1、知识目标:(1)识别本课中的单词:English , breakfast, lunch ,fish and chips, sandwich , traditional, dish。(2)听懂目标语句What did she have for lunch?口头运用She had sandwiches.这类语句回答有关询问。
单词的识读sandwich breakfast traditional
Step1 Good morning boys and girls T: What’s your favorite food? T: My favorite food is noodles.And you? 可以以图片提醒学生回答。
Step2 1.T: I had noodles this morning.What did you have for breakfast? S: I „.had T: 转述She had „..T: rice noodles dumplings are all Chinese food.Do you know any English food? 2.T:学生自由表达,老师出示相应图片。
3.T: We will learn Module 3 Unit 1She had eggs and sausages.学生齐读课题
Step3 1.T:玲玲从英国给大明发了一封电子邮件,(email)她向大明讲了英国的饮食习惯,现在我们就来听听玲玲都介绍了英国的哪些食物。2.Listen to the tape T: What food did Ling ling have in England? S:„..(根据学生的回答,呈现三幅食物挂图)eggs and sausages sandwiches fish and chips并领读。
3.T:Now let’s learn the new words
1).逐一呈现单词图文卡片识读 breakfast 师示范读,领读、生分别读.最后由慢到快连续读这个单词。
2).sandwich T:What’s this ? It’s a sandwich.师示范读,领读、生分别读T:What are these ?They are sanwiches.(两副数量不同的图片比较让学生分清名词单复数。)3)hamburger hamburgers 学习同sandwich sandwiches 4)Traditional Tra di tional 化多为少教。师示范读,领读、生分别读T:Spring festival is a traditional Chinese festival.Dumplings is a traditional Chinese food.fish and chips is a traditional English dinner.(图片再次利用)5)lunch。师师范读
6)Game(看口型猜单词)到前面五个同学,每人拿一个单词卡片,老师小声分别说这五个新单词,下面坐的同学和上来的五名同学要注意教师的口型大声说出和举起老师说的单词。比比谁反应快。Read the phrases.(卡片出示)4.Listen to the tape and follow it.Boys read Damming.girls read Fang fang Practice with your neighbor T: What did ling ling have for breakfast? S : She had..What did she have for lunch? S: „..What did she have for dinner? S: „..根椐学生的回答板书。
Use “sandwich, fish and chips, hamburger” to make sentences
指导依据:在高中英语学习中, 词汇是一个不可忽视的重要元素。语言学家认为, “各种语言学习活动归根结底都是学习词汇的活动, 是词汇在听、说、读、写、译等形式中的练习和应用”。离开了词汇, 语言就失去了实际意义;离开词汇语言就无法表达思想。词汇学习直接影响英语语言学习的效果。在中学英语阅读教学中, 学生碰到的重要问题就是词汇阻碍, 不少学生因词汇量小, 看不懂句子或文章 , 而丧失了英语阅读的兴趣。学生的词汇量越大, 对词汇理解得越深刻, 其阅读也越广泛, 视野就越开阔。
目前的高中学生由于没有找到适合自己的词汇学习方法和策略, 在词汇学习方面存在诸多问题。有些词读不准, 有些词甚至根本不会读, 导致在拼写时错误百出, 遗忘率极高。更别说正确、熟练地运用了。这就造成了学生无法运用英语进行正确恰当的听说读写, 使他们感到英语学习困难重重。教师不仅有责任教授学生词汇知识, 而且应该研究探讨词汇教学的方法。
设计思路:阅读中词汇的学习是将词汇放在课文情景中去理解并获取信息的过程。吕叔湘先生曾说过:“词语要嵌在上下文里才有生命。”没有语境很难掌握一个单词的确切含义, 阅读中的词汇学习是培养学生在篇章语境中词义理解程度的最佳时机。结合学生目前学习词汇的实际情况, 本节课的教学过程中, 教师尝试充分利用课文所提供的丰富语言材料, 设计多种形式的词汇练习, 使学生教熟练掌握和运用所学新词汇。
教材内容分析:本节阅读课是第四模块的第二课时, 主要向大家介绍一个很著名的外国节日——狂欢节。这个话题与我们的日常生活和学生们感兴趣的外国文化有着很大的联系, 对此话题的学习与讨论有益于提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 通过日常教学使学生们掌握有关节日的新词汇并使他们了解其它国家的文化背景和社会风貌, 为学生以后的阅读和学习做好知识储备。
学生情况分析:本节课的教学对象是高二年级的学生。他们在听、说、读、写和口语表达等方面都有了一定的基础。虽然课前已经让学生们通过各种渠道搜集了有关狂欢节的信息, 学生对本节课要讨论的话题也有了一定的了解, 但他们对与这一话题相关的英语词汇量不足, 要用英语进行思维和表达还是有一定难度的。因此, 这节阅读课中的词汇处理就显得格外重要。
三、 教学目标分析
(一) 语言技能目标
1. 提高提取和筛选信息并进行重组的能力。
2. 积极参与语言实践活动, 提高用英语进行思维和表达的能力。
(二) 知识能力目标
1. 学会用英语简单介绍西方的节假日;
2.准确理解文章内容, 并掌握文章中出现的新词汇。
教学重点:培养学生在阅读活动中获取信息, 理解全文的能力。
教学难点:通过阅读, 学生能够掌握本课的新词汇并能熟练应用。
步骤1:导入 (3分钟)
设计意图:借助节日图片, 讨论相关话题, 引出、学习一类词, 因为有图片的直观呈现, 学生能很快的掌握词义。并让学生在复述图片和谈论话题的过程中巩固新词汇, 帮助学生降低词汇记忆和运用的难度, 有效激活学生已有的知识储备。如在猜测狂欢节的图片中, 就出现了“People love to dress up in costumes and wear masks for this festival.”其中, “dress up”, “costumes”和“masks”都是新单词, 图片的视觉冲击既激发了学生的兴趣, 吸引了他们的注意力, 又为学生呈现了直观的词义概念, 强化了其对词汇的理解和记忆, 从而让导入环节不再单纯地为阅读服务。
步骤2:词汇处理 (4分钟)
1. Read the new words.
2. Practice: Put the words into the sentences intheir proper forms.
memory revive extend magic
pretend wander book hide
1. As time passed, however, the carnival periodwas _________ from one day to fi ve days.
2. Look at the little boy ______ about – perhapshe can’t fi nd his mother.
3. Dalian is a city full of _____, and attracts manytourists all over the country.
设计意图:此部分只是读前的词汇处理, 目的是帮助学生掌握课文大意, 因此不可占用过多时间, 影响阅读课其它环节的安排。
步骤3:快速阅读 (4分钟)
Read the passage and check the topics itmentions.
1. Different carnivals
2. The origins of carnival
3. Special food
4. Carnival in Venice
设计意图 : 培养学生归纳和概括的能力, 为下一步确定阅读的框架作好铺垫。学生在快速读一篇文章时, 要善于发现“提示词”以及与“提示词”有联系的关键词, 这其实也是学习词汇的过程。因为在查找关键信息求其大意时, 学生可以根据提示词猜出一些单词近似原文的词义, 如“revive”一词, 上一段结束时学生根据“memory”得知狂欢节停止了, 可接下来一段开头作者给出了“but”一词, 学生一定可以猜出“revive”的大概含义。这一环节让学生在自觉或不自觉间又学到了一些新的词汇, 为进一步仔细阅读创造了条件。
步骤4:仔细阅读 (10分钟 )
再读一遍文章, 回答相应问题。
1. When and how did people in Europe celebratecarnival?
It was celebrated between Christmas and Easter.
People ate, drank and dressed up.
2. What was carnival in Venice like at thebeginning?
It lasted for just one day. People ate, drank andwore masks.
3. What did different people do at carnival?
Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important.
Famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.
Crimes went unpunished.
4. What changes happened to the tradition ofwearing masks?
At the beginning - wearing masks was allowed.
In the 14th century-wearing masks was limited.
At the end of the 18th century-wearing maskswas banned.
In the late 1970s-wearing masks was revived.
Today-wearing masks is the key.
5. Who played the most important role in revivingthe carnival?
The students and the town council.
(They realized that carnival was good forbusiness.)
6. What makes carnival in Venice different?
(The mystery of the masks.)
设计意图 : 让学生在课堂上通读课文, 并进行课堂讨论, 找出文中的关键词语进行回答。这样既能把学生的思路引到文章的脉络上 , 使学生对整篇文章的内容有总体的了解, 又能为他们学习新单词提供具体的语境, 有助于学生全面领会新词的含义。
步骤5: 巩固 (10分钟)
让学生假设自己是威尼斯的导游和游客, 由导游向游客介绍这一节日, 并让学生分组表演。活动开始前, 教师要明确要求学生用到本节课所学的词汇。
(小组活动, 课堂展示)
The following words may help you:
The most famous carnival…
At the beginning…last
As time passed…extend
The 14th century- the 18th century … limit/ban
In the late 1970s …revive
Today …celebrate
Sample dialogue:
Guide: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Venice!Here we see crowds of people wandering aroundwearing masks on their heads.
Tourist A: They are also wearing costumesinstead of their ordinary clothes!
Guide: Yes! They are celebrating the mostfamous carnival in Europe.
Tourist B: How long did it last?
Guide: It lasted only one day at the beginning, but over time, it extended to weeks after Christmas.Though it was banned by the government in the 18thcentury, it was revived by students in the 1970s.
Tourist C: Why do people wear masks?
Guide: With costumes, people can pretend to beanyone else. With costumes, they hide their faces aswell as their ideas. That’s the magic of masks! Comeon and join us. You can’t afford to miss it!
设计意图 : 通过角色表演, 学生可以巩固所学内容并提升学生英语的应用能力。真实、有趣的语言情境能充分调动学生学习的主动性, 使学生自觉投入到情境之中, 主动参与活动, 在话语中感知新词并在交际的过程中进行多种练习。这样做有助于学生全面领会新词的含义, 并在使用的过程中帮助学生加深对词汇的理解和识记, 提高运用能力, 达到内化的目的。
步骤6:应用 (8分钟)
让学生根据所学有关节日的词汇和表达方式设计一个节日, 要求学生落实到纸上。
If you are given a chance to design a festival, what do you want it to be like?
It will be celebrated on… / It will last …
Will people dress up in costumes?
By celebrating it, people may feel…
设计意图 : 鼓励学生积极运用所学词汇, 培养产出意识, 从而加深学生对节日内涵的理解及相关词汇的应用。
步骤7:课堂小结, 布置作业 (1分钟)
教师对学生的展示进行点评, 并提出本节课主要侧重阅读课中的词汇教学, 布置作业——介绍自己喜欢的中国节日, 并比较中西方节日的差异。
设计意图:培养学生的跨文化意识, 并巩固阅读中所学词汇, 提升学生的英语语言应用能力。
(一) 评价内容
1. 理解主旨大意;
2. 提取和筛选具体信息;
3. 理解文章内容, 运用相关词汇。
(二) 评价方法
1. 单词填空;
2. 选择话题 (多选) ;
3. 回答问题;
4. 角色表演与课文内容巩固相结合;
easy for me.(听说课教案)Ⅰ、Teaching model:Listening and speaking Ⅱ、Teaching method:Communicative approach Ⅲ、Teaching Objectives Knowledge objective Key vocabulary:
----platform,meeting,miss,shut,lock,simple,anybody,clock,ring,passenger,address, test,test message,couple,a couple of Key structures:-----although和 so...that...引导的状语从句。 Ability objective 1.To listen and understand sentences with although and so...that....2.To understand the conversation.3.To learn to use although and so...that.... Moral objective 1.To talk about things staying at home alone..2..To develop the ability to cooperate with others.Ⅳ、Teaching importance and difficulty 1.To learn about some expressions in the passage.2.To learn to use although and so...that...V、Teaching method PWP method, task-based method VI、Teaching aids A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures Ⅶ、Teaching Procedures Learning Aims(学习目标)
1.To listen and understand the conversation with although and so...that...2.To learn to use the patterns with although and so...that...correctly:
I can look after myself , although it won’t be easy for me.My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.3.To talk about someone’s feelings with although and so...that...4.To remember the words and expressions(师傅学友明确学习任务)Step 1: Check the new words.(学习单 词)1.师友朗读
platform meeting miss shut lock simple anybody clock ring passenger address test
test message couple, a couple of
(师友举手抢答)Step 2: Talk and learn.(学习对 话)I.师友听读感知
1)Work in pairs Talk about the picture..2)Listen and answer the questions.1.Where are Betty and her parents?
2.Is Betty traveling with her parents? 2)Listen again and complete the sentences.1.Will you be OK at home________?
2.I’ll ________ you too, and I’ll call you every day.3.I’ll keep it tidy so that you’ll _________me when you get home.(先自主完成再互助交流)
3)Listen and read again and find out Everyday English 1.Now…
2.I’m sorry...3.So am I.4.Have a good trip!(1)学友自主在课文中找到每日英语原句勾画出来。
Task1.Now complete the sentences.There may be more than one answer..Task2.Choose the correct answer..(先自主完成再互助交流)III.教师点拨
(师傅提醒帮助学友做好笔记哦!)Step 3: Practice and improve.(拓 展 提 高)I.师友听练
1.Listen and mark the words which the speaker links..1).Be especially careful with the door.Shut it when you’re in and lock it when you go out.2).I can look after myself , although it won’t be easy for me.3).I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but I don’t know what it is!Now listen again and repeat.(学友听师傅朗读,然后学友练读,师傅注意学友的发音)
2.Work in pairs.Imagine you are staying at home by yourself.Ask and answer.1)Can you look after yourself? 2)How will you make sure you wake up in the morning? 3)What will you eat? A:Can you look after yourself? B:Yes,I can./No,I can’t.A:How will you...? B:I’ll...(先自主完成再互助交流)II.教师点拨
在读对话时,仔细体会although和so...that的用法。Step 4 Cooperate and improve.(互 助 巩 固)I、师友巩固(先自主,后互助)
1).Listen!Is there ______(任何人)knocking at the door? 2).You need to take notes at the ______(meet), so make sure to bring A pen and some paper with you.3).I have to make sure the doors are _____(lock)before I leave.4).As soon as he got home,the phone ______(响)。
5).The bus stopped and the ______(passenger)got off the bus one by one.2.单项选择。
1).---I like vegetables and fruit.---___________.In fact,I eat a lot every day.A.So do I B.So am I C.So I do D.So I am 2)._________ they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finished their project now.A.Although B.So C.If D.But 3).There are ______ tall buildings in the village.A.a lot B.a couple of C.a pair of D.lot of 4).---He was ____ tired ____he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.---Oh,he should have a good rest.A.too;to B.so;that C.enough;to D.such;that 5).--Jane,hurry up!It’s time to leave.--OK.__________.A.I come B.I’ve come C.I’m coming D.I came II、教师强调
Step 5: Sum up.(总 结 归 纳)I.师友总结 1.Words:
platform meeting miss shut lock simple anybody clock ring passenger address test
test message couple, a couple of
2.Phrases: make sure ,wake sb.up,so...that...,be about to do
3.Patterns:(1)I can look after myself , although it won’t be easy for me.(2)My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.(3)So am I.(友情提示:先师友交流再集体展示)II.教师提升 1)Focus on:(1)make sure(2)wake sb.up(3)so...that...(4)be about to do
一、选择与汉语意思想对应的单词 序号填在括号内
[] thank A []hello B早晨
[]how C []morning你
[]you E
(我)是 []am F 再见 你好 []goodbye G谢谢 []are H 很好 D 怎样 []fine I是 []good J
1.[] Good __________(早上), Sam.A morning B amC how
2.[] How are ______(你), Sam? A IB you C hi
3.[] I’m ______(很好), thank you.A hello B goodbye C fine
1.Good morning, Sam 1.早上好,萨姆 2.How are you, Sam.Good morning, Sam.[] Good morning ,3.I’m fine, thank you.Amy[] 4.Hello, how are you2.你好吗,萨姆?How are you Sam.[] I’m fine, Sam[]
Bye-bye, thank you[] I’m fine, Thank you []
Hello, Xiaowei[] Goodbye, Xiaowei[]
Bye-bye, Xiaohong[] Hello ,Xiaohong[]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 红
Good morning, SamA 早上好艾米。Good morning, AmyB 你好吗?
How are you?C 早上好萨姆。I’m fine.D 谢谢你 Thank you.E 我很好
1、目标词汇:whose lose find mine yours hers careful be careful with on phone leave plane why hundred hundreds of look for thousand strange boat duck pig
2、目标语法:名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词:
单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),his /her/ its(他的、她的、它的)。
单数形式:mine(我的xx),yours(你的xx),his /hers /its(他的xx、她的xx、它的xx)。
3、关键结构:whose…is this? It’s mine.Is this …yours? Are these yours? 1 学习策略:
观察并归纳名词性物主代词单数和复数的差异 比较名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别
通过用英语与同伴谈论丢失的无评论或寻找失主 熟悉名词性物主代词的用法
本模块共三个教学单元unit1-3,unit1是听说练习。主要内容是玲玲大明等回到学校以后,发生在失物招领处的对话。操练重点短语和关键结构。Unit2是介绍失物招领处的课文,地点是纽约。关键短语是in a hurry, that’s why等。关键语法是名词性物主代词的用法。Hurry的用法还有短语hurry up等。That’s why是重点短语,期中考试很可能考到。翻译成“这就是„„的原因”或“这就是为什么„„”。
学生活动:听说训练;表演;模仿 教师活动:板书和讲授
Step1 导入: talking about the pictures that are on page 2 Step2处理对话:一方面找出目标短语first of all, be careful with ,from now on等;另一方面处理语法:名词性物主代词同时书写板书。并找出关键机构的代表句型并布置下节课默写的一问一答。
Step3:教师领读对话或者学生跟读录音机超过3回 Step4学生自己朗读对话超过3回 Step5 双人练习对话达到熟练的程度
Step6完成书上3页的练习3和5和教辅练习《优化设计》 Step7 课堂小结:关键短语和语法
Step8 布置作业:
课堂类型:听说课 板书设计:
Module 1 Unit 1 1语法:名词性物主代词
2短语:first of all, from now on, be careful with.etc.3增加的一个特殊疑问词:whose 谁的Unit 2 Are they yours? 目标:
1、目标词汇:whose lose find mine yours hers careful be careful with on phone leave plane why hundred hundreds of look for thousand strange boat duck pig
2、目标语法:名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词:
单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),his /her/ its(他的、她的、它的)。
单数形式:mine(我的xx),yours(你的xx),his /hers /its(他的xx、她的xx、它的xx)。
3、目标结构:They are looking for… Hundreds of people come here… Whose are they? 学习策略:
观察并归纳名词性物主代词单数和复数的差异 比较名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别
通过用英语与同伴谈论丢失的无评论或寻找失主 熟悉名词性物主代词的用法
能听懂有关失物招领的简短对话;能用名词性物主代词来谈论、寻找失物主人;能阅读介绍关于失物招领 6 的文章;能写失物招领启示和寻物启事;能表演寻找失物或归还失物的对话;能模仿在失物招领处寻找失物或失主的场景并表演出来。
本模块共三个教学单元unit1-3,unit1是听说练习。主要内容是玲玲大明等回到学校以后,发生在失物招领处的对话。操练重点短语和关键结构。Unit2是介绍失物招领处的课文,地点是纽约。关键短语是in a hurry, that’s why等。关键语法是名词性物主代词的用法。Hurry的用法还有短语hurry up等。That’s why是重点短语,期中考试很可能考到。翻译成“这就是„„的原因”或“这就是为什么„„”。Hundred的用法也是本课一个重点。Hundred在短语时候要写成hundreds of;需要加s;hundred在用作具体的数字时候如375等,7 不加s。本课课文中还涉及上学期旧知识的复习:现在进行时态;以及复数名词的特殊情况及读法,如:watch复数的读法,sausage复数的读法等。
Step1 导入:talking about the pictures that are on page 4
Step2处理课:一方面找出目标短语welcome to, in a hurry , that’s why, hundreds of, look for,at the moment, a lot of等;另一方面处理语法:名词性物主代词同时书写板书。并找出关键机构的代表句型并布置下节课默写的课文。
Step3:教师领读课文或者学生跟读录音机超过3回 Step4学生自己朗读课文超过3回 Step5 齐读练习课文达到熟练的程度 Step6完成书上5页的练习3和优化教辅练习Step7 课堂小结:关键短语和语法 Step8 布置作业:
2、朗读课文里第一段5遍 完成6页练习2准备转天默写M1全部短语和部分单词。
Module 1 Unit 2 1语法:名词性物主代词
2短语:welcome to, in a hurry , that’s why, hundreds of, look for,at the moment, a lot of.etc.反思
1.a visit to the UN一次联合国旅行2.want to do sth.想做某事3.want to visit想参观/游览
4.the UN building联合国大楼5.in New York在纽约6.a big building一幢大楼7.all the flags所有的旗子8.a flag from China一面来自中国的旗子9.all around到处,处处10.all around the world全世界/世界各地11.the world世界12.be from来自13.bring....to....把...带来14.bring peace to the world把和平带给世界15.go inside进里面16.show sb.sth.向某人展示某物17.the present from China来自中国的礼物18.take a photo照相19.it says据说/上面写着20.the People`s Republic of China(CRP)中华人民共和国21.go to the park去公园22.want to fly想飞23.visit the moon游览月球24.in the UN在联合国25.the Summer Palace 颐和园26.go to the sea去海边27.ride on a bus乘坐公交车28.visit the zoo游览动物园
1.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?你们想参观在纽约的联合国大楼吗?【此句是一般现在时态的一般疑问句,答语是:Yes,I/we do.No, I/we don`t.Want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”,to后跟动词原形。UN是联合国,是“the United Nations”的缩写形式;build(v.建筑,建造)+ing=building(n.建筑物,大楼)。】再如:There are lots of buildings in our city.我们城市有许多高楼。I want to go to the park.我想去公园。练习:我想去北京。我想飞。我们城市的楼房都很漂亮。
2.They want to bring peace to the world.他们想把和平带给世间。【bring....to....把...带来。Peace名词,“和平”的意思,其反义词是war战争,同音词是piece部分,片,块。】再如:Please bring your photos to me here.请把你的照片带到我这儿来。Peace is important for all around the world.3.Do you want to go inside?你想要去里面吗?【在这里是名词,“里面”,还有介词“在...里面”。其反义词是outside在...外面。】再如:There are some apples inside the bag.这个包里有一些苹果。练习:这个箱子里有一只猫。
4.I want to show Daming the present from China.我想给大明展示一下来自中国的礼物。【show sb.sth.向某人展示(出示)某物。Show还可作名词,讲“展览”意思。】Shoe us your postcard,please.请让我们看一下你的明信片。Mr Wang gave a painting show yesterday.昨天王先生举办了一个画展。练习:大明让我看了他在北京的照片。那家超市外有一个车展。
5.It says,“From the People`s Republic of China,1974”上面写着:“来自中华人民共和国,1974年”。【it says据说/据报道/上面写着等意思。the People`s Republic of China中华人民共和国,缩写是CRP,记住这些词:联合国UN,美国US/USA, 英国 UK(United Kingdom)联合王国】
1、the Great Wall长城
2、visit America拜访(参观、游玩)美国
3、in New York 在纽约
4、look at 看.....5、a picture of.......一张....图画(相片)
6、tell sb.more about...多给某人讲点关于...7、how long多长
8、It`s about....它是大约(关于)....9、six thousand seven hundred kilometres六千七百千米
10、tell me something about...告诉我关于...的事
11、how big 多大
12、eight million people 八百万人
13、fourteen million一千四百万
14、That`s a lot!太多了!
15、be great太棒了
16、an animal一只动物
17、in the east of在...的东部
18、in the west/south/north of在...的西/南/北部
19、San Francisco旧金山20、a(big)map of...一(大)张...地图
21、lots of=a lot of=many/much许多
22、from...to..从....到......23、such a big country=a so big country如此大的一个国家
24、every day and night 每个白天和夜晚
25、What am I?我是干什么的(什么职业)?
1、Daming is visiting America.大明正在美国游玩。【is visiting是现在进行时态(构成:be+动词ing)表示动作正在发生.。】再如:He`s watching TV.他正在看电视。练习:她正在写字。
2、He`s in New York with his cousin Simon.他和他的堂兄西门在纽约。【He`s=He is.in New York 在纽约。in New York with sb.是和某人在纽约。这个句子也可以这样说:He and his cousin,Simon are in New York.此时谓语动词要用“are”】再如:他和他的父母亲在北京。He`s in Beijing with his father and mother.练习:玲玲和萨姆、艾米在伦敦。/
3、And look at this one.看这个。【look是个不及物动词,后面必须加介词at,才能跟宾语。】再如:Look at your books.please.请看你们的书。练习:请看黑板!
4、It`s a picture of the Great Wall.它是一张长城的照片。【a picture of.......一张....图画(相片)。the Great Wall长城。这是一个专有名词,它前面的冠词the不能省略,且后面的两个单词的首字母要大写。】再如:That is a picture of my father.那是一张我父亲的照片。练习:这是一张我们教室的图片。
5、Tell me more about the Great Wall.多给我讲一些关于长城的事情。【tell sb.more about...多给某人讲点关于...。“more”更多。下面句子中“tell me something about...”告诉我关于...的事】再如:Tell us more about your family,please.请多告诉我们一些关于你家庭的事情。练习:请多讲点你班级的事。
6、How long is it?It`s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.它有多长?它大约有6700公里。【how long...?...有多长?它还可以表示“多久、多长时间”。How可以与big,long,many,far,old等连用,表示“多大、多长、多少、多远、多大年龄”,用来提问事物的数量或程度;】再如:How long is your ruler?你的尺子有多长?How long are you going to stay here?你打算在这儿待多久?【six thousand seven hundred kilometres六千七百千米。在英语中说百、千等时前面有数字时不要在它后面加“s”,英语中没有“万”表达用“ten thousand”数字表达方式为:千位与百位之间可直接相连,百位与十位之间及百位与个位之间要用and连接,十位与个位之间要有连字符。】再如five thousand two hundred and thirty-two,五千二百三十二。练习:①这条路有多长?它大约有三千六百零七千米。②你有多少书?
7、How big is it?It`s got eight million people.它有多大?它有八百万人口。【询问有多大(人口),要用“how big”。“people”是一个集体名词,本身指“人们、人口”只有复数形式。不加“s”。It`s got=It has got,has got=has,“has got”应用在口语。注意问句中是“is”,答句中是“has got”.】练习:你们的城市有多大?它有30万人口。
8、New York is in the east of America.纽约在美国的东部。【in the east/west/south/north of在...的东/西/南/北部,指在一个范围的内部。如果在外部,不加“in the”。】再如:Jinan is in the east of China.济南在中国的东部。Canada is north of America.加拿大在美国的北部。练习:三亚在中国的南部。
9、What a big map of America!多么大的一张美国地图呀!【what引导感叹句。What+a+形容词+名词单数+主语+谓语!/What+形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数+主语+谓语!;How+形容词+主语+谓语!】再如:How big the elephant is!这头像多大啊!练习:多么可爱的女孩啊!
1、She`s writing.2、Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy./Lingling,Sam and Amy are in London.3、Please look at the blackboard.4、This is a picture of our classroom.5、Tell us more about your class.6、①How long is the road?It`s about three thousand six hundred and seven kilometres.②How many books have you got?
外研版英语选修八模块3Foreign food 译文11-29