冀教版成数问题 教学设计(共7篇)
兴庆区第二十五小学 肖 强
3、课件出示学习目标,要求学生默读学习目标。教师板书课题:成数问题 学生:认真默读学习目标。
例如,“二成”就是十分之二,该写成百分数是20%; “三成五”是十分之三点五,改写成百分数就是35%。
(1)五成=()/10 =()%。(2)四成五=()/10 =()%。(3)70% =()/10 =(成)=(折)学生口答,教师填写,并对刚刚发现的错误,让会的同学进行进行讲解更正。对于学生的回答适时点评。
2、解决与“成数”相关的问题(1)自学例题1 师:我们已经认识了成数,大家有没有信心解决生活中的成数问题呢?
③在发现学生错误,让会的学生进行讲解,在学生讲解的同时,教师板书: 1800×(1+20%)1800+1800×20% =1800×120% =1800+360 =2160 =2160 ④师:有错误的同学举手,现在明白了吗?快速更正错误。
师:上面的题没有难住大家,第二关这道题你们会吗?看看与第一关有什么不同? 课件出示教材64页例题2,:曹庄乡去年产棉花400吨,今年遭受虫害,大概要减产一成五,今年大约产棉花多少吨? ①读题,学生独立完成再进行集体校对。
思路二:题中大概要减产一成五,就是今年的棉花产量比去年减少一成五,也就是今年的棉花产量比去年棉花产量减少15%,减少了去年的棉花产量的15%,今年的棉花产量等于去年的棉花产量减去减少的棉花产量,即400-400×15% ③核对答案,教师强调书写格式写综合算式,要脱式计算。(4)第三关选择题:综合提升
1、一个苹果园去年产苹果7500 千克。今年春天有风灾,可能要减产 二成五,预计今年产苹果多少千克?
2、一个苹果园今年的产量7500千克,今年春天有风灾,今年比去年 减产二成五,问去年产苹果多少千
① 7500×(1+25%)
② 7500÷(1+25%)③ 7500÷(1-25%)④ 7500×(1-25%)
克? ①学生独立解答,完成后并在小组内讨论做题思路。②指名学生进行汇报。
③对比这两道题,再次引导学生总结出解决成数问题的一般方法。(6)课堂小结 ①回顾学习目标
师:同学们今天这堂课你达到了学习目标了吗? ②师:这节课我们一起学习了有关成数的知识,你们对成数的知识有哪些了解呢? 生1:我知道二成等于十分之二等于百分之二十。
学生是学习的主体, 是学习的主动参与者和知识的建构者。教师在教学中起主导作用, 是学生实践的组织者、引导者。本节课首先设置一个具体实例, 引起学生探究欲望和学习兴趣, 然后教师引导学生经历观察、猜想、实际操作验证、分析归纳推理等教学活动过程, 培养学生严谨的科学态度, 发展学生动手操作、自主探究、合作交流和分析归纳的能力。
1. 创设问题情境, 引入新课。
(1) (大屏幕显示) 现有一块碎的圆形玻璃镜子片, 想重新去玻璃店配一块同样大小的圆形玻璃镜子, 请问这块残片还有用吗?怎样去配制呢?同学们想不想解决这个问题?
学生们异口同声:想 (兴趣高涨) 。
师:这个问题就是本节课学习的一个知识点, 相信同学们通过本节课的学习能解决这个问题。
(师出示课题, “过三点的圆”)
2. 动手操作, 合作探究。
师:过一个己知点A画圆, 你有什么结论?
(学生通过自己动手、合作交流, 发现过一点可以画无数个圆)
学生1:要画圆必须先确定圆心和半径, 而过一个已知点画圆, 圆心与半径都不是唯一的, 所以可以画无数个圆。
师:通过刚才的讨论, 最终我们有什么发现?
师: (大屏幕) 过己知两点A、B两画圆?
(学生动手操作、合作交流, 请小组派代表把结论展示一下)
如果没有疑问, 请同学们总结一下通过刚才的活动, 我们有什么新的发现?
学生6:过两点有无数个圆, 圆心在连结这两点的线段的平分线上。
师:我们以上研究了过己知一个点、两个点作圆的情况, 接下来你还想研究什么?
(学生迫不及待在平面上任意取三点, 自己动手画一画。)
师:真的吗? (师表示惊讶)
其他学生大声嚷嚷, 老师能画。
师:为什么有的能画, 而有的不能画呢?
(师把两种情总的图形分别在大屏幕上演示, 并找相应的同学边指着屏幕边解释。)
学生10:因为AB的垂直平分线与BC的的垂直平分线是平行的, 没有交点, 因此找不到圆心。这说明了过在同一直线上的三点不能画圆。
师:既然这样, 我们就不研究这种情况了, 凡是取的三点在同一直线上的同学, 马上换方式取不在同一直线上的三点, 看看结果怎样?
师稍等片刻, 学生11上前指着屏幕解释, 过AB两点的圆的圆心在AB的垂直平分线上, 过B、C两点圆的圆心在B、C的垂直平分线上, 过A、C两点圆的圆心在AC的垂直平分线上, 所以画三条线段的垂直平分线, 交点即为圆心。
学生12:没有必要画三条垂直平分线, 两条就足够了,
学生14:因为交点只有一个, 所以圆心位置就确定了。
师:很好, 经过不在同一直线上的三个点, 可以画一个圆, 并且这样的圆只有一个, 可以简单地表示为:不在同一直线上的三个点确定一个圆, 板书:向学生讲解“确定”的含义, 过不在一直线上的三点能作圆并且只能作一个圆 (有且只有一个)
3. 例题教学, 规范格式。
师:同学们打开书看一下外接圆, 外心的概念并齐声朗读。
(师出示例题, 己知△ABC, 作△ABC的外接圆)
学生B, 老师不用画了, 只要我们把所取的三点连结起来就画出了三角形, 三角形的外接圆我们都画出来了。
师:既然不用再画了, 你们通过画图看一下三解形外心有什么性质。
学生15:三角形外心是三边 (其实两边就可以) 垂直平分线的交点。
师:我们知道了三角形外心的性质, 外心的位置又在哪呢?
学生19这是由三角形的形状确定的, 如果是锐角三角形, 外心在三角形内部, 钝角三角形在三角形的外部, 直角三角形在斜边的中点上。 (大屏幕出示)
师:说的非常好, 这里体现了数学上的分类讨论思想, 同学们应该注意。 (师解释直角三角形的外心为什么在斜边的中点上?)
4. 变式训练, 培养能力。
师:学了新知识, 我们能不能解决前面的问题呢?
(1) 在残片上任取三点A、B、C, 连结AB、AC。
(2) 分别作AB、AC的垂直平分线, 并交于一点O, O为圆心。
(3) 连结OA、OA为半径, 画圆即可。
1. 重视数学基础知识的掌握。
如不在一条直线上的三点确定一个圆, 三角形外心的性质、位置等。
2. 重视数学思想方法的渗透。
如体会数学分类讨论思想, 体会类比思想。
3. 注重学生数学知识的建构。
教师首先设置一个具体实例, 引起学生探究欲望和学习兴趣, 然后教师引导学生经历观察、猜想、实际操作验证、分析归纳推理等教学活动过程, 培养学生严谨的科学态度, 发展学生动手操作、自主探究、合作交流和分析归纳的能力。
4. 思路清晰, 由情境激发兴趣。
英语每个句子至少包含一种时态,如果不让学生总结每种时态的构成式,学生很难学会造句,从而就会感到学习困难,甚至厌学。教学本教材时,我认为先学习教材中的句式,再通过句式中渗透的语法内容总结出其规律,然后让学生记住这一规律,并能够运用这一规律造出新的句子。采取这种“先……再……然后……”的模式,学生会越练越想练,越说越想说,从而对学习英语产生兴趣。如:含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,其构成规律是:“主语加动词原形……”或“主语第三人称单数加动词第三人称单数形式……”。如:I like English. He likes English.当谓语动词部分中,含有助动词do或does时,谓语动词一律用原形。如:I don'tlike English.He doesn't like English.Do you like English? Does he like English?Don't be late!等等。如果把含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,改为“一般过去时”,除时间状语作相应的变化外,在陈述句的肯定句中,实义动词一律用过去式,没有人称和数的变化。如果在否定句中和疑问句中,只把助动词do或does改为did,而实义动词一律用原形。如:陈述句的肯定式:He helped me yesterday.They came back home last week.陈述句的否定式:“He didn't help me yesterday.They didn't come back home last week.一般疑问句:Did he help you yesterday? Did they come back home last week?如果把含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,改为“一般将来时”,除时间状语要用表示将来的时间外,谓语部分一律用will/shall或am/is/are going to 加动词原形(进行时或其它形式表示将来的除外),只是在疑问句中把will/shall或am/is/are提到主语之前。在陈述句的肯定式或否定式中,把will/shall放在主语之后。如:陈述句:He walks to school every day.He won't walk to school tomorrow.He is going to ride to school tomorrow.一般疑问句:Will he walk to school tomorrow?ls he going to ride to school tomorrow?等等。如果将主动语态的“一般现在时”改为被动语态的“一般现在时”,主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语,主动语态的主语要变成被动语态介宾或省略。如:主动语态:We learn English.→被动语态:English is learnt (by us)。不论是主动语态中的各种时态还是被动语态中的各种时态,都分别进行总结归纳,使其简单化,使学生感到英语有规律可寻,能走一些捷径,提高了效率,同时也提
1.where引导的定语从句:从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行词,先行词在从句中必须充当状语。地点状语从句则没有表地点的名词充当状语。如:Go back to the village where you came from.(定语从句);Go back where you came from.(状语从句)
2.在抽象名词answer,belief,fact,hope,idea,news等词之后可用that引导同位语从句。同位语从句引导词无意义,不充当成份,不可省略。如:I had no idea that you were here.同位语从句与其说明的名词或代词应为同一内容,同位语从句前一般没有逗号。关系代词that引导的定语从句,先行词即可指人又可指物,在从句中作主语或宾语。在讲清楚的基础上,反复练习,用此方法来达到突破难点的目的。
1. mastery words: sleep, loudly, listen, tired
2. What is he/she doing?
He /She is …..
3. some useful word: tired, loud
Teaching goals:
1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. use the Present Continuous Tense
Key points: 1. the usage of tired, sleep, listen and loud
1. What is he/she doing?
Difficult points: the usage of the Present Continuous Tense
Teaching aids: pictures or some real objects, audiotape, flash cards, slide projector
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) greetings in everyday English
2) duty report
3) mainly revision of last lesson
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Discuss some questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Is it expensive to buy things on the train ? Why or why not?
Do you like to buy things from salesman on the train? Why or why not?
Answer them together with the students.
Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:
Why is the baby crying? What is the mother doing?
What is Danny doing?
Does Wu Li buy some socks on the train?
Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time.
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.
Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about doing something and then doing something else. Ask each group to use the word now and any other vocabulary they like. Encourage your students to experiment and be creative! English is fun and easy! Please read about making up dialogue in “Teaching Techniques.”
Step 6 Discuss “LET’S DO IT”
Work in a small group. Write a role play and practice it. One of you is a salesman. The other are customers. What is the salesman selling? Present your role play to your classmates.
Step 7 A test
1) Look! They are eating dumplings. (对划线部分提问)
2) She is playing with the toy. (对划线部分提问)
3) He is talking to his aunt. (对划线部分提问)
1. We would like to eat oranges. (对划线部分提问)
Step 8 Exercise
Do activity book lesson 14 Number 2. The students listen to four sentences and draw four pictures correspondingly. The audiotape goes like:
Listen and draw the pictures.
a. The woman is crying.
b. The man is laughing.
c. The baby is crying.
d. You are laughing.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the whole text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish off the activity book in lesson 14
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: pet, keep
Oral words and expressions: amazing, imagination
Teaching Aims:
1. Animals play an important part in our life.
2. Practice the students’ spoken English.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Reminding and Warning.
2. Grasp the key words in the listening.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The imaginary pets
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Teaching Type: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.
1. What’s your favourite animal? Why?
2. Do you have a pet? Would you like to have one?
Discuss the questions in groups with three or four people. Then report to the class.
Lets’ have an interview. How many students in your class like cats? How many students in your class like dogs? Does anyone in your class have strange pet? Why do you think it is strange?
Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
1. Does Jenny have a pet? What is it?
2. What animal would Danny like to have for a pet?
3. What animal would Brain like to have for a pet?
Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again. Play the tape again and let the students read after it. Play the tape for several times until they can read it correctly and fluently.
Step4. Let some students lead the class to read the text sentence by sentence.
Work in pairs. Practice the similar dialogue according to the text.
Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.
Do you have a pet? Do any animals live with your family?
Describe your pet, or describe a pet you would like to have. Write a passage about your pet or your imaginary pet. Draw a picture to match it. Then put them on the wall.
Divide the class into several groups. Let them give a report to the class.
If you can’t finish the project in one lesson, go on it the next lesson.
Step7. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Go on the next reading in the next lesson.
Dogs are people’s friends in the life. They are very important in many ways. We hear many stories that the animals save the owners out of danger. We must give love to the animals and we must love each other.
Lesson 18: Brandy Hates Cats
Teaching Content:
Oral words and expressions: Brandy, chase, squirrel, branch, fierce, Amy
Teaching Aims:
1. Understand the main parts of a story.
2. Describe one’s experience with the help of the pictures.
Teaching Important Points;
1. The Past Continue Tense.
2. Express one’s ideas in English.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The Past Continue Tense
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Show the picture of Mike and the dog to the class. What does the passage describe according to the picture? Let the students to express theirs ideas in English.
Step2. Come to ‘THINK ABOUT IT.”
Step3. Read the test silently and ask the students to answer the following questions:
1. What’s the name of the dog?
2. Does the animals need love? What do we do?
3. What does Brandy like to do when we are walking?
4. What are sticks?
5. Is Brandy fierce? What is she scared of?
Step4. Play the tape and let the students read after it. Pause after every line, and ask the students to repeat.
Step5. Let some students read the text in class and the others listen to see if they have any mistakes. Can they find and correct the mistakes?
Step6. Let the students rewrite the story and read it to the class.
Step7. Discuss the reading with the students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate.
Ask questions like this:
What does Mike do to look after his dog?
Lots of people in North America have pets. In this way, are people in North America the same as, or different from, people in China?
Step8. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Review the next lesson.
It’s easy and interesting for the students to talk about the familiar dialogues in English. Give them chance to practice in class. They can prepare before the class, too. Some students need more time. If they don’t have a real one, what animals do they really want to have?
Lesson 19: Brandy Hates Cats!
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: open, somewhere, lake, all kinds of, protect, scientist
Oral words and expressions: extinct, gorilla, protect…from…, go extinct, stop…from doing
Teaching Aims:
1. Ask the people to protect animals.
2. What are the zoos for?
Teaching Important Points:
1. What will we take if we go to a zoo?
2. Write a story about a trip to the zoo.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Some words and expressions
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Show some pictures of animals to the class. Ask the students:
What animals do you like best?
What animals can you see in the zoo?
Step2. Read the text and let the students repeat the main ideas of the text.
Step3. Listen to the tape, pause after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, (c) individually.
Step4. Practice
Deal with the vocabulary. Select one or two words for discussion. For example, the word kind can be used as an adjective (Mr. Smith is a kind person) or a noun (I like this kind of pet). The word open can be used as a verb (Open the door) and an adjective (The door is open). Can students think of other examples? You may want to compare zoo with school. Remind the students that while we say, “ go to school” (here the word the is not used), we usually say “go to the zoo”(here the word the must be used).
Step5. Read the text in roles. The teacher walks in the classroom while they are reading. Help them if necessary.
Step6. Let some students come to the front and act the dialogue out.
Step7. Come to “PROJECT 2”
Divide the class into several groups and finish the task.
Instruct the students to write a story about a trip to the zoo they have taken or would like to take. The story can be real or imaginary. They should illustrate their stories with pictures or photographs. Students may continue working on their stories during the next two lessons.
Step8. Homework
1. The third reading in the reader.
2. Finish off the activity book.
It is important for us to protect animals from extinction. Let the students look up after class about the information about the animals. How many animals are there in the world? Now how many kinds of animals have been extincted? What do we need to do immediately? What have our government done for this? What’s your opinion about this? Can you give some good advice?
Lesson 20: Stand So Still
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: still, make friends with, while, camel, fear, shy, bear
Oral words and expressions: waddle, toss, seal
Teaching Aims:
1. Continue animals as our friends.
2. Learn about the foreign culture.
Teaching Important Points:
1. How do you make friends with animals?
2. What are the animals’ habits?
Teaching Difficult Points:
Make friends with animals
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure;
Step1. Free Talk
Talk about your trip to a zoo. Work in groups. Write a passage and report it to the class. You can answer the following questions:
1. Where did you go?
2. How did you go”
3. What’s the weather like that day?
4. What did you do in the zoo?
5. Where did you have lunch?
6. Where did you have a rest?
Step2. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Let us lose ourselves in the beautiful music now.
Help the students to guess the meaning of the new words that appear in the text. This will in turn help the class understand the meaning of the song.
Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
1. How do you make friends with the animals? Why?
2. What does Danny like to do?
3. What animal would he like to make friends with?
4. Do you think what animals are fierce?
Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then let the students read it loudly in class. After a while, ask the students to act it out in front of the class.
Step5. Make sure everybody can sing confidently. Let volunteers come to the front and sing loudly.
Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.
Work in groups and give their opinions in class. Encourage them to speak freely. Maybe they will have good advice. You can write a letter and show your opinions to the local government.
Step7. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Review the next lesson.
Let the students draw a picture of you and your favourite animal. Put them up on the wall. According to the content of today, we can practice spoken English about a trip to a zoo. Make up a dialogue in two or three and act it out in front of the class.
Lesson 21:Fun at the Zoo
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: danger, surprised, mad, lazy, nearly
Oral words and expressions: entrance, cage, No Photos!
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn about the instructions in the zoo.
2. What are the animals’ habits?
Teaching Important Points:
1. Express one’s idea with the help of the teacher and the picture.
2. Cultivate the students’ active attitude to the future.
Teaching Difficult Points:
What we can’t do in the zoo? Why?
Teaching Preparations: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Show a picture of the zoo to the class and say: “Today we are going to have a trip in the zoo. Who is the tour guide?
Step2. Remember any other signs you have seen or read before? (Wet Paint! No Noise! No Smoking! Men’s Room/ Ladies’ Room)
Step3. Check the homework. Let’s see if the students have previewed the lesson. Let them ask questions. They can ask like this:
1. When is the zoo open?
2. What do we can’t do in the zoo?
3. Why can’t we take photos?
4. What animal would Danny like to make friends with?
Step4. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Play the tape for several until they can read it correctly and fluently.
Step5. Read the text in roles. Then change the roles each other. Help them during their reading.
Step6. Let some students act the dialogue out in front of the class.
Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.
In a group of three, act out a trip to the zoo. Each group member takes one of the three roles (Brain, Jenny or Danny). Try changing the story. Be creative.
Give the students time. Then let them act it out. Choose which group is the most creative.
Step8. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
When we practice spoken English like step7 “LET’S DO IT”. Remember to give chance to the poor students. Encourage them to speak loudly in class. Praise them when they have some progress. Encourage others to help them in many ways to cultivate their confidence
Lesson 22: April Fools’
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: joke, yourselves
Oral words and expressions: fool, trick, April Fools’, play joke on…
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn about the foreign culture in western countries.
2. What are the main festivals in western countries?
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn about the things that we can do in April Fools’.
2. What we usually in China on April Fools’?
Teaching Difficult Points:
the main festivals in western countries
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.
Explain April Fools’ Day in English. Let’s see how many students can understand you. Tell them what they usually do on that day.
Step2. If happens today is April Fools’, play a joke on the students. When the teacher comes into the classroom, says we will have a quiz today. The students may feel surprised and puzzled, why didn’t the teacher tell them earlier? When they all in a hurry, tell them we only play a joke on them. Now they can understand the festival clearly.
Step3. Listen to the tape and let some students retell the main idea about the text. If they can’t do well, don’t publish them. Encourage them and say: “I know it is very difficult for you. It’s also difficult for me. Let’s face the problem together.”
Step4. Read the text silently and answer the following questions:
1. What is the date today?
2. What’s the meaning of April Fools’ Day?
3. What do they decide to do?
4. Did Danny believe what Brain and Jenny said?
Step5. Listen to the tape for several times until they can read it correctly and fluently.
Step6. Let some students read the text in roles. Then change the roles. Now let’s briefly discuss the reading. To dertermine students’ level of understanding, ask them to ask questions about the text. They may begin like this:
1. What did Brain and Jenny want to do?
2. Did the bear get out of the zoo?
3. Was the cage open?
4. Who said the bear looked hungry?
5. What did Danny say on Saturday?
Step7. Let some students act the dialogue out in front of the class.
Step8. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
Listening is a difficult part in English teaching. So teaching the students how to improve one’s listening ability is very important. We can use many types in class. The main types are: listen and answer the following questions; listen and fill in the blanks; listen and choose the best answer; listen and repeat the main idea about the story. Of course, the last one is the most difficult. The teacher should practice the students listening ability step by step.
Lesson 23: Famous Zoos
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: giraffe, Asian
Oral words and expressions: Egypt, Africa, pyramid, Italy, wedding, Siberian, be famous for
Teaching Aims:
1. Know about the history of the zoo.
2. Call on people all over the world to create a more life for the animals.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn about the growth of the zoo.
2. Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Some words and expressions: Egypt, Africa, Italy, Siberian, be famous for
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Deal with the words first because the words in this lesson are a little difficult. Let some students read the words. Then read after the teacher. After several times, let some students read the words and the others read after it. Now close the cooks, let some students read the words in class, at the same time, the others read after it.
Step2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks:
1. One of the world’s first zoos was in ______, about ________ years ago.
2. Egypt is a country in _______.
3. China built its zoo about _______ years ago.
4. ________ years ago, a king kept many wild animals in his zoo.
5. When he got married, he took _______, _______, ________ and ________ to his wedding.
6. One hundred years ago, a new kind of zoo opened in _______.
Step3. Read the text and briefly discuss the reading. To determine students’ level of understanding, ask questions like this:
1. When the first zoos built in Egypt?
2. What people can go to the zoo?
3. Where is Egypt? What is it famous for?
4. When did China build its first zoo?
5. Were there animals in wedding clothes eight hundred years ago? What did they do?
6. Where did a new kind of zoo open one hundred years ago?
Step4.Listen to the tape again and repeat after it until they can repeat it correctly and fluently. Let some students read the text in class. Choose the best one to encourage from the students’ pronunciation and intonation.
Step5. Ask the students what they know about the history of the zoo. Encourage them to search on the Internet and report to the class in next class.
Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.
Divide the class into several groups and discuss the task. What are the good ways for animals living in the zoos? What are the bad ways? Let the students give them advice freely.
Animals should have a better life. But what can we do? Can the students give more good advice? Report to the class and discuss together.
Step7. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Go on the next reading in the students’ book.
Everyone does not know the history of zoos. In order to get more information, we can use the Internet and the time after class to enlarge the knowledge. Then the teacher give them chance to show their performance to the class.
Lesson 24: Unit Review
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.
Oral words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.
Teaching Aims:
1.Teach people to love life, animals and environment.
2.How can we make a better life for the animals?
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn about the festivals in western countries.
2.Teach the students the ways of learning by themselves.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The Past Continue Tense
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: review lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Let some students come to the front and sum the main content that we learn in this unit.
The teacher helps him when he has difficulties. If one can’t say clearly, the others can add it.
Step2. Ask the students to review the grammars that we learn in this unit. Provide help if it necessary. If one student can’t finish it, the others can go on.
Step3. Make up sentences with the important words and expressions that we learn in this unit. Such as: protect…from… be famous for. The teacher can arrange an order, according to the time or the length.
Step4. Talk about the favourite animals. Divide the class into several groups and share the pleasure that the animals bring you.
Step5. Do the exercises on Page 29. The teacher walks around the classroom and provides help when they are in trouble.
Step6. Explain some problems on the blackboard. Let’s discuss together. Practice “Speaking the Language” in class.
Step7. Let’s sing the song, if we have time.
Step8. Homework
1. Finish off the activity book.
2.Sum what we learn in this unit.
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