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中考英语作文一 篇1


1.节水节电;2.垃圾分类;3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕;4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。参考词汇:低碳low carbon 纸巾tissue


Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle.Here is something about it.Best wishes,Li Bing


许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以“Less Pressure, Better Life”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括: ①同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;②我的压力是什么;③我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。



Less Pressure, Better Life

Hello, boys and girls!

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world.Students in our class are under too much pressure.2013中考英语作文题目预测三

随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。





赞成的理由 1.广交朋友 2.可自由表达思想 3.有利于外语学习

反对的理由 1.浪费时间 2.影响学习3.可能上当受骗


2011年中考英语作文 题目预测及范文一.假如你是一所国际学校校办英文杂志的学生编辑。你看了下面这封信后,也想写一篇关于该信的读后感,内容要点包括:你对此事件的看法;解释你的理由并提出你的建议;向受害者表达尽快康复的祝愿。Today,I received the reader‘s letter.I was shocked at it.Personally speaking,I think we should pay more attention to the food safety.The government must make some necessary laws.What’s more,some businessmen shouldn‘t be only interested in making money.They must care about people’s health.We‘d better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious,because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health.Finally,I hope the family in the accident will get better soon。二.中国西南地区干旱的英语作文Saving water is very important for us.There will be fewer fresh water in the future.We must avoid any chance of wasting water.We should take actions in or daily life.For example, take shorter water at any time, leave the sink running.Every time you use water, you should turns off taps after using.We need to be careful and save a little bit of water for years and years.A pale, uneven, parched world, where a motor-car rocks and lurches and churns in sand.A world pallid with dryness, in human with a faint taste of alkali.Like driving in the bed of a great sea that dried up unthinkable ages ago, and now is drier than any other dryness, yet still reminiscent of the bottom of the sea, sand hills sinking, and straight, cracked mesas, like cracks in the dry-mud bottom of the sea.If we don’t save water,the last drop pf water will be our tears.三.毕业感想初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想(请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名)。提示词供参考。three years,memories,one of,one day,think,happy/ sorryHow time flies!I have studied in my school for three years.And I will graduate from middle school in a month.I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.I had so many memories in three years’ life.On of them impressed me very much.I still remember,when I began to learn English,I found it too difficult.No matter how hard I tried,I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it up.As soon as my English teacher found my problem,she had a talk with me about how to learn English well.Since then,she has kept helping me.Little by little,I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it.I think I am so lucky to become one of her students.I’ve learned a lot from her.I will try to help others when they are in trouble.I think it is a happy thing to help others.中考英语满分作文教程

中考英语作文模...中考英语作文模...四.目前十堰市正在积极创建全国文明城市,中学生也在为之努力。假如你是你是某中学的一名学生张通,请根据下列图表所示内容,给笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍有关情况。注意:1.邮件内容应包含所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥;2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名等信息;3.词数90左右(邮件中已经写好了的部分,不计入总词数)。4.参考词汇:civilized 文明的 respect 尊敬Dear John,I’m glad to hear from you.Now let me tell you something about our city.Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city.We middle school students are also doing some things for it.We are all polite to our teachers.(In class, we listen carefully to them./ When we meet them, we always say hello to them./…)We also respect the old.For example, we help them cross the streets.We are always ready to help each other.(When one has

difficulty with his studies, others will help him at once./...)We often show our love to those in trouble.Last month, the students of my class donated money to the earthquake-hit areas.Besides, we plant trees to protect the environment and make our city more beautiful.Shiyan is my hometown.I will do my best to turn Shiyaninto a civilized city.Zhang Tong

五.低碳生活现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。提示词语:be good for,everyone,ride a bike,think,make a difference,environment,suggest,reuseLow-carbon life is good for everyone.To help with the environment,I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.Besides,I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom.I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life.And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment.So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible.And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes.If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.六.上海世博会对中国的影响As we all know that 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai,this is the first time that China hosted the World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it hasnever been held in Asia.So it is a great honor for our country.It is also a great honor for all the Asians.As a host city,Shanghai will have more chances to develop quickly.The theme of the Expo is “Better City,Better Life”。We all really hope that Shanghai will become more exciting and attractive and that we can enjoy life to the fullest.Organizers expected to attract 70 million visitors from all over the world to attend,at the same time it is also the largest in the history of World Expo.It is a good chance for China to show its achievements in many fields.七.How to Survive an EarthquakeIf earthquake happened,firstly,don’t panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don‘t run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go downstairs.If in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.Thirdly,we should help each other when we meet trouble.At last,no matter how strong the earthquake is,if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up,we must be able to overcome any difficulties.八.现在越来越多的人在网上购物,网购已 成为流行趋势,二网购的利弊也成为人们讨论的焦点,请参考下面的信息,并结合就的观点些一短文,谈谈你的看法。1.方便,可以在家买东西,不受时间限制。2.有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品。价格较便宜。3.买货容易退货难;实物和图片有差距。

4.网络支付不安全。提示词:实物:materiai objectNow Internet shopping is more and more popular in the world.It’s a new way of shopping.It has lots of advertages.The most important is convient.You can shop whenever you like because the online shop are open 24 hours a day.It is often to buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that youcan’t buy in the shop.Besides,it’s cheaper.But “ Every coin has two sides.” So is Internet shopping.You can’t see the material objects or check their quality.Usually the pictures are more beautiful than the goods.So when

中考英语作文一 篇2


提示:亲爱的同学们,在你的生活或学习中一定会有一些好的做法和想法,你可能希望与他人分享,或倡议他人与你一同去做。请结合你的经验、爱好以及社会关注的一些问题,把题目“Let’s____”补充完整,然后用英语写一篇短文。例如,你可以写Let’s make a banana milk shake/keep healthy/get on well with parents/save water等等。


2. 语言流畅,内容连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁。

3. 文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。

4. 短文必须写在答题卡上,若在本卷上作答,一律不得分。


这个半命题作文开放、灵活,贴近考生的学习生活,很好地体现了外语教学“工具性”和“人文性”相统一的原则,体现了素质教育的理念。因为“Let’s+动词原型”的句型,是新人教版初中英语七年级上册的重点内容之一,如,Let’s play basketball.Let’s go home等,而且在七年级上册的前四个单元,学生一直都在学习be动词的用法,结合“Let’s+动词原形”这一句型,思路开阔的考生可以把题目补充为Let’s be a happy/polite/outgoing/sunny person等。试卷中还提示考生可以写Let’s make a banana milk shake,新人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?的Section A部分专门介绍了香蕉奶昔的制作方法,教师在上课时一般都会结合教材详细地讲解,有的教师甚至还亲自带着食物搅拌器,按照课本上提示的步骤,当堂演示,或者要求学生根据课堂上所学的方法,回家制作香蕉奶昔,和家人一起品尝。即便学生记不住做奶昔的过程,他们也可以以“Let’s make fruit salad./Let’s make popcorn./Let’s make Russian soup”等为题进行写作。



1. 书写极其不规范


2. 审题不清,文不达意

很多学生对题意的理解不够深刻,命题新颖、见解独到的文章较少。多数学生思维打不开,补充作文题目时只局限于试卷中所列出的几个范例,即Let’s keep healthy./Let’s save water./Let’s get on well with parents,导致所写作文千篇一律,缺乏亮点。“Let’s+动词原型”的句型,还有相当一部分考生没有掌握,以致试卷中“Let’s doing sth./Let’s water./Let’s environment./Let’s to do sth.”等带有语法错误的标题层出不穷。有些考生所写内容文不对题,标题是Let’s help others,内容却是如何进行环保等,令人啼笑皆非。

3. 作文层次不清楚


4. 中式英语较多,语言表达不地道

很大一部分学生由于受汉语思维方式或文化的影响,加之对英语简单句的五种基本句型不够熟悉,创造出不符合英语表达习惯的中式英语。例如,“好好学习,天天向上”这个句子,很多学生这样表达:good good study,day day up;“我每天走路上学”,有的学生表达为:I every day on foot go to school;“我每天都吃健康的食物”,有的学生表达为:I am every day eat health food.

5. 抄袭试卷语句




1. 狠抓英语书写的基本功


2. 整体规划写作训练


3. 认真批阅习作,并着力培养学生的发散性思维能力

每次作文训练,教师都应认真批改每个学生的作文。如果每次写作训练前,教师都能按照上述方法在课堂上引导学生写作,并组织学生打草稿,自评加互评,那么,学生作文中的错误就不会太多,这在一定程度上也减轻了教师批阅作文的负担,教师只要留意学生的书写是否规范、单词拼写是否正确、能否正确使用重要的句型结构。对一些优美的文章和经典的句子,教师应归类整理后,统一印发给学生学习。同时,教师还应指导学生背诵一些优秀的范文。当然,在背的过程中,教师要进行合理的指导,切忌死记硬背,要引导学生对所背的内容进行拓展发散,做到举一反三,灵活运用。例如,2014年曲靖市中考英语的作文题目是How I Relax Myself,复习时,笔者除了让学生背诵该篇作文的优秀范文外,还引导他们训练类似话题的写作,如,How I study English/How I deal with my problems/How I become a good learner/a happy person/an outgoing person等,通过对同类结构的话题作文进行不断地拓展,学生的发散性思维能力得到了很大的提高。在以后的考试中,遇到类似的题目,学生不仅能灵活运用,而且思维敏捷,所写作文不落俗套,给人新颖的美感。


(1)题目抢眼。如,有的学生的作文题目为:Let’s learn to be a happy person./Let’s go to the old people’s home./Let’s learn to smile./Let’s face ourproblemsbravely./Let’sthankthepeople around us./Let’s enjoy reading./Let’s help others等。由于大部分学生写的都是诸如Let’s keep healthy之类老生常谈的话题,所以,评卷老师在批阅到标题新颖的文章时,往往会耳目一新。



2009中考英语模拟试题(一) 篇3




1.——Where do you come from?


A. Yes I doB. I’m a studentC. I come from CanadaD. It’s very nice

2.——How do you usually go to school?


A. By a busB. On footC. On bikeD. With car


——The kitchen fan doesn’t work.

A. What’s thatB. What’s the matter

C. Can I help youD. How are you

4.Mike was born ____ a hot summer evening.

A. atB. on C. inD. of

5.——Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the hospital?


A. You can’t miss itB. I don’t know

C. No, I don’t knowD. I’m sorry; I’m new here myself

6.The plane will leave at ____.

A. a quarter to elevenB. eleven a quarter

C. eleven past a quarterD. quarter

7.——What’s the matter with your leg?

——I ____ yesterday.

A. fell about B. fell downC. fell over D. broke down

8.Last Saturday, we made the cards ____ hand.

A. ofB. aboutC. by D. with

9.The local people were very ____.

A. friend B. friendly C. fine D. expensive

10.——Happy New Year!


A. It’s OK. B. The same to you!

C. Yes.D. Happy birthday!

11.He is sitting ____ the classroom.

A. at the frontB. in the front ofC. in frontD. in front of

12.It was very different ____ ours.

A. ofB. about C. fromD. for

13.——How was the weather yesterday?

——It was ____.

A. sunB. rain C. snowD. cloudy

14.——Is there a shop around here?


A. Yes, it isB. Yes, that isC. Yes, there isD. No, there is

15.Go straight ahead and turn right ____ the second turn.

A. on B. inC. at D. of


Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a big __1__ and a strong dog. He has no work __2__ in winter, so he goes to a city and __3__ work there.

When New Year is coming, he __4__his home to see his wife and children. But something is wrong with his eyes. When he __5__his door, his dog comes out and bites (咬) him. His wife__6__to drive it away(驱赶).

He goes to see the doctor. The doctor gives him some medicine(药). Before he __7__, he tells him about his dog. The doctor __8__ and says, “Something is wrong with its eyes, too, I__9__.”

When he gets home, he tells his wife about what the doctor said. The woman says. “I’m__10__it’s true. If a thief(小偷) comes in, it won’t see him and he’ll steal(偷) something.”

Mr. Green has to make the dog take his medicine.

1.A. groundB. familyC. roomD. floor

2.A. doB. to do C. does D. doing

3.A. wants B. hopes C. findsD. begins

4.A. landsB. telephonesC. returns to D. gets ready for

5.A. hits B. does C. looksD. knocks at

6.A. hurriesB. laughs C. jumpsD. walk

7.A. falls asleepB. goes to bed C. leavesD. falls behind

8.A. cries B. laughs C. writesD. works

9.A. see B. understand C. wishD. think

10.A. afraid B. sorryC. angry D. happy



When Abe Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after their farm. It was hard work and there wasn’t any interesting thing for him. Abe wanted to go to school, but there was no school there. Abe was sad most of the time.

Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abe happy. One morning she got up early and went to the town. That was a long way and it took her a long time to get to the town. She bought something there and started back. And it was late in the evening when she got home.

The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abe, “Today is your birthday. We’re going to have a party.” She put some food on the table, then brought out a present.

“A book!” Abe cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came to his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and said, “Thank you, Mum.”

1. Abe Lincoln’s father was a ____.

A. farmer B. soldier C. worker D. teacher

2. Abe Lincoln couldn’t go to school because ____.

A. his family had no money B. his mother wanted to teach him herself

C. he himself didn’t like school D. there was no school near his home

3. On the farm most of the time little Lincoln was ____.

A. happy B. unhappy C. worried D. angry

4. It took Mrs. Lincoln ____ to the make a trip to the town.

A. a whole day B. a quarter of a day

C. three hours D. two days

5. What was the present for Abe’s birthday? ____.

A. A mooncakeB. A new bookC. An old bookD. A school bag



East England, North East England

Mostly rather cloudy at first, although it will be dry. Bright or sunny spells(一段时间) are expected in many places by the afternoon. Light west to southwest winds.

North West Scotland, Northern Ireland

A lot of cloud is expected. Western coasts will also see some light rain at times. Light southwest winds.

South Wales, West Scotland

Cloudy at first but bright or sunny spells should develop, away from western coasts, by the afternoon. Light west winds.

Edinburgh, North East Scotland

A dry day with some pleasantly warm sunshine by the afternoon, especially around Edinburgh. Light west or southwest winds.


Dry, bright and very warm once again in central and eastern parts. Western coasts will be still rather cloudy with the chance of a little rain.


6. What day is today? ____.

A. FridayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Monday

7. Which of the following cities is the coolest city these days? ____.

A. BirminghamB. LiverpoolC. NewcastleD. Glasgow

8. In the afternoon, the weather in ____ will not get better.

A. North East England B. Northern Ireland

C. West ScotlandD. North East Scotland

9.There are southwest winds in some parts of Britain except ____.

A. East EnglandB. North West ScotlandC. South Wales D. Edinburgh

10.The underlined word “outlook” in this passage means “____” in Chinese.

A. 态度B. 观点 C. 风光 D. 展望


No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day at a new job:

1. First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.

2. Get to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.

3. Pay attention to introductions. One of the things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.

4. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.

5. Never be the first to leave. Observe what your co-workers do around quitting time. It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.

11.Before you arrive at work, you should ____.

A. dress in a right wayB. introduce yourself

C. know your dutiesD. know your co-workers well

12.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? ____.

A. You should be the first one to arrive at work

B. You should ask co-workers for your duties

C. You should not be eager to go back home

D. You are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier

13.According to the passage, your supervisor is mostly like your ____.

A. visitor B. teacher C. workmate D. leader

14.The writer thinks that a new job is ____.

A. a duty B. a challenge C. an offer D. fun

15.What is the best title for this passage? ____.

A. Getting a New JobB. Tips on How to Work

C. The First-day WorkD. The Importance of Co-workers



A) 根据句子意思在空白处填上一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、正确。

1. Miss Li is a teacher. She teaches in a ____.

2. The month between March and May is ____.

3. There are sixty ____ in an hour.

4. Beijing is the ____ of China.

5. There are many ____ in the zoo.


6. The ____(run) from Class 2 were first past the finishing line.

7. Tom woke me up when I was falling ____(sleep) last night.

8. Don’t trouble him; he is busy ____(get) ready for his lesson.

9. September 10th is ____(teach) Day.

10. Tom, help ____(you) to some oranges.



Doctor: __1__, madam?

Madam: I’ve got a pain here.

D: Let me look you over. Do you feel the pain here?

M: Yes, __2__.

D: I’m afraid you’ll have to stay in hospital for a few days.

M: Really? It must be quite serious.

D: Don’t worry. __3__.

M: Operation? Do I need an operation?

D: Yes.

M: But my son… He’s only ten. __4__.

D: But your health is very important, isn’t it? You can ask your husband to look after him.

M: Yes, __5__. I’m coming tomorrow.


1. This is the house. We lived in the house two years ago. (合并为一句)

This is the house ____ ____ we ____ two years ago.

2. The dog which has white ears is Lin Tao’s. (改为同义句)

The dog ____ white ears is Lin Tao’s.

3. He had a letter written in English. (改为同义句)

He had a letter ____ ____ ____ in English.

4. This is the cage that Polly lives in. It’s empty now. (改为同义句)

The cage ____ Polly lives is empty now.

5. The man that our teacher is talking with is my father. (改为同义句)

The man ____ ____ our teacher is talking is my father.


假设你班明天下午将召开一次以“Keep Our School Clean”为主题的班会,请根据以下要点写一篇简短的发言稿,要点如下:







Good afternoon, everyone!________________________________________________



中考英语模拟试卷(一) 篇4

第I卷(选择题     共60分)


21. --C Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.

---- Is it ____________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the       B. the; the      C. the; a       D. a; a

22. There are a lot of new buildings on ______ side of the street.

A. either       B. every       C. both         D. all

23. We’ll try to do the work with ________ money and _______ people.

A. few; little      B. little; few       C. less; fewer      D. fewer; less

24. ---- Can you stay here for lunch?

---- Sorry, I ________. I have something important to do.

A. don’t      B. didn’t     C. needn’t       D. can’t

25. ---- Which do the young people prefer, music or sports?

---- Both. Music is _________ sports among them.

A. as popular as              B. not as popular as

C. more popular than          D. less popular than

26. Colours can change our moods and make us _______ or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A. to feel happy     B. feel happily     C. feel happy      D. feeling happy

27. Let the children go away. They’re making too much ______ her.

A. noise       B. voice      C. words       D. sounds

28. Neither Lucy nor Lily ______ to the party last Saturday evening.

A. since      B. as       C. but       D. until

29. You can ________ his number in the phone book if you’re not sure of it.

A. look up     B. look for       C. look after       D. look into

30. I won’t watch Cartoon World ______ I have finished my dinner.

A. taught; when    B. taught; until     C. have taught; since     D. have taught; because

31. Mr. Green and Mr. King ______ at Beijing Sunshine Secondary school _______ they came to China two years ago.

A. since       B. as      C. but       D. until

32. ---- Could you tell us __________ to travel from Earth to Mars by spacecraft?

---- It takes months, I think.

A. how far it takes              B. how long it takes

C. how long does it take         D. how soon does it take

33. The gravity on Mars is only about ________ of the gravity on Earth.

A. third eighths      B. three-eighth     C. three-eighths      D. third-eighth

34. while my parents _________ TV last night, I _____________ a new computer game in my bedroom.

A. watched; have played           B. would watch; was playing

C. had watched; was playing       D. were watching; was playing

35. ----I have failed again in the math exam. I really don’t know why I did so badly.

---- _________! Just try to do it better next time.

A. Don’t lose heart               B. Look out

C. You’re hopeless               D. I have no idea


Like many other 17-year-old girls, Maria Sharapova likes to go shopping, talk with friends and read Harry Potter Books. But she is ___36   very different.

The Russian tennis player is one of the riches sportswomen in the world.

She can   37   100 million dollars a year. This year Sharapova has not only   38    five big games but also been  3 9    .

Lots of fashion magazines. Will she let  money  and fame(名声)   40   the way she lives?

“I know things will come up, and I   41    to keep my head cool. I leave business for other people. I just want to go out and play tennis,’’ she said. Sharapova has strict  42    for herself. When she is not playing games, she usually practices for two hours each day    43    she stays fit.

She goes to school using the Internet. Her mother   44    her textbooks into pieces, so she doesn’t have to    45    many pages with her. She takes just three courses a year, doing homework a few times a week.

“I’m not really in a hurry,” she said. “I’ve always been learning by myself.”

36. A. even           B. also           C. just           D. still

37. A. make           B. run            C. hold          D. set

38. A. got             B. owned         C. won          D. received

39. A. in              B. on            C. at            D. of

40. A. fill             B. fix            C. stop          D. change

41. A. want           B. like           C. try           D. have

42. A. program        B. plan           C. practice       D. way

43. A. because        B. if              C. even though   D. so that

44. A. breaks         B. cuts            C. knocks        D. hits

中考英语作文一 篇5


现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。

提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse

★ 范文

中考英语作文一 篇6

Dear Peter,

I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China.

The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Though it is good to have a brother or sister to grow up with, I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have similar problems? What’s your opinion about this?

I am looking forward to your early reply.


中考历史备考一席谈 篇7

一、深刻钻研大纲, 明确复习目标, 做到有的放矢

在我省, 《中考说明》就是中考大纲, 2014年的《中考说明》关于历史的部分, 分别对2014年中考命题的指导思想、命题的原则、命题的依据、学生能力的考查目标、考试的形式以及试卷的结构都作出了极为明确的规范和界定。所以, 今年的《中考说明》一下来, 我们深研、细琢, 逐字逐词地学习和推敲其意思, 逐句逐条地领会和吃透其精神, 并以之指导我们2014年的历史复习。但是, 对作为历史教学的指导性文件《中学历史课程标准》的学习, 我们也不敢有丝毫的疏忽, 因为它为我们明确了历史教学内容、教学目的要求、教学指导思想以及处理原则。这些总的精神也是我们在历史复习中所必须遵循和必须把握的。在复习中, 只有将这些明确了, 我们才会有可靠的依据。因此, 历史教师千万不可仅凭对教材的熟悉, 而忽略了对《课程标准》和《中考说明》的深入了解。

二、了解中考导向, 深刻把握教材, 加强教学反思

历史教材中的考点 (知识) 是分散的, 我们只有将这些分散的考点 (知识) 梳理、整合, 才能使之系统化, 而且, 只有做到系统地掌握复习内容, 才能为处理每一课时的教学内容——考点 (知识) 做好铺垫。因此, 在复习前, 教师就要将功夫做足:一方面, 要对历史复习的内容概貌做到深刻了解, 对历史复习的基本线索做到彻底理清, 对历史复习的重点、难点做到十分明确, 对历史的基础知识和概念做到全面把握;另一方面, 还必须积极地搜集信息, 及时地了解中考的导向, 将《课程标准》《中考说明》和教科书三者结合起来学习与反思, 以便及时地发现自己对教材理解和处理方面的偏差, 加强备课, 强化反思, 及时调整教学角度, 及时调整复习方向, 更加准确地把握重点, 突出难点, 对考点 (知识) , 哪怕只有一丁点细微的变化, 也必须具备高度的敏感, 做到设计周密、复习科学。

三、夯实知识基础, 不可囫囵吞枣, 避免酿成后患

万丈高楼平地起, 靠的是坚实的基础, 没有坚实的基础, 便成空中楼阁。学生在复习历史时, 首先要对历史中的每一个事件的“起因—经过—结果—影响”都要掌握好、理解透彻, 唯有如此, 才能为下一步的综合复习奠定牢固的基础, 千万不要囫囵吞枣, 生吞活剥, 或者吃夹生饭, 如若不然, 后患将会无穷无尽。比如, 对三次科技革命的复习, 《初中历史课程标准》确定的世界近代史的学习目标要求掌握的“历史事件”“历史现象”“历史概念”的知识点有27个, 其中, 仅第一次工业革命就占了5个, 它们分别是“英国工业革命”“旅行者号机车的发明”“蒸汽机制改进”“珍妮机的发明”“大工厂生产”等, 这5个知识点就占了总数的近20%。由此就足以看到工业革命的基础知识在历史中考中的地位不可小觑。所以, 我们在复习时, 必须首先要通过归纳, 牢牢记住三次科技革命的概况:时间、发源地、范围、内容、开始、结束、标志等基础史实, 还要紧紧结合工业革命兴起的历史条件以及资本主义政治、经济格局等, 全面分析科技革命带来的巨大影响。只有如此复习, 才能实现锦上添花。

四、狠抓专题复习, 进行纵横联系, 适度延伸拓展

在历史复习时, 学生不仅要夯实基础知识, 对重点知识也需要狠下一番功夫。作为教师, 不仅要自己把知识系统化, 更重要的是让学生掌握好中外近现代重大历史事件、历史人物、历史现象、历史线索、历史特征等, 并教会他们将那些零碎的历史史实、概念、阶段特征等纳入完整的知识体系, 织成层次分明、条理清晰的主干知识网络。在专题复习中, 我们要牢记一个中心 (以问题为中心) , 两个关键 (关键词、切入点) , 三个模式 (小切口深分析、大跨度高概括;多层次多视角) , 四个思考 (历史问题现实的思考、现实问题的历史思考、中外问题对比的思考、热点问题的综合思考) 。我们还要学会纵横联系, 以求融会贯通。比如, 我们在复习时可以运用横向比较复习法把发生在同一个时期的历史, 尤其是中外史, 放在一起进行复习, 这样很容易找出它们的相同点和不同点。我们也可以运用纵向复习法把发生在不同时期的相关的历史放在一起复习, 这样可以不费吹灰之力找出它们之间的关联性。我们还可以适度地拓展延伸, 充分利用已经掌握的课文中的表格、插图、小字等知识, 对课文中的隐性知识进行挖掘, 以弥补教材内容, 加深对知识的理解。

五、关注热点焦点, 把握时代脉搏, 形成大历史观

在复习中, 我们要高度重视历史与现实的结合, 我们不能将历史与现实割裂开来, 要注意历史的时代性和历史的借鉴作用。我们要紧紧把握时代的脉搏, 走向社会并且关心社会, 做到学以致用, 注意与现实社会相关联的知识点。通过与热点知识的联系, 让学生懂得历史知识并不是孤立的, 而是与我们的现实生活息息相关的。另外, 中国是世界的一部分, 中国的历史与世界的历史是相互交融在一起的, 密不可分。比如, 抗日战争与二战, 五四运动与巴黎和会, 鸦片战争与欧洲资本主义的发展, 戊戌变法与明治维新……我们理解这些历史问题时, 尤其要注意转换中国史与世界史的立足点。

六、研究答题技巧, 掌握正确方法, 力求回答创新

近些年的中考历史试题十分强调能力立意, 注重科学性、应用性、人文性、探究性、开放性和实效性。考生要想试卷完成得出色, 在平时就要注重答题技巧的研究, 力求作有创新性的回答。中考历史试卷中的非选择题大多以材料题的形式出现, 在解答这类题时, 我们务必要注意: (1) 要根据材料回答问题。这类题的答案就在材料里, 只有反复、认真阅读, 才好发现答案, 尽可能用原文回答。 (2) 阅读材料, 结合所学知识回答。这类题的答案不在材料里, 这些材料所起的作用只是提示, 或者帮助你联系所学知识、或者给出限定问题的时间、范围等, 千万要吃透材料, 掌握全题的要点。 (3) 根据材料并结合所学知识回答问题。这类题的答案虽然出自材料, 但又要求学生必须结合自己所学知识把它归纳处来进行回答, 难度要比上述二者大。组织答案时, 考生要找准切入点, 寻准突破口, 尤其要注意联系个人, 联系实际, 呼应主题, 侧重现实。

摘要:学生在中考历史复习过程中要深研中考大纲和中考试题, 明确复习目标和复习方向, 夯实基础知识, 狠抓专题练习, 关注时代热点, 还要掌握答题技巧, 才能出色完成答卷。

中考英语图示作文写作指导 篇8



一、认真审题 确定方向



二、列出要点 避免遗漏



三、围绕要点 书写句子


1. They found a man stealing things in the supermarket.

2. The thief read a newspaper at the bus stop.

3. They called the police and told the whole thing.

4. They caught the thief together.

四、连句成文 注意细节

上述要点还远远不能支撑起一篇完整的作文。同学们要根据故事发展的过程和各个要点之间的关系,加上适当的发挥和想象,再使用恰当的关联词语,将各个要点句子连接成语义流畅、表达完整、用词准确的短文。在写作过程中要注意以下几点:一是要注意作文的字数必须达到标准要求,字数不够分数肯定要大打折扣,写得过长又可能会适得其反,所以,同学们一定要严格按照规定字数书写。如本篇作文就要控制在80~100字之间。 二是要避免使用汉语式英语,避免出现不规范的表达。三是尽量运用自己最熟悉、最有把握的句型,遇到自己拿不准的句子,宁可用其他句型代替,也不要生造。四是要注意句子之间的连贯性。这不仅仅指从语法上,也指句意上的连贯。在句与句、段与段之间运用恰当的过渡词或者连接词,把整篇文章有机地连接成为一个整体。五是要注意长短句的交替使用,避免出现同一句式反复使用而使整篇文章显得过于呆板的现象。

五、认真检查 修正错误


六、誊入试卷 整洁漂亮



附2015 年黑龙江省龙东地区中考图示作文范文:

Mike and john are both middle school students,they are good friends.One day, they went to a supermarket to buy some school things. Suddenly they found a man stealing things in the supermarket.

After that , the thief left the supermarket. They decided to follow him. While the thief was reading a newspaper at the bus stop, they called the police. Soon a policewoman came and they told her the whole thing. Then they caught the thief together. The policewoman thanked them for what they did. They felt very happy.

It was really an unusually day for them.
