由一个集体来完成,作者姓名很多,但必须标出一个通讯联系人(Corresponding Author) [2]。

3 英文摘要

3.1 摘要及其功能



3.2 摘要的写作


3.2.1 常见的主题句

摘要中的第一句话——主题句的常见句式有:A new approach is proposed to,A new method was developed for,This paper describes,This paper analyses,This paper discusses,This paper gives a new approach of,This paper investigates,… was studied/prepared by/discussed/presented 等。常见的谓语动词有:report,study,investigate,present,develop,discuss,show,describe,introduce 等。

3.2.2 时态问题


3.2.3 结尾句

在英文摘要的結尾有时写上作者的结论或建议,下面是一些常见的句式:关于结论可用如下表达方式:We may conclude that… /We come to the conclusion that…We think(consider,believe,feel)that…The following conclusions can be drawn from… .The results indicated/ show that …It turns out that …It has been found that …It can be concluded/ noted that… .It is generally accepted(believed,held,and acknowledged)that….

4 关键词

关键词是为了便于作文献索引和检索而选取的能反映文章主题内容的词或词组[5]。一般每篇文章选择 3~8个关键词,应尽量从《汉语主题词表》中选用规范词,未被词表收录的新学科、新技术的重要术语,也可作为关键词。



[1] 周鸿.工科“专业英语”教学方法刍议[J].长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(2):163164.

[2] 曾佐勋,索书田,刘立林,等.“构造地质学”双语教学的实践与体会[J].高等理科教育,2006,(1):7475.

[3] GB644786文摘编写规则.

[4] 任胜利.英语科技论文撰写与摘要[M].北京:科学出版社,2004.
