Thank you for reading my busy written down for an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope, I believe I will not let you disappointed.Jinzhou Medical College, I was a clinical department of the undergraduate students about to graduate, in your time of the Nazi Zhaoxian hospital, given the solid foundation of medical knowledge and proficiency in the operation of technology, the excellent social work skills and strong ability to self-improve, I have confidence in their clinical competence to work soon.Therefore, I wish to apply special to your hospital.Four-year clinical study of theory, I created a rigorous learning attitude, rigorous way of thinking, cultivate good study habits, one year work experience in clinical practice more to improve my analysis of the issue of problem-solving abilities.Especially in the teaching hospital during the internship gave me hands-on experience provides many opportunities that enable me to various sections of clinical diseases can make the correct diagnosis and best treatment.Strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-ability, the ability to receive fast, and can complete the outstanding tasks, I won the acclaim of superior physicians, but also gives me confidence, my future work life “Chihpen.”
Rich experience in social work not only broaden my horizons, more calm and I formed a determination, enthusiasm and efficient work style.In elementary, middle and high school, has been in various stages of the university, I served as squad leader, study members, successfully organized numerous activities outside the school class, students work the recognition and praise teachers, my classes and more meeting was named “best class”, I have repeatedly won the “outstanding komsomolets”, “active work” and other honorary titles.I believe that these work experience, I will certainly be able to coordinate the relationship between the work of handling the day-to-day problems.Self-learning capability is another advantage of me.Medical science and technology with each passing day, the only constant “upgrade” their own knowledge to fierce competition in an invincible position.While studying at the school through the computer I primary and secondary examinations, the National College English Test 4, can master the Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXp operating system, and the use of self-Office, photoshop, Foxpro and other software for graphic processing, forms design, web page production work, for future work, study, improve efficiency and create a good condition.Through five years of study and practice, I learned from psychology and ability to work well in fully prepared to embark on, I sincerely hope that your house can become a medical research team in one, I will be noble medical ethics, passion services, dumping as far as I can, I can not keep on learning for your home health care contribute to a development, the realization of “life-saving, dedication, life济事” long-cherished wish.Finally, the grand cause of祝贵unit success!
对于英文摘要的探讨, 大部分研究只是对英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要文体的描述, 这些研究基本上展现了英语专业本科生毕业论文的文体特征, 但大多数较为主观, 而利用语料库收集真实的语料, 然后对此文本进行定量分析和量化分析, 则较为客观地展现英语专业本科生毕业论文英文摘要文体的总体特征, 也是对英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要文体特征研究方法的极大扩展和有益补充。本文收集了英语专业本科毕业生的英文摘要作为研究对象, 目的是通过建立英语专业本科毕业论文语料库, 利用英语文体学相关理论和分析方法, 统计分析语料库中英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要写作的语体特征, 并在此基础上观察发现英语专业本科毕业生在英文摘要写作中存在的问题并提出整改策略, 从而引起英语专业学生对英语摘要写作的重视。
2 语料来源和研究方法
以本院英语专业本科毕业论文为研究对象, 笔者随机从中抽取了2009-2012年这四年的英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要120份, 摘要内容涉及语言学 (40份) 、翻译 (40份) 、跨文化交际 (40份) 等三个不同方面, 以这120份为语料建立一个小型语料库, 具有一定的代表性。利用自建的英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要语料库, 根据掌握的理论知识, 利用相关的统计软件分析语料库, 笔者进行实证研究, 并以调查法、定量分析法对统计的数据进行描述性分析, 从词汇、句法、语义、语篇衔接和语境作用等方面调查分析英语专业学生本科毕业论文的英文摘要写作方面的文体特征以及存在的问题, 就此提出整改策略, 引起英语专业学生对英语摘要写作的重视, 为更好地指导英语专业本科生撰写更具学术性的学术论文具有重要的实践和指导意义。
3 研究结果分析
(1) 英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要的总体特征及分析
将用自建的英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要语料库, 利用相关的统计功能, 可以统计出该语料库的总体特征, 如摘要中总的单词数、平均句长、复杂词汇、复杂词汇的频率、句子总长、长句数等等。从中随机抽取了2009-2012年四年的英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要120份, 其中有20篇在字数上不符合英文摘要的要求, 因此以其中100篇为研究对象。本语料库摘要中总的单词数是164, 符合英文摘要长度在150-300字, 可以得知英语专业本科毕业生在英文摘要的字数上没有明确的把握。平均句长是17.73。复杂词汇的频率是33.2%, 即6个字母以上词的百分比为33.2%, 说明英语专业本科毕业生在英文摘要中用简单词汇多于用复杂词汇, 符合英文摘要尽量用短句的要求。通过复杂词汇的频率, 计算出该摘要属于容易还是复杂, 统计分析得出7.22≤10, 属于容易类, 符合英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要的要求。
(2) 词汇特征
英文摘要旨在提供论文内容梗概, 因此它讲究的是内容的准确性、逻辑的严密性、表述的专业性和规范化, 而不是语言文字的艺术美。
从词汇层面分析简单词汇和复杂词汇。判定复杂词汇的一种比较简单的方法就是看一个单词的构成是否在6个及6个字母以上, 同时这个单词不是合成词也不是屈折词汇, 即不是通过语法变化来得到的一些词, 如taught、simpler这些动词过去式或形容词比较级、最高级等形式的词。判断摘要的难易程度需要由复杂词频率平均句长算出摘要难度;其中复杂词的频率=复杂词总数/总字数*100%, 平均句长=总字数/句子总数, 最后算出难度=0.4* (平均句长+复杂词频率) 。如果最终算出的难度小于等于10, 即判定文章是容易的, 如果难度大于10即是复杂的。从分析结果的数据来看, 英文摘要复杂词频率一般在32%左右, 平均句长是18个词, 难度在7.3左右。一般来说, 闲谈、会话类的文章难度在5左右, 法律文献难度在20左右, 由此可看出英语专业本科毕业英文摘要的难度适中, 是符合要求的。在英文摘要中多出现描述和评价类的词, 这些词会含有一定的主观意义, 这说明英语专业本科生在写论文时不善于利用一些专家言论或客观数据等来佐证自己的论文。另外在论文摘要中大多是标准词汇即正式英语文体, 而很少出现非标准词如口头语、行话、俚语等, 从这方面来看, 英语专业学生对论文的基本要点掌握得还不错。在单词的选用上多偏向于简单词汇, 例如be动词、情态动词频繁使用, 由此看出英语专业本科的英文摘要写作没能达到一个合格毕业生专业八级水平的要求。
摘要写作过程中, 最基本的原则是保持前后一致, 此外数词运用要遵循一定的规律 (曾晓梅, 2001) , 1-9之间的数词通常用文字表示, 大于或等于10的数词则用阿拉伯数字表示。其次, 作为开头的数字不能用阿拉伯数字, 如:Three thousand people choose to watch sports TVprograms in home rather than join it out…中的Three thousand不能写成3000。而且在表示约数时, 只能用英文数字, 如:about two hundred不能写成about 200。经过统计分析得出有10.12%的英文摘要存在数词使用不当。
(3) 语言特征
在语言表达方面, 本文的侧重研究三个问题, 包括摘要的词语以及短语是否运用的恰当, 词语或短语的语体是否运用合适, 句子的结构是否运用合理等问题。一般来说, 摘要的语言需要遵循正式、严谨、书面化的原则, 学生应避免使用一些非正式或不够书面化的词语。然而, 在调查的本科学生的论文摘要中, 我们发现非正式的词语的使用数量还是很多的, 这说明学生在这方面应用上并没有给予应有的足够的重视。文体是多样的, 每一种文体都有其鲜明的标记, 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德曾在其《修辞学》一书中指出:我们不应该把重大的事情说得很随便, 也不要把琐碎的小事说得很冠冕堂皇。在长期的实践与观察中可以得出, 在英语写作或者英文翻译中最容易出错的不是语法, 也不是词汇, 而是一些词语的搭配。因此, 如果高校毕业生想要在论文摘要中做到用词地道, 词语搭配合理, 就必须要学会不断积累英语专业知识, 在平时不断练习听说读写的能力以致逐步培养起良好的英语语感。另外, 一些同学将词语的词性混淆或者在运用的时候用错介词、漏掉介词等这些失误都是由于其语言基本功不够扎实, 专业素养不够踏实, 以及对于英汉差异的表现的欠缺了解。这些问题看似简单却常常被学生们忽视掉 (吕郑芳, 2011) 。
(4) 篇章特征
1) 标题
标题是英文摘要的“题眼”, 既然是“眼睛”, 那一定是英文摘要的主要内容, 是精要内容的提炼、概况与浓缩。往往好的标题能够反映出摘要的内容, 能使读者从这“眼睛”中窥探到整篇摘要的主要内容。因此, 在写标题时, 应尽量避免使用一般化及涵义笼统的词语。如:A Comparison between Chinese“Junzi”and British“Gentleman” (中国“君子”与英国“绅士”的比较) , 像这样的标题有些泛泛化, 使读者根据标题捕捉不到此英文摘要的主要观点、中心思想和结论, 同时不清楚此摘要的创新性和内容的广度与深度。英文摘要的标题常常以短语为主要的形式, 最常用是名词短语, 也就是标题基本上由一个或几个名词加上前置或者后置定语而构成, 如:A Study Of English Verbal Humor from the Perspective of the Relevance Theory (从关联理论解读言语幽默) 。英文摘要的标题通常不用陈述语句, 因为陈述语句缺乏简洁性、概括性, 容易给人造成一种片面的感觉。
2) 摘要正文
英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要中有数据、有结论, 是一篇完整的短文。首先, 要直奔主题, 即使是很重要的背景信息, 通常也是将其做简要的处理;其次, 英文摘要的首句尽量不要与标题的信息出现简单的重复, 即使是要重复, 那也要换一个方式或者说法, 并且加以充实。另外, 如果结尾句是关于意义之类的, 通常需要用明确、详细的句子来表示, 而不能使用言之无物、空洞抽象的词汇。我们在撰写英语专业毕业论文的英文摘要时, 应该多翻阅该专业国外同行用英语写作的专著与论文, 模仿人家的写作特点和表达方式, 以提高自己的英文写作水平, 争取写出出色的英文摘要。
3) 中英文摘要对比
如果只是简单地将中文摘要逐字翻译成英文, 显然是不恰当的, 给人一种生硬的感觉。在将中文摘要译成英文时, 一般要遵循三大优化原则:直观原则、准确原则和经济原则 (徐绮, 2003) 。通过我们的定量分析法得出, 英语专业本科毕业生在撰写毕业论文的英文摘要时, 英文摘要部分缺乏逻辑性, 而中文摘要部分逻辑性强, 如:Nowadays, nonverbal communication is used more and more frequently in communication.而对应的中文表述是“随着人际交往的日益频繁, 身势语在交际中的使用也越来越广泛”;再如:In different areas, however, dietary styles and habits vary greatly.There is an old saying:one man’s meat is another man’s poison, 而对应的中文表述是“由于地域的不同, 人类的饮食方式和饮食习惯大相庭径, 正如谚语所说, ‘一个人的珍馐是另外一个人的毒药’”, 这说明了英语专业本科毕业生英文功底较于中文功底薄弱, 英文表达能力欠佳。这给英语专业本科毕业生一个警示——应该加强英文写作的逻辑性。
4 对英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要的写作启示
(1) 强化英汉对比知识。学生对于学习中遇到的一些常见的语言现象, 已经习惯了所谓的“通常用法”, 长此以往, 他们的语言学习主动性和积极性势必会受到潜移默化的影响。英语与汉语属于两种语系, 了解并熟悉两者存在的差异会使得英语专业学习者事半功倍。
(2) 培养认真、严谨的科研态度。有些在英文摘要中出现的错误, 稍加注意完全可以避免。因此, 英语专业本科毕业生必须端正态度, 严肃认真地对待英文摘要的写作, 将不必要的错误减少到最低, 以提高撰写英文摘要的质量。
既然作为英语专业毕业的学生, 那么对英语语言能力这一方面就应该有更高、更严的要求, 这是对英语专业的学生最基本、首要的要求 (庄智象, 2008) 。通过对英语专业本科毕业论文英文摘要的研究, 根据文体分析理论对英文摘要从词汇特征、语言特征、语篇特征三个方面进行了分析, 归纳总结了它在数词使用、标题、摘要正文上的特征, 从而发现了一些语言和内容方面的问题, 这些问题也是普遍存在的问题, 这不仅影响了英文摘要的质量。因此, 值得引起广大师生的关注, 对这些特征的把握能很好地帮助英语专业本科毕业生提高英文摘要写作质量, 从而提高文章的录用率和引用率。英语专业学生旨在通过语料库语言学和文体学的相关理论调查分析英语专业本科毕业生英文摘要写作的语体特征, 并在此基础上观察发现英语专业本科生在英文摘要写作中存在的问题, 并提出整改策略, 从而引起英语摘要写作的重视。
摘要:英文摘要是英语专业本科毕业论文的重要一个部分, 在此笔者采用随机抽样的方法, 抽取2009年-2012年收录的120份英语专业本科生毕业论文英文摘要作为语料库, 根据文体特征对英文摘要的词汇、句子、语言、语篇等方面进行了统计分析。研究结论揭示了英语专业本科毕业生在英文摘要写作中存在的问题, 帮助英语专业本科毕业生提高英文摘要写作质量。
[2]徐绮.科技论文摘要汉译英的优化[J].中南大学学报 (社科版) , 2003 (6) .
[3]曾晓梅.科技期刊英文摘要编校的常见疏误[J].编辑学报, 2001 (5) .
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1. 传统的毕业设计是在毕业实习结束后回校进行, 有的
在选题上采用模拟的课题, 假题假做的设计方法, 有的虽然是毕业实习中遇到的或者真实存在的工程题目, 但是为了完成教学大纲的要求采用真题假作的方法。虽然能完成教学大纲的要求, 但实践证明其效果不理想。
2.校内闭门设计, 辅导力量不足。特别是教学教师的设计水平相对不高, 有些教师严重缺乏工程实践经验, 对学生的指导比较空洞, 不能很好的理论联系实践。其次参考资料缺乏, 学生在学校查询、借阅资料主要是图书馆, 而图书馆藏书有限, 资料及相关规范有些借不到, 借到的资料及相关规范有些已经陈旧, 甚至有些规范还是旧规范, 没有及时更新, 这样必将影响设计效果。
3.毕业设计由于假题假做、真题假作, 故学生对设计题目不感兴趣, 缺乏设计热情, 为了完成作业, 出现了部分学生“打先锋”, 部分学生“吃现成饭”的现象, 不易发挥学生的主观能动性, 也败坏了学习风气。
4.不能满足土木工程专业就业形势的要求。我们知道, 大部分学生进入了施工、监理、等基层单位, 这些单位对学生的要求是偏重于工程图阅读能力、施工放样能力等综合性较强的技术应用能力。因此, 按照传统毕业设计模式培养出来的学生竞争力不强, 不能满足目前就业形势的要求。
5.传统毕业设计模式过于单一。以前毕业设计都是不分兴趣、特长, 多人一个题目, 不易发挥学生特长;所以最好应结合学生本人的情况, 让学生有机会选择不同类型、不同方向的毕业设计课题, 以便调动学生的积极性。
在分析校内闭门设计弊端的前提下, 通过强化教研、教改活动, 改革传统办法, 让学生到深入生产第一线进行毕业设计, 结合设计生产的任务实际, 选择难度适宜的项目, 真刀真枪地设计。具体做法:
1.结合实习单位设计生产的任务选题, 改原来的假题假作或者真题假作为真题真做。选题原则力求紧密结合设计生产单位的设计任务, 并达到教学目的, 使学生通过实用的毕业设计, 能系统地理解所学知识并与生产实际相结合。
2. 根据学生差异, 即爱好、特长、实际实习中遇到的课题以及毕业后从事的工作意愿不同, 独自有针对性地培养。
例如有的同学毕业后愿从事工程施工工作, 就将其分到工程施工管理现场、提前熟悉施工管理的过程;有些计算机基础好的同学, 喜欢设计工作可以安排到设计部门, 熟悉计算机的工程绘图。
3. 让学生承担一定的实际工作。
可安排学生在工程技术人员的带领下承担或者配合一些项目的技术服务工作。学生经常深入现场, 同专业技术人员进行交流, 了解工程实际, 与他们探讨设计中的不足与改进方法, 这样不但能够提高自己, 也为毕业设计准备了所需的原始资料。
4. 激发学生的求知欲, 充分调动学生的积极性, 可解决“要我学”与“我要学”的问题。
在设计过程中, 利用其好胜心, 激发学生的主动性, 提高毕业设计水平。
5.实行开放综合考核办法。实行新的毕业设计方案, 学校聘请设计院或者施工单位的工程技术人员同辅导老师一同主持答辩、考核。在答辩中, 帮助学生修改设计中不合理的部分, 使学生的毕业设计趋于完善。工程技术人员和辅导教师从学生的设计质量、设计工作量、出勤情况、与设计院工程技术人员的协调关系等方面综合给出设计成绩, 比以往的成绩更真实, 更全面。
毕业设计改革的实践, 得到同学们和设计施工单位工程技术人员的积极支持, 效果令人鼓舞, 成绩十分喜人, 其社会效益非常好。
1.教书育人寓于全过程。新的毕业设计方案使学生与工程技术人员和工人同学习、同工作, 谈思想、谈业务, 在感情交流的前提下, 得到了恰到好处的诱导, 使学生在即将跨出校门的时候, 了解和感受到工作环境的气氛, 以便毕业后很快地适应社会。
2学生提前实现了自身对社会的价值, 毕业设计获得一举多得的效益。学生就业压力越来越大, 招聘单位越来越注重实践经验。毕业设计要处理好教育、实习、设计之间的结合, 应加大实践、实习等教学环节。
3.调动了学生的学习积极性。新的毕业设计方案一改往年教师扶着走的局面, 切实加强了学生综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。毕业设计的生产实践活动, 将学生提前推向社会锻炼, 为学生毕业后能很快地投入各自的角色, 胜任分配的工作打下了基础。
4.锻炼了教师队伍, 增强了专业教师实践能力, 实现了教、学相长。特别是青年教师, 他们通过这样的活动, 可不断更新知识, 吸取实践营养, 同时广泛地听取了设计院和施工单位工程技术人员对学校培养学生的意见, 收集、整理了大量的技术资料。
5. 这一新的改革活动受到了社会的关注, 在社会上产生了一定的反响。
深入生产第一线完成毕业设计, 是我们对毕业设计改革的一次新的尝试, 取得了可喜的成绩, 也存在着一定的不足。如在结合生产任务搞设计时, 大部分同学的方案是由工程技术人员定的, 同学们只是完成施工图或者一些局部组织设计, 其潜力没有得到充分的发挥。
[1]沈蒲生.建筑工程课程设计指南, 高等教育出版社, 2005.
Respect of leadership:
Hello! Thank you for your first reading my letter in your busy schedule, to an enthusiastic college students open a door of hope.
My name is XXX, graduated from XXX School of architectural engineering technology specialty students. To take this career, I with a sincere heart and the cause of the persistent pursuit of sincere recommended himself.
In twenty-first Century the call of personnel comprehensive, in a few years of learning in life I have a very good professional knowledge, good grades. I love the building technology, during the period of school, to learn the CAD drawing, building architecture, material science, construction drawing, engineering mechanics, construction technology, foundation and foundation, steel structure, engineering surveying, material mechanics, structural mechanics, construction technology. The project budget, all have a certain work and organization and coordination ability, strong sense of responsibility, can bear hardships and stand hard work, honesty, trustworthiness, dedication. I have a strong practical ability to stand on solid ground, and efforts to do every thing.
In daily work, I with positive and optimistic attitude towards life. My pursuit of “Sanming” (smart, smart, open), “four” (mature personality, humanity, humanity depth, human sophistication) lofty realm, with benevolence and wisdom, and courage to set strict demands on themselves, I am honest, can get along with people, and common progress.
I am interested in a wide range, to participate in various activities such as basketball, football, let me know different friends, the more honed their will. Excellent quality to develop in the work constantly learning rigorous dependably work style and the unity cooperation, make me believe oneself completely in the positions in setting, dedication, more business! I believe that my ability and knowledge are needed by your company, I sincerely desire, I can for the expensive unit tomorrow sacrifice their own youth and enthusiasm!
In 2015 five four school recognition I get “Miyoshi students,” the honorary title of “outstanding member” honorary award, in 2013 the school during the internship was “excellent intern” honors, three times won the school “two scholarship”.
The past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning for practical work and constantly improve themselves, do a good job. “The fear of Huai Yi Xing Si morale, to the sky and sun package”.
Look forward to your feedback!
从表1可以看出建筑装饰毕业设计课是一门实践操作性很强的课程, 与实际工程紧密联系, 因此本课程的安排也是在专业基础课、专业技术课都完成后进行开设, 即第五个学期集中进行, 时间一般是2个月。本门课不但要有建筑装饰工地, 还要有专业绘图的机房;对上课及辅导的教师都应具有综合技术及实践动手能力较强的要求。因此, 如何培养学生在毕业设计中与实际工程接轨, 做到不是纸上谈兵, 则是教师当前面临的主要教学问题, 也是该门课程进行教学方法与手段改革需考虑的重要问题。本论述结合建筑装饰工程技术专业教学与实践工作多年, 结合亲身教学体会和高职学院目前的建筑装饰毕业设计实践教学状况, 对如何改进、强化毕业设计实践教学环节谈点思路和想法。
1 目前毕业设计实践教学环节存在的普遍问题
1.1 毕业设计与实践生产脱节
指导老师布置毕业设计任务时缺乏创新性与实践生产性, 毕业设计任务采用单一传统形式, 设计资料往往沿用往届不变的内容, 因此内容陈旧, 没有创新。毕业设计的要求紧紧停留在教学层面上, 与实践生产脱节, 学生所做的毕业设计在内容和知识结构上也没有多少应用价值, 就是学生做的毕业设计应用能力滞后, 因此, 我们培养的学生就达不到零距离上岗。
1.2 毕业设计质量不高, 滞于形式
高职院校的学生普遍素质不高, 在完成毕业设计的独立能力也不强, 大多学生都是抄袭、复制别人的图纸, 或干脆就把实习单位的图纸拿来应付, 答辩时一问三不知, 毕业设计质量高的就更少了。
1.3 毕业设计成果缺乏科学的评定标准
指导老师没有对毕业设计全面的提出质量要求及科学合理的成绩评定标准, 对一些不符合毕业设计任务要求的, 往往宽容待之, 成绩评定过于宽松, 评定标准也是敷衍了事, 这就造成学生对毕业设计的态度也是敷衍了事, 最后都是在应付。
1.4 实训教学考核不严
毕业设计一般都安排在第五学期集中进行, 时间一般为6到8周左右, 学校没有建立规范的实训教学考核办法, 或者没有把考核办法真正落实到位, 对实训教学的要求不严格。又因为学生本身对实训教学的重要性缺乏认识, 部分学生认为实训课好玩, 没有学习压力, 所以有相当一部分学生不把实训课当成一回事, 实训效果不理想。
2 问题的原因分析
这些问题的存在不仅仅影响实践教学效果, 还真正影响到高职高专人才培养目标的实现。造成这些问题的原因主要是:
2.1 毕业设计应与实践生产相结合, 有创新意识
建筑类的毕业设计大多是工程设计图纸, 设计选题较单一, 学生做得较被动, 甚至有个别学生闭门造车, 不考虑图纸的适用、功能、空间的利用率等。指导老师在指导的过程中应注重设计图纸的适用性、功能性及空间的有机利用率, 充分发挥学生的思维创新能力, 做到:能想到, 能画出, 能让技术工人做出来, 不能异想天开, 纸上谈兵, 在把图纸能做成实物, 这样的设计才有设计价值。因此, 指导老师在指导过程中就应该根据学生的实际水平进行指导, 充分调动学生的主动积极性, 这样毕业设计的质量也能得到提高。
2.2 毕业设计指导老师是关键
加强毕业设计指导老师的培养, 解决师资力量薄弱的环节, 教师在企业挂职锻炼中应具备实践经验及应有的设计能力。每位教师指导学生不宜过多, 不宜超过10人, 学生可自主的选择指导老师, 这样可以更好的与老师沟通。
2.3 制定毕业设计成果及答辩的评定标准
毕业设计答辩是检验学生毕业设计的重要环节, 也是检查学生是否自己亲自设计手段, 答辩成绩可根据学生选题分类进行 (家装工程或工装工程) , 答辩委员可聘请企业工程师、设计师, 公开答辩, 这样可以提高答辩的可信度, 也能真实的反映毕业设计的质量和水平。毕业设计成绩的评定要根据选题的难易、学生平时设计的态度进行综合评定。这样既考虑了学生平时学习的态度 (在企业的工作态度) , 又充分发挥了学生自主应用综合知识、独立完成的工作能力, 达到零距离上岗的培养目标。
2.4 加强实践教学管理
制订并落实实践教学计划和实践教学标准, 其中实践教学目标、教学内容、操作规程、教学标准和评价标准都应该落到实处。同时, 学校各处室、系部及专业教研室加大监督管理力度, 制定严格的实训教学考核制度, 合理的实训教学考核办法。可采用学生问卷调查反馈评价、系部实训教学质量检查小组评价、学校实践教学检查组反馈评价相结合的方法对指导教师的实训教学质量进行量化考核, 考核实行与教师的职称晋升、年终考核及评优选先挂钩的办法。这样可以充分调动教师的积极性, 形成良好的运行机制, 把实践教学真正落到实处。
3 结束语
总而言之, 要做好建筑类毕业设计的管理存在的问题可从以下设想进行。
(1) 针对本行业企业长期持续发展的需要, 并结合建筑装饰行业岗位实际工作情况的需求, 应突出建筑专业的人才培养特色, 精心选取教学内容, 将建筑行业企业的需求, 尽可能的融入到人才培养目标和课程标准中来。
(2) 合理安排教学过程, 使得理论教学和实践教学真正融为一体, 实现“教、学、做”一体化。
(3) 着力打造“双师型”教师队伍, 提升教师自身的工程实践能力, 确保实践教学的有效实施。
(4) 加强实践教学管理, 深化教学改革, 把实践教学真正落到实处。
(5) 加强校企合作的力度, 找出工学结合的有效途径。
[1]陈崇炯.高职工科类毕业设计改革探索[J].温州职业技术学院学报, 2010 (6) .
[2]赵霞.浅析高职毕业设计环节存在的问题及对策[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008 (30) :181.
个 人 简 历
Dear Admissions Committee:
I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the ABC University, Mr.Hung-Doe Doe, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall 1996.Through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, I have come to the conclusion that Mr.Doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr.Doe when he was under my instruction in the course of Electrical Engineering during the academic year of 1993.While attending this requirement course, Mr.Doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework.His academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class.Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, Mr.Doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject.I am of the opinion that my class has provided Mr.Doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.An open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, Mr.Doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies.I was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field.His diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me.I have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student.With the intelligence and persistence that Mr.Doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.In general, I consider Mr.Doe a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field.I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits.I give him my highest recommendation.Thank you very much for your time and consideration.Should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.Best regards
First of all, Thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read this material and I hope for giving me a chance!
I xx Organic Chemical Institute of Technology students in production techniques.Common institutions, common one I have never in the ordinary heart.I ask you to seriously evaluate the ability to see whether I am suitable for this job.I am optimistic, progressive, hard, dare to meet all challenges.Although this is only an ordinary graduates, but I work hard to master a solid professional knowledge and awareness through a variety of practical activities to improve their practical ability, especially in the chemical industry, the chemical experiments by skills, analytical skills, such as professional trained to operate, such as UV-Vis spectrophotometer, analytical instruments.At the same time, do not delay in learning the basis of active participation in social practice, practice to improve the investigative capacity.Three years after the University of temper in the face of the choice of future career, I have more of their clear understanding.Although the lack of work experience, but I will learn, will do a good job of their own, to make every effort made in the work of a good result.The biographical notes and related material be accompanied by, want to give me a job training opportunities.A sincere heart in the hope that you trust.Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request of applicants.The cause of your company is willing to thriving achievements, I wish you continuing success of the cause, the next level!
Ms. Yang:
I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.
I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.
I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.
Cheng Dan
Dear Admission Committee:
Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply with her request.
I first got to know Miss Pan when she enrolled at university and I was the assistant director of her class at that time. Being a professor for several years, I noticed that due to the lack of self-learning ability, it is really challenging for students, even those performing excellent in senior school, to keep up with the college speed. However, as a diligent girl without any solid background in Computer Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, while ranking 1st among the girls. I was fairly impressed by her self-learning technique and exceptional efforts. Hence, I believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inchoateness and with persistence, she has the quality to make achievements.
What distinguished her among her classmates, I think, was that she went far beyond acquiring excellent scores in the exams and instead got her range of knowledge enlarged. In spring, , Miss Pan took the course I taught named “Algebraic Structures and Combinatorial Mathematics”. This inquisitive and assiduous young woman was sometimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knowledge in depth and detail. Furthermore, I still remember during the spring vocation in May, due to the break-down of my mail box, I missed her mails to discussing some questions. But the following week during the course time, she asked me directly. Her zeal for knowledge and the spirit to explore answers really leave me a deep impression. Finally, she was among the few students who got almost full marks in every test in class which showed her exceeding grasp of every chapter. Thus, I gave her 98/100 for the excellent performance in my course.
In summary, I have every reason to believe that Miss. Pan will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. I would appreciate greatly if you give her a favorable consideration. Please feel free to contact me directly if more assistance is needed. Faithfully yours,
Wanling Qu, Professor