That details make a difference is an old saying known to people all over the world. Details are important to success in business and in every walk of life. Details can make the difference between two things that appear similar, but in reality are very different in quality.
There are several examples which can be cited to illustrate this concept. The first one is the Apple Corporation. The late CEO, Steve Jobs, was addicted to details. He could not stop pushing his staff to pursue perfection in design and production. Due to his focus on details, Apple made great success in the mobile field, producing products that were not only innovative, but also superior. Immediately, others copied these ideas, but they did not take the importance of details into account. Some manufacturers did not follow strict rules in their production and turned a blind eye to tiny problems.Their products looked similar to Apple’s, but closer inspection showed they were not as good. This is just one example that shows the importance of stressing details. Another example is the great masterpiece of Chinese paintings which consists of thousands of skills for mountains, figures or rivers. All of these need focus on details.
From my perspective, it is important to emphasize details in daily life and work. Success can only come by this kind of conscientiousness.
许多例子可以用来证明这一点。首先以苹果公司为例。已故CEO 史蒂夫・乔布斯沉迷于细节,一直推动他的员工在设计和生产中追求完美。正是由于他对细节的关注,苹果公司在移动通讯领域取得了巨大成功,其打造的产品不仅具有独创性,而且性能优越。很快,其他公司开始抄袭这些想法,但他们没有考虑到细节的重要性。一些制造商在生产中没有遵循严格的规定,对于细微的问题也是视而不见。这些公司的产品和苹果公司的产品很像,然而,仔细一看,就会发现这些产品比不上苹果的产品。这只是体现重视细节的重要性的一个例子。再以中国的一些国画杰作为例,画中包含人物和山水的数千种技法,所有这些均需要注重细节。
... is an old saying known to people all over the world:……的古话众所周知
every walk of life:各行各业
be addicted to:沉迷于
turn a blind eye to:对……视而不见
closer inspection :进一步的检查
innovative [nvetv] adj. 新颖的;富有革新精神的
masterpiece [mst(r)pis] n. 杰作
conscientiousness [kniensns] n. 认真; 勤勤恳恳
Failure Is Not Bad
frustrating [frstretn] adj. 令人沮丧的
a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit:吃一堑,长一智
on the contrary:相反
一、四六级作文最忌汉语造句、英语表达。不妨想一想, 非英语专业的学生怎么可能用英语写出完全由汉语组句构思的锦绣文章呢?
二、英语单词背得越多未必越管用。记住:用活二千, 胜背一万!
三、切勿迷信“英文写作技巧”之类华而不实的说教。无数事实证明, 考生愈是关注写作技巧, 愈容易眼高手低, 其作文就愈可能扦格难通。
对于广大英语基础尚不扎实的大学生, 提高英语写作水平的最佳途径不是盲目背单词、背语法。相反, 应该从最基本英语词汇和表达式入手, 努力熟练使用它们。请看笔者所写两篇四六级英语作文, 从头到尾没有一个单词和表达式超出高中英语范围, 它们分别是2008年6月大学英语四级和2008年12月大学英语六级作文试题:
Recreational Activities
With the development of Chinese economy, we can choose from all kinds of recreational activities today, such as singing, dancing, sports and online games, which make our life really colorful.
But every coin has two sides.Recreational activities may bring about benefits and harms at the same time.For sure, taking such activities after hard work can help people relax and get refreshed, and some activities, especially sports, can also make people better in communication and cooperation.However, things will bear good results only when they’re done within a certain limit.When we have too much fun, we are no longer relaxed but become tired instead, and we won’t have enough time and vigor for the incoming work or study.
Therefore, in my opinion, recreational activities should be taken in a proper way, especially for us collegestudents, who should learn to strike a balance between study and fun.We all know that“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, but Jack would not be a better one when things go so far as to become“No work and all play”.
How to improve student’s mental health
As you may have noticed from the press, there is an increasing number of university students who commit suicide because they are unable to handle obstacles in their life.For sure, that’s chiefly because of their mental weakness.Thus, it’s now an urgent task of the whole society to help students improve their mental health.
As far as I’m concerned, I believe this can be achieved with efforts of both the university and the students themselves.From the part of the university, firstly, courses related to mental health should be opened to students so that they can learn more about how mentality can impact their life and how to improve their mental health in scientific ways;secondly, related university departments should appoint professional mental staff to serve students when they find it hard to cope with mental difficulties, so that the university can keep track of students’negative thoughts and timely clear them up.
And as we students play the vital part in improving our own mental health, we have to seek out some ways to stay optimistic and confident.We must remember that without the bitterness of failure, we will never know how sweet the success is;we must remind ourselves that it’s not trouble itself that troubles us, but we make ourselves troubled by it.To achieve success, we must believe in ourselves in the first place.
In a word, since mental health is important for the future of university students, related departments and students should strive together for better mentality of students, who are the tomorrow of our nation.
以上两篇作文在完成试题规定的要求方面, 可以说无可挑剔。其所使用的词汇、句型和语法知识均未超出高中英语课本的程度。细心的读者或许注意到, 这两篇简笔英语作文中没有一个大词, 没有一个难词。一些较难又是关键性的词汇, 比如“纵情玩乐”、“物极必反”、“适可而止”、“心理咨询医生”、“抑郁症”、“心理承受能力”, 等等, 在这两篇作文中都被巧妙地以英语基本词汇表达出来了, 而且丝毫没有影响对主题的阐述。
大学英语四六级作文最忌写得生涩滞重, 许多人之所以无法写得轻松, 不是不愿意写, 而是因为自己心理词汇网络中根本就没有可供驱遣的有用表达。其实, 区区百来字的英语小作文别说使用高中英语, 就是使用初中英语来写, 也不是一件太难的事。不妨再来看看笔者前几年所写的一篇四六级真题作文:
A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus
January 10th, 2005
Dear Mr.President,
I am lucky to be a student of this famous university.But I don’t think I am happy with the canteen service on campus.Firstly, the quality of the dishes is poor.They taste bad.The cooks often forget to put salt.Sometimes, however, they put too much salt.One of my classmates even found a dead fly in the soup yesterday.I really don’t want to go to the canteen for meals.Secondly, the price is too high.Most of my classmates are complaining about it.We pay more money there but we don’t get better food.That’s not fair.Finally, it’s dirty and noisy in the canteen.Tables are dirty.Chairs are dirty.Dishes look ugly.We find it hard to enjoy meals there.By the way, the canteen workers are not very polite.Some of them are even rude.Can our university do something to improve the canteen service?Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
该文中涉及食堂饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务的所有抱怨均采用不超出初中英语程度的基本词汇和句型表达, 比如:poor, taste bad, forget to put salt, put too much salt, the price is too high, tables are dirty, chairs are dirty, dishes look ugly, not polite, 等等;而它们的表达效果比起装腔作势的大词长句来, 一点也不逊色。
Currently, XX has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory more valuable than XX It is clear that(1).If you —— nothing is(2), the as a result, your dreams will come true.On with contrary, through.you.(4).You don’t have to look very far to find out the No It if turns you(3).Failure will be following one can out deny that all another your plan fact falls that truth, in respect that we all know(5).It will exert a profound influence upon(6).With reference to my standpoint, I think(7).注释:
The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory valuable(self-than self-confidence.——Itnothing is more is clear that you(are full of self-confidence, it will confidence means trust in one’s abilities).If creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for bring your work, result, and contrary, your help there if you dreams you overcome difficulties), as a(have will no confidence come true.On the achieve anything).Failure will is little possibility that you would in yourself, ever youNo one can deny another fact that(self-confidence。It turns out that all your plan falls through.be following with gives encouragement you light when you are in dark and don’t have to look very far to find out the truth, in when you are dismayed).You respect Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the that we all know(the secret of MMe.latter influence in particular).ambitions).upon It will exert a profound think With reference(the achievement to my standpoint, of one’s I what he will).(he that can have self-confidence can have
In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate(3).Then, on(1).The factors for(2).First(5).there comes a case that(4).Moreover, of all, points Especially(7).In this way, we should behave just like(8).can be collected when(6).Indeed, the remind these people unique that相应作文:
thepercent development The impact of Television In recent years, with offering of of science and technology, 80 heated as all many homes in China have satellite TV, children).debate impact Many on as 50 channels.It has caused a parents(the impact are worried of television about on factors of so much television on children.The the indulge in television and spend too much time on for(parents’ worry is that children are it.).First of all,(with so many programs to choose from, children are not getting as much exercise as they should).Then, there comes a case that(some studies television by millions of children has lowered their have show that excessive watching of ability to achieve in school).Moreover,(the effect on effect children’s children are too small to judge what programs are on children’s minds bodies).are more Especially serious when than(the the suit connected to remind parents that(they should pay to them).Indeed, these unique points can be close supervising attention way, children will not be influenced too deeply.their children’s to and TV responsibilities viewing).In this for
For most of us today,(1).From above, we can find primary that third reason, the reasons why(2)are as follows.The(6).Therefore,(7).reason, actually, I think, is(5).is(3).Second, The significance(4).The for注释:
Pollution Most of us today(recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem.by lots thousands of people die from eating poisoned fish bad air.many of plants fish trees die of corps poisonous are destroyed water.or pollution breathing in gas.therefore, that human are we can find that the reasons why(environment are beings, disabling, should be but or responsible for environmental these diseases also bringing to wild death life.)From not only above, to polluted the more and more seriously)are as follows.harmful substances into environment.for example, primary reason, I think, is(the reason of to amounts prevent harvests.of insects, land however, insecticides, farmers make use of great they so pollute as to air, have water bumper engines).Second,(the polluted and gas coming from the and car result badly factories).the third also reason make actually environment everyday, so much litter and waste are poured out of a growing population in the is world.(the from significance houses, it’s high time that more effective measures should for also(controlling pollute the pollution)environment noted).The that be taken.Therefore,(new laws should be passed to limit moreover, the amount of pollutants need in the households, there from is an factories.obvious good efforts, and the world will be a safer place to to reduce litter and waste.let’s make our live for us).四、说明原因型模块
commonThese days we often hear occur that(2).Why does such that circumstance(1).It is(3).For another,(4).What is more, since
in spite of social protects? For one thing,(5),it is natural that(6).To solve the problem is do not something easy at all, such but as is(7)worth to improve trying.We he present
situation, and I do believe everything will be
2、批驳观点式 better in the future.A.一个错误观点。注释:B.我不同意。Many people argue that 错
3、理由一误观点。By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的4、理由二6相应作文:、理由三引起的后果
7、解决方法Pollution of environmentThese days we often more and more serious because of the destruction hear that(our living conditions are getting of trees our environment).It is common that all-important and animals are near extinction, and(many the Why social does such food circumstance chain has occur been destroyed.).the protects? For one thing,(the population in spite of of has been so crowded.).For another,(the overuse of world is increasing so rapidly that the world natural natural resources industrial ecology number revolution).has What influenced the balance of),it is natural is more, that since(a(the mushrooms.of factories have been springing up great like released environment).from The smoke factories and also harmful pollute chemicals the atTo solve the problem is not easy such as(planting more trees, equipping cars with all, but is worthing.We should do something pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural situation, resources better in the future.and I do)to believe improve everything the present will be
五、图表式作文写作模板It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes.considerably in recent years(as X varies).At the It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of……(What is the reason for this change? Mainly there 多少).are…… reflected(多一个原因in the 少graphic/table.)reasons behind First the situation Most important of all,……().More importantly,……(of all,……(第above 第三个原因第二个原因).predict discussions, trend described in the graphic/table will continue what will happen we have in the enough).From the near future.reason The to for not quite a long time(if necessary measures 势).taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋are提纲式作文写作模板
1、对立观点式A.有人认为X 是好事,赞成X,为什么?B.有人认为X 是坏事,反对X,为什么?C.我的看法。X.They point out the fact that Some people are in favor of the idea of doing 原因。They also argue that 支持支持X X 的另一个原的第一个因。However, other people stand on a different ground.firmly point out that They consider example There can give the 反对it harmful to do X.They details X 的第一个理由。of thisAn think is some truth in both arguments.argument: But I disadvantages.In addition to the above-mentioned the advantages of X overweigh the negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处。进一步解释。An example they have presented is
that by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 一个例子。(According to a survey performed 个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响赞成这)。There people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth, we might be some element of truth in these will feel no reservation to conclude that 点相反的观点。There are a number of 与错误观reasons behind 法)。my belief.(以下参照辩论文的议论文写
3、社会问题(现象)式A.一个社会问题或者现象B.产生的原因C.对社会和我们生活的影响D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话)E.前景的预测。Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious(X has increasingly become a common concern of social/economic/environmental problem.the public).According to a survey, 这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。调查内容说明 There are a couple problem/phenomenon.of reasons booming this 法。X has caused 下面参照辩论式议论文写substantial impact on the society articulated and our daily life, which has been 议论文的写in 法the。followingA dozen aspects.of measures 参照辩论式are supposed more harm.to take I 同上to prevent X from bringing us will……can easily forecast Based on the above discussions, that more and more people辩论式议论文模版
(一)Some people believe(argue, recognize, think)that观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that观点2.As for me, I agree to the former/latter behind my belief.First of all, idea.There are a dozen of reasons论据1.More importantly,论据2.Most important of all,论据3.In summary, 总结观点。As a college From above, we can predict that student, I am supposed to 表决心。或辩论式议论文模版
(二)预测。People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that观点1.While others point out that观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one
thing,论据1.For another,论据2.Last but not the least,论据3.To conclude, 总结观点.As a college From above, we can predict that student, I am supposed to 表决心。或辩论式议论文模版
(三)预测。There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(the view that 争论的焦点)。Some people are of观点1.While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that
观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,论据1.Furthermore,论据2.Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is,论据3.A natural conclusion
from the above student, I am supposed to discussion is that 总结观点。As a college we can predict that 预测。表决心。
或 From above, 图表型
As is seen from the table / graph / chart, _____________(图表所描述的事物A)ascent significantly from __________(数字1)in
__________(年份1)to ____________(数字2)in __________(年份2)while over the same period, _______________(图表所描述的事物B)shrank
slightly from _________(数字3)to ___________(数字4).It can be observed easily that
_____________________________________(分析图表所反映的问题).There are many reasons responsible for this.In the following paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons.For one thing, _________________(原因1).For another, ________________(原因2).In addition, _________________________(原因3).However, this table / graph / chart may not predict the entire situation in the future, I believe
The figure of the first graph shows that
________________________(简述图表1概况)while the figure of the second graph shows that
_____________________(简述图表2概况).The relationship between these two figures warns us that ________________________________(指出两表所反映的问题).However, there are many effective methods to _____________(解决这一问题).For instance,___________________(解决方法1).At the same time, ________________________(解决方法2).In a word, ________________________________(总结).As far as I am concerned, the more we
understand the situation, the better we can do to improve it in the future.Given all these points
above, I hold the opinion that __________________(重申自己的观点).1.低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎 2.低碳生活方式非常有好处 3.我们应该如何去做 【范文】
摘要:大学英语四、六级考试是我国最大的英语语言测试活动, 同时也是我国的一项重要的教育政策, 在它走过的二十多年的历程中, 我国先后颁布了一系列有关该项考试及改革的政策。回顾政策过程, 我们可以看见一条清晰的线索:开始—发展—反泄密—改革。