
2024-05-31 版权声明 我要投稿


新托福tpo28独立写作 篇1

Topic: parents are more involved in their children’s education than the parents in the past.It is not uncommon to see that parents are have incredible zael to participate into their children’s education in many perspectives.At contemporary society, parents always take part in some semilars that are related to students’s study and force their children to join the extra-curricula classes which can help their chldren to improve acdemic performance.Therefore, as far as I am considerd, nowadays, parents’ involvement in kids’ study is much more emphasized than ever before.Compared with the parents in the past,parents at present, have a strong will to make their children more competent in the future career.With the development of the society, the compitition in the modern society is increasingly fierce than ever before.Every parents want their children not only can survive in the compitition but also want them to be successful in the future.Hence, those parents take pains to achieve this ambitions on their own way and consequently, because they think education is the gateway to seccess, they should be involved in their children’ s study and help their children as well.On the contrary, because of the low living standre, parents in the past only think how to bring chilren up and let them survive, so there is no time for them to have such ambitions.Therefore, it is reasonable for us to think that parents nowdays are more interseted in children’s education.Additionally, it is universally acknowledged that in the modern era, parents have a extremely high expectation than in the past.Parents want their children to be versatile and prominent, which lead most part of children can not achieve this goal at all, thus, under this circumstance, parents will help children in personally that of course include preants’ participation in children’s study.By contrast, in the past, parents just make their children free and let them do what they want.Parents will not discipline children unless they make blunder.So, we can draw a conclusion that the untouchable expectation make parents involve more in the children’s study.In conclusion, because the increasingly competitive society and high expectation make parents nowdays have more zeat in children’s study and take part in it actively.But, from my perspective, parents should give enough space for children to manage their own study.

TPO1 独立写作 篇2

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.范文为博主根据考生习作修订而成,为博主和考生的共同原创作品,转载请务必注明出处谢谢!




Some people claim that universities and colleges should not spend a great deal of money on sports and social activities, as their budgets should prioritize classes and libraries.However, as educational institutions, universities and colleges have an obligation to provide a wide range of knowledge to their students to help them develop academically and socially.More and more businesses require people who are not only specialists in their fields, but also skilled in social interaction.In the rapidly changing environments of science and the economy, no task can be done by a single person.Given the need for collaboration, social skills and team spirit are necessary qualities for any successful person.Clearly, sports and social activities in universities and colleges provide students with the perfect settings to practice their social skills.By playing football on a team or joining in a protest, for instance, students can develop a sense of belonging and experience team spirit, both of which may prove very important in building a career.Aside from fostering social skills and team spirit, sports and social activities can greatly improve students’ efficiency.Students need not play sports or participate in social activities at the expense of their academic study.Indeed, for some students, playing sports and joining in social activities are good stress reducers.Even the most enthusiastic people feel tired if they concentrate on one thing for too long.Frustrated and tired people can do nothing well if they do not recover from their bad situations.Students who have been frustrated in their academic work would be well-advised to play some sports or join in social activities.Academic education will always be at the heart of a university.In universities, sports and social activities should by no means take the place of a focus on academic study.What I believe is that universities and colleges should spend adequate money on academics as well as sports and social activities.For instance, in the United States, almost all famous universities have plenty of sports teams and social groups, and universities provide adequate financial support with these events.None of these universities have weakened their academic standards because of social movements or sports.For these reasons, I maintain that universities and colleges should spend enough money on academic education and social movements to prepare students for their future development.playing computer games can expand a child’s outlook.Some computer games that can be played on the Internet were devised by foreign companies.Playing these games gives children an excellent opportunity to communicate with “game friends” from all over the world, allowing them to learn about other countries and cultures.____________________________________________________________________________


新托福tpo28独立写作 篇3

In the first place, the lack of exercises is the direct factor that contributes to the worsening of health condition. Under great pressure of work, I almost spend most of my time in the office and get used to work overtime. Arriving at home, I usually feel too tired to cook, let along doing exercises. The entertainment after work and during weekends seems only watching television, surfing on the Internet, or chatting with friends on the phone. The busy schedule of work squeezes my time of doing sports and contributes to the firming of my sedentary lifestyle. As a result, I become increasingly reluctant to do sports and avoid activities that need body strength. It is not surprising that both the health condition and stamina declines.

In the second place, to increase the amount of sports daily is an easy task. The simplest but most effective approach is to take a break every two hours while working. Sitting in front of the computer for long, I usually feel soar in the neck and shoulders, which must be the signal given by the body. Some of my colleagues told me that the symptoms can be alleviated by simply sparing few minutes to take a cup of coffee in the restroom and stretch arms and legs. Also from the perspective of a doctor, it takes effect in improving blood circulation. In addition, I am thinking of climbing stairs instead of taking elevators. I remember when I visited a doctor last time, he told me that every single step we climb will help us increase lifespan for seven seconds. Finally, my one year membership with the fitness club near my office will due soon, but I have not visited it for months. What a pity! It is time to spare at least half an hour per day after work to make good use of my membership. In fact, to make those changes come true does not take too much time or energy.

In the third place, personally, changing foods and releasing pressure are not good options. I am not the one who cooks in the family, so it is not me to decide the menu of the day. Moreover, there are not many choices available for lunch near my office. The one hour break only allows me to grab some fast food, such as hamburgers and pizzas. In fact, the pressure from work now is necessary for me to further improve professional skills, which are vital for promotion. As a new employee of the present company, I should work hard and strive to be a valuable member. So, stress relief is not feasible.

In a nutshell, I will spend more time on doing sports to improve health. It is not only because doing exercises is simple and effective, but also because it is the major factor causing my potential health problem.


Out of the three things, which one would youprefer to regulate in order to improve your health?

1. The kind of food you eat

2. The amount of exercise

3. The amount of stress in your life

托福考试:1216托福独立写作 篇4

To begin with, the air pollution enveloping major cities has caused many diseases among the public. The level of PM2.5 in the air elevates frequently, especially during wintertime. It is inescapable for people to breath in those find particles doing harm to their respiratory system, as they walk on the street or sit in the office. The polluted air also prevents people from doing exercises outdoors, which further weakens people’s immune system. In addition, another invisible killer in the air is ozone during summertime, also called photochemical pollution. The chemical reaction of exhaust emission from automobiles catalyzed by sunlight also harms people’s respiratory system. In a word, the air pollution has become a serious threat on public health and its negative impacts may last for decades. It is high time that governments clean the air that people rely on for existence.

Secondly, the population living in seriously contaminated areas is on the rise. Guided by obsolete concepts, government officials of some regions have not realized the significance of sustainable development and purse economic growth at the expense of environment. Factories that fail to meet the standard of environment protection are still working at full strength, by emitting toxic air to the sky and dumping industry wastes to local water system. As a result, the food and water resources of people living near those factories are seriously affected. In the long run, pollutants people absorb in through breathing and daily diets will cause severe diseases, such as cancer. This is happening in too many places. Rich people are able to move to a new place without pollution, but for poor people, they have no choice but suffering from the hurts. To help those people, governments need to enact strict laws to regulate behavior of factories.

To sum up, measures should be taken to protect environment, in order to improve people’s health care. At this time, to clean the environment is definitely the issue of top priority that governments ought to address.


The most important thing the government should do to improve health care is to clean the environment.

新托福tpo28独立写作 篇5

To start with, in consideration of the limited time in class, teachers should be aware of the necessity for students to do more practice after class. For most subjects, students take the course once or twice a week. Teachers need to make good use of the time to finish their teaching plans, like introducing a new terminology, explaining a complex concept, and demonstrating an interesting experiment. There is actually little time left for students to practice on their own which is significant for them to absorb knowledge. Therefore, teachers usually choose to assign homework. There is no exaggeration to say that a student’s academic performance to a large extend depends on his efforts made in doing homework. In a word, whether the homework a teacher assigns can encourage students to study on their own after class is of great importance.

Secondly, it is even better if a teacher is able to inspire students to do more researches and explore the field according to their interests. Normally, most schools merely require teachers to cover the content in textbooks and help students prepare standard tests, which only makes students to become mediocre. However, an outstanding teacher who aims at helping students explore potential and strive for excellence ought to encourage students to further expand their outlook and conduct in depth study. Students who are internally charged to work hard on a subject are able to acquire knowledge beyond what a teacher conveys in class. For example, a literature teacher may just have time to introduce one novel of a famous writer in detail, but his teaching will be more successful if he can inspire students to read more books of this writer or of others in the same era.

Admittedly, it is also important for teachers to help students plan their future and give a hand to students who need help. With a clear goal, students will become more motivated and more willing to make efforts. Also, it is a teacher’s duty to guarantee that all students have a successful high school life. A teacher’s failure to find those in difficulties may have little impact on his evaluation but may completely ruin those students’ study in high school. However, when a teacher is able to motivate students to even make more efforts after class, students will have satisfied or excellent academic performance which enables them to make future plans and overcome difficulties in study on their own.

To sum up, a successful teacher should possess a variety of qualities, including the ability to give students advices on future development, to find students’ special needs, to motivate students work hard after class. For all those requirements, the last one is especially important, as it helps students to become self-driven and hence capable of solving most problems in study on their own.


Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18)

1 the ability to give advice about planning for future

2 the ability to recognize students that need help

3 the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside the classroom

托福独立写作 篇6

Some people like A; others like B. Which one do you prefer—A or B? (1) No doubt, I choose A, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages. But B on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages.

The most important benefit of A is that___________________.

To achieve the same effect, B will__________________.

Another benefit of A, which B almost cannot achieve, is that___________________.

Although B also has its seemingly profound advantages, it can only be achieved conditionally because_________________________.

After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say: to choose A is a wise action.


Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer__________ because I think A has more advantages.

There are numerous reasons why________, and I would here explain a few of the most important ones. The main reason is that___________. It can be given a concrete example_____________.

Another reason why I advocate the attitude of A is that___________. Take the case of a thing that_______________. One very strong argument for A is that__________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that_____________________.

Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent, __________.

托福独立写作如何备考 篇7


2. 备考计划细节之“字数”


3. 备考计划细节之“语法”



1. I am not good at maths, but English

改进: I am good not at mathematics but at English/ My strength is not mathematics but English.

2. Who is the proper person to make up his minds about children’s leisure time?

改进: Who is the proper person to plan children’s leisure time?

3.It is children who clear about their interests.

改进: It is children who are clear about their own interests.

4. I agree the latter idea.(漏掉介词是大家在托福写作中低分的常见病句。)

改进: I agree with the latter idea.

5. Many people dissatisfy with the status quo.

改进: Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo.

6. So I feel breathe more comfortably now.

改进: So I feel more comfortable now when I breathe.

7. People should learn knowledge no matter how old they are.(语义重复也是大家在托福写作中导致低分的主要原因)

改进:People should learn no matter how old they are/ People are never too old to learn.

8. No one knows all the things.

改进: No one knows everything.

9. I want to live in a quiet place to admire peaceful life.

改进: I want to live in a quiet place to enjoy peaceful life.

10. Each form of shavings friends has its advantages.

改进: Each way of choosing friends has its advantages.

11. I was admitted to a Key University for which few dared to sign up.

改进: I was admitted to a Key University to which few dared to apply.

12. Luckily, he recognized an American professor.

改进: Luckily, he knew an American professor.

13. They will learn the bad habits.

改进: They will develop bad habits.

14. In this continued process, people make progress.

改进: In this cycle, people make progress.

15. Lastly, higher education is equal to higher salary.

改进: Lastly, higher education means higher salary.

16. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for deficiency.

改进: By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for our shortcomings.

17. A wrong decision will bring even worse fact.

改进: A wrong decision will bring even worse result.

18. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing.

改进: You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream.

19. Children should be taught disciplines in groups to avoid unnecessary lost.

改进: Children should be taught discipline in groups to avoid unnecessary loss.

20. I felt alone.

21. Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time when we finish eating without doing any washing.

改进: The best part of eating out is that we can leave everything behind after meal.

22. Smoking can help you relax your mind.

改进: Cigarettes can help you relax.

23. What’s about nonsmokers?

改进: What about nonsmokers?

24. Why not to be a non-smoker?

改进: Why not be a non-smoker?

25. Everyone will have many friends in his life.

改进: Everyone has friends in his life.




af first 起初

after a while 一会儿

after that 那以后

after that 那以后

after/before dark 天黑后/前

afterward 后来

as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候

as early as 早……的时候

as soon as 一……就……

at last 终于

at the age of… 在……岁的时候

before, the other day 几天前

earlier, until now 直到现在

early in the morning 大清早

eventually 最终

finally 最后

immediately 立即、马上

in no time 不一会儿

in the end 最后


later 后来

meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时

next 接下来

one afternoon 一天下午

one day 有一天

one morning 一天早晨

recently 最近

since then 自从那时起

soon 不久

Soon/shortly after ……之后不久

suddenly=all of a sudden 突然

then 然后

to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点


above 在上方

across 在……的另一边

against 靠着、抵着

around 在周围

at the back of 在后面

at the bottom of 在底部

before 在前

behind 在后

below 在下方

close to 靠近

further on 再往前

in front of 在前面

in the front of 在前面

in the middle of 在中间

near to 在……附近

next to 与……相邻

on the edge of 在……的边上

on the right/left 在右/左边

on top of 在……的顶部

opposite to 与……相对

over 垂直在上

to the right/left 朝右/左

托福独立写作备考资源 篇8


1. 官方权威性


2. 思路拓展性


3. 考试关联性

托福独立写作常见经典收尾 篇9

In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that_____. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that_____. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the question throughout the argument.

To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that_____. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning____.

As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that ____. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to _____.

To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning that_____.

In conclusion, the arguer fails to _____. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that____. To better evaluate the argument, we need more information about that____.







I think going to the college is the better policy.

First, preparing for you future career by learning the basic knowledge will increase your competitive power. The college is the best place where can supply you with the background knowledge of your future career.

Second, you can make more friends and learn the way of their thinking. You will be influenced by intellectual companions. You can also build up your social network in your college and make your friends be your resources.

Last, you can benefit from going to the college by learning the knowledge in a systematic way which is more efficient.





I totally agree with that parents are the best teacher.

First, they raised us up thus spending the most time with us. During the process, they teach us every tiny things in daily life.

Second, they are most intimate to us and generous to give us the knowledge and lessons whenever, whatever, wherever we need.

Last, they are the people who know us best, the suggestions and advices they give can result in the solutions we need based on the specific situation of our own.





Easy to prepare food saves us amounts of time, (so we can do other things like studying, working or taking care of children. ) It releases people from the time-consuming cook process.

Second, the semi-prepared food also offers us with more choices. For instance, if I can only cook Chinese food, the microwave spaghetti sold in the supermarket offer me a new flavor.

Last, many people cook in an unhealthy way. We can benefit from the fast-preparing food cos they have been throng rigid quality and healthy tests before launching.




(3)读书相对比较便宜和容易,而在寻 找经验则比较昂贵和困难

Book is more important source.

Reading saves you a lot of time while learning certain knowledge. However, learning by experience can be time-consuming. For instance, I want to handle the Microsoft excel. Learning by the teaching material is efficient.

Second, books are arranged in a systematic way which allows you to gain the knowledge scientifically and fast.

Last, reading is relatively easy and cheap but experiencing can be tough and expensive sometime. Like you want to know America, reading a book is much more economical than going there instead















