
2024-10-17 版权声明 我要投稿


高中英语邀请信 篇1


1,通过分析高考真题写作部分,熟悉并掌握邀请信的写作特点与要求; 2,通过自主限时写作练习,写出符合写作要求的邀请信。


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华.你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士做评委,请参照以下比赛通知给她给写一封信.英语演讲比赛








One possible version:

Dear Ms.Smith,I’m Li Hua, the leader of the Student Union of Yu Cai Middle School Middle School.I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for our English speech contest and be a judge.The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15.What’s more, there will be 10 students taking part in it.I’m sure it will be a great success if you can give us some precious remarks.I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.My telephone number is 44876655.I’m looking forward to your reply.With best wishes,Li Hua 必备知识回顾

Ⅰ 邀请信包括宴会,舞会,晚餐,婚礼等等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规格式(formal correspondence),亦成为请柬,一种为非正式格式(informal correspondence),即一般的邀请信,虽然一般邀请信在形式上不如





Ⅱ 结构模板

Dear______ ,There will be a ______(内容)at/in______(地点)on ______(时间).We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at ______(具体时间).This will be followed by a______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间), ______(另一个安排).Yours sincerely,Li Ming I really hope you can make it..Ⅲ 必备句型

⑴ 常用开头

1,It’s my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to…

2,I’m writing to invite you to…

3,I’d like to invite you to…

⑵ 常用结尾

1,We hope that you can come and look forward to seeing you.2,I’m looking forward to seeing your reply.3,I would be grateful if you could accept my invitation.⑶ 常用过渡词

表示列举和顺序的:firstly, secondly, thirdly, besides, then, for one thing, for another thing, etc.表示时间过渡的:now, suddenly, later, meanwhile, in the meanwhile, etc.表示概括总结的:in a word, in conclusion, in short, to sum up, etc..假定你是李华,你的一位美国朋友Jane在中国学习中文两年,即将回国。现在由你给她发E-mail,邀请她参加为她举办的欢送会,要点如下:




(4)地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;





(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane,Congratulations on your passing all the exams.Yours faithfully,Li Hua


⑴ 请她出席晚会,担任晚会评委并表演一个节目。

⑵ 晚会节目有唱歌,跳舞,话剧,时装表演等等。

⑶ 本市有名的歌星,演员也应邀参加。

⑷ 希望她那天晚上过得愉快。

注意:⑴ 不可遗漏要点⑵ 词数80-120

参考词汇:评委:judge时装表演:fashion show

Dear Mrs.White,Yours faithfully,Li Wei


Dear Jane,Congratulations on your passing all the exams.I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China.All you have gained is the result of your hard work.We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English, and we’ll always remember the wonderful time we spent together.It’s pity that you have to go back soon!So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening.Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? We’ll have dinner together.By the way, you may take Bus No.332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!

Yours faithfully,Li Hua


高中英语邀请信 篇2


(A) p真q真. (B) p真q假.

(C) p假q真. (D) p假q假.

2.若不等式|x-m|<1成立的充分不必要条件是2<x<3, 则实数m的取值范围是 ()

(A) (2, 3) . (B) [2, 3].

(C) (-∞, 2) . (D) [3, +∞) .

3.设直角三角形的两直角边的长分别为a和b, 斜边长为c, 斜边上的高为h, 则a+b和c+h的大小关系是 ()

(A) a+b<c+h. (B) a+b>c+h.

(C) a+b=c+h. (D) 不能确定.


的定义域是 ()

的解集是 ()

(A) a2. (B) b2. (C) 2ab. (D) a2+b2.

7.定义平面上的区域D如下:若P为D的任意一点, 则过P点必定可以引抛物线y=mx2 (m<0) 的两条不同的切线, 那么 ()

(A) 圆的一部分.

(B) 椭圆的一部分.

(C) 双曲线的一部分.

(D) 抛物线的一部分.

9.如图1, 点P和点Q分别是正方体的棱DH和BF上的两个动点, 且HP=BQ, 则平面PQC与平面ABCD所成角的取值范围是 ()

10.平面内有4个圆和1条抛物线, 它们可将平面分成的区域的个数最多是 ()

(A) 29. (B) 30. (C) 31. (D) 32.





(1) 求双曲线C的方程;

(2) 若P为C上任一点, A为双曲线的右顶点, 通过P, O的直线与从A所引平行于渐近线的直线分别交于Q, R, 试证明|OP|是|OQ|与|OR|的等比中项.


(1) 求y的定义域和值域, 并证明y是单调递减函数;




故选 (B) .


故选 (A)

由图3知, 定义域为

故选 (B) .


令tanx=t, 即

所以不等式的解集为 (arctan3, arctan5) .

故选 (B) .

6.如图4, 设P (x1, y1) , 则

故选 (A) .

7.设点P (a, b) 为区域D的任一点, 考虑过点P的直线l:y=k (x-a) +b, (显然与y轴平行的直线不是抛物线的切线) , l如果和抛物线相切, 则方程

今若要有两条不同的切线, 那么关于k的方程k2-4mka+4mb=0要有两个不同的实数解,

当m<0, 化简得ma2<b, 故

故选 (A) .



故选 (C) .

9.如图5所示, 设平面PQC与底面ABCD所成角为θ, 正方体棱长为a, 则

在点P, Q的运动过程中, △PQC在底面ABCD上的射影不变 (△BCD) , 并且△PQC的面积与△QEC的面积相等.

10.一条抛物线可将平面分成2个区域, 记作a1=2, 增加1个圆, 此圆与抛物线最多有4个交点, 这4个交点将圆分成4段首尾相接的弧, 每段弧将原来所在的区域一分为二, 则有

再增加1个圆, 此圆与抛物线最多有4个交点, 和第1个圆有2个交点, 故此圆与原有曲线共有6个交点, 这6个交点将该圆分成6段,

故选 (B) .


交换x, y的位置, 反函数为


13.易知数列{dn}的公差为30, 故只需找出d1来.



又因为P, M, Q三点共线, 所以

若k2+4k-12>0, 不合题意,

当k2+4k-12<0时, 则f (x) 在x≥2时单调递增,

18.显然arccosx≠0, 所以


所以当arccosx=2时, tmin=6,

故t的取值范围是[6, +∞) .

19.设连接抛物线上两点A (x1, y1) , B (x2, y2) 的弦AB的长为1, 且AB的中点C的坐标为 (x, y) , 则

20.如图7所示, 设球心为O, O在底面的射影为O′, E为BC的中点,


在Rt△OEO′中, OE2=OO′2+EO′2,


21.设t=logax, 则原不等式可化为


如图8所示, 画出函数y1=|t|+|t2-1|, y2=a的图象.

22. (1) 由条件知


焦点坐标为 (-5, 0) , 故


(2) 设P (x1, y1) , 则

23. (1) 显然, y的定义域是-1≤x≤1;且y在0≤x≤1上是单调递减的.

当-1≤x≤0时, 设-1≤x1<x2≤0,

故f (x) 在[-1, 0]上也是单调递减的, 从而y是单调递减函数,



英语邀请信 篇3

I am Lihua, the leader of the Students Union of Yucai Middle School。 I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for our English Speech Contest and be a judge。The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15。 What’s more, there will be ten students taking part in it。 I am sure that it will be a great success if you can give us some precious remarks。

I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation。 My telephone number is 44876655。 I am looking forward to your reply。

英语邀请信 篇4

I‘m delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]。

As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic。。。 from [time] to [time]。 There will be an additional minutes for questions。

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you‘ll need。 If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need。

Thank you again for agreeing to speak。 I look forward to hearing from you。

Sincerely yours,


英语邀请信的 篇5



Dear [Jane]:

I hope [you and Fred] havent any plan for the weekend of [July twenty-fourth] as wed like you to spend it with us at [Far Acres].Its simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!

I think we can promise [Fred] some good fishing this year.The fish are biting better than ever!So bring your fishing clothes;and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because [the Owens] are

coming and Im sure youll want to get out on the courts with them.Theres a very good train [Friday night];Ive marked it in red on the timetable.It gets you here about [seven-thirty] which is just in time for dinner.You can get a late train back [Sunday night], or theres an early express that [Bob] usually takes on [Monday morning].We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as were looking forward to your visit and I know [the Owens] are looking forward to seeing you again, too.Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that [Bob] can meet you at the station.Affectionately yours,英语邀请信范文篇二

inviting a classmate to a reunion

july 25, 20XX

Dear XX,Its three years since we left no.1 high school.have you ever thought of seeing all of your old classmates again some day? heres a chance for you to meet them.The reunion is on sunday, august 10, 20XX at 10 a.m.be sure to come on time and well stay for a whole day.bring something interesting to surprise everybody if you like.were looking forward to seeing you!

The address is no.XXX taiping street.take bus no.XXX and get off at taiping street.you cant miss it.Please note: if you cant come, write to this address or call me up(tel: XXX)and leave a message.any good suggestion should be sent to us by next weekend.yours,XX


Hello!Eeveryone,The new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? OR DO you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Lets share classmate heart at XXXX(time place).Come on!Where is your passion?

I AM LOOKING FORWARD YOU!Happy night and day!

“建筑堪舆”栏目邀请函 篇6

本栏目将邀请相关专业人士, 以城市与住宅领域为范畴, 从规划设计、建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计、城市发展、项目策划等方面, 探索中国传统风水文化和现代生态健康人居环境的结合之道;发掘中国传统文化中建筑风水文化的现代价值;结合城市建筑的现实与未来需要进行创新发展, 积极促进相关方面专家学者对风水文化的研究成果进行交流。

我们将坚持以实事求是的态度, 结合具体案例阐述风水文化与建筑的有机结合;深入而系统地探讨风水的起源、发展和理论方法, 通过科学的方法, 结合现代建筑理论, 积极探索如何更多的发掘古老风水文化中的科学成分, 同时对风水学中的迷信和糟粕进行批判, 力求给大家一个关于风水与建筑的清晰轮廓, 以达到古为今用和正确对待风水之目的。

我们诚挚邀请这一领域的权威专家、学者作为栏目理事, 畅谈传统风水学在中国古今建筑领域的作用与地位;指导建议地产、装饰等相关工程项目;参与地产沙龙等活动;共同推动建筑堪舆古为今用, 百花齐放, 营造建设环境与风水文化的科学接轨。





考研英语邀请信 篇7

邀请信(Invitation Letter)







Write a letter to your former roommate in your university and invite him/her to visit your city during the summer vacation.You should write about 100 words.You donown address.Dear Xiaobing,t need to write your

How are you getting on recently? I am wondering if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holidays.If not, I wish you could come here and visit my city.My family are also glad to receive you as a popular guest in my home.My hometown is a very beautiful seashore city.There are many places of interest worthy of sightseeing.Besides, the local style food here is also well known.Dont you tell me in the letter that you have been dreaming of the sea? The place where I live is located near the sea.Every day you can walk on the seashore, pick up seashells and even enjoy swimming in the sea.Hoping to see you in my hometown as soon as possible.Yours,Li Ming

I am writing to invite you to...我写信是想邀请你……

I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in...我想如果你能参加……将是一个非常好的主意。

We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.我们非常高兴地期待着你的到来。

高考英语邀请信讲解指导 篇8


一、邀请信的写作步骤及超实用句型 第一步


1.I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union.2.An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6.3.There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.4.I’d like to invite you to judge it.5.I’m writing to invite you to...6.I wonder if you can come...7.We sincerely hope you can attend it.8.It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to...9.It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon.So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening.Could you come at 6:00 pm?

第二步、介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。超实用句型 1.It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.2.We will start at 8:00 pm and arrive their at 9:00.3.During the afternoon, we’ll...together.4.Remember to take water and lunch with you.5.By the way, you may take Bus No.322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club.6.I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school, sincerely invite you to be part of the contest.7.Since you are so eager to improve your English, it will prove to be a great chance.8.I’m sure that you will enjoy yourself there.第三步、期待对方接受邀请,并期待对方尽快回复。超实用句型

1.Will you be available during that time? Please contact me at 1234567 at your earliest convenience.2.Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation?

3.We will feel much honored if you could come.4.We are looking forward to your coming.5.I am longing to see you soon.说完步骤和句型,接下来我们进入实操部分!

二、邀请信写作范例 范例一

请你代表高三学生给外教Jeff写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.邀请他参加高三年级的新年聚会; 2.请他做简短发言;

3.时间:3月30日(周一)下午3:30; 4.地点:学校礼堂。注意:



成人仪式 the Coming-of-age ceremony Dear Jeff,_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Yours, Joe



1.北京大学张教授讲解中国茶文化的历史和传播; 2.讲座后有交流和品茶活动;



2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hi Chris,_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Yours,Joe

中国市场理事会邀请函 篇9

中国市场理事会以研究、指导、建设和发展中国企业健康成长为先导;以加强企业界与各相关领域间高层次的密切合作与交流为基点;以营造自由和谐的市场竞争氛围为目的;以促进企业积极稳步地发展、维护理事会单位的合法权益为宗旨, 为政府公共管理、塑造企业形象、帮助企业开拓市场和专家学者从事市场及企业研究、国情研究提供服务。理事会是以企业、各级工商联组织、政府部门和相关研究机构为主体, 由政府官员、著名经济学家和企业界代表等组成的研究咨询、组织策划、三产调研的服务性机构。

中国市场理事会是针对我国政治、经济、文化、企业等领域的新视角、新问题、新课题进行深入、系统的探讨和研究的全国性专家组织。理事会坚持为会员提供良好的服务, 制定了中国市场理事会章程, 并定期通过论坛组织, 邀请国内外的专家学者为会员单位提供政策把关、战略制定、创新开拓等研究、信息、咨询服务。会员单位的业绩、成就分别汇编成书正式出版, 海内外公开发行并赠送国家有关部委。理事会最高权力机构是中国市场理事会代表大会, 理事会设理事长、副理事长、秘书长、副秘书长、常务理事、理事, 在中国市场理事会下设秘书处, 秘书处为中国市场理事常设机构, 负责中国市场理事日常事务处理和中国市场理事会成员之间的服务协调工作。

为了更好地推进中国市场理事会的开展, 理事会就整体运作等事宜, 与济南富冠管理咨询有限公司达成协议:济南富冠管理咨询有限公司为《中国市场》杂志的合作运营机构, 负责中国市场理事会的招募、服务等各项工作。


中国市场理事会相关事宜, 请与中国市场秘书处联系或参考中国市场杂志社网站中国市场理事会章程。电话:010—68392972;0531—67812988;手机:18653139846。


英语邀请信的写作以及回复 篇10

Dear Alice,Thank you very much for your invitation.It will be great pleasure for me to join you on Friday for the wonderful film.I will arrive at the cinema before eight.I look forward to meeting you on Friday.Thank you for thinking of me.Yours,Jane


高中英语邀请信 篇11

I am ____________________________.句2:

请求:I am writing the letter for the purpose of asking you to help___/applying for___ 邀请:I am writing the letter for the purpose of inviting you to___.第二段 句1 请求:The ___ should amply meet the following requirements./Here are the reasons why___ 邀请:The ___ will take place at ___ on___ I would consider it a great honor if you could come.句2 请求:(1)Firstly, ___.(2)For one thing it will be greatly appreciated if you can___.邀请:After the ___, there will also be a ___at two p.m.句3 请求:(1)Secondly, ___.(2)For another, always miss your wonderful program I the afternoon, so i`d like to know your timetable of the ___ program.邀请:I do hope you will attend too.句4 请求:(1)Finally, ___.(2)if it is convenient for you.Please send a timetable to me.My email is ___.邀请: 第三段

《热反射金属屋面板》参标邀请 篇12

为使本标准的内容更加明确, 具有广泛的适用性和代表性, 使热反射金属屋面板产品的使用更加广泛、安全、规范, 并保证项目的按时完成, 将由国家建筑材料测试中心负责组织成立标准起草小组, 吸纳业内有代表性的骨干企业作为参编单位。经研究决定, 拟商请贵单位作为本标准编制的参编单位。如贵单位有意愿参加, 请填好回执 (见附件一) , 加盖公章后传真并寄至我单位。


1.各单位应以书面形式申请参加此项标准编制工作, 确定一名参加标准编制工作人员名单 (参编人员应有实际经验, 具备工程师以上职称资格) , 上报主编单位备案。

2.标准编制需要相应的编制经费, 因而各参编单位须提供相应的经费支持或承办一次会议, 此经费专款专用。

3.参编单位请务必于2009年8月31日前与我们联系, 并以传真并邮寄的形式提交申请书 (附件一) , 过期没交到的将视为自愿放弃参加编制工作, 如有不明之处请与主编单位联系。











高中英语邀请信 篇13

School of Material Science and Engineering XXXX University

XXX Road

XXX Distract
