
2024-06-25 版权声明 我要投稿


英文摘要及翻译 篇1







Nanjing XXX construction project of bid documents


The construction project bidding is under the conditions of market economy

competitive project contracting way to trade.It is characteristic of the related

government departments under the supervision of the set by the party awarding

including engineering quality, the price, the time limit for the main mark, invited

several construction unit according to legal procedures, through a secret offer, a fair,fair competition, the construction unit by selected based on the process.In the process,as the bidding management agencies in the main work is: review of the bidding unit

qualification, the tender documents, mark-bottom;Participate in the investigation and

large engineering DaYiHui;Supervision and bid opening, evaluation and

determination;Issue the letter of acceptance.With the deepening of the market economy, development and further standardize,people involved in the market competition of the opportunity to increase, this kind of

competition in the bidding, bidding representation of more and more and more

international standards and specifications, which requires the marketing personnel

loses no time using the market rules, and seize the market pulse, practice and master

the bidding, bidding process, laws, customs and practices, and constantly improving

their own business level and skills, in bidding avoid or reduce the omissions and

errors, do the true, overall, accurate, detailed and efficient complete each part of the

necessary contents, improve bid designing level, and improve the bid-winning rate,consolidate old market, win new customers, strive to expand market share in the

increasingly fierce competition in the market, to win in competition, is in an

impregnable position.Key words: bidding, the terms of the contract, the time, the basis











英文摘要及翻译 篇2

石油类科技论文摘要的语篇特点, 本文选取三篇论文摘要, 从以下三个方面分析石油类英语摘要的语篇特点和相应翻译策略:

一、摘要整体要求语法正确, 表达准确、地道

英文摘要要求必须按照英语语法, 不能出现中式英语。在翻译时, 要注意以下几方面:中英文差异、无主句、连动句、搭配不当、主谓不一致。如:“区域三维空间岩石可钻性预测方法研究与应用”一文中:

“分析了利用单一测井、录井及地震资料预测方法的不足, 提出了预测三维空间岩石可钻性的新方法, 即利用测井约束地震反演技术对三维地震数据进行反演, 生成全频带高分辨率的岩石纵波速度体, 通过室内微钻头岩心可钻性试验, 建立考虑岩石声波与密度属性的预测模型;据此开发了三维预测软件, 完成了三维空间地层岩石可钻性的预测。”

该句较长, 内容丰富, 必须首先理解原文含义, 并以英文规范语法翻译。原文作者翻译如下:A new 3D prediction method is presented, whichconstructsthesonic-densitymodelbycombiningthe core tests and acoustic data cube generated by using well log constrainedseismicinversiontechnique.本句表达原文理解有偏差, 内容有缩减, 语法有错误, 正确翻译应为:Anew3Dpredictionmethod is presented, in which a model considering both rock acoustic and density properties were constructed by combining the micro-bit drillability test and full-band and high-resolution P wave velocity cubewhichwasgeneratedby welllogconstrainedseismicinversion technique.


石油科技论文摘要一般为信息型摘要, 主要由投稿刊物的要求来确定。摘要内容包含研究目的、对象、方法、结论, 字数一般为原文10%左右, 200~300字左右。根据不同内容, 时态运用也随之变化。基本时态为一般现在时和一般过去时, 在提到研究结论时运用现在完成时, 而将来时主要用于对将来发展趋势的预测和建议。在翻译过程中, 应该根据不同内容, 选择正确时态。如“储、隔层岩石及层间界面性质对控制压裂缝高的影响”一文中:“当储隔层界面的抗剪强度高出某一临界值时, 压裂缝高急剧增大, 小于该临界值时则界面会发生滑移, 裂缝被完全限制在储层内;”原文翻译为Thefractureheightincreases quicklywhentheinterfacial shear strength is beyond a critical value, andthefractureheightconfinedfullybyreservoirwhentheinterfacial shearstrengthlowerthanthecriticalvalue.时态问题较大, 正确翻译应为:The fracture height increased quickly when the interfacial shear strength of reservoir rock/barrier was beyond a critical value, andthefractureheightwasconfinedfullybyreservoirwhentheinterfacialshearstrengthwas lowerthanthecriticalvalue.


科技论文谈论客观现象, 因此被动句和第三人称主语句使用较多, 在英文摘要中被动句占三分之一。而在汉语表达中, 多使用无主句或是使用第一人称等结构。在翻译过程中需要注意中英文表达差异。如“通过数值模拟得出, 弹性模量大的隔层在裂缝穿过界面时对其并无明显限制作用, 反而会有利于隔层中缝高的增大;”原文翻译为Throughnumerical simulation, we deduced that high elastic modulus interlayer hasalittlehinderswhenthefracturegrowsthroughthebondinginterface.此为典型汉语主动句, 应改为:Throughnumericalsimulation, it was deduced that barrier with high elastic modulus has little hinderingwhenthefracturegrowsthroughthebondinginterface.


[1]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1995.

[2]张增基.英汉翻译教程[M].外语出版社, 1980.

[3]金惠康.跨文化交际翻译[M].贵州教育出版社, 1997.

英文摘要及翻译 篇3

关键词: 学术论文;英文摘要;结构要素;语言特点





Abstract:(1)The integrated encoding of language information and its decoding analysis cannot be mechanically reflected and transformed in inter - cultural communication. (2)Frequently, what the speaker says and what the receiver understands cannot be equalized in its intentional meaning, thus causing misunderstandings and conflicts. (3)Three causes for information gap have been analyzed: interference of the information channel, the different cultural factors, and the speakers’different cognitive ability, for the purpose of adjusting information gap to effectuate successful communication.

这篇英文摘要中的“ information gap” 和 “three causes”说明了该研究的领域是信息差及其产生的原因;句(1)中出现的“language information ”和“ intercultural communication” 则进一步补充说明了该研究的主题是在跨文化交际过程中,言语信息差的产生原因;前2句都是对该研究背景信息的描述;句(3)则点明了研究的方法并部分预示了语料的可能来源和该研究的目的;但是摘要结构要素的第五、六部分并未体现在摘要中。像以上摘要一样,目前许多摘要并没有包含所有的六大结构要素,因为有些成分是可有可无的。



摘要属正式文体,主要用以陈述事实, 表明观点。因而在英语摘要中主要使用陈述句,多用非谓词短语和复合句。主要常用句型有主谓宾句型和( S +V +O)和主系表句型( S +V + P)。由于英汉语言结构不同,在翻译摘要时,不应拘泥于原文的语言形式,应使译文表达更符合英语的行文特点。

例2:摘要: 翻译作为一门综合性、跨门类的学科与美学有着不解之缘。无论从理论上还是实践上,美学的理论思想和审美范畴对翻译都有一定的借鉴意义。本文试图结合心理学理论和美学理论来揭示译者的审美心理能力,探究译者进行翻译创作的心理机制,从而更好地了解译者在翻译过程中的审美心理。

Abstract: (1)As a comprehensive and interdisciplinary subject, translation studies is closely related to aesthetics, from which it has drawn extensively for its conceptualization and its practice a2like. (2)This paper discusses the translator’s aesthetic - psychological ability from both the psychological and the aesthetic perspective, probing the psychological mechanisms of literary translation with its view to better understanding the translator’s aesthetic psychology.

汉语摘要中的第一句和第二句被合并成为一句,主题“翻译与美学有着不解之缘”被放在合并后的主句中,从而得到突出。汉语的第二句是对第一句的补充说明,译成英语后就将其并入which从句中。汉语中第三句有“结合”“揭示”“探究”“了解”四个汉语动词。其中“揭示… …能”是语义中心,被置于主句的主干成分中,其它三个动词分别表示方法,伴随或目的,被分别用介词短语和分词短语译出,“多枝共干”的树形特点非常突出。


综上所述, 摘要虽然篇幅短少,但包含了大量的有效信息。好的英文摘要是构成一篇高质量论文的重要组成部分。作为译者还是作者,都要求他们认真地了解英文摘要的构成要素, 熟悉其写作规范, 掌握一定的技巧,并通过不断实践,输出更多语言地道、格式规范的英语摘要文本。


[1]黄国文,葛达西.英语学术论文写作[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社,2006 .


如何将论文摘要翻译成英文 篇4








Abstract:The margin structure of the business enterprise mean comparison relation between composing and its margin quantity of the business enterprise congenial funds different way, it reflected the combination circumstance of various funds sources of business enterprise.According to the dissimilarity of the business enterprise funds source, can is divided into the business enterprise margin inside the source margin and the outside source margin two major types.Mainly mean inside the source margin that the surplus of the production management activity creation that business enterprise passes oneself to carry on the margin, mainly include the business enterprise to subsist the income, depreciation the reserve, fixed assets fluxion funds become now transfer.The outside source margin mean that the business enterprise makes use of the exterior funds to carry on the margin, mainly having direct margin and indirect two kinds of methods of margin.Among them indirect margin mainly with the bank believe loan is lord, but direct the margin then includes stock issue, the bond issue and commercial note etc.s.Pass the analysis to various covariance data and researches, can see an our country business enterprise current margin structure too one, is a direct margin particularly in the business enterprise margin comparison far away below and indirect margin, therefore, have the necessity to carry on in time the homologous adjustment, thus carry out long-term development target of the our country business enterprise margin.Because the our country business enterprise inside the not easy understanding of the source margin circumstance is also not easy to compare, so this text mainly borrowed funds from the bank within outside source margin, the stock issue, bond issue and a few aspects of the note margin to inquiry into current our country the business enterprise margin structure existent some problems, pass with the foreign business enterprise margin structure of more analytical, to our country the business enterprise margin structure adjust put forward the homologous suggestion.

建筑英文文献及翻译 篇5







英文童话故事及翻译 篇6

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice.They were friends.One mouse lived in the country;the other mouse lived in the city.After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse;he said, “Do come and see me at my house in the country.” So the City mouse went.The City mouse said, “This food is not good, and your house is not good.Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city.You would live in a nice house made of stone.You would have nice food to eat.You must come and see me at my house in the city.”

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse.It was a very good house.Nice food was set ready for them to eat.But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise.The City mouse cried, “ Run!Run!The cat is coming!” They ran away quickly and hid.After some time they came out.When they came out, the Country mouse said, “I do not like living in the city.I like living in my hole in the field.For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.”





中英文摘要编写要求 篇7

(1) 应按照摘要编写的4个要素 (论文的目的、方法、结果、结论) 进行编写。目的:研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的、所涉及的主题范围。方法:所用的原理、理论、条件、对象、材料、工艺、结构、手段、装备、程序等。结果:实验、研究的结果、数据, 被确定的关系, 观察得到的效果、性能等。结论:结果的分析、研究、比较、应用, 提出的问题等。

(2) 摘要编写应内容充实, 中文摘要一般为300字左右, 英文摘要与之对应, 应保证内容完整, 语言简洁、准确、流畅, 层次分明。

(3) 摘要应尽可能取消或减少课题研究的背景信息:出现的数据应是最重要、最关键的数据;缩略语、略称、代号。除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解以外, 在首次出现时必须写出中、英文全称;不得简单重复题名中已有的信息;除了实在无法变通以外, 一般不列数学公式, 不出现插图、表格;不用引文, 除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。

英文摘要 篇8

Significance and Methods

Zhong Zhixian

Informed by the demands for innovations in the educational model of the Open University of China (OUC), this article discusses the connotations, significance and methods of scholarship of teaching for OUC in an attempt to promote open and distance learning and enhance teaching quality. It is argued that scholarship of teaching should deal with the principles and methods of knowledge transmission, learning performance, and improvement of teaching practice from an academic perspective. Scholarship of teaching is believed to contribute to a comprehensive interpretation of the connotations of scholarship, the relationship between teaching and research, and the importance of teaching as well as to promote staff professional developments. Several factors influence scholarship of teaching, including research paradigm, research norm, and evaluation criteria.

Keywords: Open University; scholarship of teaching; connotation; significance; method

Open and Distance Education in the Post—RTVU Age: Issues and Concerns

Xiao Junhong

The establishment of the Open University of China (OUC) based on the Radio and Television Universities (RTVU) network is an important measure to realize the goals of actively promoting modern distance education and of running Chinese open universities well, as proposed in the Outline of the National Programme for Long— and Medium—term Educational Reforms and Developments (2010—2020). This article sets out to analyze problems which hinder the transition of the RTVUs network to OUC and recommends possible solutions in the light of the Strategic Plan for the Open University of China. First, the instructional model should be open to change in accordance with the principles of open and distance education. Second, learning resources should play the role of academic tutor. Third, teaching support should be sustainable. Fourth, educational technology chosen should be appropriate to the purpose. Fifth, the curriculum should cater for learners’ changing needs with students having a say in what to learn. Last but not the least, there should be diversity in course assessment method.

Keywords: open and distance education; Radio and Television University; the Open University of China

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition: A Legal Perspective

Yao Laiyan

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is the process of identifying, assessing and recognizing skills and knowledge acquired through previous learning, work experience, life experience, and so on before the applicants’ admission to higher education programmes. These experiences can be converted into credits to exempt students from some parts of the study. PLAR is hence believed to contribute to life—long learning. PLAR originated in France and was later widely adopted in the USA and Canada. Today, it is being studied and implemented in many countries in the world, including China. The Open University of China is a pioneer in this field in China, conducting theoretical research and international cooperation. Judging from the practice of some other countries, PLAR is of practical relevance to China’s open and distance education but may encounter difficulties in its implementation. It is argued that the implementation of PLAR depends on legal awareness, respect for individuals, law legislation and enforcement. Therefore, there should be relevant laws, policies, regulations, procedures as well as transparency. It is concluded that there should be in—depth research into PLAR followed by legislation and large—scale experiments before its implementation in China and that this process should be government—led.

Keywords: PLAR; prior learning assessment; non—formal learning; informal learning; credit recognition

Researching the Competencies Required for Tutors in Distance

Education for the Disabled

Huang Dan and Zhang Meilin

With 17 disabled distance learners as subjects of the first—stage interview, this study set out to investigate tutors’ roles in these distance learners’ course of study and life as well as what are expected of tutors. The second stage of the interview involved 37 tutors with the aim of examining their routine jobs and their opinions on what support a qualified tutor for disabled distance learners should be able to give his/her students. Informed by findings from the two interviews, the article outlines the competencies required for tutors of disabled distance learners and recommends some measures to improve these tutors’ competencies.

Keywords: distance education for the disabled; tutor; competencies

Implications from the Development of Corporate E—learning in

America, South Korea and Taiwan, China

Jiang Fengjuan, Wu Hongbin and Wu Feng

America, South Korea and Taiwan, China lead the world in corporate e—learning. Using the literature analysis method, the authors collected and examined relevant publications from ProQuest and CNKI as well as research reports from Bersin & Associates, ASTD and Brandon—hall. Based on findings from the literature analysis, they summarize the status quo of corporate e—learning in these areas and make informed predictions about the development trends. Measures to develop corporate e—learning in China are also discussed.

上一篇:黄冈市中考考试说明 语文下一篇:单身女生个性签名