
2025-02-03 版权声明 我要投稿


京华小学英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇1

Good morning,Everyone:

I’m Qin Haichen from Class Two Grade Five.I’m very glad to make a speech here.Now ,I’ll tell a little story:

“Name is A Frog and a Tiger.”

Mr Tiger is the king ofthe forest.So he looks down upon everything in the world.One day, A tiger was hungry, he was looking for food.Suddenly ,he found a frog in front of him.“Ha ha!A frog!My dinner!”said excitedly Mr Tiger.So he rushed at the frog.“Don’t move ,wait a minute,please, Mr Tiger.I’m stronger than you,” saidMr Frog.“What? You are stronger than me? How dare you say that!” shouted angrily Mr Tiger.“ Let’s have a match.Who can jump over the river ? you first” said Mr Frog.Mr Tiger jumped over the river.Mr Frog bit Tiger’s tail.So he jumped over ,too.“Where is Mr Frog? Ha,ha, I’m the winner!”

“Don’t be so sure,” said Mr Frog with some fur in his mouth.“What’s in your mouth, Mr Frog?”

“Well, yesterday I ate a tiger, only left some fur.”

京华小学英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇2

基于此, 该文将结合外研社杯英语演讲比赛和21世纪杯英语演讲比赛评委提问和选手回答的具体实例, 按照加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统对常见的问题进行归纳整理, 并分析问答环节中的提问和应答策略, 以期对参加演讲比赛的指导老师和选手有所帮助和借鉴。

1 英语演讲比赛问题类型

按照认知水平的问题分类有许多种, 其中加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统最为被人接受。这种分类系统是加拉赫 (J.J.Gallaher) 和阿什纳 (M.J.Aschner) 以吉尔福特 (J.P.Guilford) 的智力模式为基础建构的。但他们把认知和记忆合为一类, 因为它们所需要的智力活动类型相似。

1.1 认知记忆

认知记忆类问题指的是学生通过再认和机械记忆等过程重现事实、公式或其他需要记起的内容。比如在纪念中国东盟建立对话关系20周年外语演讲比赛中, 有这样一个问题:


这是属于回忆知识的问题, 还有举例类的问题在问答环节中也很常见, 相对而言也较容易回答。通常是针对演讲内容请选手举一两个具体的事例来进一步说明。常见的提问方式有:Can you give an example to show...?Could you explain this point by an example?

当然, 在高级别的比赛当中, 这一类问题的提问方式会稍微复杂一些, 复杂主要体现在对问题的铺垫和句式的难度上, 但本质上仍然属于这一类问题。

比如, 在第十五届21世纪杯英语演讲比赛全国总决赛中, 评委对冠军李某的提问如下:

Thank you Contestant 19.I’m gonna talk back to your story about the Marathon in which you said that your Marathon experience became an influential metaphor for your life.Can you give us a concrete example, one or two concrete example of how the lessons from the Marathon have been applied in other areas of your life outside of sports? (2010:14)

1.2 聚合思维

聚合思维是学生对提供的材料进行分析和综合, 其回答是结构性的, 可预料的, 因为此类问题必须按照牢固建立起来的框架作答。比如, 比较型的问题, 孔子和苏格拉底都是伟大的教育家, 那么你认为他们有什么不同呢?

第二种是延伸类问题。延伸类题目是针对演讲内容的进一步挖掘, 其实质和举例类题目相似, 都是要通过实例来回答, 只不过提问的方式更间接, 回答更具有层次性。2010年外研社杯英语演讲比赛广西区决赛中, 我校选手抽到的即兴演讲题目是It’s time to make a change.在随即的提问中, 评委问道:What small steps would you like to make to change your life?该题目是对演讲内容的进一步延伸, 即在生活中如何应用、如何体现自己的演讲内容。

聚合思维中的第三种是矛盾类问题, 顾名思义, 以已之矛, 攻己之盾, 即用选手提出的观点反驳选手的观点。这类问题难度较高, 需要选手理清概念, 避免绝对化。回答时可以先肯定对方的观点, 然后着重陈述自己的观点。要避免被评委的问题牵着走, 回答问题时与自己在命题和即兴演讲中的观点相去甚远。

比如, 2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛问题:

With culture we live harmoniously, If we don’t feel that way, is it due to science?


A fall in a pit, a gain in yourt wit.Do all the falls we experience in life lead to an increase in wisdom?

All that glitters is not gold.When gold does not glitter, how do we know it is gold?

1.3 发散思维

发散思维指的是学生处理有关评价、判断或选择的问题。学生可以自由阐释自己的观点上, 或者对给定的话题采取不同的视角来看待。

比如, 想象类问题, 这是针对演讲内容提出的大胆设想, 旨在考察选手的想象力和迅速反应能力, 这类问题在21世纪杯的问答环节中多见。例如, 在21世纪杯英语演讲比赛某赛区决赛中, 选手在问答环节中遇到的问题是:Sometimes it’s fun to imagine living in another time and space.If you could live in another time and space, when and where would that be?第二位评委的问题是:If you could meet a person in Tang Dynasty, whom would you like to meet?

此类问题还有:If you could redo one thing in the past, which would you like to do?If you could meet your favorite movie star, what would you like to say to him or her?

想象类问题在外研社杯英语演讲比赛中也不鲜见。例如, 在2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛中, 评委提出了这样一些想象类问题;

If robot could have their own thinking, do you think they will have their own culture?/If you were the mayor of Shanghai, how would you open your speech?

发散思维类型的问题第二小类是时评类问题, 这是基于演讲内容, 要求选手对当前的时事、现象等做出评论, 通常的提问方式有What’s your understanding on.../What’s your comment on.../Give comment on.../What do you think about...

比如, 2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛复赛评委提出这样的问题:

In your speech you mention Confucius is the root of culture.Do you think Confucius can be applied to every country?

Do you think Chinese way of eating will change because of the influence of western culture?

整理常见的问题类型是为了更好地在平时有的放矢地训练和准备。当然, 以上分类并不绝对, 也有重叠的情况。比如, 2008年的外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛的题目是1+1=2?, 有位选手提出团结可以使得1+1大于2的效果这一观点, 评委提出这样的问题:这一问题包含想象和矛盾两种类型, 涉及分析、综合和想象等思维过程。当然, 实质还是属于聚合思维中的矛盾类。还有些问题尚未归类或难以归类, 需要在今后的实战后进一步总结归纳。

2 教师提问策略

2.1 明确提问的目的

教师在演讲环节的提问策略与在课堂教学中的提问有相同之处。在提问的目的上, “教师发问的两个永久性问题是确定学生对特定内容的基本事实的理解和使学生运用其批判思维和创造性思维的技巧去应用所学有关事实的知识” (金传宝:1998) 。两者都是为了交流思想, 考查学生的反应能力, 激发学生的想象力和创造力。

演讲比赛中的提问有别于课堂中的提问。演讲比赛具有竞技的性质, 所以提问要以最大限度地考查学生的水平为目的。而课堂主要以教育为目的, 要最大化地鼓励学生参与。由于演讲比赛中的问答环节仍然是师生之间的对话, 这一环节仍然具有教育性, 因此教师提问不是越难越好, 让学生答不上来为目的, 而是要让学生有话可说, 在此基础上考查学生的能力。

2.2 掌握提问的技巧

教师在演讲问答环节中提问, 首先要注意把问题表述清楚。因为在演讲的时候学生一般都比较紧张, 如果问题表述不清楚, 学生很可能就回答不上来或者答非所问, 影响比赛成绩。第二, 教师可以根据事先了解到的话题准备一些关键性问题。然后根据学生演讲的情况稍作调整, 这样可以避免毫无中心地随意提问。第三, 提问应该根据学生的实际水平。问题的难度体现在语言的复杂度和内容的深度方面。如果问题的语言太难, 基础稍弱的学生会感到焦虑, 失去自信。如果内容超出学生的能力范围, 学生也无从作答。最后, 提问应保持相对一致的认知水平。不能一个问题很难, 一个问题很容易, 这样会影响比赛的公平性。

2.3 了解问题的认知水平

上文按照加拉赫—阿什纳分类系统对演讲中的问题进行了分类。不难发现, 越是高级别的比赛, 问题的认知水平就越高。在平时的训练中, 教师可以循序渐进地引导学生, 由低认知逐渐过渡到高认知水平的问题。在比赛中, 应多问高认知水平的问题, 少问低认知水平的问题。因为很多记忆性的问题如果学生没有了解过, 是根本回答不上来的。比如, 在纪念中国东盟建立对话关系20周年演讲比赛中, 有一个问题是:东盟的最高决策机构是什么?这个问题连很多指导老师都回答不上来, 更别说学生了。所以, 演讲比赛中的问题应该保持认知水平的相对一致, 不宜相差太大。

3 学生应答策略

3.1 听懂问题, 直奔主题

听懂问题是回答问题的第一步。切不可没有听懂评委的问题就匆忙作答。没有听懂可以请求评委再说一遍, 一般评委都会换个简单的说法重述自己的问题。比如, 可以说:Could you repeat that for me?/I’m sorry I’m not quite clear.Could you say it again?听懂问题后, 再开始作答。计时器将从选手正式开始回答问题时计时, 所以不必担心请求评委重述问题会影响答题时间。另外, 有选手在听到比较长的问题时就会紧张。其实大可不必, 一般评委前面的话都是对问题的铺垫, 是针对选手提出的观点, 关键是要抓住后面的问题部分。

听懂问题之后就要直接回答问题。美国著名的演讲方面的专家Stephen Lucas曾有过多次参加外研社杯和21世纪杯大赛提问评委的经验, 他说过:评委并不期待完美的答案, 他们期待的是直接回应评委提出的问题。 (2010:245) 由于回答一个问题的时间是一分钟, 绕弯子、重复评委的问题、举例过长、语言啰嗦都会导致超时被扣分。

3.2 掌握套语, 层次分明

掌握回答问题的一些套语可以为选手思考赢得时间。比如, 回答问题时可首先说:Thank you for your question.或者说一些对评委问题的评论, 比如:It’s really a challenging/difficult/thought-provoking question./You really got me.等等。此外, 可以适当使用语气词, 如, well, then等。但是注意要适度, 不可过度使用, 否则会显得表达不流利, 思维不流畅。

问题回答过程中要做到层次分明, 这样可以让评委和听众迅速抓住回答的要点。要使得回答层次分明, 可以采用分总或总分的回答模式, 即先用一个主题句说明自己的观点, 然后分点阐释;或者先举例然后总结观点。另外, 注意连接词的使用。例如前文提到参赛选手遇到的这个问题:Sometimes it’s from reality to imagine living in another time and space.If you could live in another time and space, when and where would that be?

该选手回答如下:Well, it’s really an intriguing topic for me to discuss with all of you.Well, the first question is that“if I have such a chance to live in another time, when would I live?”Firstly, I would like to live in ancient China because at that time China was a prosperous country.There were so many historical figures I like such as Li Bai.Those spectacular poets that I would like to meet them and have spectacular talk with them, and to communicate by thoughts with them.And then, where would I choose to live?The question is a little bit weird to you.Because I would choose the Moon.Because I’m a romantic man.Because Moon walking is funny.Like Michael Jackson showed us.And the second is I would like to see how beautiful Chang’e is.And the most important reason is I want to explore whether the moon is suitable for man to live.Maybe in the near future we’ll move to that place.But all in all, I choose this time and space, because I choose this most important thing that can make me have such an understanding of happiness.Life is not a destination, it’s a journey.Standing here, I really immerse in this time and space.

在该选手的回答中, 首先第一句话表示对这个问题的看法, 属于套话。然后重述问题一, 接着直接回答问题一, 并阐释理由。之后重述问题二, 并阐明理由。最后, 阐释珍惜现在才能快乐这一观点, 这一观点不仅很好地回答了问题, 又跳出了问题, 给人出人意料的结果, 而又让人有所领悟, 因而起到了画龙点睛的效果。选手在回答的过程中, 可以看到如这样的过渡词, 显得逻辑清晰, 层次分明, 因而从内容和形式上都不失为一个很好的回答。最后这位同学也获得了2010年21世纪杯该赛区决赛亚军的好成绩。

3.3 前后一致, 自圆其说

回答问题要注意不要与自己前面演讲的内容自相矛盾。因为演讲要求的能力之一就是能够围绕一个观点进行逻辑缜密的分析和论证, 观点之间没有绝对的正误之分, 但是选手必须能够自圆其说。而提问是演讲内容的进一步延伸, 所以回答问题环节中同样要注意观点的一致性。在2011年4月第十六届21世纪杯英语演讲比赛全国总决赛中, 一位来自香港大学的选手在即兴演讲中谈论对Naked Marriage (裸婚) 的看法, 他认为“婚姻当中爱情比物质更重要, 因此结婚可以无房无车无钻戒”。评委对此提出的问题是:What’s your plan for your own marriage?Is it naked or fully clothed?该选手的回答是:Forget what I say in the impromptu speech.I’m not going to have naked marriage.他的回答引起了全场观众的笑声, 但是他的回答非但没有支撑他前面即兴演讲提出的观点, 反而与前面的内容自相矛盾, 这样就大大降低了他即兴演讲内容的说服力。

3.4 预测问题, 胸有成竹

学会预测提问评委可能会问什么问题也是参赛选手应该具备的素养之一, 也是指导教师要做的功课。2009年外研社杯英语演讲比赛全国半决赛的命题演讲题目是Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?每位参赛选手都针对这个题目精心准备了即兴演讲稿。但是准备稿子只是准备的内容之一, 在准备好演讲稿, 熟悉自己的演讲稿的基础上, 还须针对评委可能提出的问题进行预测。譬如在某次演讲的结尾中曾提到:Science makes us confused.It’s culture that leads us to the future.针对这句话, 可以预测的问题是:Can you give an example to show how science make people confused?因为这句话在文中没有得到充分的阐释, 所以, 可能会使得听众有些疑问。在比赛当中, 提问评委的问题与我们预测的问题十分接近:In your speech, you mentioned science makes us confused.In what sense can science makes us confused?由于对问题进行了预测, 在问答环节选手很流利地回答了评委的问题。

要做到预测问题, 首先要熟悉自己的演讲稿, 反复练习, 对于稿子的内容可能涉及到的话题要有充分的了解。其次, 平时多练习问题回答, 把握一分钟内以自己的语速能回答多少内容。对于语速快的选手, 要适当增加内容, 语速慢的选手, 要适当削减内容。第三, 请有经验的老师对自己的稿子多提问题, 增加回答问题的自信心。当然, 遇到与自己预测到的问题类似的题目要注意不可机械背诵自己准备的答案。评委希望听到的是有原创性的观点。

4 结束语

作为指导老师, 提问是训练选手思维能力的重要途径。因此, 研究大赛的经典问题, 把握训练学生的导向至关重要。从以上提问来看, 无论是外研社杯和21世纪杯, 越是到高级别的赛事, 评委所提的问题都更加注重考查选手的思维能力, 而不是考查选手的知识掌握程度。故而在平时的训练中, 应多问高认知水平的问题, 少问低认知水平的问题, 通过提问训练选手多维度、多视角分析问题的能力。

对于参加演讲比赛的选手而言, 研究大赛中出现过的经典问题和回答, 会给我们提供很多学习和借鉴的材料。当然, 很多问题我们无法百分之百预料, 所以, 最重要的是平时注意积累, 养成关注时事的好习惯, 尤其是要看英文报纸, 了解时事和新词。同时要多观察和思考发生在生活中的事情, 因为评委的提问都和我们的生活息息相关, 即使是想象类问题, 也是基于对现实的思考之上。相信经过不断地训练, 选手会在问答环节中有更为出色的表现, 让智慧的光芒在问答中绽放。


[1]Gibson C.英语演讲实训指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2008.

[2]Stephen E.Lucas The Art of Public Speaking[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2010.

[3]Welen W.Questioning Skills for Teachers[M].National Educa tion Association of the United States, Second Edition, fourth Printing, 1991.

[4]金传宝.教师如何提高发问技巧[J].外语教育研究, 1998 (2) :4044.

[5]宿玉荣, 王帆, 范悦.英语演讲比赛参赛指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2006.

京华小学英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇3

关键词:京华烟云 汉语助词“了”英语“时” 对应关系









助词“了”与英语的陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气对应:(1)动词+“了”(le)与“早就应当”连用,表示一种假设的行为,可与英语的虚拟语气对应。如:莫愁说:“对呀,咱们早就应当写了。”(注:下划线部分原文为英语虚拟句式)此处虚拟语气是莫愁感叹早就应该做而到说话的时候还没有做的事情。(2)动词+“了”(le)表示对事物的一般性描述,可与英语的陈述语气对应。如: 罗大说:“赶这一趟车,你们赚钱不少。拿一百两银子就可以买一块田地了。”(注:下划线部分原文为英语陈述句式)这是管家罗大在雇了骡夫出远门时的对话,是对拿到钱可以买地这样一个事情作出一般性的描述。同时,需要说明的是英语陈述性句式会涉及到不同时态的变化,而这里只简单讨论“了”和英语语气的对应情况。(3)动词+“了”(le),表示建议、命令、安慰等意思时,可与英语的祈使语气对应。其中,最常见的结构是动词+“了”(le)与“请”、“别”、“不要”等连用表达祈使语气。如:“太太刚忍住哭,你又大嚎起来,招得少爷跟莫愁也哭,快别哭了。”(注:下划线部分原文为英语祈使句式)这是青霞安慰锦儿时说的话,14岁的锦儿因为听到拐卖两字,联想起自己杳无音讯的父母,伤心地哭了。青霞为了让屋里气氛缓解,用“快别哭了”安慰锦儿。


通过上文的总结,不禁让人感叹汉语区区一个“了”字,却可以与英语中的各种“时”进行一一对应。若要究其原因,需要从汉英两种语言语法的特征讲起。连淑能在《英汉对比研究》中论述了汉语注重意合法,即:“词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达;英语注重形合法,即:句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。[3]”換句话说,“汉语注重隐性连贯,英语注重显性接应。[3]”所以,汉语文字本身不具备像英语单词一样的形态变化,但汉语本身比较灵活的语法规则,可以让汉语借助一些功能词来弥补看似缺乏语法逻辑的表达,这就是汉语语法呈隐性的原因。而英语则需要运用词的形态变化来突显其语法形式,因而它的语法具显性特征。依照不同语系各自的演化发展特征,现代汉语属于分析语,而现代英语属于综合语。那么,具备隐性语法特征的汉语可以使用助词“了”表示某种语气,也可以表示动作发生时的时间状态。正如潘文国所说:“但就英语和汉语而言,隐性和显性的内容实在相差太悬殊,以至形成了明显的对比。[4]”汉语语法的隐性特征是“以词汇来表示的拼音语言,用形态来表示的语法规范和语法范畴,即用助词(即‘着、‘了、‘过,‘被、‘受、‘遭,‘得、‘的、‘地等)来加以表示。[4] ”所以,在英汉转换过程中,英文显性形态的表述方式需要转变为汉语的隐性形态的表述方式,必然需要用功能词来辅助完成。








小学生英语演讲比赛 篇4

为了丰富学生们的校园文化生活,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高语言综合运用能力,11月28日上午,唐庄乡第六中心小学在五年级教室举行了“小学生英语口语演讲比赛”。本次比赛由高年级的英语老师和英语教研组组长担任评委,三四五六年级各班的优秀学生参加了比赛。比赛中,每个选手均以《My favourite...》或《Ilike...》为题目,进行了为时1分钟的脱稿演讲内容不限。采取现场打分、现场公布比赛分数的透明形式,公平、公正地分别从语音、语调、肢体语言、以及现场感染力等方面对参赛学生进行综合、客观的评价。赛场上小选手们个个表现出色,发音标准、演讲生动有趣,很好地展示了学生良好的英语口语水平,博得了评委老师的一致好评。



京华小学英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇5

I’m a pupil from the school of Yucai.My name is Yanghaoran.I’m very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you.Today my speech topic is “My dream”.Many people have a dream about the future.I had a beautiful dream since I was a young little boy.I really want to be a wonderful writer like Guo Jingming in the future, because I like reading very much when I was a child.So I practice writing in my free time, by doing that I feel very happy.I love my dream and I will try my best to make my dream come true.It’s about my dream, what about you? Do you have a dream? Do you think everyone has their dreams? In fact, you are wrong.Many people never think about future and what they will be like.They never have a dream.It’s not good for them.Only have dreams, then we can know what we should do for our dreams and try our best to make them true.So, it’s important to have a dream.Someone once said that success comes from a dream.So, my friends and students, let’s have a dream, and embrace the dream.Then, we will have a beautiful tomorrow!My speech is over, thanks for your listening.I love English

Good afternoon, Dear teachers and my friends: I’m a pupil from the school of Yucai.My name is_______________.I’m very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you.May I have your attention, please? This once , I want to talk about English.My topic is “I love English.”

As we all know, English is very important for us in the world today.It has become the most important language on Internet.If we can speak English well, we will have more chance to speak.Because more and more people like it.But for myself, I learn English not only because of its importance , but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels, I can feel very happy.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English, I can see the beauty...I love English, it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day.With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great interests.I dream that I can go to London, because it is the birth place of English.I also want to use my good English to introduce our people, I hope that they can love our country like us.I know, Rome was not built in a day.I believe that after hard study, one day I can speak English very well.If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.I am sure that I can come true my dream one day!My speech is over, Thank you!

My Family Good afternoon, Dear teachers and my friends:

小学英语演讲比赛自我介绍部分 篇6

Self-introduction Hello everyone!/ I am very glad/ to be here/ to introduce myself/ to you.My name is /xxx, you can also call me xxx.I am x years old.I study in /class x, grade x.I love /my teachers/ and classmates/ because all of us/ live in a large family.As an active girl, I have many hobies, such as /reading, dancing, drawing, and swiming.Besides ,I enjoy earning English /as I love watching Disney cartoon.Now it’s my show time.

京华小学英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇7

时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:paint , boating, climb, take photos, play games…..(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the garden for fun| to draw picture, the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.We talk and draw.We all have a good time.How I wish we can come again.2.公园休闲类:

时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,and I.事件:sing and play guitar(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s a sunny day, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to the garden for fun| , the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.How happy we are!I wish we can play again.3.购物休闲类go shopping...时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:go shopping..Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to buy some books.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We find many interesting books in the book store.And we have 3 picture books.How happy we are!

4.购物休闲类, eat and drink.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:drink in the coffee shop(可替换)

Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to have fun.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffee|tea(many tasty food).What a happy day we have!

5..购物休闲类, buy gift for a friend.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon , It’s @’s birthday.地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:buy a gift for @

Today is Sunday, it’s fine, the sky is so blue, we are so excited because today is XiaoLi’sbirthday,@@ and I go to the street to buy a gift.for Xiaoli.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We choose some flowers for him.We wish xiaoli have a good time and happy birthday.6.海滩休闲

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny and hot, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to beach for fun| , the water is so clean.And there are many people on the beach,the trees are green.Firstly,@ and I swim in the water.Then, we rest and eat ice cream.How relaxing and happy we are!.学习类

1.(在公园读书)Today is Sunday , it’s sunny, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to the garden to have fun, the flowers are white ,the trees are green ,we read under a tree, it’s so cool.we read and talk.How happy we are!

2.(在家中读书)Today is Sunday , we are free.@ and @come to my study to study with me,.My study is clean and beautiful.We study and have fun.We help each other.We all have a good time.How I wish we can study together everyday.图片类看图说话范文

1.运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:play basketball, football......范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we have no lessons, @@ and I go to the playground for fun, we play basketball….., it’s very interesting.We are tired but We all have a good time.How I wish we can play again.2运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:have a walk.范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue the air is fresh, we have no lessons, @@ and I go out to have a walk.The birds are singing in the trees, the flowers are red.we walk and talk we meet many people.Some people are talking, some are buying things.Some are listening to music.others are walking dogs(溜狗)we are all very happy ,未来科技

Look at the picture, it’s so beautiful.I like it very muchthe picture is about future(未来), we can see many tall buildings and modern cars, buses, they are so wonderful(了不起),some cars and buses can fly, everyone is so happy ,because they can fly in the sky!How I wish I can live in the future.天安门广场

存钱大金猪 图

Hello, everybody, look at this picture it’s so funny, a boy ride on the big pig, and a bag of money is on his hand.What is he doing? He is saving money, I think he want to save money to help others or he want to save money to buy his favorite books and food.I also want to save money to buy my favorite things.四,五年级,如图:



孩子们 children男孩 boy女孩?girl?(性别不明显,自己假定)



数量:3个男孩 three boys

服饰: 红色T恤 red t-shirt7号 number 723号 number 23

蓝色短裤 blue shorts

黄色长头发 long yellow hair棕色长头发 long brown hair

白色T恤 white T-shirt黑短裤 black shorts

棕色短发 short brown hair

位置:在操场上 on the playground


他们在踢足球 They are playing football

Jim kicked the ball,Robert ran to stop him,but he missed,fortunately,Peter caught the ball at last



他们很开心They are very happy


学校里,操场上on the playground in the school

夏天的下午 one summer afternoon

天气晴朗 It’s sunny白云天上飘 White clouds float in the sky

操场边有花有树There are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground


One afternoon in summer, it’s sunny, white clouds float in the sky.Three boys are playing football on the playground;there are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground.One boy has long yellow hair,he wears red T-shirt with Number 7 and blue shorts, his name is Robert,another boy who wears red T-shirt with Number 23 is Peter,he has long brown hair,the boy who wears white T-shirt and black shorts is Jim,he has short brown hair.Jim kicks the ball towards the goal,Robert runs to stop him,but it is too late,fortunately,Peter catches the ball.They are very happy.但是,这样的描述只占了分值的70%(35分),要想得到更高的分数,我们需要说得更多,需要联系自身的经历,超越图片本身。



… …


I like football,but I am not good at it.I can play basketball very well because I am tall and I can jump so high.I have a team.There are 4 boys in the team.They are Tom,Steven,Chris and I.Tom is…(特征,特点),Steven is…, Chris is….We are good friends.We always play basketball together after class.Last week, we won a very important basketball match in my school.We were very happy and proud of it.我喜欢足球,但是我踢得不好,我篮球打的非常不错,我个子很高,跳得也高,所以我打篮球。我有一个球队,我们有4个人,Tom,Steven,Chris 和我,Tom… …

Steven … ….我们是好朋友,每天放学后我们几乎都在一起打篮球。上周我们在校内赢得了一场重要比赛的胜利,我们为此感到高兴和骄傲。


1.“There be …”句型表示“有… …”





1.方位介词,in,on,under,by,in front of,behind,beside,next to,……






父亲和儿子fatherson起个名字以便于描述 Tom and his father Mr.Smith


父亲高大强壮tall and strong

儿子瘦小thin and short


儿子向父亲借了一本书borrow a book from his father

儿子又向父亲借了三本书borrow three more books

儿子站在书上摘樱桃the son stood on the books to pick cherries from the tree


父亲为孩子借书感到很高兴 father felt very happy,because he thought the son liked reading 父亲为儿子很快再次来借书感到奇怪 father felt strange,Why the son borrowed so many books?“Can he read all the books at the same time?

真相大白father felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.场景

时间one day

房间内in the room

书架上有很多书,厚厚的书 There are many books on the shelf,these books are very thick 院子里有一棵樱桃树

There is a cherry tree in the yard.注意:讲故事的话,一般用过去时态


I have a friend, his name is Tom, He is thin and short, and he doesn’t like studying and reading.His father, Mr.Smith who is tall and strong is a doctor.There are many interesting books in their home, But Tom never reads them.One day, Mr.Smith was smoking in the reading room, Tom came in and asked: “Dad, May I borrow a book?” Mr.Smith was very surprised, but he was very glad that Tom wanted to read, He took an interesting story book from the shelf and gave it to Tom, Tom said: “No, Dad, May I have that thick one on the shelf, Mr.Smith felt strange but he didn’t say anything, he gave Tom the thick bookminutes later, Tom came in and asked for more thick books, Mr.Smith was puzzled but he gave 3 more books to Tom.Tom didn’t come back again, Mr.Smith thought: “Tom has grown up, he likes reading now;He can read so many thick books.I am proud of him.He decided to go out to see what Tom was doing.He went to the yard,To his surprise, Tom wasn’t reading the books.He was standing on the books to pick cherries from the tree!

Mr.Smith felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.这样下来,就是一篇很有趣的故事。




英语比赛演讲稿 篇8




英语比赛演讲稿 篇9

Have you ever thought that what is Innovative Thinking ? Somebody will said ,“thinking something different !” In fact, it’s not so simple. Have you ever thought how to think something different ? Now , let me explain it to you in detail !

First , we should admit that Innovative ideas do start in one mind before taking on the world. Only in this way ,we have the power of Innovation . For example , the radio, television, telephone and so on, all were developed by scientists . And these scientists all had the ability and courage to think something different . It is a well know fact that Albert Einstein was the mastermind of the nuclear bombs .

Second , we should be good at discovering , and be able to break the conventions. Sometimes, there are a lot of subjects of Innovation around us . But more often we lack the ability of discovering So, only if we be good at discovering and summing up ,we can innovate .Finally, I want to say , as a middle school student in the new century, we must have the courage and confidence to make innovations.)And we should study hard for development of our country ! Because we are the builders of our motherland !
