Now in some places of our country,a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland.
It’s very important for us to protect the forests and the wood.I think the best way to protect them is plant more trees.
In our life,we should use less papers and pencils.We can sent email to instead of the greeting cards.
In my opinion,we should realize the importance of forests.
著名语言学家Wilkins曾经说过:“没有语法, 表达甚微;没有词汇, 表达为零。”[1]虽然此话有点绝对, 却反映了词汇在意义交流中无可替代的重要性。因此, 词汇教学无疑成为英语教学的重要内容。从某种意义上说, 一个人语言水平的高低取决于他所掌握的词汇量的多少。英语教学的低效现象主要表现为词汇教学的低效率。由于学生心理词典中贮存的词汇量小, 他们难以在听、读中进行高效的理解, 难以在说、写中顺畅地表达思想。我国的英语教学属于外语学习, 缺乏自然习得的语言环境, 词汇的掌握必然要通过有意识的记忆来实现。但实践证明, 孤立地记忆单词效果不佳, 背记长篇的文本则费时, 效率不高。因此, 根据词块理论和记忆理论, 笔者认为, 有意记忆词块可提高英语学习的效率。
(一) 词块的界定
学术界对词块 (lexical chunks) 尚无统一的明确定义, 众说纷纭。段士平从词块的三个重要特征——词块共现的频率性、词块储存和提取的整体性、词块可记忆的韵律性——加以界定, 综合各家之言将词块定义为:“真实言语交际中以高频率出现的、大于单个单词的、以整体形式储存在大脑中, 并可作为预制组块供人们提取使用的多词单位。”[2]这样就把名称为词块、语块、组块、套语、多词单位、预制语块、搭配、习语、成语、惯用语、类联接等多词单位一网打尽, 统统囊括其中。“词块的概念模糊了原有的词汇与语法之间的界限, 它不仅包括多词的搭配、句子框架, 还可以扩大到句子甚至语篇。”[2]
(二) 词块的种类
(1) 聚合词 (polywords) , 指具有习语性质的固定词组 (如:on the one hand, on the other hand) ;指由一个以上单词组成的固定短语 (如:all in all) 。
(2) 搭配词 (collocates) , 指共现频率很高的词语, 如动词+名词、形容词+名词搭配 (如:put forward a suggestion) ;指词项在长期使用中逐步形成的一种同现关系, 即词项间可以相互预示自己“搭档”可能出现的结构。搭配可分为词汇搭配 (如:strongly believe) 和语法搭配 (如:take part in) 两种。
(3) 惯用话语 (institutionalized utterances) , 指形式固定或半固定的具有固定语用功能的单词组合 (如:If I were you, I’d like...) 。
(4) 句子构架和引语 (sentence frames and heads) , 这一类仅指书面语词汇, 用于语篇衔接的关联词 (如:firstly, secondly, finally) 。[3]
(三) 词块的特征与优势
(1) 共现频率高。研究表明, 词块在语篇中的共现频率很高。[4]Altenberg通过研究发现, 英语自然话语中有80%是通过词块来实现的。[2]
(2) 整体储存和提取。语言的储存和提取并不是以单个的词为单位, 固定的和半固定的模式化了的词块才是人类语言交际的最小单位。[5]从心理词典中调出的预制词块, 经过细微的加工就可组成比较符合语法的句子。[3]
(3) 可记忆的韵律性。Boers等借助于实证研究发现, 多词单位凸现的语音类型即押头韵或腹韵与词块的记忆效果有很强的相关性。那些朗朗上口韵律性较强的词块能够引起学习者的兴趣, 刺激大脑的兴奋点, 易于记忆。[2]
词块的上述三个特征决定了词块具有较为固定的语法结构、稳定的搭配意义和特定的语用环境, 融合了语法、语义和语境的优势, 有助于言语产出的流利度和选词的地道性, 在言语产出过程中起着重要作用。
(一) 记忆的意义
心理学对记忆的定义是:记忆是对过去感知的客观事物的识记、认知和再现。根据现代信息处理理论, 记忆的三个过程恰好可以解释为信息的输入、储存与提取。就学习而言, 记忆是学习的开始, 没有记忆, 就失去了大脑加工的原材料, 就无法进行思维活动。[6]
(二) 记忆的划分
按照记忆时目的性、意识性程度, 记忆可分为有意记忆和无意记忆。有意记忆是具有自觉目的、采取一定的记忆方法, 在必要时还要做出某些意志努力的记忆。无意记忆则没有自觉目的、不采取任何记忆方法, 也无须做出任何意志努力。记忆目的性直接影响记忆效果, 目的越明确具体, 记忆效果就越好。相对而言, 有意记忆效率高, 无意记忆效率低。
在有意记忆中, 按照记忆方法又可分为机械记忆和理解记忆两种。通过理解材料的本质和特点去记忆的方法叫理解记忆。理解记忆依靠联想。反之, 靠“死记硬背”记忆的方法叫机械记忆。机械记忆依靠重复。
按照信息保持时间的长短可将记忆划分为短时记忆和长时记忆。人们通常把几十秒内的记忆称为短时记忆, 把一分钟以上的记忆统称为长时记忆, 但强调的是长期保存。1974年, Baddeley和Hitch提出了“工作记忆”这个新概念, 该记忆在容量方面与短时记忆相同, 但具有处理功能, 是信息进出的加工场。[7]学习的目的就是要把短时记忆转化为长时记忆, 以便需要时提取。
(三) 记忆与外语学习的关系
记忆是人类语言能力的先决条件之一。[8]著名语言学家吕叔湘先生曾经说过:外语学习, 说到底, 是个记忆的问题。外语教学法派别众多, 但就其实质而言, 归根结底也是如何解决学习者的记忆的问题。[2]言语行为和言语学习的核心是记忆。[9]记忆在外语学习中非常重要, 就某种意义而言, 甚至可以说外语学习就是记忆程序。[10]
上述论断充分说明了记忆在语言学习中占据中心地位。外语学习离不开记忆, 听、说、读、写等各种言语活动中随时都在运用各种类型的记忆。如果没有发音动作的运动记忆, 没有语法规则的逻辑记忆, 没有词、句等语言材料的形象记忆, 也就不可能理解言语的意义, 也就不存在对话语语义的解释的逻辑记忆。学习任何语言都必须熟记大量语言材料。为提高语言材料的记忆效果, 主要应进行有意识记。[11]
(一) 对教学的启示
1. 词块便于储存, 可提高学习效率
文秋芳的研究表明词汇学习可以促进英语水平的提高, 学生只有具备了充足的词汇量, 才能读懂和听懂, 从而也有可能为说、写提供“可理解的输人”。[12]而在所谓的词汇量中, 各种词块所占的比例高达80%。词块大多包含多个单词, 记住一个词块就等于记住多个单词, 且包括各单词之间的搭配关系。词块具有较为固定的语法结构、稳定的搭配意义和特定的语用环境, 融合了语法、语义和语境的优势。由于词块具有许多孤立的单词所没有的优点, 因此把词块作为学习的基本单位更符合大脑储存信息的规律。也就是说, 词块有利于提高学习效率。词块的学习与掌握是语言学习不可忽视的重要部分。
2. 词块便于提取, 可提高言语流利度
日常语言的主要特征不是创造性, 而是重复性和可预见性, 语用的基础主要不是抽象的规则, 而是具体的词和词块或范例, 如词组、搭配、习语、句子、句子框架或“词化句干”。[7]在信息处理框架内, 语言能力主要从内容和自动性两方面分析。由于工作记忆的容量只有7±2个单位, 注意的焦点通常只有一个, 大脑的处理能力非常有限。因此, 语言能力必须包括自动性。[7]而词块的整体性和可记忆性特点恰恰给我们提供了产生自动性的条件。如果把词块视为一个整体, 作为运用的基本单位来对待, 那么无疑会减少大脑工作记忆的负担, 提高信息处理的效率。由于词块是作为整体储存在大脑里的, 无须重新搭配组合就可直接提取使用, 因而无疑可提高语言应用的流利度。
3. 词块高度共现, 可减少搭配失误
词块既遵守开放式规则, 也遵守习语规则, 但在通常情况下, 习语规则占据优先地位。[7]习语的特点就是它的约定俗成性, 习语往往具有固定的或半固定的组织结构, 有的可以直接使用, 有的可以通过替换其中某个构件后使用, 具有一定的生成性。由于词块在语言中总是作为一个整体共同显现, 就避免了临时组建词语的失误问题。这对于初学者或英语水平不高的学生来说意义重大。受制于所掌握的语言知识, 高中学生对英语的地道性尚缺乏足够的判别能力, 在使用中经常出现词语搭配失当的现象。而大量地掌握词块显然有利于学生在英语应用中减少失误, 提高语言的地道性。
(二) 教学策略
1. 明确记忆目的, 加强有意识记
对记忆材料有无目的直接影响记忆的效果, 目的越明确具体, 记忆“痕迹”越加深刻, 记忆效果就越好。有意记忆易与原有的知识结构、信息积累挂钩, 使人产生记忆的兴趣、激发联想, 从而更有效地调动各种记忆方法。因此, 在日常教学活动中, 我们应当引导学生加强有意记忆。这不但可以提高记忆内容的准确性, 还可以激活学生已有的词汇知识, 在学习、记忆新词汇时使新旧词汇知识形成一定的词语网络, 便于使用时的提取, 从而提高记忆的效果, 提高学习效率。
2. 提高词块意识, 自觉识别词块
既然词块在英语学习中占有重要的地位, 那么我们在教学过程中就要注意培养学生的词块意识, 使学生在学习中对词块具有敏感性, 并掌握识别词块的技能。当认识到了词块和记忆的重要性之后, 学生才能引起重视和关注, 从而自觉地对词块加以有意识的识别和记忆, 从而为语言应用积累丰富的词块资源。
3. 利用组块效应, 有意记忆词块
以块件形式储存的信息便于日后检索和提取, 这便是记忆的组块效应。短时记忆中的信息单位数量与加工空间之间存在着此消彼长的关系, 即贮存单位少, 则加工空间多;反之, 贮存单位多, 则加工空间少。[13]从记忆的角度看, 外语学习的过程就是信息在短时记忆中进行加工, 并使之进入长时记忆的过程。从短时记忆到长时记忆转换的速度与质量决定了学习的效率, 而从长时记忆到短时记忆转换的速度与准确性决定了知识使用的灵活性。因此, 在英语教学过程中, 我们应该充分利用词块的组块效应, 通过尽量扩大组块来提高短时记忆加工信息的能力。具体地说, 就是通过有意识地记忆词块, 扩大工作记忆的处理能力, 从而提高语言材料进入长期记忆的速度和质量, 最终达到提高学习效率的目的。
When my friends heard this,they were surprised.
They often said to me,“you want to be a farmer,are you crazy?”
They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. They have eyes which shines just like black beans. They are funny. Collected by www
They are like to eat the watermelon in the summer. Mother always buy more for the turtles,so I think that they like to cool down as well, but they are shy when eating, they don′t want to be watched, as they inhaling the food . The ofter day , I bried to observe how they eat their food. Collected by
The way they eat is really funny.No wondey why they are so shy.
Grauing up, fradually. I want to stay with him as long as he lives.
No one can deny the fact that today the environment is polluted seriously. Though the government has taken some policies to protect the environment, still some businessmen chase the profit by taking the cost of damaging the nature. Many animals are dying out as they lose their homes. Such as the national treasure, panda. The government has put a lot of money to protect them from dying out, and the new born panda babies will be looked after by experts and then release to the nature, in the hope that they won’t disappear in the nature. But the result is not always good, because when they return to the nature, the environment can’t provide enough things for them to live. If the nature loses its balance and there is no way for human beings living with nature harmoniously, then we also will disappear some day. So protecting animals and environment is to protect us humanbeings,everyone should take actions to built a harmonious homeland.
They are just so cool,when they dunk the ball shoot the 3-points and block shots.They are my idols,I really look up to them.
I want to play in the NBA one day too,but it is just a dream.
I want to be like Yao Ming,and play in the Olympics,it is also just a dream.
When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.
1. 当今时代,很多人都会选择继续深造来提升自己的知识水平以跟上时代的发展
2. 作为年轻人,我应该怎么办
With the rapid development of the modern society, especially with the deep influence of recent global financial crisis, more and more people have realized the importance of keeping learning expertise knowledge and skills to enhance their competence for better life and career. Enterprise management, computer and information technology, law, economics, accounting and foreign language may be deemed as most popular subjects of continuing education. “White-collars” walk back to school from office buildings for further improvement. As young people in this modern time, I should keep learning and make myself most updated with the quickly refreshing information and technologies. I should be prepared for the future and serving the society with my own strength.
Benefits of Reading 1.阅读有很多好处,如:增长知识,开阔眼界等 2应如何进行阅读
Although the modern people can obtain information from various media, including medias with most developed technologies like internet and digital TV, as well as traditional medias like radio, newspaper and magazine, but reading, should still be one of the most popular information channel, which not only quickly and efficiently provides people with instant information, but also lead people to think deeply. Good reading habits can widen
knowledge scope and open your eyes. While you can be informed with big news and enjoy fantastic analysis through reading newspaper and magazines, you can have more time and space to explore a new world and experience different life by reading a good book. Choose a book with thoughts to be shared and read it at regular time (e.g., bed reading) is referred, which can make you relax after one-day work. If you need more knowledge, taking notes when reading could be a go choice.
第三篇:根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 我的暑假
1. 我的暑假里发生了一些有意义或很有意思的事情。2.我对下一个暑假的计划。
I really enjoyed this summer holiday. As you may know, I went to a orphan center to be a volunteer serving as a company with kids there. I read stories and dressed dolls for girls, watched TV and played ball games with boys. Kids there were lovely and vivid. I really doubted why their parents dumped them when they were new babies. Live without parents could be a very sad stories. But what we can do, I believe, to better these kid’s life, is to spend more time and show more love to them. Every kid under the sky should be loved, regardless that they are beauty or not, clever or not, and health or not. I hope that what I did in this summer can be helpful to their future. For next summer, I think that I will bring my friends to the center to give more helps.
My favourite book
1. 你最喜欢的这本书的名字,你是怎样得到这本书的。 这本书的大体内容。你为什么喜欢这本书。
I own hundreds of books, including books for academic study as well as entertainment. But the most “beloved” one is a book named “Chinese Historic Stories”. My father gave me this book as my birthday gift when I was 14. I am a big fan of Chinese history, which may not be the interest of most kids in the school. I enjoy traditional Chinese story telling by Mr. Shan Tianfang, and some of his stories can also be found in this books. It is important for a Chinese people to well know his own country’s past, which can teach modern people how to use good experience and avoid hazard in the history. “Chinese Historic Stories” contains 150 important historic events summarized in ancient Chinese official historical records. But the stories are vivid and easy to understand. I have read it for more than 20 times and can almost recite most stories. But I think that I need to spend the whole life to learn and exercise the doctrines underlying those stories.
I have a lot of dream, my brother all say me is more than just a dream. I am eager to have the wings, I would fly to Beijing to see the Great Wall how long; I want to fly to Lhasa see there how much day is blue, the potala palace how majestic. I am eager to be a painter, the big rivers in our country, draw down in front of people around the world. I desire to become a writer, put my flying dreams recorded every word. I dream too much, so now want to study hard, grow up one by one to achieve my every dream!!!!!
How to make your dream come true?
Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the decriction in night.
every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream come true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams come true.
first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream come true.
second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong.
finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties.
Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now on.
These dasy,more and more people are interested in the Internet. Using the Internet, students are able to get the latest information from literature to sports. Students can also join the group on line. Discuss such things as maths problems, school life and so on.
Through the In Internet students can broaden their view. But if students spend too much time on line, it will do them harm.
2The Internet and Our Life
We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides on the Internet we can read books enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also do shopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time.
We must make good use of the Internet.
3the internet changed our lives
With the development of the computer technology and the internetwe have got a new media to know the outside world.And our life is greatly changed with it.
On the internetyou can get both the domestic news and the international news as well.For our daily communicationyou can send E-mails to your friends and the other people.Of courseyou can study whatever you like on the internetsuch asEnglish and other subjects.Meanwhileyou can appreciate musicsports and enjoy the video games.
Recentlymore and more peopleespecially young peopleare interested in shopping online.Anywayinternet is changing our st
4On the Internet
The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.
On the net we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by e-mail make phone calls go to net school read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves.Besides we can enjoy music watch sports matches and play chess or cards. On the net we can even do shopping have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word the internet has made our life more colorful.
5the internet
The Internet has brought many advantages to us.
Firstit can make students study more easily. Secondit’s convenient because people don’t have to leave home to order something.
Thirdpeople can exchange information with others in few seconds.
Howeverit has brought many problemstoo. Firstpeople may feel uncomfortable if they work on the Internet too long.
And if children play computer games too muchthey won’t have enough time to study or exercise. Besidesnot everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.
The Internet help us a lotbut they must be used properly.