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大学英语精读3答案 篇1


The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2.杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。

Jack had no idea of the book on the bookshelf, so his choice was arbitrary.3.随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑是对的。

The subsequent events once again confirmed that my suspicions were right.4.我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。

I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs during summer holiday.5.令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是个贪官。

To our surprise ,the governor, who had often been praised for his honesty ,turned out to be a corrupt official.6.少数工人工人得到提升,与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。

A few workers were promoted ,but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7.如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。

Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.8.数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。

Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods.Unit3


Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their tuition.2.除阅读教材外,使用电影和多媒体会激发学生学习的兴趣。

Besides reading materials ,the use of films and multimedias can stimulate students’ interest in their study.3.这位律师试图说服陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。

The attorney tired to convince the jury that his client is innocent.4.提问常常会引发创造的火花。

Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity.5.我已经把我的简历寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。

I have sent off my resume to a few companies, but haven’t received a reply yet.6.她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。

Her conclusion is built on a careful analysis of current international affairs.7.我们满怀希望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。

We came to the meeting with great expectation, but we left very disappointed.8.暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。

At the moment he has to take the job of disturbing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.Unit 5 1.就能力而言,我肯定他能胜任这件工作。

As far as ability is concerned , I am sure he will qualify for the job.2.认为约翰会因为他的失礼而向他们正式道歉,那就错了。

It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize to them for the impoliteness.3.这一丑闻对正在力争赢得大选的工党来说,无疑是一件尴尬的事。

The scandal is certainly an embarrassment to the Labour Party aiming at winning the election.4.我正在努力地写学期论文,可是我的小妹妹却不断冲进我的房间打扰我。

I was hard at work on my term paper ,but my little sister kept interrupted me by bursting into my room.5.我问她数次,而她拒绝回答我的问题。

I asked her several times ,but she refused to respond to my questions.6.在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。

In the west,people often send away formail-order goods, which can save a lot of time.7.抱歉,时间不多了,我建议我们跳到最后一章。

Sorry time is running out , I suggest we skip to the last chapter.8.既然你决心尽快完成硕士课程,那就别让你的社交生活妨碍你的学习。

since you’ve set your mind to finishing the master’s program as soon as possible,you should not let your social life stand in your way.Unit8


We don’t go along with his attitude of viewing himself special treatment.2.即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常温习功课才行。

Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.3.过去有关太空时代的某些幻想已经成为现实。

Some fantasies of space time in the past have become reality.4.情况确实如此,有些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标。

It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.5.他坚持认为这次实验的失败主要是由于准备不足。

He maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparations.6.如今研究人员提倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。

大学英语精读3答案 篇2

Module 1

1—5 BABCB6—10 ACBAA11—15 BCCAC

16—20 BCBBC21—25 BABCC26—30 CACCD

31—35 DDBAC36—40 BDABC41—45 ACDBA

46—50 DCBAC51—55 BACDD56—60 DDBAA

61—65 DDBAA


Last weekend we decided to spend a day in the country. The only trouble is that other people had exactly a same idea. We moved

was the

out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, and∧last we came to


a quiet country road and, after some time, stopped in a lonely farm.


We got our food out from the car and sat down near a path at the foot


of a hill. It was very peace in the cool grass—until we heard of bells


ringing at the top of the hill. That we saw made us pick up our things


and ran back to the car. Hundreds of sheep was coming toward us

run were

down the path!

One possible version:

Dear Bill,

I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to Chengdu in May. You’ve made a wise choice to travel here. Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, is located in central Sichuan and has a population of over 12 million. It is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many famous places of historic interest, such as the Jinsha Ruin Site and the Wuhou Temple.

As for the weather here, it is pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. The transportation is convenient. You can travel to many places by bus, by train, by subway and so on. If the trip is short, you can also ride a bicycle or even on foot. Anyhow, I’m sure you’ll have a good time here.

Looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Text 1

M: Well, I wonder why the office is still not open.

W: But it’s not eight yet. In fact it’s only a quarter to eight.

Text 2

W: Did you go to the theatre last Saturday?

M: Yes, I saw The Tea House. The acting was excellent.

Text 3

M: Excuse me, Madam.

W: Yes?

M: Does this bus go to Zhongshan Road?

W: Yes, I think so.

M: Thank you.

W: You’re welcome.

Text 4

M: I hope the weather will be good tomorrow. I’m going boating with Tom.

W: Oh, I think it will be fine.

M: Are you sure?

W: Yes. I heard it on the radio.

Text 5

M: Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

W: Oh, sorry. I can’t. I’m seeing my Mum off at the airport at 7:30.


Text 6

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes. I bought this radio two days ago, but I’m afraid it doesn’t work. I’d like to change it for another one.

W: Oh, dear. Yes, of course. Have you got your receipt?

M: Yes, here it is.

W: Thank you. Just a moment, please.

Text 7

M: It’s Alice’s birthday tomorrow.

W: Are you sure? I think it should be the day after tomorrow.

M: Well, let me see. Oh, I’m sorry. You’re right. It is the day after tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?

W: Yes, of course. Shall we give her some flowers?

M: Flowers are lovely. But I think it’s better to buy her a nice box of chocolates.

W: Alice doesn’t like sweet things. Didn’t you know that?

M: You’re right. Er...I know. We can give her a record. She loves music.

W: That’s a good idea. Let’s go to the music shop and choose one for her.

Text 8

M: Morning, Sue. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country?

W: Yes, thanks. We had a great time. And some friends went with us.

M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?

W: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals over an open fire.

M: Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good?

W: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain at all.

M: Did you like the people there?

W: Yes, they were great. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.

M: When did you get back? Last night?

W: No. This morning. You’ll think we are mad. We got up at 4:30, left at 5 and arrived here at 9. I’m so tired. What about you? Did you have a good weekend?

M: Yes, but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home. The weather was terrible.

Text 9

W: Come in, please.

M: Hello, Kate. Where’s Jane? I want her to type this letter for me.

W: I’m afraid she can’t, Tom. She isn’t working today.

M: Oh, why? Is she ill?

W: No. She’s studying for an exam.

M: An exam? Is she going to school?

W: Yes, she is. She’s learning Japanese in night school.

M: I see. Are you going to night school, too?

W: No, I’m not, not this year. But I’m thinking about taking a course next year.

M: That’s a good idea. Is it expensive?

W: No, not very. Anyway, it’s worth the money.

Text 10

England is a narrow country and everywhere in England is quite near to the sea. There are many seaside towns for holidays. There are many farms in England, often with sheep, cows and pigs. Many English villages are very pretty and some people go to farms for holidays as well. Children like to see and feed the animals. Some crops are also grown there. Most of England is suitable for farming because there are not many mountains.


Most people live in the south of England where there are more jobs than in the north. And it is a little warmer in the south of England! Many people travel a long way, by car or train, every day to work in London. In the central part of England, which is called the Midlands, and the north of England, there are more factories. Fifty years ago you would also have seen coal mines but they are closed now. Have you heard of any big English cities, like Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Leeds? They are all in the north of England and all have very good football teams!

Module 2

1—5 CCABC6—10 AABBC11—15 ACABB

16—20 CAABA21—25 AACCC26—30 DCDBB

31—35 CBDCC36—40 DDACD41—45 BAACD

46—50 ACBCD51—55 BACDB 56-60 BDCDD

61—65 BBDAC


Wei Hua is very good at her lessons at school. He like watching

his likes

TV after he finishes his homework. His father does not allow him∧watch TV, because he is afraid of that it will be bad for his


studies. But Wei Hua doesn’t think so. He thinks there is a lot of good


TV programs. He can learn a lot from TV. For an example, he can

learn English through the English programs broadcasting on TV. He

broadcast/ broadcasted

can also learns Chinese, maths, physics, chemistry and many other


subjects. Because he thinks it’s good to a student to watch TV after he

So for

finishes his homework.

One possible version:

Dear Bill,

I’m glad to hear that you’re planning to work in China. I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Deyang and Chengdu.

Both of the cities are very attractive and popular. Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, is situated in central Sichuan while Deyang is a medium-sized city, which is not far from Chengdu. The living conditions in both cities are excellent and the transportation there is very convenient, but Deyang is less crowded than Chengdu. Chengdu is a modern and business city with a larger population; similarly, Deyang is developing very fast, but people there live a peaceful life. Both cities have many job opportunities.

So, it’s up to you to decide where you are going to work in the future. For more information, please let me know.

Best regards.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Text 1

M: Sorry. I have forgotten John’s address.


W: You forgot again! It’s 1343 King Street.

Text 2

M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?

Text 3

M: Your skirt is quite beautiful in colour, isn’t it?

W: Yes. I bought it at a sale for half price. It cost me $12.

Text 4

M: I hope I can see you at my birthday party.

W: Oh, dear, I’d almost forgotten. When is it?

M: Well, the day after April Fools’ Day. Easy to remember, isn’t it?

W: Yes, of course.

Text 5

M: I hear you are going to drive to New York this weekend.

W: Oh, I’ve changed my mind.

M: What?

W: I think flying will be more comfortable.

Text 6

M: Excuse me, madam. I’m wondering if you could tell me the place where I can repair my shoes.

W: There’s one on Fifth Street.

M: Thank you, but how far is it to that store?

W: Not very far and not difficult to find. Just keep walking and after two blocks you will see a supermarket on your left. The store is next to the supermarket.

M: Oh, thank you very much.

W: You’re welcome. You can’t miss it.

Text 7

M: What’s the matter, Alice?

W: Sorry, Mr Harrison. I missed my train.

M: Why did you miss the train?

W: Because I left home a little late.

M: Did you get up late or something?

W: No. My aunt called me at the last minute.

M: Tell her not to call you in the morning.

W: I will, Mr Harrison. I’m really sorry for being late.

M: If you are late again, I can’t let you pass this course.

Text 8

M: What seems to be the matter?

W: I just can’t sleep well, doctor.

M: I see. And how long have you had this problem?

W: Oh, for about two weeks now.

M: Two weeks? Do you have headaches?

W: Sometimes.

M: Fever?

W: No.

M: Are you having any family problems?

W: No, not really. We all get along pretty well.

M: And how about work?

W: Well, I’ve been working a lot latel—more than 11 hours a day.

M: Maybe you should take a vacation and just rest for a few days.

W: Well, I can’t right now. We’re in the middle of some important business.

M: Yes, I understand. But you really need to slow down. You’re going to kill yourself if you go on like this.

Text 9

M: What a lot of rubbish and waste! I just wonder how people can deal with these things every day.

大学英语精读3答案 篇3


Unit 1 1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。

He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。Many people have observed that without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3.有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。

Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4.控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和资金。

The control of sandstorms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.5.你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件

You have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6.所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。

All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7.他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。

Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.8.在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。

In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9.政府决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。

The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.10.考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。

Cheating at/on exams does not occur very often.But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.Unit 4 1.只有这样我们对它的这种古怪行为才能给予合理的解释。

Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.2.她自称具有一种特异功能,用手一摸就能治病。

She claims to possess a magic power—the power to cure disease simply by the touch of her hand.3.他任命了五个人处理这个案件。他们组成了一个强有力的班子。几天内,他们就发现嫌犯拥有成卷的他无法说明来源的欧元、美元和大量贵重物品。He appointed five people to handle the case.They formed a strong team.Within days they found in his possession rolls of Euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for.4.在这个故事里,这个妖怪常常以美女的样子出现。

In the story, the evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady.5.他把画卷了起来,并说一百万美元以下绝对不卖。

He rolled up the painting, and said that he would not part with it for less than a million dollars.6.有那么多的合格法官,我不明白为什么她会被任命到最高法院工作。Of all the qualified judges, I don’t know why she was appointed to the Supreme Court.7.我对此知道得不多,不足以形成一大套力量。不过我肯定,仅仅是贫困还不能解释犯罪率上升。

I don’t know enough to form an elaborate theory, but I’m sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.8.一块大石头突然从山上滚了下来。它是如此之大,一下子把一辆卡车砸的粉碎。A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed the truck to pieces.9.我说我们得卷起袖子开始干活,但是他就只是像哲学家一样转了转眼珠,笑了笑。I said we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled.10.古时候,我们的哲学家们认为一个好的皇帝对他的百姓就应该像一个好父亲对他的孩子那样,在任何情况下都不可残酷地对待他们。

In ancient times, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to his children—he must never treat them cruelly on any account.Unit 5 1.造房子不是开玩笑的事情,你们每一步都必须仔细检查。

Building a house is no joking matter.You must check carefully at every step.2.他的部队成功地阻止了敌人的前进。这些敌人原先的企图是要来一个突然袭击。

His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.3.我当时很想反驳他的观点,但是我克制住了,因为我觉得那种场合不合适。I really wanted to refute his arguments, but i checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.4.蕾切尔·卡森以将她的一生都献给了环保事业而闻名。Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environment protection.5.在某些方面,我们对这些大坝和水库潜在的危害仍然一无所知。它们可能造成不可恢复的环境变化。

In some ways we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs, They might cause irrevocable changes in the environment.6.应该有一整套平衡制约的手段,这样才不会由一个人在没有得到老百姓同意,在他们不知情的情况下制订关系国家利益的重要政策。

There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the consent and knowledge of the people.7.要想在竞争中获胜,我们必须适应新的形势。比如这些花花绿绿的衣服就是他别设计的,他们针对的事年轻人市场。

To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions.These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed.They are intended for the youth market.8.我们教师如果对学生的健康情况缺少关心,那时不能原谅的。

We teachers cannot be excused for our lack of concern for students’ health.9.他说他宁可死也不愿永远卧床不起,与外界隔绝。

He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.10.一场群众抗议席卷了全国,将他置于左右两方的交叉火力当中。A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and the left.Unit 6 1.我们都知道可卡因是容易上瘾的。海洛因也一样。但实际上,权力和金钱也同样使人上瘾。那些上瘾的人其实都是严重的病人。

We all know that cocaine is addictive.So is heroin.But actually power and money are addictive too.Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2.科学家们一直在主张退耕还林,把新开垦的地还给江河湖泊,沼泽草地。Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3.根据很多经济学家的说法,政府挽救那些资不抵债的公司不一定是个好主意。有时一个处于破产边缘的公司,最好就让它破产。

According to many economists, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies.Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4.他被逮了个正着。有无可辩驳的证据证明他书里有整整一章是从另外一个教授的书里原封不动地抄袭过来的。

He has been caught red-handed.There is indisputable evidence that a whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted from a book written by another professor.5.他们政府早已有法律禁止珍稀鸟类和兽类的进出口。但是要实行该法律并不容易。

Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds and animals.But the law is not easy to enforce.6.现在很难让年轻人相信,曾经有过这么一段时期,中国妇女被禁止穿裙子。牛仔裤、外国电影、音乐都被禁止了。

It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts, Jeans, foreign movies and Western music were all forbidden.8.在黑暗中,我们的船触了礁,船底留了个大洞。我们都拼命设法把水从船里弄出来,但船在快速下沉。幸亏附近有条渔船,使我们绝处逢生。

In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom.We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast.Luckily a fishing boat was nearly and saved us from drowning.9.示威者要求立即取消经济制裁,因为它通常只会伤害无辜的百姓。

The demonstrators demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people.10.会上倡导者和反对者都摆出了有力的观点。但大多数人都赞成将进一步的改革立即提上日程。At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong argument, but most participants favored having further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.Unit 9 1.我们公司预计今年的增长速度为8%,比去年增长2%。

Our company projects an 8% growth rate this year, up by 2% compared with last year.2.预计中国将越来越赞成跨国的兼并和收购。

China is projected to increasingly favor more and more cross-border mergers and acquisitions.3.投影到屏幕上的幻灯片表明,在那次竞选中他极力想把自己塑造成一个强人的形象。

The slides projected on the screen showed that he tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign.4.消息说当局已经接受了他的建议,这项价值几十亿美元的项目已被无限期地推迟了,他听后心里感到特别宽慰。

He was greatly relieved to hear that the authorities had accepted his recommendation and the multibillion-dollar project had been postponed indefinitely.5.纳尔逊大夫已经连续五个小时给一个又一个的伤员做手术了,所以当梅森大夫能来接替他的时候我们都如释重负。Dr Nelson had been operating on one wounded soldier after another for five hours.Therefore we all sighed with relief when Dr Mason was able to come to relieve him.6.政府救济就像是止痛药。它能缓解你的痛苦,但是不能治你的病。不仅如此,你还很容易形成依赖,无法摆脱。

Government relief is like a pain-killer.It gives you relief, but it does not cure the disease.Besides, you can easily get hooked on it.7.私营企业并不要求政府板胡它们不受竞争威胁。他们只希望不受歧视。Private businesses are not asking the government shield them against competition.They just hope not to be discriminated against.8.我们必须把他们争取过来,或者使他们中立,以便彻底孤立我们的主要敌人。We must try to win them over or neutralize them so that we can completely isolate the main enemy.9.从目前通货膨胀的情况来看,可能还有必要再次提息,这样才不至于把最近这次提薪给完全抵消掉。

Judging by the rate of inflation so far, perhaps it is necessary to raise interest rates again so that the recent pay raise will not be completely neutralized.10.改革开始的时候,人们普遍有一种乐观情绪。大家都相信我们的现代化事业有着光明的前景。

A general feeling of optimism prevailed when the reform started.People all believed that there were bright prospects for our modernization.Unit 11 1.科学家们大致同意地球变暖是一个事实,但是其成因目前还在热烈争论之中.不少人认为,如果我们把现有证据都放在一起,就可得出结论,这是人类活动造成的。但另外有些人认为我们还要进一步研究这个问题,他们认为自然的力量起码有着同等的重要性。

Scientists more or less agree that global warming is a fact, but its cause is still hotly debated at present.Many believe that if we piece together all the available evidence we can conclude that it is caused by human activities, but others think we need to dig into the problem further, and that natural forces are at least of equal importance.2.他把他一生都献给了水利工程。他是少数几个最早看到在这里建大坝可能给我们造成多大麻烦的科学家中的一位。

He devoted all his life to the cause of water conservancy.He was one of the few scientists who first saw how much trouble it would cause us in future if we were to build a dam here.3.那些同情国际恐怖主义的人从一个不同的前提出发开看待这一问题。他们相信,为了达到目的可以不择手段。但我强烈反对这种观点。我认为任何借口都不能为冷血谋杀无辜的妇女、儿童和老人做辩护。

Those who sympathize with international terrorism view the problem from a different premise.They believe that their goal can justify cold-blooded murder of innocent women, children and old people.4.有民间非政府组织在起作用是件好事。在一个多元化的社会里,人们的观点总是不同的。反对者不但应该被容许,而且还应该得到尊重和鼓励。这么做对我们自己也有好处。

It is a good thing to have NGOs at work.In a pluralistic society, people’s views are bound to differ.Opposition should not only be allowed, but also be respected and encouraged.It is also to our advantage to do this.5.政府的过度投资意味着很多国有银行的贷款不可能得到偿还。这些呆账最后就会导致金融危机。

Government’s over-investment means that many state bank loans will not be repaired and these bad debts will finally lead to a financial crisis.6.现在有一种提供给大学生的特别贷款。那些无法交纳学费的学生都可以从中获益。

Special bank loans are now available to university students.Those who can’t pay for their education can benefit from these loans.7.他在结束讲话时说,他们一结束调查就向安理会报告。他坚信,企图用大规模的屠杀来维持一个国家的统治是注定要失败的。

He ended his speech by saying that as soon as they concluded their investigation they would report to the Security Council.He firmly believed that any attempt to maintain the rulers of a country in power using mass killing was destined to fail.8.她将经香港飞往印度去和印度政府签订一个新的知识产权保护协议。She will fly to India by way of Hong Kong to conclude a new agreement on the protection of intellectual property rights with the Indian government.9.根据这些理由,我们只能得出他们在蓄意制造事端的结论,所以我们决定立即召回大使以示抗议。

Bases on these reasons, we could only come to the conclusion that they were out to make trouble.Therefore, we decided to recall our ambassador immediately by way of protest.1.英雄是具有非凡品质的人。

Heroes are people who have unusual qualities.(Better: Heroes are people with unusual qualities)2.名流是因媒体炒作而出名的那些人。

Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3.互联网是一个能把全世界的计算机连在一起的系统。

The Internet is a system that connects computers throughout the world.4.欧阳教授说好教师是那种竭尽所能,使学生不依赖自己的人。

Professor Ouyang says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.5.不能共患难的(fair-weather)的朋友是当你已有困难就立即抛弃你的那种人。A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.6.经济学是一门被定义为研究商品和服务的生产、分配和消费的社会科学。Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.7.一个空想革命者是只高谈革命却不将之付诸实践的人。

An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution but doesn’t put what he says into practice.8.国际货币基金组织是联合国内的一个涉及贸易和经济发展的机构。

The International Monetary Fund is the organization within the United Nations which is concerned with trade and economic development.9.闪盘或U盘是一个能用来存储从电脑获取的资料并能将其移动到另一个电脑上的小设备。

The flash or USB drive is a small memory that can be used to store data from a computer and to move it from one computer to another.10.写微博是一种在互联网上定期发送短信息、照片或视频是人们不断了解你的活动和思想的行为。

大学英语精读3答案 篇4

The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair.For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded.When I left a 20-year career in the U.S.Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all.What I did have was a friend who found for me my room in a New York apartment building.It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom.I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t got a break and began to doubt myself.It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat.But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for many years.I wasn’t going to be one of those people who died wondering.What if? I would keep putting my dream to test(even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure).This is the shadow-land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there

1.The passage is meant to ____A___.A、warn young people of the hardship that a successful writer has to experience

B、advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer

C、show young people it is unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth

D、encourage young people to pursue a writing career

2.What can be concluded from the passage?


A、Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding.B、A writer’s success depends on luck rather on effort.C、Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation.D、The chances for writers to become successful are small.3. Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first years of his writing career?


A、He was not able to produce a single book.B、He hadn’t seen a change for the better.C、He wasn’t able to have a rest for a whole year.D、He found his dream would never come true.4. In “…people who died wondering”, “who” refers to those ___B___.A、who think too much of the dark side of life

B、who regret giving up their career halfway

C、who think a lot without making a decision

D、who are full of imagination even upon death

5.“Shadow-land” in the last sentence refers to _____C__.A、the wonderland one often dreams about

B、the bright future that one is looking forward to

C、the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached

D、a world that exists only in one’s imagination


Students can travel in the United States without spending too much money if they follow these suggestions.A travel agent can give you information on special economy fares for trains, buses and planes.Think about hiking or biking for a part of your trip, too.You’ll not only save money, but you’ll also see a lot more of the country.Some students may want to travel by car.Be sure to think about going with other students—many colleges have “ride boards” that list when and where other students plan to travel.Many radio stations provide the same sort of service — they announce who’s driving where, when, how many riders they will take and what the expenses will be.There are many inexpensive, older hotels near bus or train stations.Check your travel guide for names of the best.Many parts of the country also have youth hostels where young people can stay for only a few dollars a night.You don’t have to eat in restaurants all the time, but we don’t recommend a diet of candy and cola, either.You can usually get a healthy, cheap breakfast in a restaurant.If the weather is warm, you can buy food in supermarkets or at roadside stands and have a picnic for lunch.For dinner you can get the names of good, cheap restaurants from travel guides or friends.1.阅读理解(4.0)分

The passage tells students _______ C.A、how to make travel plans

B、how to get help while traveling

C、how to use less money while traveling

D、how to choose hotels


To see more of the country, you’d better travel _______.D

A、by plane

B、by bus

C、by train

D、by bike


If you want to share rides with others, you can get information ______B.A、on the blackboards in classrooms

B、from school administrators

C、through certain radio programs

D、from travel agents


According to the passage, staying at youth hostels is _______.A






To save money, you can _______ C.A、have more candy and cola

B、invite your friends for a picnic

C、take some food with you

D、eat in restaurants sometimes


In many stories on TV and in science-fiction books, men travel to faraway stars.They have quick, easy journeys.But so far, men have been able to reach only the earth’s own moon.Suppose a man wanted to reach a distant star.Even if he traveled his whole life, he would have to move faster than the speed of the light.Nothing can move that fast except light itself.Strange things happen to an object when it moves rapidly.The object weighs more.An object moving at 86 percent of the speed of light is twice as heavy as it is at rest.A stick appears shorter.A clock runs more slowly.A man would not age so fast as he would on the earth.Light travels more than 186,000 miles a second, or about 11 million miles a minute.In one year, light travels six trillion miles.That great distance is called a light-year.It is used to measure distance in space.The star closest to our sun is Alpha Centauri.It is more than four light-years away.If one traveled at the speed of light, he could make a round trip to Alpha Centauri in nine years.But, even at that speed, he could not reach Alcaid(北斗星)in the handle of the Big Dipper.A one-way journey to Alcaid would take almost 200 years.1.阅读理解(4.0)分

In this passage the words “closest to our sun” means the star ______B___.A、the earth we live on

B、Alpha Centauri

C、the Big Dipper

D、the moon


A one-way journey to Alcaid would take _______C__.A、about nine years

B、less than four years

C、almost 200 years

D、less than 100 years


Why do we measure the distance in light-years instead of miles?


A、Units of light-years sound better.B、Using light-years reduced the number of figures used.C、We used to measure distance in light-years long ago.D、We do not make mistakes when we use light-years.4.阅读理解(4.0)分

If a stone moved at the speed of light, it _____A____.A、would weigh twice more than it is motionless

B、would weigh as much as it is on earth

C、would weigh less than it is on earth

D、would not have weight at all


This story is mainly about _____B____.A、the distance between the sun and the other stars

B、the problems of traveling to faraway stars

C、what happens when we travel faster than the speed of light

D、the tool we use when we go to faraway stars


No man can change the weather.Nobody can control the weather.But if people read correctly the signs around, they can tell __1__ the weather will be like the following day or two.For many centuries people have studied the weather and tries to __2__ weather forecasting.Sometimes distant objects __3__ hills and tall trees don’t seem to be very clear.This is a __4__ of much water vapor in the __5__ and therefore rain will probably come.If some birds fly high, fine weather is coming, but if they fly near the ground, rainy or stormy weather is __6__ the way.It is probably because of the insects which they are hunting __7__ they fly very low.If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm.Instead, if a fog appears in the evening, the next day will bring wet __8__.If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine.If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.Most of the __9__ sayings have been made by people who have used their __10__ and brains to make weather forecasting.1.完形填空(2.0)分













A、as well


C、as well as

D、such as










































If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat.Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking.Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure, for it isn’t defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of.They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success.But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without feeling ashamed, analyze it and learn why you failed.Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause.Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing else can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed.If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended.It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated.If you fully use the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than what you are capable of.1.阅读理解(4.0)分

The author ___D______.A、orders you to analyze defeat

B、wants you to face defeat

C、advises you to let a baby grasp a rod

D、warns you not to confuse defeat with fail


Defeat is valuable ______C__.A、because it is a factor

B、because it isn’t defeat that makes you fail

C、because it provides the guide and encouragement to success

D、because it is not a thing to be ashamed of


What does the author know? _____B___.A、he knows every success in life

B、he knows the factor making for success

C、he knows every man who is able to analyze defeat

D、he knows the life of every man


The person who was able to analyze the defeat is likely ___C_____.A、to be a successor

B、to face it with feeling ashamed

C、to achieve success

D、to be ashamed of it


What does the author advise one to do with the power which defeat gives? One should _____A___.A、explore it

B、explain it

C、let a baby grasp a rod

D、learn it

作 业



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大学英语精读3答案 篇5


Activity(Step 2), 331

First, Mark wrote down the heading and then numbered the sources of stress under it.Also, in parentheses beside each point he added(or:Then he circled the four key words, and he wrote down the first of each word underneath his outline.Mark then used the first letter in each key word to make up a catchphrase that he the sources of stress that the first letters stood for.He also made sure that he recalled the supporting material that went with each idea.Activity(Step 3), 332



3.eActivity 1(Step 5), 336

or:Activity 2(Step 5), 336

Answers will vary.Writing a Summary

Activity 1, 339–345

Here is a sample summary of the article ―Power Learning‖:

―Power Learning‖ describes three proven techniques for improving study skills: time control, classroom note-taking, and textbook study.Time control is a matter of carefully scheduling your activities.The first step is to circle important dates on a large calendar.Record your study plan for one week or one day on the same calendar.This study plan should include set times for eating, going to classes, working, commuting, studying, and relaxing.Perhaps the best way to control your time is to make a list of the things you have to do.Mark the most important items on the list so that you will remember to do them first.Cross jobs off your list as you do them, and reschedule any uncompleted tasks.Class notes can also be improved if you follow a regular procedure.Attending classes regularly helps, as does developing a system of abbreviations to use in your notes.You should also record any information your instructor writes on the board or enumerates(presents in a numbered list).―Emphasis words‖ such as ―important‖ or ―chief‖ can also help you decide what to take notes on, since they indicate the main ideas.Examples and information on how ideas are related to each other should also be included.Filling in incomplete notes and reviewing

them soon after class help ensure that you have the complete record you need to understand and

remember what was said.Finally, following an organized sequence of steps will help you master difficult textbooks.After making sure you understand the title of a textbook chapter, try skimming the first and last

paragraphs to see if they introduce or summarize main ideas.Headings, subheadings, words in

boldface or italic print, and pictures or diagrams provide further clues to key points.Once you

have previewed the chapter, you should read it carefully, marking definitions and examples,enumerations, and emphasis words by highlighting, underlining, or adding symbols in the

margins.As you read the material a second time, take notes in simplified outline form.Study

these notes one section at a time by asking yourself questions and answering them without

looking back at your notes.Therefore, improved study skills are the result of taking control of your time,improving your in-class note-taking, and studying textbooks in an organized way.Activities 2 and 3, 346Activity(Summarizing a Book), 346

Answers will vary.Answers will vary.Writing a Report

Activities 1 and 2, 351

Answers will vary.Writing a Résumé and Job Application Letter

Activity, 357

Answers will vary.Using the Library and the Internet

Activity, 358

Answers will vary.Activity(Card Catalog), 360–361

A.1.Answers will vary.2.subject section

B.1.Answers will vary.Example: Beloved

2.Answers will vary.Example: Men at Work

3.Edward Gibbon

4.Richard Nelson Belles

5.Answers will vary.Examples: Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self—David

M.Brodzinsky et al;Raising Adopted Children—Lois Ruskai Melina

6.The Lives of a CellSilent Spring

a.Lewis Thomasa.Rachel Carsonb.Vikingb.Fawcett Crest or

Houghton Mifflin

c.1974c.1964(Fawcett)or 1994

(Houghton Mifflin)

d.QH331/T45d.QH545.P4/C38e.Biology—e.Pesticides—Environmental aspectsPhilosophy



and wildlife


pests—biological control

7.Answers will vary, depending on the books chosen.Activity(Book Stacks), 362–363

Option 1: Library of Congress System Option 2: Dewey Decimal System







Activity 1, 365

1.Find books on your topic or Research a topic through the subject section of the book file.2.Find articles on your topic or Research a topic through the subject section of magazine files.Activity 2, 365-366

Answers will vary.Activity, 373–375

Answers will vary.Writing a Research Paper

Activity(Works Cited), 386

大学英语精读词汇教学浅析 篇6

[关键词] 大学英语精读 词汇教学 现状 策略






3.1 在语言交流中进行词汇教学

学习语言是为了交流。在交流中进行词汇教学不仅可以为学生掌握词汇营造轻松的学习氛围,而且有助于学生了解单词的具体运用环境。比如在讲授《大学英语精读》第三版第二册第一单元中 “reaction” 一词时,我要求学生试着用这个单词造个句子,一些学生立刻低下了头,见此情景,我对学生说:“Some students' reaction to the teacher's question is to lower their heads and keep silent.”学生听了这话,都笑了起来,原先低着的头也抬了起来。我又说:“Your reaction to my words is to raise your heads and laugh.”学生又笑了。我紧接着问了一个学生:“What would be your parents' reaction to your success in passing the CET 6?” 学生回答:“ They would be very happy and buy me something as a reward.”我接着说:“ Your parents' reaction to your success is to reward you with something.”我把这些句子都板书出来,然后要求学生指出reaction后面应该连接的介词,学生马上明白了“对某某事情的反应”应该使用“reaction to ”。在这种交流的环境下,学生心态较为放松,掌握词汇也就容易多了,他们学习词汇的兴趣也会更加浓厚。

3.2 在词汇教学中注意文化的导入

文化和语言是密不可分的,语言是文化的重要表现形式,是文化的载体。中西方文化差异在词汇层面上的体现是非常突出的。戴炜栋认为“在外语教学中将语言教学同文化教学结合起来进行深入、系统的研究。”(2000: 7)了解中西方文化的差异有助于学生把所学词汇得体地运用于实际语言交流中。比如,《大学英语精读》第二册第六单元中有这样一个习语“butterflies in the stomach”,初看这个短语,学生会觉得它传达的应该是一种美好的意象。因为在中国文化中,梁祝化蝶的故事广为流传,蝴蝶代表着友谊、爱情、坚贞等美好形象;然而在英语中有一个短语“social butterfly”,指的是举止轻浮的交际花,蝴蝶在西方文化中的形象可就并不那么美好了。所以在词汇教学中,文化导入的缺失会直接影响到学生对单词、短语甚至句子的理解和掌握。可见,文化层面上的词汇教学是必不可少的了。

3.3 词汇教学中巧借多媒体辅助手段

多媒体技术的直观、生动、形象、信息承载量大等特点使得大学英语课堂更加丰富多彩,多媒体的恰当使用也能使得大学英语精读词汇教学取得事半功倍的效果。比如,文章“The Villain in the Atmosphere”(unit 5, book 2)讲述了二氧化碳对大气层的破坏和对人类的影响,文中涉及到了很多科技词汇。我在课文的导入部分播放了从网上下载的VOA(Voice of America,即美国之音)Special English音频材料。Special English的语速比较慢,适合学生捕捉具体的信息点,听清楚和二氧化碳有关的词汇。学生边听边做笔记,不仅锻炼了听力,也积累了许多科技词汇。这些在学生头脑中留有印象的词汇在学习课文内容时会被唤醒,这样学生对这些艰涩的科技用语也就掌握得更加牢固了。再比如,在讲解“household”(unit 4, book 2)这个单词的固定搭配“household name/word”时,我在幻灯片上给出了可口可乐的图片,学生立刻说出了这个句子“Coca Cola is a household name around the world.”类似的训练多了,学生的语言运用能力也就提高了。

3.4 词汇教学中注重所学词汇的复习巩固

教学实践中,我们发现单词的复习巩固是可以采取更加有效的方式的,比如,复述故事。在复习“The Dinner Party”(Unit 1, Book 2)中的词汇时,我把主要单词以要点的形式展示在幻灯片上,并编上编号, 然后要求学生按编号的顺序逐个复述课文内容,这样学生既紧张又兴奋,在头脑里快速搜索这个单词的用法和课文中有关这个单词的信息,这种快节奏的训练锻炼了学生的反应能力,加强了他们对单词的运用能力。另外,教师在上新课之前也可以对上一课所学的单词进行突然测试,比如,复习“architecture”(Unit 2, Book 2),我问学生“Can you think of anyone who is very good at architecture?”有学生回答:梁思成,我让他用完整的句子回答这个问题后,我再问: “What do you know about Liang Sicheng?”学生又联系到梁启超,而关于梁启超是在课文导入部分涉及到的信息点,这样学生对这个单词的掌握也就更加牢固了。复习巩固单词的方法有很多,大学英语教师应该在教学实践中加以总结,只要运用恰当,词汇教学应该会有很大的突破。




[1]Wilkins D.A.Linguisties in Language Teaching M.London:Edward Arnold,1974:36.

[2]戴炜栋、张红铃. 外语交际中的文化迁移及其对外语教改的启示[J]. 外语界,2000(2):2-8.
